"Zn(f Pie fueling tfrnilfl. Our Advertisers Get the Bent Results . . . Klamath Fnll" SkcoNH Yi:au. No. CM. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 22. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. MAY BUILD NEW ROAD Crook County People Tired Wait ing on Dilatory Capital WILL EXTEND LINE FROM SMAMKO local Men Start Movement to Construct Kuilroud to I'rinv- tillr and Bend Work h to Begin til On(c on the Propesad Crook County I ine CncA roinl l.iuiin men hatu not (Urn Hi" Ilea u( getting railroad nnnrcti"" Ulwreii Hhantku, IWud and I'iIiic villi- I li H'"r'r "I I'Hnevllh- ami oilier 'lii' IiiUiuI lure started mure, nvnt i huild steam railroad between llirw niils 'Ihey promise to raUn rnoiiitti try to build first In Molten, in I li Umlnig that section continue naitrui-llin by degrees lu Madras, Ii mtiit.t, I'niietllloaiid Dend. Il I ir(K.ilrl (rum Prllieville llit aorl will I "Uriel nn I lie priMd Mil ulllini (li neit 31 !)'. Portland ri.Ul it in I i m Milnd III project, in I the I'urtUn I chainl-er nl romnirrre liI'Mlrrinj-lliu movciiiriit. Aclite ro Dulioii an I llnanrlalsiipinrlls proau Iwd bjr llir Crook comity -wople. Allliou,ili llm (). It. A N. Company's tilinrrri mi I Ualtlc turn have rt-Kjf tr-l tut It I liupiacllcable In extend III I'oljmLu ftmthcrn to Cntrl Oregon, U.e t-c.!r ( that legion declare poti llrtlr that they ran and will liullil rmloTrr It.r route thai u surveyed for tin CulumJiU aiouthern to the I'rvilH rlter. I'roin that point they prnrp to n'tcrt tlm inoul feasible roil I r t llip iho main objective centers, I'rlnc iltlfaii.IIU.-ml, Thi-y no longer expect nor hoi lu r it ii extension ol the Col uailU Koiitliini by the O. It. A N. Com- i-my. A meeting ol Crook County business men uai lii-. t Prlnevlllo at which rommltlert were appointed lo formulate l-lani for pushing Ilia construction of tin- real to a suc'rsilul conclusion. Tlioiliitamo (mm Shanlko, tit term ini" i.f llm Columbia Southern to the Un.l i us miles. For ee.eral year there tin been talk ol III ronttrnetlon ma I lo tlm Deschute dwrl where ali'go hudy of Unil ha) been reclaimed under I In- Carey act. Several rullroail mr)a lute lii-cn inailo llirougli Crook County I, in tl() instruction ol an ex. trnilon hi thu Coluiiilila Southern liai new l-guii I In. K-njilc ol Crook ttunty lime KrilM tre, 0 waiinK anJ rilrlcrmliiiin haw a railroad II Uicy miml hulM themselves. " '51 C For Ladies' Khaki SuiU, Sklrta and Leggings, Outing Boots ami Shnno .it iiAm u.i. rt.iiinn- anrl Khakt Suits. Hats, Gloves and Leggings, Walkover and Napatan Boots, Straw and Outing Hata of every detcrlption: Tents, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Mosquito Netting, Blankets, Quilts, Duck.etc. K. K. K. STORE KLAMATH FALLS BEST VALUE C 1 I B S Tickets On Sale July ist Mi.it of t!,r Hrlili fur tin- Niiithi-tn I'trlllc aui-ric) In this city lme arrived anil T. A. K. Fassett, w In I In charge ol the local agenry, says In- will lulu llckcl lur all lailioad ilnts In the Unlti-d Htati-n on ah on and afti-r July lat. The Uaw-ling public III thru U alils lo Urn i-iactly tlm lanii ratri from thli rltj a inn l- rcuri-.I from I'ortlaiiil, Han rianriii-o, or any othrr rallrnail miIii1. It will l hit a iliutt time until Iho ticket (nr all i:uroH-an pilnti lll anhi- I'Udmt the Klanmtli Kalla ollli-f on nuriiial nithall ntlu-riiif the rallrnail i)trtu. Throiiicli ticki-ta to Klamath Fall aiu alriraily on idle at imlililr kiIiiIi ainl the lint oni uat ni'i-luM nt tlil point lal 11I4I1I. the lamv llii: )M at Pacramruln, Normal (Iraduntcs Among the graduate nl tho Aihtand Normal this ) ear aro Ihritt Klamath County young ladlei-, MIm MaM liar )le ol lloiiaiun and the Mine Gall Welch and Nittlo Drew nl Dilry. MIm t'rew ret-elved thu Hit-rln medal, awarded not only (or icholanhlp, hut