The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 01, 1908, Image 1

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    j vT1
Trfsi-. haw v
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yjyRcml Pnpcr In
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
,Klwlh VaU ' ' ' '
(YEAR, No. WM.
i "
Price, 6 Ciwra.
. x
" rVji , w' '"ii-i'4; b1
4 lU1
L ...
riarkct I'or Butter
Jn. II. Drlncoll wim in (Iin city Sun
day mi liW wny homo from Hurrniiitiit'i
Much Rail roucl Activity
Alio liu Doirla people; u ho are In tliu
rlly ny there I iiiiiitnl'illig In rnllionil
farmers and Stockmen Look
Forward to the Institute
mliMii ' '"'""" '"'
,m bo largely tiendd.
tl,BWrotlhefn"" 'Mlui '
-Bhpw'nelHM!" the city lo-
.fertlwtloa and moat ol them Haled
,!,, wouU make a special elforl lo
hMMln. from an !" "
sly cotnr !( rfoita that large
akiai alii be tent. Tli Hireling
bptWtttr l'""' AmkUiIoii on Frl
thp W i ivvmki m"y
Ion ol mlll perwliilng 10 ol llm reclamation
IU amendment to lli bj-
.1 .1 1 I...I.IIMM liu.
HCP0f llll""'" !
iianotl meeting HI lw Hi moat
at matter lo com up for eon-
itlea(r ailiknuMii. However.
rlblaia ul Importance may cum
j It HI Im 'll lor every member
bitoMWcUtlon to Ixon hand.
JkirirtUrp'mgrain will b arranged
flUUMlmte beloie hand. The pre-
laltaf provlJe (ur Dr. Whltycombe'a
I Isclure Friday night and lb
iaavlhe program will I" arranged
laltlboewhare tolnke parlln It.
U trcrr aaauranca that lit
i will be a tuccot and all that !
I It lb lull altoadanco of Ilia Ur-
I alack ralatr ol this county In
r tol great deal ol benefit (rum
inettlif. The Klamath country It
ilalketlprrhneutal slag anil tin
aaiiknoileilgo of intn of veal
will proie beneficial in the
otul lliiMtir cuuulr.
hV.albert Makle andMI't Kalherlnr
wra united In manUge at
Calllnmia., on May 3rd
lUUo It ttll Inonn In tlili county
b taught Mhool for a time. Hli
Ituaj Irlends In tlili county who
llMeunriatulatlona and baat wlahca.
Hlii-ir li went In in ike nrr.iiiK''"i'-nt ' clrcltn lj lh:ir town. A atari tin been
Plume Work ProrcAtting
The lat river lliimo In connection
llTi tliu reclamation wink It muialhau
half cuiiiilrtnl, Tho Hume l a Irltle
nvcr a in Ho In lot gth ami the foment
fmiinlatluiia liatn Urn Imllt tor lull)'
twiHtlilrilaol It, 'llm rock work on all
nl I ho pli'ia la praLllrally lliililidl. Till"
rt nl tlm wurk la U'lnit iIiiip liy tln
(liiTcrntiiaiil tIlra-4 1. Tlin coiiitriirllon
il llm llilllli lltcK la In tUr lian'la ul llm
conlractnra, ('ainilwll A llnffuiati.
Tliry liavn llm )lra ret lor aoinn ill.
tinre ami am makliiK icwxl almwlni; on
tlm jib.
Summer Music School
Klamatli HuininiT Muilc f-'cliil, iin
ilcr tlin iiunaiiriiirnt ol tlio Woinan'a
cluli ol llm I'iiMIc l.iluaiy, will Wniii
July S.'ml ami fin! Aiiku1 lllli, ltH
Three -rla dally claaaea, ') lormia,
only M. 1'rlvalatraanna at Inn ratra.
Itiiiic r tlm illnttlon ol Dr. C. A. Ilerl
lar, concert haaao, I Van ol Collrci' ol
Mualc, Wllllamclle Unitcrally. At Hie
clirtrol llm achool tlii'uia "1'lanaloiv
ol Ifrr Majraty'a Slil" will ho aimit mi
tha lake umlrr the ilirrcllon ul I'ml M
i:. Ilnbiiiton. the wnman'a rlub haa
ratilillahpl the reputation ol gltlng
aonielhlnf that la worth whitr, ami Ihla
achoot glrca an uKirlunlty lor lliat
claaa Imtrncllon umler an able teacher.
r .- i i. - - -
II. IMIalarneau ami aon Harry will
Irarn W'eilnrnloy uiurnlng fur I'urt'aiul.
Mr. (laUinrnii will attend tho meeting
j tlipllraml Matonlc lodge and alio a
meeting of the grand Chapter of the
Kaiternflar. They will go onto Ta
coma ami frVattl lor a few weeka !lt.
inr iin. ant in imnniin rii-Hiin r) butler
He aald that he had mi troiihln III not
ling a market Inr all ol lln butler Hint
tho tilant ran III r n out mid harrnlter
ri'rfuUr aliliiiieiitn ullllx-mnde. While
nt Hniruuienlo he nlied nn order lor nil
llm butler lliat vt.u on hand lid It una
nt once aent uu Tliu hiiall ma of the
ireHiiivry li mill trim Inn nml aevcinl
thou-atid I'liliiilafd butter will bil (IX
(Killed every eik.
