The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 23, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Kl Vuwr '"
Klanmtli Knllrt
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
geCosi) Yi:ak, No. r8fi.
Price, 5 Cents.
Court Asked to Review Proceed
ings in Prohi Election
Petition Sets forth Errors on Part of the County Court in
Order for Llection on Question unil in De
claring County Prohibition
Hnrr the )clloii ul lodge llamia
fraatlnic cruineiit lnctl'm against
lUrjunty cuintiil Jackson courtly In
ll, matter l ii-deting tlio city ul Med
;J rulillulluti iilnlrr llm local uilmi
hm llirin lut heeii a movement among
l,e sal-am men "' 'l idly ,0 " ,'l
procwllii,:" llmt would prohibit llm
nasty rouil from declaring the city l
Klamath lullt prohibition iiiMlcr the
WiloitW" In In accordance wllh the
(ul ol the county at (lie leeenl election
Tli flit ttep In llil direction wae
tArn jritrrday when Kent Ballard ami
A. Cattel, thinugli llielr attorneys, F,
II, MllUan.l A I.. Uailll, Med a petl
lion In llir rlirull coil 1 1 asking lor a writ
ol mirw, making County Judge Grif
fith a in I liiiiiniUiloncr Fred MclliaM
III iWcii lantt. Till writ will cum
Wort Ju 1 IW.ikmi at toon ai lie can
i)l lime tu take up the matUr, anil Ihla
ill! hWly It Ufoie Hid flritilayol July,
i according la thrforder ul Hit county
court iioMMtloii goea into effect. The
o-itrurae ul the cat will bo Watched
altli mucli Inlrrnt. The matter ol
rititlii tlio writ will In Itself not slap
l-rulilMtinii fiuui going Into effect, but II
IU until granted It la very proliable
lUl a retraining unler will Iw Issued,
lO'Illtlil- it done Ilia aalogua will roii
liouc l-mlneta until ilia trailer it Anally
In tln tltlu are set forth number
ol irumi why the'wrll should be grant,
el, LulchM among them la that the
local option law la superceded by the
charter ol the city ol Klamath Fall.
The local option law we enacted la
JuaeollMI, while the city charter wet
not tnaclnl until the following year.
Tlilt -lacea thu caae practically on
l-ar with that ol Medford, except that
tl chatter of tM city ilora lint roic
I lilnlliuclautu delegating to the city
in power to regulate licence and pro
MUt tlio tale of Inloilcatlng liquor re
rinlleas of any other atatfl law. The
Plnlli, "n-gardleM of any other
Isle law" la not alllieil to the rlauae in
tin charier fur Klamath Fall.
Tlieptiiiinn itei error on the part
For Ladies' Khaki Suits, Skirts and Leggings, Outing Boots
and Shoes of all kinds. Men's Outing and Khaki Suits. Hats,
Gloves and Leggings, Walkover and Napatan Boots, Straw
and Outing Hats of every description": Tents, Hammocks,
Pishing Tackle, Mosquito Netting. Blankets, Quilts, Duck.etc.
I Hie ciuuly oniil In nuikiiii; the i
for the local opllon flection and alto in
declaring the reailtt ol the election.
Pound Alany Curios
W. IIiiIik, of rH-Ule, ha Ixeli !
tlltnogli Noitliein l.akit rotinty plot-.
iwctlngand hiinlliig cuiioa While at
Miter Uke ho lntMH:tiil the tamp f ( I'1'"-'' '" lad. K. W. Gillette and It.
ore niniiital frinii the Ixiw ile.eit by II. ! " '!' - the laat to Jurymen telwt
Van IKirii, ''' The rate wna called tlilt morning
"While thete ramplea are only crop. "''' ha proecutlon Hated to the Jury,
ptnga.nnd ronlaln very little K'Vd.ow. ,1,t " Wl'i-l to P'v. Following
ing to their i-ipo.ure from the elen.enlt, I ''' '"t-'1"1 ,,,e """"H'"' of witneaaea.
audi formation I. almixt a auie Indict ' Claienc.. HarrL. the complaining wit
Hon ol Hd,tldMr. Hot-., and (he ' the "rat to b examine,!, and
mm who dltctertM tlil. pm.,,ecl ' M'1 MMinallon together with
ahould Imrallgalr., by all' ' "" lwtllonlii. by ll.e defen.e
meant," i
From Hiher Ijle Mr. Ihilw took a.
iiiirllieatteilv romte acrota Ijike. .Mai-'
heur.nd Harney fountlet. lie ,e.rt.!-",! " M-nlljr brought up and the
that he I... t.lcked npa Mty .u.MJu"',,,!'-,heOM wl,lch Aw,t
(YtllaTtliin lif IlltliaMl TUlHefl 111 t IllP UHI .
i.t.. .i...c.......,I.L-
hllla he found oer NX) arrow and tpcai
point, alone kliitet, etc., and at arlom
placca he luund bfiwla, pitlola, bead a
and olliei liiukela.
