ftoentim tmb. mil Mostly Hciul Paper iti Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . Klimnth KnllH t SECOND VBAB. No. C88. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. FINAL REPORT MADE Grand Jury Makes Recommenda tions on County Affairs NO MORE INDICTMENTS RETURNED Numerous Canes Investigated, but Jury Considered Evi dence Insufficient to Warrant Indictments on Crim inal Charges August Body Discharged Circuit r 'Hit convened tlii iiionilii)' inj ifur llilenliiK t' tin final report ol llitiriiil J'tty an adjournment waalak rauatll Monday wlim tint Arant cam ullUtrW The gran I Jury roturnol frllif Indictment uI III rrrl In llivcnatt m followet "fiip'iiiiiincenf yourlnetrucllons, wn liirt Miffully arnl UlitCrntly lnvt-llgat id til (mi tint have come Ufor us ol icittnlual nttiira ami whatever char ittrr. Where tv have had evidence uRU'lrnl to itiitaln a complaint, we liitt promptly relumed an indictment. httr,v have Iml to dliuilii wm f iint ol nitllelcnl evidence to trvllct. "In it Icfriicc to the court Inula offl. tri ind oilluilIIng, wa hare examined tbrn un Irr prorlilom o( Ilia Ulut, ltd fln I llictn in lair roiiilitlon with the nation ol the combination lock that Uk theilcwu In the cell In til Jail." "tr would recommend tint tlila be il In iIr, alt) we recommend lliat ultible cai ho made lor tli raro ol lU nvcrJi now a to ml In Ilia jail; wo tai lor ! In tlie cicrkoM la rath tf til condition; alio vlalud Iho pr Urm anl lor Ilia moat part found rvmloitaMe anJ suitable provision halt lir llio Inmate. Wu woulil rtfotamtri'l lhedrecning ol III well iml would call attention to th nearness if tin rdiughter Iioum anil na; we lotiU rrcouiiuend tlial utw out of Urs tlotet U built, and that the In milti room at lalil oor (ares tw plnlcd " "Having cilm li'iilloiml) H'ii)iiiii'l our dutlei under )our luitruillon and Ihete being no futllirr hiitlncii In-fore in, wn limit rrn-ctliilly aik to In- din charged," The Anal rc)tt wa. arcritrl ami the Jury dlnchaignl. A miiiilwr ul ca.ri nl a criminal natiiin were Invi-itlgatrd, bill there n uol mlllclrnt etldcnrn lu warrant Imllctineiiti ami conii-quenlly I llir iiiix't.ti'' partita will mcaim trial. The John Doe and Diehard lino liench watranli oiilercil iittirj by the rnurl have not been icrvrd and It li stated that both ol the paitle feared ani'it, ami left the elite. Holding Onto Wool Although Iheiu ate a number ol wool buyer lu lake rounly the producer n fuie to tell. The clip ai exceptionally heavy thli )ear ami the wool li nl! to be o( line ipiallly. The prlcee offered by the buycra In Ihe Held have nut been made public, ami no reason la given fr the lack olaalei. It li probable that the aheepmen aie waiting lor the northern cnuntlea to fell wi that they alll.havi' oiiio iilra at to the prevailing prices. Southern Oregon ihcepmi'ii haw Im'ii wry proierotn the piit low jran ami moit nl them aie 10 flu-J that ihry iIj not need the rcvVnua from the uoulrnlri In order lojnret Ihe expense ol their builneii. It it ciprcled that the lalei will begin Juit at loon at aome ol the pool I In Ihe northern pait ol tho Hale are told and a price licitabliihrd. Amend Local Option Law ll'-cun-o ol ihe taiiKle which hat arlien nvcr tb (lulu ol the nxit local option I'liclloin ai n lumlt o( ihe panage ol Ihn comtltiitlonul amendment changing tlm ilato nl the general election of the late from the lint Monday In Juno to llm flnl Tuesday following the lint Monday in November, the anll-ealoon liooplo have coiim lo the comluilon that lbcbu way tosolvu the riddle would I lo amend the local option law and tlm do anay hIiIi any threatened, long-drawn-out litigation. 'I ho amendment provide that the general election ihall l In November, comiui'iiclng In lllt. Ihe local option law provides that the dale of the local option election! ahall be only on the lira Monday lu June. The ijueitlon baa arlien whether the licit local option election can be held In June or lu November, IU0U or not until "November, I'JlU, In order to aetlle the pieMlon of the date without lorn ol tine or nei-dli'M litigation it li Ihe Intention ol the liM'lera of the Anll-Haloon league to ark lh leglilaliire to pan an amend. incut lo tho local option law which will plaiu fir date ol thvelectloni In Noveui Ikt It la Intended that the change hall not