fluigArUC OPENING U WITH -Hot Weather Eatables- I COwri.'" - - BAe Merry Widow 'By AL-hETiT TAysOJV TEHHUE The warm days make the house wife look for eatables that are especially suited to the sea son of the year. Seasons demand a change In Groceries as well as other things. We have the articles that will keep you well .... -.-. , C01.YKir.llT. I00S. HY HENRY W. SAVAGE I Li . bhsKEU flHHHgj'faHiHHHHUHK SHERWIIhWlLUiltt PUNTS HMD VMHISHlt l you nrcil anything Id thl Hoe we IH l gUd to show roo color earils and quota pricet. U'tinow tie tan tuityou. """ AND BK US Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKDWAKE DKALERS Klamath Fall, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Sprinri Creek T t-t tti RESORTS ti.i. l..i limit ll.lilmi In Orriton. f lUivWhl nrcominadalloni (r fllra ( m'iik' "illllf lor frill. rri moping ground and Lull l. r li-tlt I Yiw I'Miiiii' (or stuck. rtlr'l mllliefllon. , renin in Uliuns to go to Crater Will iik-H pirlli-s at Klamath FRANK SILVIES IHONHETOR Klamath Agency, Ore. - - """ Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobblag Pintdan l.lnc of Ptumb InK tiv'clalllc and flrat (Ian Workinanahlp, A. 0. U. W. BulldlM Klamath Falls Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean roomktgood beds, and the table always sup plied with the best the market of fordt-Terma rea sonable. C. C. Jackson, Prop. PACIFIC SHOE WORKS AU Rrpair Work Dom rraaftlr and at Reduced Frlcci Miim Hull Holm. 7&c; 8ola "lllc.., ILW, IjhII.' Hall SiiliMi.iiv: wa,5cj Child ''I x Hull SiiI.t, M ivnta. . . . ii''i! uitli nil modem "'mliliii'iy hop on Main St. J.V.Heuatoa blk Professional Cards W. WM. MARTIN Dentist OIHci. over Klainnth County Dank DR-C.P.MASON Dentist Al"'rtcai. Hunk A Truat Co. Dnlldlnu c J". STONE Attorney at Law OrW, c over iotomco, Klamath Falla, D V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falla, Oregon Oregon UriioNi: 19 X Hrfillgo Hliilli' Mole iti'ro her fill i' film rnriin wry i'Io.i. to i,ti- In- mo. ao 'l(m tlmt I lii' fnlnt pi-iMiiin nf , (.r Imlr wn wm In lil noirlln, nt clone Hint Iiit breath n wnnii upon hl lip! mo lime tlmt III lifnlldcrul mill Struggled III mill lo III. I.i f rum Die itlort In her rye, Her un was n iiiinlcnl lllIT n Htm nuked: i 'You'll hewr say to mi 'I lovejou)' ' There a nn Infinity of allurement I in the trmptliiK word", Dunlin, nlth a ' mighty rrort. .hook utr Hie p-l mid I shouted' "Nevrrl Ncw-r! .Vewr" "That's a comfort!" ulir mild roldly, I drawing etny uml vklnu to ti-11 her ' keen disappointment "Itut." ln added ' inon' softly, "why not .ny f jut ' really nt toV I "I ilou' I unlit to!" lie declared sulki ly "Ami )ou proinlae fnlllifnllx ji.u'll nrtrr iny to in.-, 'I hm- juuV" Again tlni Km tt-rtloiiil)' elm.- to lilio, Again hi r)e loio llirmulvei free from the pliadlng stduetlvviiess of her n In- reiterated: "1 irouilu"! I'm not golug In lualsa a fool of wyaclf or l wndu a fool of." "la Hint n dn-larutlon of warV qtirrlnl Houla. "No-of frlcniUhli). Do on u":n to aar tf I aaktd ou to Ih my lf you would wet-fly laugli ot uii'V "I'robably. All wen are allki'." "Tlicy are not, and In limit I'll proc It lo you." lleforo ahe could anawer tlio nmbaa. ador and aeveral of (lie guralu ca""-' Into tho room. At tlmt nirtuully I'oporT dtvw Danllu aaldf. "I'rlnce," aald lio lmprciilvily. "you Jiovo now liccn attmlieil 1" till It'lW Hon nearly four uioiillw and" Few of my Btlncliincuia latt o long," olm-rvfd Danllo. "You refer to your love affair? I Lave heard of llicin. They navo lirougbt you to tho brink of ruin. ou aro almoat pcnnlleaa. Hero Ih my lln to aavo you, alio to glvo you a chanca to aavo your country from-bankruptcy. I waut you in marry." To what)" cried Danllo. "To marry-lienutlfiil woman, my boy -twenty mllllona-Miuo. Bonlii Hadowal Hay V "Never!" returned DauIIo, angrily. n ht roae to eud the lutervlew. "Theu a Frenchman will marry her, and her forluno au our country will be ruined." ,., "I wou't marry her," repeated Danllo, "and aha wou't marry me. But for uiy country'a aake I'll keep any french man from marrying ber." "But bow?" "You aboil eel" p af V A'iMr'aaaaaaaaaaaaaf aaCaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVal im-"j fW 'm! ,- f "NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!" wM$ CHAPTER III. The Garden Fete. mill' garden of Mine. Konla 8a itriuii'M llln, just nntalde Pari, ni'ii' Kii)ly decorated fr n Iuimi fill- 'I he grounds were dotted with IniiKlilliK group of bright, ly ilreimed nun iiiul women, for HouU luiil pnrllciilnrly ifiui'itti-U Hint nil her Mnmotlaii tui-ti ttrur their plclur. rviue nnlhe (ikIuiiii-, and tlio rviult wui n inllnMi' kalvl-loiwoplc carnlvnl of nlor. n iH-rfcrt riot of coricroua liticN mill hlrlkliiL' llt'iiri'ii. ' AiiilmiKiiilnr 1'i'iKiir, liU long, Iran tlfun- ilrnM'il In lill gnt'ii, wua pac liiK tin' iiIU-) or tin- pirili-n ni'ur ttia intra in i Knlf, paiittng in-rrouily now uinl iik'iiIii to m-uii late arrival In m- S(i of Home ono At ti-nictu he dw acrled tho man be aougbt Nlab waa just buatllng Into the grounda, and tltt iiiubaaaador at once beckoned to blm. "Now, then. Mr. Nlab," cried I'opotr nn aoou aa tho llttlo clerk bad ahain bled within earahot, "I told you to brliiR Prlnro Danllo here and not to leavo blm for nn Inatant untn-' "He wouldn't let me atay," explained Mill. "Ho aaya ho won't come. Ile'a giving a jnrty-lf 1 may aay ao, a very gn)"- .... "And for tho aako of a lot of uleae tire aceklug Idler the prluce refuaea to obey my orders and como to Mma. Honla'a?" "Vea, your excellency. lie positively refuse lo come. And when 1 aay positively' rcfuw I- Here be U nowl" Dnullo, reapleiideut In Hie uulforui of a Maraovhin captain of buaaara, atroll eil nonchalantly forward, wltb a care lea nod that quite Ignored tbe ambas sador' glare of reproof at bta late- iicbs. "I underataud, prluce." began Topoff coldly, "Hint you positively refused to obey my"- . "So I did, so I did," assented Duullo cheerfully. "Uut at the lust moment 1 changed my'mlnd and my clothes, and here I nm. I've postpoued my party for an hour or so. You aee. I remem bered my promise to help you ecara away from the widow any Frenchman who aeomed Inclined to make love to her. That's why I came." "doodl" approved Popoff, rubbing Ma band gleefully. "Verr goodl Aad wbero do you expect to xgln?" "With the moat aangeroua sorwr. Wbo Is be?" "Well, ' replied Popoff confidentially, "Pvo had my eye on ber, and It aeeaaa to mo that De Jolldon" Do Jolldon!" exclaimed Danllo. "Imposslblel" "Why Impossible, pray? I think I have as good eyes aa any man. I tululc, air, I can detect love whan I see It. And from tbe way Da Jolldon looks at the jy.ldow-wb7, wan, J aon'j kliow n" Single ililiig tliul'ilwun'l fioliit toward hi being In lovo with tier. If- "If I may any no, your excellency," i put In Nlah, nhiifllltix ui-rvoiinly, "I think I could tell you of a 'nliiglv' thing, or, rather," he added, chuckling, "when I sny 'ulriiilc' I mean 'inarrlinl.'" "Mr. Nlsb," lulerruplcd Popoff. 'If. you can slop wriggling" around like an Inebriated centlix.il long enough to I talk plainly, will you iIo,ine Hie honor J to put your blithering Into plain ' wonls?" "Well, jour eicellency," stammered I Nlali, "1 happen to know M. do Joll- I don Is nlreudy head out beel In loe . wltb a lady who has a husband. He" j "Mr. Nlsb," thundered Popoff, "you are demeaning yourself to the con i temptlble act of talking scandal! Are l you aware of that, Mr. Ninu? If so, go on talking It and tell me who sbe , l." "You fool!" whispered Dnullo In ' Nlsb' ear. "Cterybody but tbe am- , batiador himself knows It Is Mme. Popoff w bom De Jolldon loves. Ue . careful!" "Well, Mr. Nlsb," repeated Popoff majestically as be eyed tbe squirming i clerk with lofty majesty, "I'm wait- i Ing to hear the name of tbe lady that Do Jottdon Is In love wltb." "He-he neglected to tell mo, your ! excellency," sputtered Nlsb. "Then," decided Hie nuibnsnador, "I shall discover her by diplomatic mean, , and when I And who she I alio shall ! use her Influence to lure De Jolldon away from the nldow. Prince, will ' you help uie In this?" "lnve It all to me," suggested Da- i nllo, Kltli startling wllllngnes. "Don't I try lo learn ber Identity yourself. Let ; me nttcud to tbe w bole matter." "All right," consented Popoff. "It j will l n good lesson In diplomacy for i you. Perhaps 1 ran put you ou the ', right track." Tbe ambassador drew on Ivory