M m New Goods Good News I have added to my already su perb stock, new and late patterns ,in staples and novelties .... : They are beginning to Arrive : 1,000 late Cylinder and Disc Phonograph Records. THE NEWEST AND MOST IMPROVED TALKING MACHINES G. HEITKEMPEK, JR. .. WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney 1 Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND It tneb a positive remedy? It stimulates the kidneys to the full performance or their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and arts as a soothing, licnllnjl agent upon lh. bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs arc promptly restored. PRICE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY Klamath Falls, Oregon COKNEK 7th and Main Streets Commencing May 1st Jpwfe?,:ir);'i( W Vac A nnH gfl9Hif! - ; gMMSBflBfefe.'' Comfort SLjEBEH JuiiTavei n Only 12 miles of staging and then adelight ! ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla mathFalls GOING:-Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls at 4 a. m. connecting with stage at Teeters which arrives at Dorris at 8. COMING: -Arrive at Dorris at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to.Klamath Falls arriving here at 7:3Q In the evening. Oregon & California Transportation Company BRIEF MENTION lllii'K limit IWr it thu lily IUI.1'1). , opposite American Hotel. ' K. K. KHeh and on nre In tho iH (mm Mel till. 1'iiuttli of July ilci'DintUm ill tin' Mm Pi UK Stair. I.lyo.1 llriiwiudl mid ttltV li'twiiril Irmu IMrrls tnt ovi'iiln. Step in ntul I Hik lit our Hue l l'"' jdnls.-H. llillkeuiper. -'It Tin- KUtiMili Kulla lmi hall team I" lor l.ukpvV-H till morning. I'm Hum r Trjili'.-llcflilciuv mnl 'imslnen )ruvrt In tin- W Umri in Willamette valley. Iiuiulti' nt Hum HosUmfctoie. I Unlit. Mi'Keo. nml wlfoeanie In mi the IiojI I.di eu'iiliu' on their wu homo ti I akevlew. llitpln uiiili'lioiii u-itl ..- Ixi I. nml iMiiuitloiis, n ill imliiip, mi two ullki', (). Ili'ltU'iiiper, Jr. J. ('. Mullli, n c.ipllllt "I t'lilii", Calif., nulled l.il eu'uliu t IikiI. met llil roiuil) with iIiimIow l li.ielliii: Ititwtt Hi"' "I liteuuilj hi town. Star lit Uir Stan' Ml-. :. II Hull ui'iit In WlulelaU Vititnd.iv mi M'liuol matter. .Mr. Hull li tln-ll.ll lllllll-tclHKil ll-Mlll lit llint pi mo. rnr llii-U'it lit! in town mil nt tlir .Mil mill lah'r. II. W. Mtmv, I'rif prirlnr. Horn To Mn. Julimiy .Martin (l .Mnrill tins iiiurriiriit nn n nnid Uiv. Stt p in ntul look nt out Inn- nl l'nt Curd U. Heitlrmper. .it II )iiii order your elolhm nt I In- K. K. K. stun, you'll p-l Hi mil eiactly ; nhnt you want. . I!. I.. Nile went In Dot r i tliii main-1 Intf to complete arrangi-iinnl to tale' over tin) nuiuk't'iiif nt nf n lmti-1 at j that place. GRAND f 4th of July CELEBRATION AT At the sign of ttejg i i , CV'Mh. ' "-imu'sj Tv lime) mi ever ihii n mi iiiuui .,,. ,,, I fin Henmeiw ii iiiii,iiiii nn yi. mil I'liitnni in ilo n Our tnlli'l iiitiui In pli'n.0 fM'ry Inily or ni'iillriiiiin in i II ImmhI, lillt HK kllllM llllr llllli I. up , Hieiii nml w uUn) liy in Unp ) ,, BRUSHES 4"11k,1,."'Tll- " ,", loolllllril.ini., ( .i,i lliii.lii', mery aim mnl t lo t pinyi,,,, , PERFUMES ,h ;'-;'" ' mm wo roiilil i. i . SOAPS I'ly Honpi, ,m, i, , lull Hun ill NlmvlliK Huhh TAN and SUNBURN ,' :; nml it Hilcct"iUlil." (Irt n Im.iiI,. ,.f in 'i, or ii r i.f nor ilrllnliirul rnl.l it,.,,,, ,, ' ,' ""''IX'IIHu lli-Nii'iiilinr TlifKlnr; law "UTAH IIKADAflii .'.'I'l ' tur roWDKRS." IT KNDCKS A n i: l t 1 17 " a,ia wAici I'-l I I '"llfnjx,5 "' ilto II... ' I'. ""' . I , "'"" fl'l ' im ',;;.