livcomo effective until Koytm bvr, 1U10, HioiikIi Iti effect would b to cut out the Kiilblllty of holding louil option election In June, 1910. Draws First Money A trait for $70X1 hai been received by Ihe llonaiita Creamery Company for lla lint ihipiuent to r-acramenlo, Thia I lhflrit moncj of any moment received (rum ihe ouLlJe for Klamath County faun prolucti vicept for that which went out "mi foot." Two and a hall Innn have lieen ihlpped aluc. llonanu llulletlii. Lake County Paper Sold C. O. MeUker, who hat for the pail five jeaia lieen eilltor and proprietor nf the Ijvke County Examiner, hat aold J the paper and alao hli good will to Fred J ltowiu.in, a nempaper man ol wide experience. The new proprietor hat a! ready taken charge of the builneaa. - WE ARE - SLAUGHTERING SHOE PRICES FOR FRIDAY and ...SATURDAY Take advantage of these SPECIALS 50 pra Ladies' Kid Oxfords, pat. tip Cuban heel, reg. $1 50 Fri. andSat.$ .90 26" " two strap Pat. Sandals.'. " 2 25 ' 145 12" Novelty Patent Sandals.. " 2 50 " " 165 . i 24 " " Pine Pat. Kid Tie plain toe, motU . i i R0 " " " 1 75 top, Cuban heel ou 24"' " Boya' Satin Calf Shoes, box toes.. " 2 00 " " " 150 K. K. K. STORE KIAMATH FALLS BEST VALUE GIVERS Musical Recital Iat evening in the High School al terably tba pupilaof Mn, DonJ.Zuin. wait gave a muilcal recital before a large audience. Mra. Zumwalt haa a largo clan ol puplli In vocal inuilc and tho recital waa given by her abvanced puplli, aided by other In the chorui. The chorui ol ilitcen ladlea' volrea rendered two numberi very beautifully and allowed good cborui training. Mid Mabel Campbell fang very aweet ly and ahowed great advancement over her work In the lait puplli' recital. Mlia Ma Worden captured the audi, nc by her alnglng ol Ihe Scotch tonga and pleaaed and aurprlaed many ol her Irlendi by her beautiful rendition 'of the dllllcult aria from Iltrovatore. Mtai Iulne Lee aang moat i-xcellent ly the two dllicu't tonga anlgnel her, aod her high dear notea were wont pteaalng. Roy Walker' waa the only male VJlor on Ihe program, but what the program lacked in number he made up In quality, and delighted the audience by lili full round tonea. Mln Mamlo Boyd la ono nl Mra. Zuinwall'a youngeat pnplla and lint aung only a few tlmea In public, but her natural aweet voice hai reapondod won derfully to the training and her future will be watched with Intereit. Mra. O. li. Galea waa not able to ung owing to illneaa and the audience nil very much dliappolotcd. Tbla u the recondaong recital given by tbe puplli ol Mra. Zumwalt and It waa a treat to all muiic lover. Few cltteahav muilc teacher that excel Mr. Zumwalt, and bcr unaclflib and Urate devotion to the voice under ber car wa fully exemplefled In the recital laat evening. Mia Elite Apptegat accompanied Mi Mamie Boyd with a violin obllgato In the "Angle' Serenade." Mite Applegat I alway a favorite with Klamath Fatle audlencca. TAET RETURNS HOME Large Crowds Greet His Party and Parade Streets HITCHCOCK DECLINES CHAIRMAN President Roosevelt and Family Depart for Oyster Bay for Summer VacationExplosion Occurs on Ocean Liner Hamburg and Many Are Killed tlon law. Circuit Judge Hanr.a mad permanent the tempoiary Injunction re maining the county court from declar ing prohibition in lackion county. Tba caie will be appealed by the advocate of prohibition. In the opinion of Judge llanna thechurlcrof the city olMedlord take precedence over the local option law. In Federal Court " Black lo" Mclntlre I now at Portland where he will be tried in the federal court on the charge nf idling whiaVey to an Indian. The particular ol the arreit were publithed in tho Herald at the time it wa made. ''Blackle" will make hi defense on tbe ground that the Indian to whomhogavelhewhlikcy haa hi allotment and ia no longer a ward ol the Government, but la entitled to all ol tho booze he can buv, or II he ia lucky, have given to him. Langel.l Valley News The government lurveyor have es tablished a camp in Langell Valley and are now buay aurveying tbe to-called Upptr project. The recent rain wat a great help to all crop, it being ono of the htavicit in tbtt taction lor a number ol yean. Haying tlm In Langell Valley it not lar dtitant. The agent for tbe J. R. Watkiot rem. edict It making bit ternl-annual trip among old cuitomer. From preaent