WOW SfcEl .- You Have My Guarantee With every article of Jewelry bought here you have the assurance that it is just as represented. There is a guaran tee that you are getting just exactly what you think you are buying. Past reputation is a good thing to judge by. Old customers of this store are custom ers now, and they are helping adver tise the business because they are sat- imtimA .......... 1S11CU G. HEITKEMPER, JR., REPUBLICAN BLOCK . . . Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician . . . sS&'S&r.. aft fiLPt Ittffl -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -: Kidney I Bladder Troubles When MYAL'S STONK ROOT COMPOUND U auch a positive remedy 7 It stimulates the kidneys to the full performance of their function, eliminates uric poisons from the system and acts as a soothing, healing agent upon th bladder. By Its timely use, healthful conditions of these organs sre promptly restored. PRICE, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S J" , PHARMACY...... 'r,r Klamath Falls, Oregon Commencing May 1st ?57KFSCMHsfBflWisiifrS l ?liasssWmWISasssssw5Bf'PWn; Ease and Comfort In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls - GOING.-Steaaer Klaraalb leaves Klamath Fal's at 4 a. n. connecting' with stifle at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8. C0MING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls arriving here at 7:30 In the evening. Oregon & California Transportation Company FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 315 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 Are prepared to aerve banquets and dinner parties I I I .. ! . . ... I. I. II, . , , MEALS AT ALL HOURS If It Wtra So. How rtnr mir life would run al.wa. Jmt llk the. mimic. In n eoim Or like n Iritln ut Pullman ir. Wltli only soft and nleant J ire. If thtn could herpen etery day Tli way they work out In a playl There eerlhlu le life ami IKlit. The men ait hold thealrla are hrlcht. Thine. rur nn net or two id wrou i Uut In the end llithl eouira mil Krone i The hero alae wliu the btl.le, With mirth and imulo on the ille Ni one le bothered In the play Al.out n email thin like hie xtr One ln) him n rail of Mile That rnelly n fill. Ami If he et r alioul.t run hy A cheCt two"! brine a new iupl The Mil lollectote neter knock To itHo I ie llinld onee n ehotk The on Iroublre on the mitt Pertain u toe ami thlnae Ilk that. And ew.i they hate feeble potter. They come out rlihl In halt an hour Of courte the tlllaln due not fare Bo well Hut who for him wouM rare He only mi to ntiihaelie That Mrtue draws the certain ptlie. That the dceervlnr; wine the wife Ah. would that It were to In life) On Place. I inn not In tbe leant bit iu 1-erMltlotw" "Vutt don't iltvnd to meet a black eatV "No, eicept In the form ot a euutage" t DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Willi I ho iiaulttmue of Uilrt) t"' bona Mlii Maud U Loud. Weitiliester count. X V. I paying her way thrvumli riillfiv The lilr'l woman I" Norlli Ilrrwhk, M. le Mitry 'lllilillle Jnliuenn. lilted hluel) nine jenre Slio lite nlulio nt the root of Itautu if ll'if mountain Mm .J till i Wnnl Itmte, iiiiw nlmnat i iioiiiicoiinrlnii, le "till united by llv liiK iiithiilam fur the iaue f wont en' clnln. w lilt li ah Inn hmg "l' IKirlul Mm V S i;tellr of Hrtllna. Kitii. I it aorl of a.viiilhiitr wowian Oicr I 7 plem of ere itrilftnl on lier IxHly when ahe m Imriml lif an i1uloii Due of Hie Ural women In Anbiirii. Me, to ntu ml In tier enrlnit timne t loaning thle year aa Mm. Jcminelle Turner. Mm Turner N nluetjftno )rar ol.l .Mm. lanae II lev of .New ork, knotvn In nearly nil I lie capitate of Curop im the "ijilei'li nf alienee." hae reiilllieil In r rrileaite nitntiKl inutile liole uinl will apeml Hie ailliimer III till niliix'ii i'X nhroail Her liuiueJIale dupe It In orsaatle mill nolee aoclelllei III rurjr uipltul In llim'lK'. I.ucy HoliliKoii, leu jiiim iiU. riir rkil off ilidluploiKlilp holiora In the III tervMinity evlllii( couleel nt Mane lire , ter, la, Teuuit of leu each teptveeuteil lllaiL Hank nml Delaware itiuntlri Pelauare nluuluit liulb team ninl I lull ilJual bouoM I n.'j lloliluaoii le n three tlmea ch.iiuphiii, hating won tier tint tuetUI when eeteli yean olj. At the sign of the RedS lime )nn eser ai;l it VUII Iu out l .... , DliI we Imve II.' II mil, ilhl hi. o,. u t ,,,',;" ' Htl itt mil t netniii In ilo (liir lollil uilklei In,,, . .."" V'.Oir l , In pleaee eveiy lany ur Kelillemaii In town i.. . ",", Inli it Umel, lull we knnw mir itute le up ,utp '" "nn. ,j, Hie.. he ami la)e Hy In keep rIkm.I ,.,. " '" '"' Pr BRUSHES ,,,h,1,!,l'Tl,',lf. ''- (.!&'' U" I.M.IIl llrileliee, Olliipl, . i, """ Hru.U. Iltuelie. etery aUeaml atyln al tiuire.ti.i , '"'inl.Ni, rut PERFUMES SOAPS li n laro tun. i. ... Iliat wo hi mil i.. IUI) H.ip., Mwihui, i Mill. Ill) 'lollet Num.. I . i. 11 II. .- ..f ul..a.... u.... i li.ll line 'l l-'lie.llia f'weiiw I.Mllnm hull. ",' ' IhI i,V ,.;"!li,,c,': " "iii,!'; en I ( Iraim TAN and SUNBURN nulla r i.e.. i . " injii i ami perfect ''.lain." (let a l.ei.f III hr.T.!!,1Vr1,,,:!?'UW, r i ;ur iieiimiiiiu ioi.i tieam ami . ,a. " "MH iKm't ur a la lleineinher TlierMar; u.e "tTAat IIKAUACHr rowDSRtV' ir kxik;ki a iii:.h.m. iii , ll tin in .... "MSB STAR DRUG STORE The Rnrelhl !Baiu-v...T.W .... .. . ........ ot..,.,, iuu money" Pull Beat. The otl llnte.1 water llee lleneath the blue of eai'tililre eklea The rA cull In the aiure fllee Ami. Orolni(, aa 'mere walenwlee, Halutee the lllllpkl lake The Utile crinkling wateteta play lleneath the gloMlng Oik of Uy. They never etop. They neier etaf. They gn atul yrt are here alway. The euu gml thlrit to elake Ae move the wavee iitori the Uke. So ilj the ll.lee of ftellllg nuke My.full heart awell am) all but Ireak, U much hate love and life at elake. tf. etrung the throb and ache Sporting Notes. Compensation. Mm. iliilir-My lnmtmiiil tiwta me .1 KimhI ileal of money. ilM. llurker-Vee, nuj he leu't "fery i KikkI to you elllier. Mm linker-1 know It, but I k'ot J itaiiily lot nf wnlilliiK priiciila ultb til in ! New Vort: Tlnn-e. Seaionable Reflection.. le It no; ia. ' To tl Ink. my lad, It nut (lie you ln To niltr. that !.u I ear airaie hat t do to wear again? City Tlmea 'I he 'J III IrotteM will halo $IO.(l to nice for at Kalaiuat.. Alii I'. McDonald will go down Hie line till, aenaou Willi Ceorife (1 , 2tt.': tiny Axworthy. 2',; MliuU', 3 IDS,, and Wlllivn. 'J I.'.). IM llilKhee. Ilie pllciiir who refune.1 lo ko to l.lllle IIikL when illHxeil of l) the Itoaluu Aiuerlcniie. Iiae now liinril ulili Jliuuite t'nllatian'e ligati Siiare li-jin Oilier leellu. Jr. Iu elilereil Ille Herri ehuir t tiller Mullerfly In Ihe l.lji ton rui me of Ihe llMoklyn Varlit tluli. nliMi l In ilurt on Urair.eud ha j, New cifl:, nu July 4 I'midciit Murt'liy of (lie Chicago Na lloiial league tat II 1 1 lib hae I a Kheme Iii I Ik the cuahlou thrower The oft pail are liouVul Into the arm reila of Ihe real Willi analtlo booka and rluge. The Royal Box. Notice For Publication IVpatlliienl ul Ihe lllleilor, I . H. Ijind OllUe at IjiVeile. llleKun, June '.II I'aH, Xiillui le lieteliy $tu that Ua KonUce, nl Kt, Klaiiulli. Oregon, h I, mi Augilil '.'I. llU, liia'le Iminr leail enlrr. Sii'JIll, Im lide II, 1'.' ai.d 13, r'ecliili I.TownellelUrf., Ilaiign , l' Will. MerllMM. Iuellle.1 liollie i,l lutelilloii In make Filial Ihe )ear I'lieil, Uliile II e , lllteii. i II Will I. t,n. tlce In vro It kiln. II k'l'l It II-' Notltc '"""I lllirltl. 