MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHESTOIL ABEL ADY 3d --. '..., Arr or PUR ACRE AND UPWARn i?.. 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST PAKumi - amy II1WWPW i mm ) incorporated November 28, ignn THE EVENING HERALD Iamicd Dally, Kxtipt Sunday, by Ihu HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SURSCKIFTION RATKS Pallr, by mull, one ear K Dlly, by ninil, fix month '-' Dully, by mail, three months ' -"' Dally, by mail, nne month w lUlly, delivered by carrier, one l ' RkMtoiiviliiN in kstky or l Ntn IN .Sallentl IViol. Nettie It lii'ifl'ir !" that Hie ln.1t icrltTil tliwi eiiibttclna llWtrr.'i, within the Caict.le Nluiil lt-l. n..... 1111 .... ihIiIiti in ,i.tuirul mt I en try winter ll rTltlinii vl Hi" l.niiiftlft.l SUMMONS In II..' Mi-nlt Cult f Hi" Mitln "' Oiecnii. fur Ihe County ol Klamath, Itetlh.i II. Couiu'r, I'lalnlWl Itr winter Hie I'liiTithiiii n i" in'"..-...-.. . .- Lnt of the I'nllr-.t Malei n.l the '" lv.,.,.1 It Conner, IVfetl.hlUl. I Jmull.l,HI!ll.iM).lllii'l'll"l'l,i " ,i ..I... UiiVlVmre at I tanl.-. Orf.mi. .... A.....M To iMnl. I II. '"- "' nl",u' ,,m awed Mli,lX Any. nlr ho .ciu.Ujr ..1.1 tn ,,,(, ,,iil ! Ynil ale lieleliy reilllntl I" iw.i latin cianmns aiirni.t'i !... - ,.,,. mill Hiinnrr In." oiiii.iuii '"'...o..tlorlJ.iH.rrl.l.'"l" , , 1(.,,, mini .nit .... M. i .A..., .a...... i..t t i.rrffifiue HiTnimi ion '" M" , ,1.1,. ,.. mat. i,ln,.ir,l anlrr for Ihe on ,ir h.iih lit.' i'.t MV l Mil) ll". ' ' ariutllr i iiii.til. HaM ftrrelltlr I nt onlli..Httliiillli. l-ertont t..fiUoiif.l Mow, Mho hale I if Ore me rlhl iiibjeel I" theirler iUl.1 of any turn eiiiT piini"i inch tcillrror homrtlrt.l ri. KLAMATH FALIS. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE ' WS The city council of Jakeviov have decided to close all the saloons in that town at midnight. An ordinance is being prepared and will be in effect July 7. It has also been decided to limit the saloons for which license should be granted to the present holders of the same, comprising eight saloons. Ini: ilit- lnt 'lv ol lb.1 1 1""' '' i1'" "r,,,'r i. III,- piihlliatliin ol Ihu nmtiliHiii", !" Ilrtt publication IIhmcoINIuKoii the II r .ifRiiilti, ink,ny,i Jiiiiu lltW mnl II ) "'I 'all "l" trv tti.l ll.e Wfff tt M Hlil I ..,,.1 an.n.r. Inr want thereof tho etncl.r.l trior tn Auru.t tub. IV" ' hi. I. '. .... ... .,.,(,. , 1(. r, Ihe .l.lo to .eitlfnifiil plait 'HUM' "' . " ..,,..,.., i,,.,,.. tn.l entry by tny qn.llflf.1 fi.n llu relief ptajed lor In Ihe iiiniplalil m ri r t follnnt Ihr I hliil n ,i n; Torn (let ICf illoUhi:, ll.lf.l i.i. .llrll..ii . , ( ,,,,, m,,v eiltliiik' I"'!" ,.IJf.. II.W.M Mnmlli.0riin Ibfihl , , ., . i ., ..', , i1(. ... .iI.nwmMI.i'.n. ..n.lH.v.r iho M.l . .nw plnlr.tin nn.l .lelrli.lnnl . lor Hi.' if it l x 'if tr, iiiii i.iifiii. "I "I"' utul eii'liU nf t.ift.o J I oimi r nun mm. V Hi.mii I'll!! KUmtlli rr..i lli I .1 nwl, ..Hli ,,,ur, lilellltiil till Hill ! ,r of .r .,r ll... . ir -I -if .?" .1. " '' ' .. ,iir ...,,. .... al frlt.rr r. lief gti .1 llir lit I 01 -it fc .. ui-.n ..... .