Indication the wild trawberrle are going to be quite plentiful. Her are a lew quettlont that wo would be pleated to have anawercd by thoie who are In a poaltlon toantwer: lit. Why la Langell Valley termed the upHr project? Sod. II thli It a aeparate project why do the peoplo up here have to help keep up the expenie ol the K. W. U. A.7 3rd. II thia ia not an individual and aeparate project why It It that you government men atk that a certain per cent ol the land up here be algned up before you begin work on the Clear Lake dam, whott in tact at a whole moro than the percentage aiked It already algned up. -till. Aro wo known at Waahington at a teparate project, or are we claitad with thote around the Fall T II all tbe taloon men would tubmit to tbe new law at doe Jack Roblnton ol Bontnia, It would turely be to their credit. Jack deserve due credit lor hit view ol the matter. We hart often wondered li a perton could b a real good and true Chrittian aad milk a cow that alway intisted on trying to brutb Ihe Diet off your note by tb ute ol ber off hind foot. Sunday Dinner Sunday dinner at the New Ilouaton Dining Boom; 5 to 8:30 p. in: Lettuce Young Oniona Dill Picklet Ox Tall Soup Comorame Rainbow Trout, Pariileuoe Boiled Leg ol Mutton, Caper Sauce Oyiter Puttie Cutlet ol Fowl Calve Braint, breaded Strair berry Shortcake, with whipped cream Prime Rib Roaat, au jua Young Chicken and Dreealng Maibed Potatoea Young DomeitlcPeaa Aiparagua and Drawn Butter Gooaeberry Plo Green Apple Pie Orange Ice and Cake Dinner hour hat been changed Irom 0 o'clock lo au hour earlier In order to give better opportunity to accommodate the public. Cincinnati!, lime !0-Prealdential Nominee W. II. Talt and Congretiman Sherman, together with the National committee arrived here thlt morning. The entire population turned out to meet the party and paraded to tho home ol Secretary Talt'e brother. The itrecte awarmed with people and numerona bandt were in the procereion. The demonatratlon for the party ahowed that the prcaidtntlal nomine It ap preciated in hit home ttate. A conference waa held for tbe pur- poee ol appointing a permanent chair man of the Republican National Com mittee. The appointment waa. offered to Frank II. Hitchcock, who waa chair man ol the Talt campaign, but he de clined tbe honor. Washington, D. C, June 20. Presi dent and Mr, Theodora Rooeevelt and eon and daughter left today for their rammer vacation at Oyiter Bay. As sistant Secretary Latta It at the bead of the admlnlttratlon at th White House. II. Well, who ii.in charge ol tbe Ma ney Brnthera & Co. camp, waa In the city today. He tayt that work on their contract is progretslng at well at they had expected and that the Job will be completed on or before echedule time. Philadelphia, Jan J8.-Ar exptolon occurred on tb ocean liner, Hmburg, and it It probable that the ship It loat. Report to far received are th it at latt a doxen men were killed outright by th. explosion and that more than a acore ol othera are mining. Baker City, Ore., June 20 J. H. Paiker, tbe vlccpreeldent ol the Flrtt National Bank ol thlt city, bat been Indicted on two perjury charge In connection with tettlmony In timber land operation. He waa promptly arretted, but haa been turned loot on $3000 bal1, which wa larnlthed by partlet in thia city. Sen ator Ankeny ol Waahington, ia tb pretldent ol tbe Flrat National. Seattle, Watb., June 20- Tbe ram mer meeting ol tbe King County Fair attociation opened iti race meet thlt afternoon. A large crowd wat out to wllnett the race on tbe opening day. Th teaton will lait aeventy-three day. Laat evening twenty. four paeteogera came, in on tbe boat and tbla morning twenty-ils went out. For teveral daya put the incoming pataengera have numbered dote to twenty nearly every night, and tbe outgoing havo averaged about tlxleen. Manyol the traveler! are partlea who are coming hero to look over the country. First Rounds For Wets The liquor men bav won the lint round in their 8ght agalntt the, enforce mtut ol prohibiten under the local op- W'J " "-'. S-SK The proof of the freezer it in the freezing The White Mountain Frzr V makei more cream, Letter cream, and makei it cavicr ami cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY . aananawf ROBERTS 6 HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS a