The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 25, 1908, Image 1

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    ' ; r-i
Mostly Kwl Pn',or ln
KhmnJli I'liU"
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . . .
SKCOND Yi:aii, N(. R87.
Price, 5 Cents.
Extensive Preparations Being
By Falling from Ladder
riuii.i .... . .1 ..
I ....n.iiu MUIIM H, ua, IKouVht 1(1
Viciclc tor a Grand Time "n from ix,k iko u.t ventnic vrin.
lruki-ti akull, .t. shortly alter ml,.
I'itflil. Ilnrila, uho waL'7 vtaraof ago,
. nas MorklriK ttltli two otlmr men in
slrlnglnu a pruale telephone litis for J.
""""" J. ft'liitcornb from his placo to this city
Baiuball (Jomo Between Chemawa tind Klormith looms. ,com,wU" '' i. uk, ,.
Horse Races, War Dances and Annual Kail Are
Among the Principal features
Almit o'clock In tliu afternoon,
while In- wassUiitlltiif on a ladder at
tachlng a wire to a tree, he fell ami
struck on his head In tho hard road.
ills two companions at onco brought
him to town where ha was ex
amim-d hy Dr. Hamilton. It Has found
that his skull was fractured at ths bate.
II remained unconscious and dN at
abont 2:30 this morning.
The deceased ha only one brcther,
whoso whereabout! are unknown. Ills
body will be burled In the Klamath
Falls cemetery.
Tli Ktiul I irlhcl July celidiretlmi J unbelting. In the evening tlirm will
JjKlsmstlil unity will be held Oil tho
IqJIiii irwivatlwn near Klamath
AltMf, arcurding to tho arrangements
W U-Ing ma le. Tim plans provide
fifsjjliit celebration by whlUs and
Indians at Klamath Council ground
rear cll roil Klaiiiath.
0n ef llif gtralrst fratursl of theilay
till U the btscball game now Mug
itnnnl helarcu the Indian Irani nf
Chtosaa and the Klamath schools
This will t fionrt by horse racing
in J older field rls. The new steam
irMtisuu Mil be In commission and
ether lusts mil assist In conveying thn
tiiitoit from his city to the grounds,
tS'l It li predicted that a big delegation
Intnallntrr the country will snd the
fourth at the Agriicy.
Cimplng grounds hare besa arranged
firths hl'e visitors and every arrange
ment u ade fnr their convenience ami
enjoyment. The Council ground la one
tfllie Unity spote of Klamath county,
soil It is an Ural spot fur picnics, with
hi sltin lanco of root water, shade and
rrn grass. Parties atleading from
Ilia outside Hill take their luncbe.
Tie tuftsin is aa followa:
July 3 M toll ,. M. Indian religious
Mrclr" undrr illrrctlun of Iter. Graf
fuui, missionary,
'J tu IS- Mm-rllanroiit sports, fob
l-ic-l by dinner. In the afternoon
there Mill he a concert held by the
KUmotl, School Hand; ball game
I'j hsl nine i horse racing for prlias,
lean rihlblllon ol I'aiutu gmuLliiif,
ami a uar ilanre In costume.
July i-H A. M Indian c icil In ar
range eirri'itrs, 10-lloreslack parade
In war regalia, representatives of several
tribes participating. Il-Orand maicli
from old I'mt Klamath to Council
ground, followed by patriotic cierclre
at Iho grarx. Music hy In Han b.iml
and glee clubs, llrclaratlmi rrad by an
liillau. Chaplain, Itvv. 1 1 Irani WMl,
allotting agent. Oration by Captain O,
C. App'egatr, ei-I'. 8. Itulisu agent and
Huerlnlcridciil. All etercbes iimlrr
the direction of Hun. Horace.). Wilson,
urlnlendriil of Klamath Agency. In
the afternoon thria nill I a ! ball
game betMreii t'hctnaa ami Klamath
school nines, followed by horn- racing
and other lleld sports. In the evening
Indian songs, foltoned by annual Fourth
ol July hall.
On Sunday July fi, religious renter
will te conducted at the ground by the
mlsslonrry and his Indian assistants.