fan from his iocket. "Last night at the cuibasiy ball," said be, "Nova Kovltch, wbo used to be one of my attaches, brought 'me this. He waa crazy with Jealousy. He'd Just picked up the fan; said It was his wife's aud that some man bad written 1 love you' on one of tb ' sticks. He was going homo to beat bt wife and make ber confess wbo tho villain waa when I persuaded my nlfo to save poor Mme. Nora Kovltcb by pretending tbe fan was ber own. Ab, but my wife Is a bom diplomatist! ' Nova Kovltcb was convinced, and I IKxketed the fan for future reference." ; Danllo took tbe trinket from Popoff- i hand and rend the nclled Inscrlp- j llou. I "Why," be aald on" Impulse, "Ibis Is De Jolldou's handwriting! How doe It unmien that be" "Theu," squealed Popoff lu triumph, "It Is Mine. Nova Kovltcb bo loves. The whole tblug Is absurdly simple when a brain like mine Is brought to bear on It!" Delighted wltb hi own astutcuess, tbe ambassador pattervd off to join the other guests, teat lug Danllo, fan In band, blankly facing tbe astounded lit tle clerk. i To lie Continued Feline Fishers. The ancient Egyptians used to nib wltb cats on the Nile. Tbe animals were trained to enter tbe water and selte the flab, which were then taken away by the fishermen. Banana Skin Soap. Banana skins are utilized In soap making on tbe weat coast of Africa. Tbo skins are rlcb In alkali, ao they are burned to an ash, and this mixed wltb water and palm oil goes to make a cleanser wblcb la In demand among the whltea aa well aa tbo natives. The. Mirror and Death. Covering tbe mirror when there Is death In the family originated In the superstition that goblins, sprites, elves or other uncanny creatures would crowd to tbe glaaa to look on. The Lion's Face. "No one can look Into tbe face of tbe klug of beasts," aaya an animal trainer, "without receiving mora or leas con aclous uplift His face la tbe absolute embodiment of strength, determination, power and fearlessness. Ue la tho only king on earth that looks tbe part There are lines of majesty and of pow er In repose In hla countenance not found elsewhere except In tbe sphinx and In tbe somewhat Idealized por traits of Washington." .An Oily Nee. A red, oily nose should be batbed wltb borax water and afterward anointed wltb camphor water. Chicago to Hongkong. From Chicago tbe distance to Hong kong is, via New York and Suet, 12,022 miles; via Ban Francisco, 8,865 miles: via New Orleans and Panama, 11,742 miles, and via Tebuautepec, 10,220 miles. Water. So penetrating la water at high pres sure that only "special qualities of caat Iran will withstand It CHASE G SANBORN COtTEES ARE THE BEST .... FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES E. W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Witiihow, Vice President Abstracting Mapa, Plain, Blue Frlnta, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors' and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt, C. E. President Klamath East End Meat Market CRISLER 5 STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all kinds. We handle our meats in tho most modem way in clean liness and surroundings. Try ua and we will be most happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys nt present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Sakamen. The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD a"g seshi Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401 or K; K K Store, Phoie 174 JL FjTELDER Wood Yard and Of flee . it. r iiu-ts-jfi Netr Clly HiU rkone84 2500 Acres Free Tim Lakeside company has 2500 actea nt land under the Adams ditch that it will nlvu ItF.N'T FHEi: (or one year. This Includes the use o( the land and water. The renter must clear and place the land in cnlltvation. Tbe rent er gets all the crops but we reserve the right lo pasture the stubble. The Lakeside Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill Oregon, VAN RIPER BROS. Allen Sloh Secretary M. D.WiLUAUfl, C. E. Treasurer Falls, Oregon Office on Fifth Street CENTRAL CAFE Opea Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served la Aay Style J, V. HOUSTON, Prop. Tho Stilts Dry Goods Co. ha received several shipment ot Eastern dress goods, Call and Inspect the new line.