-" , 7.1. I,,.. ,.l Il.l.le Hrnwii fori humnw. nrnrnn i" n."ir.. muin j- ,........,.- tr ,e!l.l Jl.w. liar . W ur H.n .I'l'li' I 'Dili nuiiiinont U iritl ') I1""" .Ion otlunh'l 11 lirnnn.n I.Uintil. "C"i ' luttn tlirrt.f III tlit I'xtrliliitl llfral.l I.) .....nrv.).-.! ...nlm.ulr- !'?",'' rierol ll.o llonorablo J. II. tlilllilh f.U-lnnl..l HI Vrl.tlnt ...nil. l nr.iiTi.iim .ti.rroi.rsi i r .n- if.ii.iWf " ' Count) JmliiiMif KLuiuil. t ...IHU, itro. rhtlui, llifi..-" Miuili fcitli.Mit. lli' W li. K uiti.l,., tlnlrtl Mini lllttl In lhl "l'l H .Vrl.tlnt, llifi.rf f anrhtlnt Klilliiatll Full. Itrii'Hli " thf H ol Ihrnre l If ulnnuif.. ll-".. ivi.i.i, .ii.l nnler It) !' .n.i.i.ii.... ..1 it.., ttW.rihi.m.ih.orf Jiim'l'iw. "hi. I. Mil inr 1. ..... -.-.. .!, 1.1 ol tt I.I. i.t). r.1 1 nil rnl I 14l mltllllioll" III till "ll 'I' H!f, um j 1. rnf mititii i, Oif (on, tllf ln tfillonif 111 lH. H.f in .i ol H urof t.M-10. W t. Uwn tl.Kt lion ul J 1. Ilun ti.l. R.Vilih.t,Oion ll.rli irol M-Inr. Il. W hi l f iir..r l.ll.f M ( rr 01 Nr if. fff ;.. 1 r." it. u ... r . n.i i r" rtll.mol Join, n.lrr. Illnftlllf. Kircm ll.f K l.ll(ifcirtilifir,itif llif . I1I0I fretloiisT'itli, It Id :. iil-t.n ilirtlioii ol llro Noltn. ItotUn.l, Orrcnn. Mill, I otnuilttlonf r ol Ihf litntttl Ith.l imiff .t..rorU Mtjr W, Ivtfi HUNK I'IMtCK, ftrtl Miliitntiitf rrltrrolilif Imnlur ll.tiH;,"!!. I'i.l. H'. IVB.IMt nil ..,.i.hil.i..l iinro it ttiek. lor a Iffii"! "I ,lv imct'ttive ami c.nitrnlle . (rom thf II ol Jniio l'. II W. Kut... jit Attorney for I'lalnllll MMICIJ lK IHIIII.ICATKIN Now that the United States government has made a $600,000 appropriation for participation in the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition the work of creating the lflOi) fair has been given an impetus. While there has never been any doubt in the minds of the management as to the success of the exposition, and as to its being ready 0:1 time, the government's action has stimulated more inter est in the fair throughout the country. During the past week applications for concessions and exhibit space have been pouring into oilices in the Administration buildintr. The construction work has gone ahead without anv cessation, and there are nine1 P .,,... 1 1 1 it 1 Drparlmeiit ol the Interior, I nuuenngs nmsneu or unuer consiniciiuii. Allj omre. iu-tuw nr.'.H, ii) The government architects are working on the plans for Uncle Sam's buildings and just as soon as the designs are finished construction will be started. Of ths total ap- nmnriniinn SOKil flfM will lip roilf in flm litlilrlinrrs. Rp- ..r ., . ' . , ,t -ii 1 . . .ItangoU K., Will. Mriiillan, ban rtlnl sides the main government building, there will be struct- ':, , i,..n,i0n .,, ,.,i,. 