Ths sllth Hill lw dootcd to general
field sorls.
The Arant case Is still occup)lug the
attention of the Court today. A vat
numUrol witnesses hae U-eii i-iamln-
ed by the defense. 'Iho ptusecutur will
also have a good many witne-es in re
butlal. The caio Hill probililv U- con-
cludel tomorrow, as it is Mlru-I that
II the tritlnioii) nill be In and the ar
guments submitted not later than the
Saloons Can Run Until
After the Fourth of July
Writ of Review is Granted the Saloonmen and Order is issued
Restraining County Court from Enforcing Its Order
Closing the Saloons Until after Hearing
Tim saloon of KUmath County will
lime ll. privilege of doing business un
til afli r the Fourth of July, at least, ac
cording to the order of Judu Hanson,
grnutlrigtlio writ of revlow In ths local
option cac The rase has been set for
healing en July 6 and the order Is
practically no Injunction restraining
tho county coin I from enforcing
Its order for the closing of saloons on
July 1-t. It Is rxt-cted that by that
time the Circuit Court will have dls
oil of all of thecares on the docket,
and Iho hearing of the local option case
will undoubtedly attract a great deal of
attention throughout the countr.
This short respite will give the saloons
little more time to dispose of their sur
plus stock, even If the saloonmen finally
lose, but it will cost each of them an ex
tra 125 for the privilege. The fical ) ear
cloeeeon July 1st, and It will be neces
sary for the saloons to pay the state l;!5
foritalo license. Most of them, how
ever, believe that they van at least get
this money back during these few lajs
of business.
Chamber of Commerce Making
Effort to Expand
If the Chamber is Successfnl In Getting Sufficient Sup
port From the Citizens an Effort Will be Made
to Induce Tom Richardson to Come
Woman's Clnb Reception
early afternoon,
The Woman's Club gave a reception
last evening In honor of tho retlrlug
pri'idcnt, Mrs, I.C. liuteuic, and the
lien prrriilcul, Miss Laurlnda 8 tibrr.
A musical program Has rendered by Ihv
Jcliibiui'mbvis nnil visitor, and a music
nl ronti't engaged In. At tho close of
the cu-ning a dainty luncheon was
Merrill Valley the heart of KUmath.
Filflj Thoroughbred
The hat with a Pedigree and a Guarantee
When Walkovers Go On
Shoe Troubles Go Off
-K. K. K, STORE-
Curtis Iledrlck left thla morning for
Hires Itoot Heer at the city Ilakery.
opposite American Hotel. tf-
Harry l'elK left thla morning on the
boat for the railroad.
Hatpins made from real rosebuds and
carnations, as In nature, no two alike.
G. Hellkcmper, Jr.
F. L. Pops, wlfs and child crtno up
from Msrrlll this morning.
You can get a SJ-meal book at Will
son's hotel for ft. Board and lodging o
a week. C. D. Willson, Trop. tf
For ths best rig in town call at ths
Mammoth Stables. II; W. Ktraw, Pro
prietor, t
J. II. Wheeler and C. E. Hoyt came
down yesterday from Fort Klamath.
One-fourth off on all cut glass and
hand painted china for ten days only at
Winters jewelry store.
The latest novelty In hatpins made
from real flowers as in nature, no two
alike. O. Hellkcmper, Jr.
Ice Cream at the City Bakery. Qivo
us a trial, opposite American Hotel, tf-
Cut glass, silverware guaranteed for
23 years, and high grade hand painted
china at Winters.
We am looking for the most difficult
cases In glass fitting at Winters.
Stock Ranch For Rent
In Wood River Valley, Klamath Co.,
containing 480 acres, 100 acrea meadow
and 320 pasture. All enclosed. For
further particulars Inquire nf T, A.
Culbortion, Ashland, Ore. ill
Notice For Publication
Pepaitmsiitof the Interior, U. S.
Land Offic at Laksvlew, Oregon, June
SO 1908. Notice Is hereby given that
Asa Fordyce, of Ft. Klamath, Oregon,
who, on August 24, 1901, made home
stead entry, Xo 2433, for Lota 11, 12 and
13, flection 4, Townsite 33 8., Range :h
E., Will .'Meridian, has Bled notice of
Intention to make Final five year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before County Clerk, Klamath
County, at his office, at Klamath Fall,
Oregon, on the 1st day of August, 1903.
