f fie Hrralfl. Mostly fowl Pn-Jor ,n , t-v.ii.. Our Advertisers the Best Results Get Klatnntii r SECOND YKAIt. NO. r,77. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. COMPLAIN TO NEWELL Upper Project Landowners Pro test to Reclamation Director DAM OR DISSOLVE CONTRACTS Demand thtit Work on Clettr hike Duin Hu Sttirted I his Veur, iind (Man Tor Cancellation ol Contracts If Request I. Not Grunted NrnUn "I ! w'jtr' "'M"", ""' rUlloo M-ming 'a'"1" ",",r '" l!''lr 1,1.(14 liirrlliiit at ltoll.li. last MiAiir.i'iii approximately M.ww r,r J Unit were lepirtcliled. Thelo writ May iliru"iout, Iml the aim ol lln Mtlof was ' K! down l lUUlf , Itnl In accordance Willi lid !' tf ! (run mi ordered n-ut l the dlteclor J U Itrclatusli.ili Service rrilriliii! iLlt Ui lonril lilil mi Ilia Clear lVr Jin I iK'inil Iclrd iml aecile1( and Ibtt work Ivl'idlli Immediately. Itwaa tin ilecl'led that a committee Im ap pelated lu Jolt Irttrr embodying the tlatiiof the land ownei on llir Upper project with instruction that coplcifil UwldUr tr (rill In nil of the oltlcUU ItUmted In reclamation mattrla, ml tUt another committee lw appointed In Isvestlfstr and recommend infant lor wearirjgllit rancellatlonof thecontracta fottotrrmnrnt Irrigation In the event Utal Wrrctor I II. Ntwrll rrfutes to rttoasUtr and accept lli loweal bid on tkt Jim. TU main complaint nl Ilia landowii en In tli t'ci-rr (project N llut they Lutalrraljr waited lour year for llm oitinuirnt tn begin wntk ott (tie ptu tctlallitl irilion, mnl up In thlt time Bathing Iji Wen dune ami apreiitly lUrt li mi indication lliat anything will W dune fur tome timr. Il teerni to data lieen the tense ol the Batting that all ol the members ol the Waltr t'icii Association are to crate ps'lnf assessment to (lis ataoctatlon aalil they have definite atsurence that tin director k older woik ilmie on t tlir piojccl tklt year. Jacob Knee., One nl the directors of the aii cUtlon from that .rclluti, stated that ho wotilj nj n inntu nstetiiiient and ad W ill oihura In .to likewise. Ilu further staled that In order to not Incur ; iwnH- mi thii organisation liu wnM lieiralter absent hlinielf from the "ootidy ilitrrtora' meeting. Tbe action of the IHrcctor Mill have TwoSpecial Drives Men's Straw Hats, all styles. Values up to $2.00, tZfin DRIVE PRICE - - VC 33 1-2 off SHIRT K.K.K. mm h In du with the completion of the Klamath piojict. It urine that lu the llitrlrat i.l harmony It will hat invcMary for Hire tor Ni-nell to abide by the ii COiiiim'inUlioiis nl hiiglnecr Kenny ami Murphy anil accept the lowest hid on the Clear IjiIp dam. Special Sunday Dinner The llnilatoii KiIiIiik Itoniu will terte It uitial Huii'Uy dinner (rum H to H . in. They will lie irriirl to handle the riOMil, Woman's Club Officers The Woman1 Club hi-M II onniial rlcctlnn I ihlay alli'rnoonan'l the fullun liiK mrmU'ra wrl chorn for vniuimc )rar Mlia SauU'r, irniilriit., Mir. (). .nii;n, tlcf.picildfiit; Mm. I:. V. Coiwrll, r-'ecretary: ami Mia A. tStraru, Tiraiiurr. Cha, Motion It in the illy from to'lirojfijf IJUer Valley, where he haa a lama uuniher of rattle on panlure. II" ) the ahoitaKK ol I or I thiouuhotillhe Kait will rllrct the price ol bet-l ill Ihla i-rllon It'liiijtrt from that pait i( the rountry thouM timit here. The maiari on thocoail ha not Improve!, oulm; to the fact that San I'rnncl'Co In mil uiliiK the amount of ahu-k that It illil a lew )rari a;o, Mr. ami Mra. W.B. Wonlen nre ex lcttri to arrive In Klamath Kalli with a new I'liif-Toledo car lu a ilay or two. They hiinK with them Mra. V. T. liar- .1 1 Han KiancNi-o, for a Uit of n few wrt'lia. Travel Into llila city line increaml ilurlug the part few wreka ami the ar rival! on the boat a crane better than aUtceii il.lly. Tho oulgolnif nurnU-r prolably iinc-thlril lcf. J. J. Alexander, ion ol J. V. Alexan der, anhed here from I'ortlan d lait nllllit ami went Into Ihu limber with J. I'. Kimball tmlay. on all Ladles' WAISTS STORE LAKEVIEW SALOON MEN PROMISE TO BE GOOD l.atl wrik the alnotimi-ii of Ikevlew held a lurrllnK, at which they miilually aiii'p to i'1om their place of biielriem at I o'clock on Saturday ulxht nml keep them iln.ivl nml llm fullowliiK Monday iiiornln They ido aKrenl loUu away with wlde-ojx'ii KamblliiK. Ihiinew title of atfalr wai Intrij duced lt Haturda) nlnlit, aid Hunday the mloniii ieiiialiiel cloned all day. It wai, probably, the first time Ihli hat oc Justice Court Case JuitUe o the IVacu A. 1). Miller It to l.iy hearing tho evidence In the tare wherein Kdgar Johrnon, of Merrill, il