1 ,,,..1 i-r...i. ures for Hawaii, Alaska and Philippines and the fisheries Mf-tabiuii to u.e hmi ! !. I ,.'. w A n,ii,10 i KUnmi. r'aiu, niniiiaui (l... 11 u krl . ul Kit tilllll I tilt. ' tVN I J X, Vativ, I.Vulilrr. Notice for Publication s If-. IV...rlmi'iil ol llif Inlrilor, C. i Uii.l oillnt, at I ileiieM, Olefin. June .,, I'JiH. S'otli'i. It lien liy tfUen lint I U'llllani 1. Scbtt inr r, n( Klamath I'allt, tlieit'.n, who, "I" AiitfOtt 13. H"-.', n''lf h.on.etnail entry, No. 2W1, for M;i sr, .-erlloii I". I'.' XK' tloll II'. V4h,4 Sttilonlil, Tontlili .17 , ' liaii.v tl 1 Will.iiintle Meriilliii. bat lilnl iiollieol Inleillliin tu nulo I inal i l.... i,..u.r ... .1.1... I.. lltJS Nolle.. It hereby nheii that AINrt ' r "", , ' , " ".-, " ,." " " ,, . . .., ', .. ,, ... . .. thelainl a iiiileci., U'liirrt oiinl), of Klamath rnlla, nitron, ' ' '.. , ', . ,., i v. o ....- i .ii . . i ( elW klainalh t i.iiill). at hit olll.T at ..o,on Nov. 8, IW.. ,.., tlmUra.i.1 h ((( , ., t . i. .no npj.licntlon, .No. 101... for M. ', A , ,,,, (u,,,,.,,, .,. ,. xwv, ectlo.. 1.-1. a; .,.,.". A M. J.iiiiIk.ii. ol Klamath r'atlt, Hrr ltni, I!en I arlitle. ol Mtnialli raid, or- inrliMtrv. Trip mmnininir S2n)000 will 1? cxiiendeil fop "mml K" ." l ." ".V l 'rh.. ?'" " "" i ......j. ... OT , , iio,, ai nit oinrc ui tiiimaiii rant, urn ,(,!,.,,,.., exmmts as 10 ows uovernmeni. azuu.uuu Aiasua. on u. utn nay 01 100,000; Hawaii, $25,000; Philippines, $25,000. Atliiiitt, l'tlt. Claimant nan.ea at vtiliii-tte: John (i. St'hall.K'lc, ol Klamath l-'atlt, Oregon, T. J. Mateo, ol Klmimth Fallt, (Iretinn, Alhro Jamltoii, nf Ktamtli Kallt On-. Kon, Win. Ciiilltle, of Klamath Ktllt, Ortton. J. X. Wio.v. Ilivittcr. & ii MMICI! TOM I'lJIII.ICATION lleliarlinrtit of the Interior, I'. The Chicago woman who got drunk just as an object lesson to her husband seems to have overdone the thing, or else the husband is about the meanest man who has come to the surface this season. Instead of being proper- Classified Advertisements ly impressed by-"seeing himself as others see him," he! . " rushed into court with a petition for a divorce on the very j heal estate ok sale ground she herself furnished him. roit f-Ai.K-im Am- unri. i,ie.i With a view to advertising the resorces of the state, California delegation to the Democratic National Con-! vention proposes to take with it a carload of fruits and i miscellaneous wines for distribution at Denver. The Democrats leave' ,.0sT-on..:w smith a We,.o re. Thursday evening on a special train to which is to W,rrilllwn, .,., ,ni, Ule. be attached a refrigerator car for the wines and fruit. 