&! Klamath Agency Horse Kacing Baseball, War Dances Grand Ball Joint celebration by Whites and Indians The ni'w sU'iitnur, Manimti, will t'onvi'.v pa.i.soiiKvnt to nml front (In1 croiinilH STAR DRUG STOBR "The Store Ihnt Snu.. v-... .. ... Y. ....w., t mi iTiuney" Watson S Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOM 100 Dealgns by Fred Hudson, CltlcaOo'a Leading Architect, to Choose From Vt ulno furnliili plant and 'citlciiliiiii n'Kiiltir price. Your patronajfi- "ln it UtjJ v foiinlrd DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE I ti mi I A i!-lit,'MfuI ilia "iillir I pa-r l.ili I liiu' I'jiiipini; lir-iiiinl. Iiati lin at. AllkiiiJi)lllti'wk., iljK.. I.UI.IIU1: iiK"l'..ttl,.Mo.uri,l.t.o.. ..I .11. FAMttY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parties MEALS AT ALL HOURS etc nt tlic Miir DruK Stoif. Oiip-futirtli off nn all ut " lj- jii'I liaml jmiiitiil ililnii fur lin la ..nl .it , j mtfrt jewelry fluti-. I'zm.Uy, gild i( tlif iiMr.1 im-n lit. Klitnutli Cuunly, i liaptl.r.1 uiitlay in fj-t lllvcr liy Itt-v J. II. litittitli. nt tin lUj.tl.l Cliutrli. Tlie I tint iiom-Iiv in hatpin uuilv from mil llowvra at In nature, m lu alike (!. Ili'Itkfinpvr, Jr. ! IiuCtr.iui at Hit' City llikvry. (!itr ut a trial. iip.il AmvriiMti llulil. ti ll. K. Kir .mil nifoninl II. h. IM- iikiiiiI'oii uml uift n nil iil jrritrriUv from Cliico, Calif. 1 dry Ml tliii uiotn-' liiK for .ptiiiK Cfcik (or a m.intli'i llili-j intctrlp. Mr ."'cart i a rcalrilntfimii, ' ami on lilt teturn (toin Hptinx ('rrrk, lir hill fpvnJ ii rt'k lieru liircttlfitlng tlir ' prinitctt (orlnvtrtlmcntt. I , Thu yloiious lumlli in nrar. Oi-t jour llrewutka nti'l ilcuoratlon at the1 h'lar DruK Store. Cut xlat, alUrrirare yuarantettl (ur U )vars, ami hlyli kiriIf han'l pllntid rliina at WIiMcib. , We an: looking fur the moat ililllrult , ra.a In glnta llltlnn nt W'iulera. ' Oct our tiro vracLvra aru decoration! ' at tliu Mar Drug fitore. '1 Von can K't u 2J meal IxioL at Will, ton'a hnti-l (or f I, Hoard arid UIkk V ii wiik. C. IJ. Willwii, Prop. t( Merrll. The town without a boom. .N'uw plotiiti-1 tunlKlit at tin ocra'' lir.M.j.. . r Tiny art rHw-llurnldouu to date they huvutliu rjiulity uml am imi-lul-anirir IM-H lliiri;at Mullatt.in'a Merrill. lro,.erty la reasonable. Cuttle Stampede A lurid of COO head of cattle, bvlnu driven from Mynlu Creek to Klamath County hy lh Dixon bfj) taat week, ni-iit on artumpi-dit and a ninuber of thu cattle were killed. Tim aulmala Im catrie ftiyhteiied at a train that came up behind lliern at itocLy I'oint, juit north of I'.ucLlea elation and ttauipeded. At the Stevenson pluco Is a deep gully with a uj(on road only wide enough to per mit the pnttiiKO ol u lnglu vehicle, When the herd ntruck tliln gully they rolled into It until It waa full and tho remainder pasaii) oer thern to theothur j tide. Three 61 the lot were killed and a ! number crippled. Stock Ranch For Rent In Wood lllvcr Valloy, Klamath Co., I intuliitm, Aiifl un.i.u liA.. t I """- ft .v.. nviv-B, ,u. uvri'B uieauow ;anda20patuie. All enclosed. Tor lurthor particulam infjiilm of f, A. Culborte'on, Ashland, Ore. CI WE ARE LOOKING Kor llptoilalr l-oplv tu carry mir watrhr.. Wii ran uppl) walclica fur mi) our. from the ) ihiiii; .t In tli hi In In old mail, l.'ucli watrh m guaraiitrnl to Klvf Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES 0 I HOTEL FOR RENT I THE RICH KM Kl', Til f HLSTIIO TEL IN MKKRIMa, CO.MI'I.KTKI.Y FURNISHKI). Wll.l, MASK TO .... DESIRAIM.K I RTY.... MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore, Elwood Steel Feni GUARANTEED We are in recent rw-eipt of a carloadd the Famous Elwood Steel Fenclmj di Poultry Netting in all witltlw. Wcstd ready to daarantec every rod of Elffi Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum Bankruptcy Stock of Stewart & Lyoi NOW ON SALE at Midway Liquo HOUSE Come in and Stock Up before D Season Begins C. O. MORGAN RECEIVER IN BANKRUPT! I