ai a token ol appreciation for possessing attributes ihaiactetiilh' of the Ueal student. George Kmrry got a cow ol Jim lion ham ol Hummer Uke some time ago lo milk, and lait week iho gae With to three ns nlco calves as one should want lose. The cow I a Hcieford and the calves aro all marked like the mother, and ran hardly Imi told apart. It is not olUnarow has tilplctt, and moru e peclally all ol them alive and husky fel lows. Hllvcr Uko I-csder. At the opera houto tonight -Wash. Ington at Valley Korge, historical ; Caught in a dllllcult I'osltlon, comic; Tlisniglitlullnesi and a Statuo on a Hpreo, great. Illustrated song, Two lllue II) es. Only 10 cents. are you GOING CAMPING : IF SO :- OUTFIT AT THIS STORE INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS ARE STILL UNSETTLED IN THE EAST "I'iiiniiclal comlllloiit lliroughout the l.ait am hml," naM II. V. (Jatn, who hm Ju.t n-tmmil to Ort-gon alter rnak liiK n lour of nil of tlm .rlnclml cltlpn ol Iho I'li't. Ilvniiitltiiii-il "Tho Itate incut 'hul' nhniiM Ik- iiiallfle.l. Therf l lots uf iimiiiiy In the l.'aul that It, lotiol It mi giillt i-iIko ii-vurlty. There It, howi-rr, no iimrii-y lor iculatloii. I'lilimtrli-a ol all klmln am claiaeil at t-culatlnii, ami II la a hanl matter to Ki-t iiioney fur their ilevelopment. Thrt ' iiiinufai-toili-a Into not yet recovered liom lliu panic ol lait (all, ami all of the large ImJnttrlal Initllutlooi are till ni-ernlliiK with reduce force!. Uuil- I lien ha picket up aome ilnce iprlng, hut there i a Iwllnn of Indifference tliruiiKliiiiit thu whole country, am) tho I iiiilli-alluu are that It will continue un till after tin- preiiilentlal election." .Mr liatpi l lutereitcil (n the promo Hyde and Schneider Guilty Benson and Dimond Acquitted Washington, June 2.' Ttie verdict lu the Dimond lllitvllensoii land Iraud cai-s muitd a great deal of surprise as two nl tin- ili-.'endanta were found guilty and two were acquitted. Frederick A. Hyde and Jnoul Schneider were found guilty of all counts, while John A. Den sou and Henry Dimond were acquitted of all chargrs In the land fraud cases. Visiting Projects J.C. Illaurhanl, the ttatlatlclan lor the Iteclauiatlnn Hervlce, Is now in the West nn his annual visit to the Irrigation projects. One ol the chief objects ol hit ialt Is to acquire Information that will aid In the movement ol tettlert to the Irrigated lands. He will visit the Klom nth project in the Utter part of July or early In -August. In speaking ol the Klamath project, Mr. Dlanchard Is quot ed ni saying: "We are well pleased with the pro press on tho Klamath project. Tbe first units there, ol course, were the privately n mil lauds, but the work ol eitendlng She canals lo the other valleys has been pressed. Already there are many in quiries lor Klamath lands. Settler ucn want to purchase the swamp and other low lands that the Government has not yet begun to drain." Indian School Closes Kchool at the Klamath Agency closed last Irlday and the afternoon ol that day was devoted to athellc sports. The records made by tho boye were very creditable, etpeclally when it it considered that this la the first Held meet held at the school. It it hoped that a field day at tho clcte ol school ran hereafter bo made an annual event. .The eentt a-idresulti were at follows! Hunnlng broad jump, George Isaac, winner, dUtanco 17 feet 4 Inches. High Jump, Georgo Isaac winner, height, 4 feet 8 Inches. Pole vault, Frank Coburn winner, 8 feet. Threejegged race, George Isaac A Frank Coburn wlnnert. Potato race, Daniel John, winner. Runnlnn the bates, William Ball, winner, lime, !! seconds. Sack IUce, Cleveland Hutchinson, winner. Throwing tho Baseball, Munson Stokes, winner. Distance not mea sured. Martin Bros, loaded barge at Merrill landing with 80,000 pound of barley