Claimant names as witnesses: Jameo
Gordan, E. M, Lever, H. J. Savldse
and Chat. Martin, all of Ft. Klamath,
Oregon, 0-23
An elf oi t will be made to get Tom
Richardson, of the Portland Commer
cial Club, to visit Klamath Falls this
summer, snd imbue the minds of the
people of this city with some of his en
thusiasm. The Chamber of Commerco
has taken the matter up and has been
encouraged by promises of support from
the business men.
Srcretary Dunbar states that since he
mentioned the matter bo has received
about ten new applications for member
ship and others of the committee bavs
also received a large number. It is the
hope of the Directors ol the Chamber to
take in ISO new members and with this
showing it Is believed that Mr. Richard
son will consent to come and assist In a
big celebration.
Every man from Klamath Falls who
visits Portland and becomes acquainted
with the work being done by tha busi
ness men of that city, returns home fall
of enthusiasm and with a desire to help
in the good work here. Ills only by
going on the outside and seeing what
other towns and communities are doing
that the iop!e here "realize the op
portunities they are wasting In securing
settlers for our farming disttict. Other
localities with lesit than .one-third the
advantages of Klamath county are spend
ing twice as much money and doing
twice as much work in the 'advertising
Tom Richardson is reported assaying,
that Klamath Falls and Klamath coun
ty has twice the natural advantages to
offer of any county in the state of Ore
gon. "WUf, lie says, "you have your
beautiful city, your rich valleys, your
lakes, timber, scenery, fishing, bunting
and hundreds of inducements which no
other section has. What more do you
want? You have the longest main
street oi any city in the state, but the
trouble with your people ii that they do
not work together."
The people here are beginning to real
ise that they have the best country on
the coast, but they are anxious to get
Mr. Richardson to come hers) and tell
them how to pull' together in order to
build up the country. In talking with
the business men of this city you will
bear them remark that If the farma were
only settled up what a great thing It
would be for business, but they will
blame this or that man for knocking
the country and discouraging homeseek
era, and so refute to do anything them
selves. It Is believed that a man like
Mr. Richardson would be able to start
the people on the right plan of work,
and once started right their is no doubt
as to the result.
Fulton May Get
Cabinet Position
Senstor Chss. W. Fulton, of Oregon,
may get a place in Taft's cabinet, in cass
the republican candidate is sleeted pres
ident. The Washington Post In spec
ulating on prospective cabinet changes
"Senator Fulton has been a consis
tent Taft boomer, and the secretary
likes him. The Pacific coast will have
a seat somewhere around ths cabinet
table, and tha chance for Senator Fat
ten for appointment as Attorner Gen
eral or Pecretary of Labor and Com
merce are aa good as any man who has
been named." '
Upper Lake Notes
The stcamsr, Eagle, Captain Corbett,
arrived in port after a ten days cruise
on the big lake. The Eagle circum
scribed the entire shore and traveled
over two hundred miles. Capt. Cor
bett says the trip was like a romance
and tbat such a cruise Is worth much
time and preparation, and one long to
be remembered. It is unfortunate that
ths Eagle is not in commission for tbs
general public aa she is of very light
draft and can almost navigate the dow,
and Is well adapted for the shallow in
lets and creeks of Great Klamath
Mr. and Mrs. Wyncoop and Miss
Wyncoop, who have been in Klamath
Falls for several months past, leave ln a
lew days for their home In TraverseCity,
Mich. Mr. Wyncoop will dispose of his
extensive holdings there and return to
the coast to settle.
If you order your clothes at the K. K.
K. store, you'll set a fit and esactlv
what you want.
M. G.Wilson, superintendent of the
Klamath Indian Agency, is in the city
today from the reservation.
The proof of
the freezer
i in the
The White Mountain Freezer
makei more cream, better cream, and makes it easier
and cheaper than any other freezer on the market
J. N. Winox, Register.