'ile '" rimiT hiii i iibariy . warded byleatinj name at LakeiMo Inn. In reckoning the strength of the presidential candi dates don't overlook the fact thatTaft's brother Charles! owns a baseball club. IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS .M0Xi:VTOI.OAX-llarillline but I have eornu money to loan if jou hare Iho entity.-1:. I). Hull. You get more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any stove ever sold In Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishings. Bridge on Main street At tho K jli. Olliee, at l.letlen, Oreiroll. Jtllir 6, l!K Nollre it hrreh) yitt it that William Albert Ul.-y. ol Dirrit, Ctll.,r nla, nlio, on April :.', lltVJ. maile home ttead entry No. ?17, for W', XW',, Pi'., NH4. .SI-' MV'4. l-rellon IS, T.iati.lilp II S, Kariitp 7 K, Wlllarnelle MetMian, lut lilt tl IH.tlre of Intention Winnie I'iiiaI Kie Year Proof, to et laMith claim totholaixl tl-neilrtcillnl l.fnr,. f,iiiilt f'l,.,k llaif.dll. llinlltteattof Kl.imath FaIN a baiK-j t hit olliee, Klamath rall.,H,exon, or. Jin for touiL' hoiiieieeker, for j.aitlrulart ' tin -tilt day ol Annntt. I!H. Clali.iaot inij.ilroat thit ull'ue. ' at wltnettet: l.tlie .Morifan, ul Keno, i iregon , iticnant hearm, ol lor rit, California; IMwar.l Itrady.ol iKirrf., Cnlllomiai Jotlah II. Otey. of IKirrlt, CallfornU. 0-H J X. Watmih, lleititter. Notice All accomiU il.te mo in.iit U- (filled l) r.otenr caili nilhln thirty !) or they hI ! p.ibllalieil and fold at pub lic auction tn the hlghent bidder. C. D. WllNon. DiAsolutlon of Partnership Xol ire It hereby itlven that Ihu ptiil nernhiji hvretvforu exltllnif. U-laeen Seehorn and Ktte, ac proprletort of the Ainericjii lintel, U thit day dlttolved, W. K. Keehorn nttiuriliiK nil ilebla nnd I'ollcelln,! nero.iiitt .hie .aid firm. W. I-!. HiriioiiM lunoK!. I'aH. M, A. INtm. DKI'AltlMf NT Or Tlli:iSTKIIIOIt.r,t4L ItKii nrrur, W.,l.lnl..ii, i. i: tltr 2, I'm., Noma 11 r i.t...i..i ,.e riaLieittM iimiiii tsi. 1 1.11.1 m.,i i. hfrtbr Ittn llm llitKirriari ,.l llmliiirrl'ir ha.t.. ittr.l .t.irlliirliltl nnlrr ol mil oraKtl lino ftrttrho tune affrirt Hi. ulthilitoal for Irrl yttluri (.uiiuiuinl. r llif an ul June 17, lltri, uifitl., awi lor 11. u In roniitrilun wlili ill. Klt.ntll. I'roU. I.Orivo.i.iii il. ri,ii,,Mi,..i. mtIImhI limit In i.e Male of I rr on, .ml br lili.niborlirinrli i.f .l li,n tt hate nut l-tn htrttolo e tr.iufl in.l are not oihfmltv ttlibilrtwi', rfM-rtt.l or,.r., thtljrtl lu ICIIIPinrlll iin.t.r III. I.llhllrltllll ItMII (if Ilia llt.llM.1 U.a... .... . tltrrjnlru) I'AH.but .l.tll not U tublac 1 10 enlrv, nllrm or MilfClInn until aii.i.i ii. Ivu.. .1 lb. Unltcl Hlttfi l.tu, I omr. .1 UatVltit. flrnun, warnlna Ulna fiinuly m,ta n,.. 110 Iff ton win la, rinlllei tiitaln or .irn Itn any rlihl whalrirrr iimlfr any taiiltinprii or Kiuptllon U'lun tiler May May l.lvtn. n,, .rlor to July nu, 110-. .11 ,t nf,,,,,,,, ,' ,., LU..tlon Ulin Inrblililain UIILmni,. ji.rl. dian,14iBH.tiK,.Sr(ur hi: ,ir n. Ntt Jr HV. .jr.a nr NW r,N l.r Nil .,'r, s,V l. 1 H , , rfi iiknmSii. ntANKmWKKIj'r:" """I Lainl Oftlc. Int Attlilaiii hti r.Mtry of lha Inlrilor, F0K SALE For Sale Underwood T)K.-Mrittr In Kl condition 'ti. i. V. Kuykendnll. I'Olt HAI,i:-l(olury lull Le.irin White .SiwIiir .Miiihini', latett iloliitt, at Oilletta FtirnltiireMoie. if Safea Tno pniilicjlly new llurrln. lliill-.Mnnln ciifd., at n h.irjalii, onu20x '1 Inches and 0110 i.',x'!J inthoa, Iimid... Impilrcnt !lfltkeiiii-ri Jcmly Hloie. FOIt HA l.i: Oini drchMT , one vuh Hand, otui rriekliiK chair, nnntableanil Call at Iho llrlck If Olio lll'lltlllrf ktOVC, toro. For Sale 'in. whole Imtiiie.a MrM k in Klaiimth PiiIId for aalo fir forty eeiili, on the dol lar of uhut it wat until, thirty da)B W- '. I Wlllfon. StBtement ot Condliion .. of Hie Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls. Oregon PICEMPER 31, 11)07 RESOURCES laimns and Discouutx $340, IHHItlll (III. I Cll-Vlll llll'Jl Kt'iil Eritnto, ltuildliiKM am Fixtureri Ciuili unil HIkIiI KxcIhiuko :..525.84 1 '1,74 ft. 18 1U07247.Q9 5ir'H.p,049.51 LIABILITIKS Capital .Stock, fully p'.ii .Surplim mid I'rolltH M)ut' Other Hmikrt h'MisltH 5100,000.00 2 1.753.1 J '12,000.04 43 1.205.40 $5U.P),049.51 I. Alet Martin. Jr.. Caahler of 11.. bank, tin aoletunly avtear that the 11.1 i.l l trtio In the lieat of my Iih.w' .1. AI.KX MAItllN II. S.llicrll.ei nnd iwnni to Mfori in. i.f January, l!ts l'-all t C II W.11111..W Notary I'uhli. f , liny, n OFFICERS ,- ' nnmnl ' llr. 1 u'lilhtlirf a.lil.r " Mlulijr ALEX MARTIN -E. R. RKAMES ALEX MARTIN. JK. LESLIE ROGERS President VIcc-l'rcsldcnl Cashier Ass'l Cnshler Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin The Eldred Company F. C. ELDRED. Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddlei, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of llrst-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles ami Simps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Table, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready forinipec tion. Something entirely new Alio Silk Float and Feltolene MattrtNt Brais and Iron Beds-Adjustable pe cil woven wire Springs, the only tWsJ for hot weather. Polthed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. Georfle Bishop 1'none-store, ul Kesiuence, ion CIIAS. K. WOltDKN I'realilcnl M. WOltDKN Caahler IIIEDMEIW! Vlv-e-PtW" The American Bank and TruitCa Heavy Freighting a Specltlty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving Office N7I . PHONES Bn 871 Ntlidtnct 643 KENYON & GRIMES, PROPRIETORS X ft&isn i-rr? ZZr f ' 1, ,,,,, littiaw i,(.t.M Mt' mm " iuffl:1111ill (cJ-y ) ' 1- Sv ... HWBCSk5 . -. Jr-..t-ial- ' -.i.i.airt, Umttta "2TrrP,rrl CAPITAL. $100,000i00 . Cor. flth aiul Main !'