The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 09, 1908, Image 3

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, I Imrrliy III" 'l",, iUvtv ,u
Wf, tor .
I"", ... .11 .111HU11.I111K roniily
In llm Circuit (,'ourl of tlio Hindi ol
Oli'Mnii (or KlutiiMlli Ctititity.
Jllllll Kooilt ulillhllff. la. Amaiul,.
i:iln k'noiittilMfiiilniit, tnltln rrtilty fr
in ' nil oiii'i," '" ' ' illume .-
IS i"""'":"1, '"IT1 ,!i.r JiiiL.'" ";" ' '' ""'' "
, M"""" llilliiuilxilii (till. .1 milt (in orlH'loiu
.11111. Il1'
W'l . .,. I ..,.,..
'" (, il Tli'llIIMT.
Paturilny, June mill, IWM, H.IIK ,
lt ilay in-cillxMl In Dm i.nlir fur mli-,
j llcnll'in nl Uiln niuiiiiixiid, tlio lint imlill.
iniioiiiii unit n l.fliiKiiiihntiinliiy, May
i'.'imI, IIHW, mill If ji.ii (nil tiiiiHitmurr,
. iniMinr. u. h. :r"",."":"''V."",, "l!""wll!'i'i'y
lirimimnu '',,,, , '"""iiinKirii.ii ri'iiw lciiiitmli-i in
U 1 Ollt.e. t l-; "f;' ;'.'' " llie roni,.....,, ill.-.) l,..., ,.,,, ,r
ii..n.-.T Si-Hr nrr. "I KmiHiHH ruin, ...., m.i.h..,. i- i . ... . .
K "'inM- I'lfllHIIII IUHI (!(
K..i-r'lr!: -"
I ..nil.' 11. ! al ' l'" 1 . . I.
bolnl" ". , , vl'lr U...H..M Id "' """"""" "'""I ly pUMlrnl un
,Wl MM '" ' ' N..' iH. , ' ! ' '" "' ,:WI," ""''I. '0""l-r of llmi.
eWl."ll.t"" lll.i " - -
malm filial
Im In
i.l.n.laUn "'''' IhiI, lM-fiim (.'iiiiiily
Ctrik KUi"ll '". "- i'i "i'"i, lll "nit i" ll li.l ly
d Aojii'l I"0" ' '""l",", "'" i
. I I I. I'.ll. IL. .. n. .. .... ... ......u...
. .. I. ...I. ..ii in iiiaiiinui i "il' nil. il in iiriiirii.iiinif i..rt.k. i
'..,. i.i. ..I k-lniimlli I'nll. W. l- liriir a.l,n,ii,, li i ', Utt 7.
vn, lU-nt llll'. hwiiiMH MUj.tlf 1W, Nll1lr, , n.iM,iu,', null, U'N,S
L...W t IkimlliMil HI Klamath I nil. ' .nil rural am. Hint Ni.ik. i, i.h.i,,
"" V. ....n... I'.ll. l.'iil''''l'"',..,.
U((C0"i " .. '
.. IV-H
llm luli'llnr, I'
li-.ll hrlrlnli filiallr lrill.lMl ftli.1 .! m.l
u iiIIiiimI Willi Iianii irrnei nr a t rtii.rl
"" .Kil, IIIIh lll,j.r In rlllrin'lil lll.). ,'
lb.1 llllllpllt III
I..lllif.rr nl I lrlrm, IMPIPIII. J'Hi" l' '' ! "i "i nun ut i.u .n.l
UlJUBifc Hi "r" i .M.l Jul, til ivu tul .I..II nut I- .ul.J-cl n.
ICM Nntlin l llFllMiy IfUl'H IIIHl ktill til mImI1i.ii imlll iu.n.i I..
.i... ui-.i nir' nf 1 1 uiln. C UUf iiii rininiiiitii.t umc ii..m.,
li ilia im ll'lll " lln, IiUiIb liulllf iMii.ii oil) l imiii-. in -tin r
' ', ' .,- I,,, UM S'tt'l.' n flflil lil.l UI..IK ll, wlll.inml in
Urol rnliy .-"' "( " '" hi .lion .n.r tin !. I.I . nl
ifi, VHI.. M i XW'i. Si'llnn I'.', iniii Hi Jiili- i .lit urti Miilriiiriiiiir i
V, .. u li . .- V UMII.ii.-ll.. CMII" I-tII' lodil.W.B nui.lil.llr Mnl
r.n.inUw limik'" '. Hi"""-"1' i .ii.M. t ii h ii m m.i il ... .ii nh i.i
IHcrirlil) nl l, Iiilrllm
3500 Acres Prcc
1. T II N II V I
U.rlltin. lui IKillfK III IlllKlllloll K'(.Hrt nl Ml .l M,l SW i,r, fwrllull I
l.itilkr llllAl I III lAr I'flX'li II I ( (iminll.llih.ff III IL.Ii.nrt'.l i'.iiI (llf.rr
UU..I, thin. 1- Hi- Uii. .U.i-ilrPCill-1,1 r um.. (
Moif C11111I1 ( li'ili Miiitli Cuuiily.
It Ml oirirr, Klnmath I nil", Omiton, 1111
U till J.y "I Auiiuit. Il. CUIinniit
(IUII1I UltllMlM. l.lliO JIlllKHI, ll
JCtlvt, Wir.uli llich-M KmriK, HI lioc, r.iun niuiiny im. ,.i iirir-
.; rilifomii l.lmifil lli-ily.i)llMr., ,1'llnii'l "ii'l'T tli A'Uiin 'lilrli llml It
Wlloti'U. J.mIi II, Oli-y, nl iViriln. Mill -rlyp ItKNT IHKI. dir jrii,
I'diiotnU UK 1 Till" Inrliiilm I lie tin- of tlin Uml nn-1
J N. Uaiiwh, Ititlbtrr. unlrr. I In' iinli'r mint cltar un.l
""" ... ! jiUrr llii Uml In cilllliatlull. llii'lrlit-
NollCC For Publication , cr r'.-i nil lfi rtii tint un li-rrni llii"
. iltflit iii i.t-turr tin- mulilili-,
Il4itiiiriil 'l lit" Iiilrrlur, I'. H , 'Hi llr-lili t'liiiiimiiy,
UhIOiTht, UIkiImt Orr.nn. My ir, ; J. I'mnV .iUiii...MnaKrr,
IvW, Nollfr it lirn-liy ulirti lliat ,llrl .Mrrrlll Orr.on.
All afmlllltii ilur 1110 limit U' H'ltlnl
liy noliMir mill wltliln tlilily il) or
llir) Hill Ik-iiilpilinl ami tuM at iil-1
llcaticllull tollir lil.liral liMiler. I
0 l. WIIImhi. !
Ilirilm, of Klamath t'nlli, llrrumi,1
ibo,onN'oi H IIM7, mailo tluitior anil
itosoipi'llralnni, N'n. 401,'., for SV.xi
SW.'f. hrfin.ii ,'i, Townillr 37 K.
Ku9K. Will Mrtlillan, liai flli-1
ollraof lutrnliuii In tiiakr filial I'lixif,
Untilllili rli.m In tin" laml al-nvr ilr
Kiitnl, Wl.iii' iiiinty (.'Ink Klamallii
Co., it lili mlirr at Klauiatli Kalli, Orr., I
M Hit 1 1 tli iliy nl Auvml, ltm. I " '
Clllmint tiainri aa ltiirr: J0I1I1O.' KliimatN I.IU Put lie l!bf-f I
Mullock, of Klamatli Talli, Orrtfim, Tho Klamath KolU I'ulillc Library la'
T. J. Halm, nl Klamath I'M, Orrtfon, ,,,rn ,.w,ry nflrrnoon frum -toC-'W,
AllroJ..,,...,,, ..I KI...U.II, i;ll"',rnc1,.vc,lIll. twm0M to
m,Wrn. tailialr, nl Klamatli rail., , ..... , ... . . .. .
I Off II W II (lUCIli i V'MIII liniinil'Ml in -
J.N.W..f llrKlitrr. 5 1H '' ,
" r, II, WIII1011 nclo-lii. mil hit nholf
QtrAXTMI.S ttir Till: IS'Tt:i(loil.u(Niii. aalaativk nl liquor chrap ui the clira
r.""" onicr W..Mr.,u. II. II alirrhlT. , i
in. NntKioraiaii.Ati.n orriiuo uni. '
Nttnitiitxr au iHtaT.-NMU. I. hmlr
&222Xtt8&l$ZIZ!lZ Merrll. The town without boom.
bltalK.Min.allrrli I). wllh.liaal r lnl.
&TOJ!:r;;.S?,a'ilU5, wantkii-wm iuy si,Win. fire..
zEWzsStfjs!; " '"' "" '"'i' "J -
--. . ,.ui,ii m. mmum. crlll liir linn K.llion ir imiwih
"VWl.llllairali-riHillafpwtuiuUr. llailK.
JliUI tanj U. b lh Unllnl rluiMmaiul
Ut4 Mat. Ui.1 .jn.. .. l.I-S. ..'.'. Il'.l.l.i I -Nlim .if l I lulla-er'a
in.i.::.:.-":i,:'.T-:'"-' """! "" "' -
.- :- ".--i. iiiTninai iNi.-rr.Ni n.
aamillwluralli if.iwalaa aai liaht -hat.
"aJ.r anr -llln.,..,i ut urcuixilan Uun
..T' ,t '" n', I'"I'I-'IIW, IK.
K.IIM ",,,;,i',''i'l-i-i l-lnar futliiidmi
OrVi '' W. ' !l.T. SM..H. K.
I'. Mil li fniNNtrrr
hank Vi7'l?ilT'l",,'r "'"" l'nn, "J omt
iini Nrai.rr uf (,. nla-Hur
runilttiiu Clnro.
G. Helming & Co.
Fur Merchants
Mittu Mr.h.lel, Ortijoii, or
KUnuth Fall, Oregon
Zlm's Plumbing
-oniracllnfl and Jobbing
Firnlclaaa Llim of I'lumh
'"K Sirclultci uml firat-tl-im
A. 0. u. W. Building
nmnuin ran.
Jackson Hotel
fori Klamath, Ore.
Clean roonw, good beds,
tt the table always sup-
with the best the
rket urfords-Terms res-onitJe.
C.C. Jackson, Prop.
American Hani A Trmt Co.' IIiiIMIiik
Open Day
and Night
Private Dining larlor
Oysters Served in Any Style
J. V. HOUSTON, Prop.
Sprinrt Creek
Tlio laa'iit Iroul ll-liliiK Iii Orcuon.
Kxi client uccouiinailatioiiB lor
narlk'i. ,
Hwclal camping itromul nu
iKMta (or rent.
Kino paitnro for alock.
Tvlophono roiinecllon.
AccomuHxIatlima to no to Crater
Will nirct anrtU-ti t Klamatli
Klamath Agency, Ore.
OirKiiii.ilntnl May lit, Hut, nlilrli or.
ilrr liqilllra Mlliuiiona In Ixi iuhlalir I
mil ii a Mrrk fur all iniiU'riitlvn Hrikal
(mm llm lit ilay nf May, IIHM, '
Alti.iliivfij( I'lalntllf.
1 ......., . .in.-. ii.i ui'l.l III iiiiiiiawai ill hi i
lal aa Ih. tauia anrrl. Il.a .Itlnlianal lu( llll
., . li .1 . . I raiiuii u.aacii.l Jim. i;. i,rt
S. MMIM, Hl'ttlllvr. i . Mat, a-Ml liil il m. iii ..iiimtlltili Mill, it,;
I Kiamaui ri.ijc. i lliaii.ii ol ll.r liillwlli(ilr
-- . aa'lllir.l lalnl. in Ilia Mlal. Ill III. ami. au.l I.. !
NOIICI! I K rillll.l.ATlUn , hla aiill.ulll inrl, i, .., u.rl. aa hat. inl I
Tlio Klamath Project in tho naino
that hns been uppllcU to tlio reclniini
lion of about 100,000 acres of land now
iinucr tlio ovcrllow of tho Klamatli
Itivir mill of Lower Klamath Lnku nnd Tula Luke
mill tlin irrigation of about lf'0,000 ucrca of valley
Imiil iiiljiicunt to the Klamath Kivcr, aloiif,' tho coune
of l.'iHt IlivtT and tho tributary portion of tho great
platomi lyiut; chiefly in Klamath County, Oregon, but
iiIno umbraciiiK a part of 8ikiyou nnd iModoc Coun
tit'H, California, a total area of 200,000 ncrt-H.
Tlio Project embraces the coiiHtruction of a very
gri'iit inik'iio of canal, lateral and drainage canala
and will liuvo ita principal no a re o in Upper Klamath
liiike. Clour Lake and llorsclly arc rcacrvoir aitea
uhoro flood water will he impounded and utilized for
IrriKiitiou of laud included in the tipper portion of
tho Project.
Work on the main cuual wna Ntarted in the Spring
of lliOG and the ilrat unit of nine miles ia now com
pleted. About 13,000 acre of laud will be irrigated
from the firt unit, the laterals for which aro being
coiiMtrucled under tho aupcrviaiou of tho engineers
having charge of the Project, liy fur the largest
proportion of the land under tho Ilrat unit la now in
KiigebriiHh and inuat bo cleared and broken in time
for crops in the Spring of 1008- Work on the aec
mid unit is being done by tho Government and cm
brace nineteen miles of main canal and twenty-nix
inilcH of lateral to furniiih water to about 20,000
additional acrea of laud. Work on tlii unit will be
prosecuted aa rapidly iih possible.
Nearly one-half of the area to bo irrigated ia now
iimlcr water to a depth of from one to fifteen feet
mid will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to
lower the level of the rivers and lakes. A large pari
of the Hwutnp land and practically all of the valley
laud in tho Klamath Jiasin are held in private own
ership and somio in very large tracts which must b
sold in tracts of lf0 acres or less under tho regula
tions governing the perfection of a water-right.
KLAMATH'S For its development and prot-
UREATE8T perity the Klamath Basin must have
NEED people, and the right kind of people
at that. Its great need is intelli
gent, practical farmers, who understand tho meaning
of intensified and diversified farming; men who will
buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with the
idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making per
manent and csmfortable homes. Such men aro bound
to succeed. There if room for thousands of them.
Developing Sugar beets have been grown ex-
Various pcrimcntally throughout the Klam-
Industries ath Valley. The percentage of sugar
is high, as will be noted from the
following analysis made by the United States De
partment of Agriculture from beets grown near
sugar in beets, per cent., 21.7 j sugar in juice, per
cent., 24 1 ; eoefllcicnt of purity, 83.1.
I.xpvriencc has demonstrated that excellent as
paragus, onions and celery can be grown, the tulo
hinds being very similar to thoso of tho Sacramento
mid San Joaquin Valleys of California, where such
vegetables are so successfully cultivated. Through
out the world the reclaimed marshlands are the best
suited for the highest development of dairy inter
ests. There is no question that this will become a sugar
beet producing section and that a number of facto
ries will be built and operated with the development
of the industry.
All kinds of fruit adapted to the temperate zone
thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes,
plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and "stnnll
fruits bear abundantly nnd of excellent quality.
There aro a great many small orchards throughout
the basin that prove tho adaptability of the region
to the profitable production of fruit.
E. L. Smith, former president of the Oregon Stato
Hoard of Horticulture, gives it aa his opinion that
tho foothill lands arc specially adapted to apple
Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the
experimental stage, tho sandy loam of tho uplands
producing them in great abundance.
Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation,
took tho premium at tho New Orleans Exposition.
The moat important forago crop is alfalfa, the soil
being peculiarly adapted to its growth.
Excess All landowners being required
Holdings Mnst to sell their excess holdings, thero
Be Sold 18 a large area of good land for sale
at reasonable figures, prices rang
ing from about $15 to $35 for unimproved, and $20
to $50 per acre tor improved land. Land adjacent
to the principal towns commauds hher prices. The
purchaser pays for the water right at a cost of about
$18 per aere to be paid for in ten equal annual in
stallments without interest. This amounts to less
than the ordinary annual rental paid private ditch
companies. Some of the irrigators of Klamath Val
ley (and thoy are the most prosperous farmers) have
already paid out to such companies for water $G0 per
acre and rwn no woter. All of thcae eompanica havo
been purchased by the Government and included in
tho system.
No public lands will be open for settlement for
several years.
01 uto The upland soil is mainly, a rich saudy
and loam of great uniformity and composed
Soil largely of disintegrated and eroded lava
with an admixture of volcanic ash and
diatomaceous earth, the latter material of plant ori
gin, formed in the bottom of tho ancient sea which
covered the greater part of tho Great .Basjn, and of
which Klamath Valley ia a northwesterly extension.
Such soil, characteristic of. many of tho richest agri
cultural sections of tho world, including much of
Italy and the great plains of India, is extremely fer
tile, and of lasting productiveness. The lako and
tulo lands are made up of a voloanio soil containing
much organia matter, a vegotablo accumulation of
ages, and is of a pentty nature.
The climate ia extremely healthful nnd not severe.
There ia rarely any Winter weather before the latter
part of December, and but little eero weather during
the entire Winter. The annual precipitation is about
fifteen Inches, with little rain during the Summer
months. I
BUY According to Season
Groceries, the same as wearing apparel, should
be bought according to seasons. You make
no mistake when you leave it to us to decide
which is the best at this time. We always
guarantee satisfaction. Just call up phone 616
Our goods are new and attractive.
Vice I'rcaldent
Maps, Plaas, Bloe Fruits, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyors and Irrlgatlon'ilnglieera
C. E. M. I
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Don J. Zumwalt. C. E,
M. D.WiiU-S, C. E.
East End Meat Market
CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors .
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and FoaMry
Fresh and Cared Meat and Sausages of all Mads,
Wc handle our meats in the most modem way In clean
lincst and surroundings. Try us and we will be asost
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were offered
at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bought; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Bays
at present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and
deep more than double the area of most
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesmen.
Office on Fifth Strast
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Faa-ly Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating hoaae
in the city. Open day and night.
9S99J999SSB (
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
or K K K Store, Phone 174
Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Criers Are
Given Prompt Atteattoa
O. K. Transfer &
Having up-to-date piano
trucks we solicit your
line pianu muvisuj
Pkar C
IVa n
,,!.' I