charged with ttealiug a wagon ihert. The rate waa tried twlrn in the jiinthe court at Merrill and each time remitted in a hung jury. He it again being tried U'foie a Jury comprited of the following men: N. Ijiiigell, W. C. Banderton, (Sen. North, It. II, llota, Wm. Whitlock ami W. T. Hiiillh, Ceteral attornct are lu the cane and the wagon ahcet will he an expenilvoone before the matter it Dually tcttlrd. Wind Raises Havoc The laige Ilrry barn that waa being etciti-d at Itouit hy It. 1.. Oliver col lat'ted almt '1 o'clock Tueiday altarnoon at reiult of a midden wlndttorm. In III fall I', wrecked the ollice of Zolynan A Hairier, local coutlaclor and hullden. rortnnalely iiocii wat hurt, though a number of carpenters were at work on the building at the tlnieaml were pre. cipitated to the ground. Zoltnan wat at work in hit ollice when the cruili came which demolished hit building, and though knocked down, eicaped with a few tllght IhuIm-s. Hotel For Dorris The IKinla Hotel Company hat Wen organized at the new railroad termiuut, and they propone to put up a 25,0(X) building at once. Tho company ownt an entire block lu the town of Dorrlt and will iitillie it a hotel ground. It hat not been learned who tho Dorria Hotel Incor'ioratori are. Inspecting New Grader County Judge J. B. Griffith I tpend ing tho day near the Summer ranch taking itemt on the large grader recent ly purchated hy the county. The ina chliiery i now at work on the roada in that vicinity. Dissolution Notice J. P. llonham and K. V. Muller, who have been doing builne under the firm name of Singer Sowing Machine Agency, have thi day hy mutual con tent ditiolved partnership, E. V. Mul ler annulling control of the Kdlson Phonograph business, at the prenent lo cation, corner ol tlth and Main streets, while J. P. llonham will continue a agent and salesman for the Singer A Wheeler Wilton Hewing Macnira Co., at hit residence on the ctrnc- of Oth ai.d Klamath avenue. Phone 63. Dattd June 13, 1901- K. W. Muitm J, P. llONSJAU. FAMILY ORDIRS A SriCIALTY. CITY BAKERY ICE CREAM PARORS MRS. R. M, SARTER, Proprietor PHONE 816 OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL curled in the hintory of the town. At the iceeiit election the county went "wet" by but evilly-live vole, and tills no doubt canned the aalonmncii In take the action they have, which will be for tho bttteiinent of thecimmunity. The baibcM, who have leen lu the habit ol keeping open a half day on Sun day, hate alto agreed to keep their place of builne clord the entire day henceforth. Thlri will i;o Into effect next Hunday. Pell From Window The S-ycar-old ton of Mr. ami Mrt. II. C. ISowuian, fell out of an iipitalra window lat night, lighting on hit face, breaking hit noeand sustained a num her of teu-re bruirct. Dr. II. It. Hamil ton wat tumiiioiied and made the little ono at comfortable at i-os-lblu under the conditions. The little fellow had been put to U'd near an nj-en window and In tome unknown way fell from the window to the ground, a distance of about fourteen feet. Indian War Veterans There are 300 eurvlvon of the Indian war left. Although tho olllclat count hat not yet been made '.t was figured that there were fully that many gath ered in the convention hall of the veterans' association at the annual meeting. Considering the fact that tcaicely a man in attendance upon the convention It under 70 years of age, the number of turvlvora and their general health It a remarkable testimonial to the strength and hardihood of the early pioneer and the healthfulneta of the North I'aciflc c.uit country. A Busy Scene Parties coming along the scene ol tho railroad marsh work and the expert mental farm ray that the three dredges at woik in one vicinity make it appear that thero I something; doing in the Klamath country. The three machine arc now in operation, two on the rail road dike and ono on the embankment (or the experimental farm. For Higher Canal Line A surveying party of the Heclamn. tion Service is at work in the upper part ot tangcll valley. An exami nation i being made at to the feati billty of getting a higher point ol di version at the head o! the alley for tho Kait Side canal, lu order to cover more land in Yonnit valley. Project Kuglnccr Murphy and Kngtneer Vorhee vltited tho camp to aid In tho work. It I re ported that they aUo vltited the dam tlto with the view ol securing direct in. formutlon a to water conditions that would enable Murphy to give reason (or urging the beginning of work on the dam thi season. llonania Bulletin. Favor Chamberlain