for Erickson & Peterson, the railroad con tractors. The barge will be tent to .Tes ter' landing Monday. Merrill Record. motion of one ol the largest poa er plants In the United fitatet, anil ho made hie trip Kail, It Is understood, in the Inter Ml ol this proposition and while then; took occasion to visit all points ol Inter, est. He was accompanied by his dauifh tr, Miss Helen Dates, who arroinpan. led him to this city. He vltlted many ol the lame electrical apply manufacturing concerns mid he aj a allot them are still sufferlnK Irom the effects of the panic. "Most ol them rtport an increase In business," ald Mr. Gales, "hut the goods that they are selling do not go to new enterprises and Industries, but rather are supplies (or established concerns. Everyone aceou to feel that times are bad, and they ap pear as II In a stupor ami havo lost all Hie an I vim." Mr. Gates will he here (or several days looking alter the addi tions that are being made to Iho light and water n)stem ol this city. Still Selecting Jury Circuit court convened this morning and the entire forenoon and part of the afternoon was spent In the examination ol Juror a lor the A rant case. Of the twenty-one Jurors In the court room four were excused by the court, two by the state amhfour by tho defense, while the re maining ten were accepted. The regu lar panel having been exhausted a special venlro of fire drawn and it is thought that from this number the two necessary Jurors will lie chosen. The completion ol the Jury will be tho tlrst thing In the morning, and the trial will begin immediately upon itt completion. The jurort tp lar (circled are: A. C. Lewis, Felix Strickland, Allen Sloan, Henry Straw, Burge Mason, Fred fitukel, F. L. Armstrong, II. L. Aldridge, Chat. Ager and Henry Olfenbacher. Developing the nines Several mining men ol prominence have thi spring visited tbe Lake coun ty discoveries, and in tome Instances properties have been acquired by them. One of the biggest dealt consummated Is that by which J. 1. Battler, of Colo rado, and Wm. Schauer, ol New Pine Creek, secured a lease on tbe Laughlln and Jamison group of claim, by mak ing a cash payment ol 4,000. K. of P. Notice Itegular meeting at Sanderson's hall tonight. Important business coming tip. Your attendance it requested. A meeting ol tbe stockholders ol the Langell Valley Telephone.company wat held In Bonania last Saturday. The re quired number or shares, half, to amend the by-law were not represented and the meeting adjourned to Saturday the 27th, when important business will be transacted. Bonanza Bulletin. Tbe Baptist Association concluded itt meeting yetterday and most ol those in attendance from the variout part of the dittrlet started horn today. All ol the sessions were largely attended and it U said to have been one ol the mott sue cetitul associations ever held In this district. A marriage license was issued tbta morning to Tobe 8. Mltbler and Mils May Blate, both of Merrill. The parties were married by Rev. J, B. Griffith at hi residence ot 11 o'clock tbla morning. Wear looking for tbe mott difficult case in glaiaflttlng at Winters. BEGIN WORK AT ONCE Collecting Material for Building Two More Reservoirs LAY PIPES FOR SEVERAL MILES Light & Water Company Starts Work on Extension of Sys tem so as to Enable It to Supply the Increasing Demand of the City for Water Will Go To Lakeview Arrangements liavo been completed whereby the Klsmnth Falls base ball team will pratlclpate In the tournament at Lakeview. .Vest ol the boys are now on the ground, hut a few have not yet arrived Irom Corvallit where they have been attending school, but will be here In tlmetostartlorl.akev.cwon the 29th. Advices Irom Lakeview stato that the first prize will be fCOO, the second $250 and the third, I50. The local player leel