'I '"'"UilB 1 " ' ', ,L "' '"" f, ''.I'.Wa. Stuck Uanch Un to relahll.ti claim In the Ian I alire le- I '"" ' illel. I-,.i..('oiii.I)- I'laik, Klatnalli .', ,",1,"fc '" County, at lile nflli-e, at Klamatli rnlle, , "' V ' " " trl,Dll.oiltlie.liU)i..Vllgiet, IUU1 ""'"' I .i.i -- -. i... . i.. tiaiiiiaiii iiior. . . i, .--. n...r. j tinrilati, II. M. leier. II J Hathlite anICtiaa Mailln allul I'l Klamatli, Oregon. ''-'.M J, N Witmi, lleglili r. Notice for Publication ( nitwit, n o(f 'u nithHj, fJ Hiif t( T. jo. I'rluce Henry, brother of Ihe Her man k a tier, hat Joined the llerlln air ablp club I'rlncrat Mary of Walea, agej leu, la a ilepotltor Iu Ihe ixMtufflc ting batik and le unld lo be ghlng the prouilte of uiiicli acumen and ability Iu the tuauagi meiit of her ludeiviideul ettate. Carmen Hylea. Hie iiueeu of llou mania, rilllee off her uorele, po.-me and ratal mi the tllieMrlter. Tb.. Suiuiciouj clloW "f uer mpchlue It beard Iu lb "llitte Hie (ildlumt ohujt had mon .palace from all to eetreu hour erery ey V i i day nud often at iiljjljt. "I don't lW)W. but tbite liute bveiii Wont comet from I.ouduu (tut ttiele tlmea n ben they allowed I belr grocery no truth Iu the rexirt from the I. It. J ... .... .. ....... . t. . M XV... ' l'h..K.1 U.B.. huiiv -uicagoi An Advantage For Sure. "So .'lU'l.'n llllltrleil II ilU.uiec h'ill, h loiter thin marry lutf u widow "llntv ilo ynu in ike lint nut ' "Well, a ilhoroe i not tiki ly lo throiv up In oue the tlrtiiet of her for mcr iiu.Diuii ixmioii iniiiinript llepattmrlit fil llie lllleilor, I , S IjiihI llllllo at lkevlew, lllrTJon, June I'l, ItiH, Xollre le lielel.y given Hial HerU'itJ. .'aifllie, id Ku Klamatli, iirrgi.n, wlm, mi r-epleuitirr 'S, lur.1, iiia.lo lioiiie.te.d, No. "TT.1, for SW)4, .-eetlou'Ul.TowliihlpX.'ri., Ilalige Tljl:., Will. Merblian, liat Mini tiolUe u In tenlluii to make Final lite year I'rnol, In e.tablltli claim In ttis land almte lie- M'rlla,l Iwlore County Cletk, Klamatli. Co., al lilenfllce, al Klamatli Fall, (lie. I Kou. nn tlie let ilay ul Aug. lit, I'OH. 1 Claimant nauiet at wllneeee Chrl.l Welee, VM Uetrr, Cliarlle Martin ami ' Jamea Kuiertr, allul Ft Klamatli, tire g"ti. i'-'2 J J N Wtri' Iteghter. Ire Cream al Hie I'll) lUkrr) (Ihe in a dial, opioelle Ainrilcan Hotel, tl- Cut gla.e, allterwatn i;iirauleel (ol l'" ycare, ami blgli giale lian-l tlnri clilna at Wiulct. WE ARE LOOKING l-r Jalr tlU any r ettdti, ffe an 'i, 1 1- atldrt U ant ne If. in ll,r joutj i t t- the tnltte oil nil. I.ach natrl u jpurubej I k'.t- Perfect Satisfctk H. J. WINTERS DEALEK IN WATCHII bin to run n Itemnl Herald lotig "Love It All.' Of rlchea we are war.tlt.' more an more. Out tote II I. can Uat 'em any ralnule A mornln- glory tine above the door An' a woman awtet who lovei you atandln' In III Atlanta Comtllullon. Culled Statn (hat tbe I'rluce of Walea will pay a vltlt Iu Waiblugton after attending the tercentenary celebratlou at Quebec belt AUgMit. Church and Clergy. Oroulid an broken Latter for th. Dew Montvlew- Boulevard I'rtibyttrlau ' church of Denver. C'burcb and Huuday acbool will each teal UA). ' A Stroka of Novelty. "What make vou remrd that man at audi a brilliantly arliclual oratcrV I Uellevltif In mutcular Cbrlatliblty, I "llu uiude an uft-jr dluoer fptccbi "eT- Norutan S. Wolke la captain of n . without aaylus that be bad not expect-1 tiaieball club made up of iiivmUra of i-d to bo called on." New York Etta- Ll coDgregatlou at Kbrewabury, Co. , lug Journal. . Htatlttlca for 1U7 of tb Connecticut Awkward Job. "Ye; bo used to conalder ber very graceful and dainty." "And doesn't be now V "No. I bellete be aaw her eating aa paragua tbe other duy."