Judeo II. L. Benson, In discussing the recent election of Governor Chamber lulu, says that most of the Republican leaders of the state uie In favor of the BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND CANDIES BUILD TO STATE LINE Orders Issued For Extension of Railroad to Calor MAKE CHANGES Work On California Northeastern Progresftifttj More Sat isfactorily Since Visit of Chief Engineer Hood Late Orders Result of Klamath Trip. Governor' election by the Legltlature, they realliing that it I the with of the people of the (late that be be choeen and also fearing that It would irrepara bly Injure the Ilepubllcan party of the Hate If the wishes of tho matte thould be ditregarded. lie lay farther that the feeling antagonlttic to the Gorernor is subsiding, and that moat of the party leaden now are ol the opinion that he will be elected United State Senator on the first ba lot. There It, however, (till much opposition from certain Republi cans and with it the hare poeeibillty that tho legislature will not act In accord ance with tho popular vote. Judge II. I.. Itenton returned laat night from a visit at Salem, Portland and Seattle. At the last place he waa the guest of Ilervey Lindtey for a few day. He wat accompanied home by hit daughter, Mr. N. C. Brig, Jr., and ton, of Ilollitter, Cal., and by hi grandson, Cyril Benson, of Salem. Mr. Briggt will remain lor several .waekf, and will be Joined by her husband about tho first of July. W. C. Koulka appeared before Police Judge A. I.. Leavltt Hit morning in re sponse to a warrant charging him with permitting and entering into gambling In hit saloon, The Owl. At the requeet of tho city attorney John Irvin, the case wat continued and will he heard at 9 o'clock Monday morning. Girl J, gentle Spring it I. ere, and to 1 th swellett line ot collar pint, collar supporter, waist tett, bracelet and ttudt for waists and small walat link, all in the newest design at McHattan'e. True II. Deljp closed a very ucee- ful term of school at Keno yeaterday. Prof. DeLap ha been teaching only a short time but he Is meeting with suc cess In tho work. The Bonania Bulletin ay tho ma chlnery for Bonanza' new flour mill ha been (hipped and It 1 expected to arrive hero in about a month. Dr. B. IMly, of 1-akevlew, one of the prominent Democrat of the itate, baa been elected a pretldentlal elector. The proof of the freezer The White Mountain Ft ft maker more cream, better cream, and make it easier anil clirapcr than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS HARD WARE DIALERS IN SURVEY LINE Aa a reealt of the recent visit of Chid Engineer Wm. Hood, of the Southern Pacific, an order baa been leaned to build the California XortheMtern aa far aa Calor, the tiding on the (tale 11m jostaaaoon aa poeelble. It U under tood that tbe laying of tie and ralla will be began next week. Mr. Hood alto !aed order for a change in the tnrrey from the (tat Una down to tbe marah, and tbe line baa al ready Uen changed. Tbeneweunrey make tbe road leading to tba marah more direct and eat cat number ol carve. Mr. Hood made no defloit) statement aa to tbe time tbe road would be completed to thle city, bat from order that be gave It la very evi dent that tbe road will be completed to the water early tbla Fall, and that not later than next Summer tr tine will bo running Into Klamath Fall. Tbe work on tba road i bow piogieee log more etlafectorily than any time heretofore. Tho "ahoe Hy" la xsraetf eally completed w that wbeatMMylag ol ilea and rail la began the road can bo completed to Calor without any unsec eeeary delay. Two dredge are now at work on tbe marah and W. II. Kant, wbo ha charge of tbla work, itatee that plendid p rogue la being mad. The) dike will be completed to navigable water in about four week. Warner Valley Case While in Portland Jodge U. L. Ben eon beard tbe argnmenta in the Warner Valley case. The cause came op In tba Circuit Court for Lake County at tba regular October term, bat waa left open for tba May term in order to giro tba attorney! opportunity to file depos ition from outside ol the state. Owing to tho death of Col. C. A. Cogswell tho case did not come up at the May term, so it waa heard by Jndge Benson at Portland by mutual consent ol tho attorneys, this procedure saving tbem a trip to Lake County. Attorney-General Crawford appeared for tbe state and the ssttlers, while Doovert Stapleton appeared lor tbe Warner Valley Land and Livestock Company. Tbe case was taken under advisement by Judge Benson. is in the freezing -a, 61HAN1CS ift-V