O. Hellkemiier. Jr.. and W. J. Hreli-
. and W.
nan are putting ioidu of the llulihing
louche" mi their launch mid wilt liavn
(. ....I.. ,... .1... mil.. In lli., riinrmi III
' . ,. , ., , .,,
few weekt. While In r.)itwnd Mr,
lleilkemper i.urclitnl a line icanh-
light whldi will bo placed on the boalj
when it goca Into couimlttlon.
J. t). Carroll la again In the Held for a
cook and he waa on the atresia of the
city hrforujm'akfail Ihla morning look'
Ing for aome lady lo take churno ol hit
hounhoM. Hetayahe will bo with
out ranch hauda II he hat to do thu
cooking lor many moro daya.
O.A. Ue and (.null have returned
from Washington, where they had gone
to locate. After iiilinR a few week"
in that country I hey ictiirned hero wllh
the Intention of (laying and with the
firm belief that there la no place llko
: IF SO :-
Inspecting Ranch Lands
In Wood River Valley
W. I- l'iatlnr, Jr., iA Montague, ami
W. K. Kviilny, ill Chicago, wern Iti Hie
city to-lay en route to Fort Klamath
lifin they ku in Investigate, landa In
Wondtlvrr alluy 'villi view tu pur
ine lor parties rreriteJ by Mr.
Mr. I'rntlii-r It im ul the llrm of
I'mtligr llrot,, owning the Urge ranch
In llutte alley near Maolol and Mt.
Hebron. Butue lime ago It was an
iintimed that they would subdivide the sum! place It on the market. Mr.
I'rntlmr alalen that this wai their In-
Arrant Case Draws
Crowded Court Room
The jury in the Aiant cato waa rone
took up the entire forenoon and part ol
tho afternoon.
The matter ol the two calvei in the
Ihla morning to bo Introduced
In the
(,a"! ' "v''l','ce'
other calf the
Officers Are Elected for
Two and a Half Years
AttoineyOeneral CrawforJ ha held
that no olHcerelecl.-d two cart ago can
hold otllco until January 1, lOOtf, under
the law paaied by the people June 1,
which changei the lime of the itate
election from tho llrat Monday in June
to the Ural Turaday after thj llrat Mon
day in November. Sheriff II. T. Mc
Clellau of Doutfla county aaked the at-turney-general't
oplnlorron the matter.
In connection with tbl it follow
that the ofllrcr who were aeltcted at
tho laat election were choren (or two
year, their time ol ottlre expiring July
of IHIO. The amendment changing the
time of election fixe It o that their
aucceaaora will not be elected until in
November ol that year, and will not
qualify until January ltt, 1911. It fol
Ion from thlt that every county officer
elected at the latt election will tcrve tlx
month In addition to hi term ol two
year, or until the flnt day of January,
K. W. Smith will atari for Pelican Bay
hortly with a force of men to begin
work on the automobile road from the
Hay to Fort Klamath. Moat of the ex-
penau of tho building till road will lie
paid by K, II. Ilarnman.
The Intt-at novelty in hatpins made
from veal Mowers ai In nature, no two
nllke.-O, lleilkemper, Jr.
Among those, who returned latt night
from Portland and. other point along
the line of the Southern 1'aclflc were
Mr. S. 0. Hamaker, Mr. W. A, Walk-
er, Mra. Geo, T. Baldwin and Dr. F. M.
You can get a 2Jium1 book at Will
son's hotel for 4. Board and lodging 5
a wook. 0. D. Willion, Prop. , If
Mitt Alice Poole, one ot the popular
teacher In the Klamath Fall tchoolt,
left this morning for Grant Pa where
he will remain (or a few week. ,She
waa accompanied by her mother.
We are looking (or thf molt difficult
case In glati fitting at Winter.
tcnlionat the tlmo, hut it It now very
probable that the ranch will be cut In.
to amall tracti by other parties at they
have practically doted the ileal for the
ale of llio entire properly. He thinkt
there will boa strong demand for the
mall faruii at the Dunkardt settlement
li raptilly Incroaaing and with tlio
ettlemont there It an increato In the
demand for land.
Tbla la Mr. I'rathcr'a llrat visit to the
Klamath country and he la favorahly
Impii-aned with what he hat wen of tlio
one which cauted the litigation In the
Juttlce court died aome tlinu ago, but
the hide hat been preserved and It la
aald will alao lie ured ar evidence In the'
Up toll -.30 thlt allernoon three wit
neaaea had liecn examined, llarria, Mra.
Harrla and Joe Kelley. The exami
nation of wltnrttes la going very f lowly
and It will likely take aeveral day to
conclude taking the evidence.
During the entire day the court room
had been crowded with apectatort and
the proceeding! are being watched with
a treat deal ol intereat. The fact that
five attorney are Until upon the aide
of the proaecutlng and three on the de
fan makce every tlep that la taken a
legal battle.
Mra, F. E.Ankeny It vltitlng relatives
i Portland and Seattle.