-I'blladltibli I I'rcxt. Merrill Valley Ihe heart or Klamath. ) l-ur llie beet rig in town call nt llie .Mammoth Kliiblee, II.W.Htraw, I'ro-' prliilnr. t I Mernll. A natural Iracccenter. Tliey aru a ell anil iIohii loilatc lliey liltutlie iiiuly ntiil aiu uielul-iome new llilniHut.McllattHii'. Merrill. rro;,er)y la reaaonable. (.ougregatiouallau abow that they J bate oue or more cburchee In each iowu ami city iu tbe a tat eicept two. Iter. William H. Friedman waa elect ed rabbi for life of Temple Kmmauuel, iu uenii-r, at the recent annual meet ing of tbv congregation. Tbla I au I nouor teidnm U-atoitnl unou Jewi.i. , rabbit. Hev. Mr. 1'rle.linan baa already I aerted tbla congri gallon aa rabbi I eighteen J earn Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS! 100 Deiltfiii by Fred Hodgson, Chlcatfo'i Leading Architect, to Choose Prom eaaaejaaneeepKev Wo also furnish plans and upccificatioim by Hodgson ot l-3tWI regular price. Your patronngc cordially solicitea DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE M ivyvvvlf Train and Track. HOTEL FOR RENT t One-foiirtli off on all nit iilaaa ami liaml palnleil iliina for U-n ilajaonlt at' .iiiii.i. jrni-iiy mure. Merrll. The town wUhoul a boom. Notice All accounts due mo must be iettleil b)-iiotoorcasli within thirty tlaya or thoy will be publUlied and sold at pub. Ilcjmction to thn higher bidder. C I. Wlllson, There are leu rullwa) In Nora 8co tla, countluif the liiteri,l,inlil i. nv. eminent built and ojieraled road, which ha 48S nillea In llie province. The! other blue road bite u mllengu of only Mi mil.. 'ibo Nantucket rYnn-i.i r,.u.... . ' adopted motor car In plato of tbo kleam locotnotlvca hitherto In u.e. The motor cam will run on the name tracka i under their owu power. The road la ' eight mile long. , Tbo Ilrltlah rullwai vet their inn. . pile of railway tl.ii from Ituatla, but a? the Ituulao forem are now to much V mat tbe peaaaou have to. sledge the treea for making tueia Ilea I umauce or twenty mile. THE RICHELIEU, THE BEST HO TEL IN MERRILL, COMPLETELY FURNISHED. WILL LEASE TO .... DESIRABLE PARTY.... MRS. T. A. BALIS, Merrill, Ore, Dissolution of Partnership Notice Is hereby given that the bait. i nershlp htreioforo existing between wennrn and bites, at proprietor ol the American Hotel, It tlih day dissolved, W. E. Seehorn assuming all debta and collecting accounts due sild Arm. W. E. Sciborn June 23, W08. M. A. Ems. vv1 Town Topics. Londou locreases in value at th rata of $60,000,000 a year. A peculiar fact etldenclng the tiros- XfK,DgaMl N- " ".! there baa not been a pauper In town for fl. uvu vara The first wholesale store waa owned t,,?lc?,0., im' but th. wholesale trade of the city was con amatively, estimated at $1,700,000,000 Denter baa passed an ordinance that a man who allows dandellona to grow on Wa premlaea aball be, to a Am Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED . . e .. .or Wo are in recent recoipi 01 v- . the ramom Elwood Steel Fcncw, Poultry Netting in all widths. WJJJJ .ready to guarantee ovcry rod 01 . Fence we send out " Geo. R. Huni t ,. J .;i rtm