The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 29, 1908, Image 1

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mtl H'-ii'l ''"KLT III
KUmimiIi I'"""
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results . . .
SkcoNK i ML No. BOO.
Price, 5 Cents.
"Kale" Is Making Oreg. Greatest
Dairy Slate In Union
Viv' "-'
It Has Only Been Ourlng tho
Interests of llie.Stitto Hate Keiilicd Its Viilmil,l
Properties As ti Milk IVodmer
Hie Kali" In iinenl Ihcbrtl'
talking rr .pt in Oieguil. When the Orr .
gin booster wants I" prm. t!t Oregon
,l Ik-.i Miry statu In lh Union lie
, p, Hk Kale. Unlet ho knows
lul h n .11 ill to the milk bucket lie
,ll II if i'i ifl"! '.l utter. It ! call
either nl ln'lJ Kale ami the
luta-inti '" at llratilca elerace,
l.itit iii.rp.iiri Kate il (our lellert
that ! ttm talking. The strange
ll.mjc i t'.it it hat only Itch during the i ..f Ihri-i. yrart thai It hat hail
tn tii.hrnrr though It Ic nearly thirty
)ral olJ Hi the Wlllaiiirlln valley, It
lui tried to lk all those yeara but ri
.,e a il In'l listen when It sought rrc
n;nltiri We inner heard Hulk," they
insisted '-ark In Iowa anil New Yotk."
Hid lueie outproduce milk without
Kile i 1 1 1: I'M they will have to lioiii."
Ihat it tradition, ItloA thirty eara
lr Kale to get an audience In thlt Mate
and lite .loan liadllhiri,
The dairymen of Near York under
stand hat green succulent food meant
t the ilalrj raw, and they build ex
lnthe nlot, buy exeiitlve machinery
and grim fertility rubbing corn which
tiny irri(te with their aweat, In order
Hilt the firmer during Ilia Ions w Inter
inontlit ini hire an eicuae lor milking
l.isciiti. 'I liu (Ire Milan needs nun
nilketM to ivmliiil the row ol the
f l t I tummar thus. Kalel A thoiit
n I blestlngt on the thousand bet Jul
hale It it making Oregon the greatest
.lry Hate In the Union.
The hat with
When Walkovers Go On
Shoe Troubles Go Off
-Kt K.
lat Two Yvurs Hint tliu Dairy
When Um. ruble endi-
tinn Kale will yield 1 1 nt pur .n-ic ol
Kri-en leeil nii'l lit i lilel tnpn it nt a
oiling rnipilurlnii tho lall und Mintir,
Hpletidid retulta ure Ix-ln eit.ur.Nl l,y comlltlnii nf tin land. If the land It
feeliiiK Kale mil Vttrh ha) to lUiry hi) mid mihject to ovuillow the trnrie
row without any .-i.iln or mill fi-.-d. . pt'iitin mny ! ilela)t-l until during
Dr. Wlth)roni1n. of the niicultur,il J'il. If the Und It well drained and
Culled ny tint I. wri U of Yeti h tin-plautt nn-Inrei-uouli It may bv
hay and l)iouii Itof Kale a du) It prat- dun' More the firtt of Jiuii. Intrant
tlcatly a halameil latlon fur a dulri plnotliu', enough plant may bo left for
row, Mr. W I.. Wilton of lUnkt (ire- hjihI on the land w here the teedllng
Kin, y "I rec.-lel (27 from It , nn-Kiimii.
runt In the month ol ItecemlM-r nml fid rr-r r nothliiii hut L.ilc, tiirnlpi. und I
vetch hay. The man who feelt ihop
ould have to maki. J:17 to at
much at I do. I he not had J t-ecL I
of mill fe. in the ham nil wiuti r "
Mr. lit 1011 lluulei ol t'.nv.iltt, a
at ttant acricultuiitt of the Ihiriau of
the I'latil, I' S. Iieparlmi'iit
of AKiiniltiui-, mi Ic a -cul itml) of
the forage rropt of WViteriiOnvuii, and
III llulletiu No.'.l) . I Jointly hy
t lie Oreirmi l'iieritiietit-Ktatii)ii and the
lepartiii.-nl id Aurlcnltuie, hat the
follow Ini; In rny nliout the Kiile which
It timely.
Method ol Sinlni!: For fall and
winter ii'c, k-ite it utu.illy hhhii in
lllllt 1111 well preptn-d and drained toil
at tiHin after the 15 of .March nt the n-.i
in will H-rmit. Thlt furnithet pliutt
for trautplanliiik' In June and July
Tho laud utid for triintplantiii); it well
in a mi led ami plowed two or threelimi'
between the tint ol -March nod the flrtt '
a Pedigree and
"I Itinv With the hind In perfect tilth
J It It plowe I ntlii with a 12-Inch plow
ulHiiit iIih Hint n( lutiM ami tin. young
Inti. l nit ilruppril lulu rety thlril
Inn.. iih'.iii i4 to U left apart. This
plan a about one pUnt on every titiare
yard 'I In. toot of tin) plant ro
plminl hIu'iii tin' lint furtnw covers
iIm-iii, I.-umiik tl.f topi uncovered, Tho
i-lnritn itmi ai- plowed in dining the
d) in thlt w iv arc lolled In lh.) even-
r' ; '
Iwrp or thru- cultivation arc all that
j ..mutually iH'iflti-n, fur the plants will
toon touch in the ton If they ilo well,
Ami phnlt thnt fall tngrow may lie n.
l.liui-d h) litin.l. Home grower prefer
in plant tin- fifl In Mill, ami when the
plant .in Uif.- i-noiiih thin them to
in., pl.inl in a lull. Mtliera put kale
out jmt un ralilngi. It usually Iran
planted, lutlead of plowing It In. The
tlinuof tiaimplmitiiiK mutt he doter
mined 1 1) the jof the plants ami the
Eirst Tennis Tournament
Commences Thursday
llutriet fur the MI Idle I'acillc Cham-plnii-lilp
'liiiiiimniriit ate U-ing daily
iiirhiil hy the cnmuiuleu ill charge,
l'n ilali ten cntrlet hme Ueii rrrelril
f nun outtide polntt, and there are al
read) I'linuuh cotiip.tltort entered to ilium-
the aurcett of the tournament.
It it eix-cled that, beloie the time set
for I he cloning of the entries, which
will heat n o'clock p. in., July Ut, the
unmet of other pirticipants will be le
ceiled. Thoie entelol lo date are: Men's
Miiglct Henry Crotby, Oakland, Cali
fornia ; Charles I'owue, Illy, Oregon;
U.K. .'-iitlon, Dairy, Oregon; II. 0.
Wilton, 1.. I.. Swarlilander and Y. I.
llarcl.iy, of Klamath Agency; Will Mu
a Guarantee
Iho flrtt excuralon of the teaton on
tipper Klamath Lake waa Kiren yeater
lay by the Hteatuer Wlnetna. A crowd
from Hilarity went along anil all en
Joyed n niont delightful time. Tliu day
wnt nn ideal ono ami the excuralonlttt
eeineil to breath health in the cooling
brteu-a from the foreat topd moun
lalni which lrder the Ite on all
rldea. The boat arrived in Ode;aa at 11'
o'clock where dinner w at aerved in tho
bl ilanclriK pavilion (lul to a number
oltouriala are already atopping at the
hotel and the cottage, and Mra. fjrlf
fUli atatea that accoinmoaatioria have
been a iked for for large number dur
Inv tlila month. Indlratloua ate that
twice aa many peoplu will visit this re
tort tills year than eu-r before.
W. J. Arant,aipcrinteiideiil of ('ni
ter Lake paik, la making arratiKemeuta
to mou-to tho park for the aummcr.
Ilo la aendlng hia stock in advance and
expecla to go himaclf on Wedneaday.
Mr. Arant eaya he expects the anow to
bt sultlciently gone to enable teams to
get to the ake within ten dayt,
Mia. J. I). Carroll and two tons and
Arthur .Voncrieff arrived laat evening
from Seattle, and will spend the sum
mer wilh Mr. Carroll ot the Henley
eon, C. I'. Widdoes, llurgu Maton, W.
S. Wiley, V. I., ilumphroy and D. 11.
CatnpU'llol Klamath Falls, l-adlet'
Singles-Mrs. II. O. Wilson, Mits Mil
dred Wilson, Mitt Kdiia M.Miller.aml
MIm Charlotte Schultx, Klamath
Agency; Mlsa Evelyn Applejjate, Mitt
Loulae Sargent and Misa Klile Apple
gate, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
A number ol teams have been formed
with a view to entering tho doubles'
etenls, and it is cxieeted that nearly
all o' those entered in the singles' events
will participate In the doublet.
A number of those entered have bad
considerable experience in tournament
play. Mr. Crotby has played in a num
ber ol the big tournaments held in and
around Oakland, Calilorula, and is pick
ed by many to win the tournament.
Mr. Swartilander ol Klamath Agency
is also a very strong and dangeruus play
er at all timet. He, like Mr. Crosby, is
an experienced tournament player.
Mr. Wiley Is one ol tbe best players oi
tho local club and ba participated in
tho District ol Columbia and Middle At
lantic championship tournaments in the
Mr. Wilson ol Klamath Agency Is a
brilliant player, and his steadiness and
long experitnee on the courts may win
for him the title.
Messrs. Campbell, Mason and Wid
does aro also very strong and experienc
ed players and may upset some ol the
present calculations.
Of the others entered very little U
known, but may prove to be dark horses.
It la to bo rvgrctted that Mm. George
l'intt will not be here to participate in
the tournament. Mrs. l'ratt Is Klam
ath Falls' champion lady player, and It
was greatly liod that she could be seen
In competition with the lady experta
from tho Agency,
Play will commence promptly nl 0:30
o'clock, Thursday morning, July
Snd. Those who aio not ready
to play when theli matches are railed
will be promptly defaulted, unless pre
viously excused by the referee. This
action Is necessary owing o the fact
tbat there aro a number of. players en
tered from out of town. Hence it I
necessary that the tournament be run
off without any lagging. -
The big sterling silver lion I challenge
trophy hat been received and is now on
exhibition at McIIatton's Jewelry store.
The ladies' flrat prize will be a set ol
sterling alter dinner coffee spoons; 2nd
prise, sterling bon boii dish. First
prize, gentlemen's tingles, watch fob;
Mr. Stephenson Taking Views for
Stereoptican Lectures
Every County in the State Will Be Represented and Those
In Charge of the Oregon Exhibit Hope to Secure
Good Results (or the Entire State
Ji.d prize, sterling match tray. The
prizes In doubles wi'l bo purchased as
toon an it is ascertained who are to play
In these events.
A social is planned for the evening of
July 2nd In honor ol the vitltlng play
eis. A musical program will be rendered
and light refreshment will be served.
Among the artlttt who wilt attlttare
Mrs. Don Zuinwalt, Miss Applegate,
Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Gates,
Mrs. Morgan, Hoy Walker and M. D.
Thoo desiring to enter the tourna
mint should send In their names aljmce
to Mr. Curtis K. Widdoca or any other
member ol the tenuis club. Mr. Wiley
will act at referee. Mr. John L. Le Is
busily engaged in putting the courts in
Kood sliatx-. Tho public It cordially In
vited to knots the playing. No charge
will be made.
Grants I'aas citizens who have the
welfare of the city at heart have organ
ized a "llig Stick" club, whose alma
and objicts ore mott commendable.
The club la secret in its membership,
which la limited to 2H, the "skldoo"
number, all members ol the Commer
cial club. It Is the purpose of the clnb
to work, dlicclly and Indirectly, upon
uuprogressho cltlztns and lorce them
into line for progress.
The moasback doea not know what Is
going on, butiheatrougestklndot press
ure is brought to bear on him, and be is
virtually foiced to get in line or
Those big piopeily owners who re fun
to assist in boosting a town, although
tbey profit oure than anyone else by
the efforts of those trying tofoicelhe
place eheaJ, through the Increased valu
ations ol property, aro tbe principal
objects worked upon by the club.
Grants I'ass is to have paved streets,
thanks to the efforts ol this secret club.
Protests from Influential men and prop
erty owners threatened to block Improve
ments, as they have blocked them at
Ashland, but the club got busy, the
protests wero withdrawn, some ot them
unaer pressure, ana tno paving is to fol
low. Because Grants Pats merchant! re
fute to pay larmers cath for produce
they are ban ed (roni membership, and
the club Is now trying to force the mer
chants to do business on a modern hails.
Medford Tribune.
. tBiaia-
The proof of
the frcMer
The White Mountain Freezer
makes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier
ami t limnrr dmn any other freezer on the maikct
I.. II. Hteplicnton, ol Portland, Is iu
the city securing lews for the Oregon
building at the Alaska-Yokon Im
position. The Oregon building is one of
tho largest and handsomest stato build
ings on tbe grounds. It Is three times
the size and has three times the floor
space ot the Oregon building at the
Lewis A Clark Fair.
It Is the Intention of those In charge
of the Oregon exhibit to give lectures
and colored tteroptican views from
every county In the state. The nature
ol the views will depend entirely on tbe
county from which they are taken.
The purpose Is to secure thoso scene
which will best advertise the resources
ol the different sections of the state.
Klamath County Is wonderfully rich
In Its diversity of natural resources and
scenery, and with proper from
the people ol this county, Klamath
tbould have the mott Interesting and
attractive views ol any county In the
ttate. It it Mr. Stephenson's Intention
to take a trip through all parts ol the
county and aecurt) views from which the
best will be selected to be used.
Mr. 8tepbenton Is not asking any
thing from tbe people ol thlt county,
but it It to their Interest to too that he
doe not overlook any particularly good
scene that would help advcrtlea the
county. If there are any of tho farmers
who have a nice bunrh ol cattle
hortei. boga or' a field ol
grain or alfalfa, they thuuld ex
tend to Mr. Stephenson the courtety ol
taking blm to the scene and giving him
all tbe Information tbey can. A few
good scenes ol home on the farms
would bo appropriate.
'Fourth of July Ball
J. V. Houtton will give a public ball
at the opera bouse on Friday evening
July 3rd. It will be a good old fash
ioned dance) and all who attend are as
sured of a good time. Good music and
good order.
Frank Sllvies, of tbe Spring Creek re
tort, wat a visitor iu tho city yesterday.
Ha came down for a party ot tourists,
w ho carao from California to spend sev
eral weekt at thlt famous tithing retort.
Step In and look at our line ot Pott
Cards. G. Heltkempt-r. lit
is in the