Hat hat, pecial aale on hata, Sat
unlay only at the Portland Store.
C. 0. Jackson, the Fort Klamath hotel
man, I In the city.
Hire Root Betr at the city Bakery,
opposite American Hotel. tl-
Wm. F. Paine, a Lakevlew real estate
dealer, I In the city on business.
Hatpin madolrom real rosebud and
carnation, a in nature, no two alike.
G. Heltkemper, Jr.
Mr. and Mra. Geo, McDonald and
Mr. Bert Wlthrow are visiting In Rogue
river valley.
The prettiest things the machinery
could turn nnt In silverware at McIIat
tan'. 0. H.McCumber came in (rom his
ranch near Dairy yesterday.
Sheriff-elect W. It. Barnea and tit
deputy, R. G, Gut bridge, are now in the
sheriff' office lamlllarlxing themselves
with the work of the office,
A One line of new et and pieces in
the popular "Vintage" pattern lingers
1847 ware at Mcllattan's.
Alex. Davit, one of the Klamath
marsh cattlemen, Is in the city. He
ay that the range I not a good a
usual and a consequence slock might
be in better condition. The cold Spring
ha kept th graaa back.
Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Obenchaln will tell the Mid
way Bar Fixture, building formerly
occupied by .the Midway Bar, together
with about U0 ton ot ice, on the 26th
day of June. The aale wllfbe made at
what wa formerly the Midway Bar, and
will continence at 10 o'clock a. m. on
Friday the 6tb.
Director Newell Replies to Upper
Project Landowners
Answering Protest from Members of Water Users' Asso
ciation He Says Work Will Begin on Clear. LoRe
Dam When 'Subscriptions Increase
iV- ' '-'leaaiBlBH
Director Jacob Rucck, of Dairy
Bears Numerous
Hears arc more fiumerous in the
mountain! thlt year than they have been
tor some time, A few have been killed
by hunters mid n number of thete that
have been feci) have escaped in the
woods, A fen- dayt ago Win. Yeo was
coming fiom Ash and with a load of
(rult and on the road In the mountain!
he encountered a large cinnamon bear.
Hit horset wero badly frightened and
almost cauted a runawaj. The bear
was allowed to go on hit way unmolested.
M. I. Willlnuii, the popular county
surveyor, It-It here a few days ago stat
ing tliat lie wut ;oIng to Fort Klamath
to turvey tho llarrlmau automobile
road, but instead of this he went to
Aehland wheie he met Mlt Marl
Huatey, lately of Montreal, Canada,
and a ceremony waa said by one of the
ministers of that city. Mr. and Mr.
Williams will arrive here In a few daya
and will make their home In this city.
liable Hooper, the infant child ol Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Hooper, residing at the
Hawkins ranch tlx miles south of town,
died ycttcrday, aged nine day. The
funeral was held from the residence
this afternoon.
Fathci Yasli, of Lakevlew, will arrive
here tonight. Hereafter the Lakevlew
pariah will bo tn charge of Father Feusi.
M The proof of I """' ""j it in the k
I The White Mountain Freezer , I
1 makes more cream, better cream, and makes it eatirr
1 ami cheaper than any other freezer on the market m
"Newell paid aome attention to lie
action w took at the Bonanza meeting,"
said Jacob Rueck, one of the director
of the Water User' Association and n
landowner In the Upper project, when
speaking about the meeting recently
held to determine tion some action to
be taken If the Reclamation Service
ahould refuse to reconsider the bid on
the Clear Lake dam and deeido not to
begin work on that part of tho project
this year. Mr. Rueck continued, "We
atleastgot an answer to our telegram,
and that I more than tho association
got to the tolegrams sen', out by order
ol the aitoclatlon when in session In
Klamath Falls. Director Newell tele
graphed the committee that as soon as
we had 80 per cent ol the lands signed
up he would begin work on the dam.
We bare almost that now, counting the
land that are signed conditionally, and
wa are going to make an effort to get
the balance at once."
Mr. Rueck wa not informed a to
how Director Newell prop aed to do the
work, whether by contract, or by force
account. Should be undertake it by the
force account It 1 very provable that be
will meet with considerable opposition,
as many ol the landowner in that sec
tion are bitterly opposed to that form of
construction work.
It i apparent from the telegram sent
by Mr. Newell that his chief reason (or
the rejection of the bids on the dam was
because the required per cent of the
land hai not been ttgned up with tho
Government. Mr. Rueck think that
with Director Newell' promlte that he
will begin work on th dam jutt a toon
a the required amount of land 1 tlgned
(or Irrigation, there will not be much
difficulty in getting moat of the land
remaining unsigned under contract (or
water. At the present time about 74K
per'centof the lands are signed con
ditionally and unconditionally.
Bulldlng New Walks
In accordance with an order made by
the council at It last meeting a new
sidewalk Is being built In Iront ot the
vacant lot In th post office block.
Walka must also be built in other parta
ol the rlty and City Marshal Low has
been serving notice on property holder
to thla effect.