confident that they will capture the CO0. There will be five or six teams In the tournament. Silver Lake, Ft. Bid- well, New Pine Creek and Paisley hare already signified their intention! ol participating In the event ' The local bojt have received coutlder- able assistance Irom tho business roenot this city, but unlets they win the tint purse they will not come out even. Practise games are being played every day, and the ground at tbe old . race track has been put In first class con dition. Was Not Hamilton It is reported that tho "sutplciou characters" seen by Summer Lake people last week was a man and and a woman who had been mixed up in a murder scrapo lu Reno recently and were making their getaway. Tho short "fellow" thought to have been Hamilton wat tbe woman, dreired In men' clothing, w hlch accounts for- the effort to keep out of tight as much as possible. 0. F. Griffith was the last man from thli vicinity to tee ttielr track at which time they were near Black butte. Silver Lake Oregoulan. H. . Momjcr, ranger for Crater Lake National Park, it making an inspection ol the grounds and will arrive In tbe city shortly to report tn Superintendent Arstnt, who will go to bit park head quarters just at toon at the mow goetoft enough to permit travel. The family of F. P. Cronemllltr, ar rived here from Klamath Fall, last Sat urday, and aro greatly pleated with their new home. They were surprised to find such a pretty little city, andtuch abuty one. Wo aro glad to welcome them among us, Lake County Examiner SHatM The proof of the freezer The White Mountain Freezer makci'morc cream, better cream, and mikci it easier and, cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOUVHY ROBERTS 6 HANKS HaARDWARE DIALERS Construction work will bgln within a few day en the two reservoir lo be built by the Klamath Falls, Light A Water Co. Mr. tl. V. Gates, the presi dent ol the company, hat been on the ground for a few daya and hat already let contract for aome of tbe material. A wa stated In the Herald early In the Spring, one of tbe reservoir will be built in the Breltensteln addition, to West Klamath Falls and the other will be built In the Hot Springs addition. In addition to the constrnction ol the reservoir several mile of pipe will be laid this Summer, and a shipment ol pipes sufficient to lay between threeaod four mile will arrive here within a few rweekt. It will require about three montht tocomple'e tbe construction ol the reservoirs and the pipe will be laid a It It needed. The conttruction of tbe addition to the water tyttem will give Klamath Fall excellent fire protection. In case of a Mrlou conflagration water can lie drawn from four sources, tbe three reeervoirtaad tbe pomp-direct. The preeture will alao be much ttronger at all ol the source of supply will be con nected by the tyttem of pipe used In tbe distribution of water. Several of the addition to the city are now without a water tupply and tbe completion of the new reservoir will enable the company to deliver water to every part of the city that baa sufficient residence to warrant the expente ol laying tbe plpet. ' Publicity Through S. P. Klamath I receiving some good adver tising through T. A. K. Fastett, tbe lo cal Southern Pacific agent. He I tend ing Chamber ol Commerce pamphlets, together with a personal letter to a large number of tbe Southern Pacific agent along all part of the system. In tho letter he urges them to distribute the pamphlet and give them very explicit Information a to how to reach this city. During hi long experience with the S. PtaMr. Fassett hat become acquainted with mott ot the agent and hi pertonal letter should bring very desirable re sult. The latest novelty in hatpins made from real flower a In nature, no two alike. G. Heitkemper, Jr. wsiS-' it in the freezing