Serve l:ree Lunch
Hindu Iti build thi mail over tliu Hole-In
tlie.Oroitiid hill nod for romu dlttance
out ol Durtii rnlln nml tioi Imve already
been laid, Mntcrlnl li IhIiik atiliped In
to the nw town lor tliu lurlhvr extcn
Inn ol tho railroad and nlao for tho
tihgrnih line.
Wurk'ia atill in progrmon tho "Shoo
Ply" grade nml tho deep cut nt the top
of l he, hill ia canning contMarnblutrouh'e
It li tolid rock formation tUionili
vthkh ft li beliiK made. It will bo lint
ii leu more wei ka until tlio rock utrk
will bo ftnlnliul and then Ihc road run
Prohis and Anti-Prohis Hold Largely At
tended Meetings
A number ol Imlli a intrrotcd in Tern
lierame arneil frie lufirh hi tho eouil
lionH'.iiuii! ilililiu the lUynul ninny
Cf tho otei 1'iirlook of llm lelieih
menla. r-ome gilm-d the liiiirerlon
that the lunch hii U'llU 'elel li) tho
tt ... m..i. ..r i... ti..i.ii ,n i
.tumuli m iitij hi iiik i iiunr i.nii iry. ., , r m . . i . , t
...... . .. .tho line will Imi extended to Ihla
uih iney iini no loniieeiinn nun m
matter and it .ia en'ltily tin- ilolnin
of 'hnladiea Inieiealeii lu tlio tviur- rnllmaij
Alice muveiiieiil. , KnlR
Ixiextindclncroai tho hill and tho heavy
machinery brought ocr for work on Ihla
ild.i of the hlg hill.
'I Iih pvlu for tliu teh'itrnph lino nre
beliij at acroia the hill which haa
ciMl-eil Ihri well groiilidod liellrf tliat
long lefore tho Cnliloruln Korthenatern
li completed Into Klnmatl
SummeiScene onlpper Lake
Knr the U'al rig lu town call at tie
Mammoth Ulabtea. II. V. rtraw, I'ro-
i i
aBVaaaH'kaBBBBV L.JkxX A-amatkaatJaBV 7-
- m&
" T ... . ., t".-.
'ii '.(K..JKj,J .TTiVt?K
tJ! Siilr -ATCJl
? timmm
"V M$KMm
Survey is Completed
E. 15. Henry it in the city from ttat
Klamath Indian Iteaervatlon where km
haa completed the lurvey for the reeav
inatlon of approximately 80,000 acreaj'il
roarah land. He la now awaiting the
nrriral of ono-of the englneeri in the
employ of the Indian Department and
aa aoon aa he arrive the work will b
turned over to him.
It la not known when the reclamation
of ihla land will bo undertaken, and It
la very probable that nothing will b
done until the allotment are com
pleted and the land reverie back to the
Uovurnrucnt. The land when drained
will be valuable for grating and for mea
dow. The altitude la too high to make
It valuable for agricultural purpoee.
Mr. Henry will leave for Curry
Couu'y ui toon aa he turnt hit report
and plant over to the federal engineer.
He hna navcral government aurveylog
contract! in that tcction ol the Halt).
The News On the .Water Front
Iim aentj a fcry'rieat appearance.
Baccalaureate Sermon
During 'lhe Mlre aprlng "there
been much nclMly on tho I'ppcr Uiko i)lC Wlnrnm will remain on iho wnya
water front. i-'eernl of rim ateaiuer for foinn lime. Tho inachiucry haa
have lieen Ihnrouglily niftliaiilil mil ,.n ceihnuled and painting will be
new mnohliuij1 hH been Installed. The gin In n few da p.
lauuehea lmr Uen pit In ahK) for the ' T!l ..j,,,., tor t, ,.. ,u.all)er Ma
aeamiii, keeping the lionl Imlldcra buv are ,l0)v H,e dock and will be
lor aeeiul eek. natall-l this week. Tho machinery for
Tho ateatuer White Clnda la Mill on tills bout la nmong tha beat roanutac-
the w a) a but w 111 be launched in rt feiv tuied mid the Matami ahoul I deelop
d)t. She has been painted and pre-
"Wake Up
Come Out of it
and take a look
At those $12, $14 and $15
Men's Summer Suits we
'hflVP nn oala of . -. . .
N w.. , .
A Choice array of patterns to select
f rom-Now's the time to buy your sum
mer "rlfl" and make your pocketbook
mile. They are $10 while they last
conMcrnbU' rpeed.
Tho llttlo Hornet la making regular
tripd to Odeaa, bringing down bargea of
In m I. or f ioiii the mill at that place. She
la non tho only Upper Lake ateumer In
Admiral Noaler hat completed lie
fiiuncn, Ited Hover, and will put It In
the water in a fow day. lie aajs it U
by fur tho faatcat launch on tho Klam
nth uatcra. Tho Admiral It alao work
ing on tho plana for a largo tug and hat
mndu arrangeiiien t for tuitablo water
front for the conatructlon of tho cralt.
I'very aent in the large aatembly ball
at the High School wa occupied yet
terday morning, the occatlon being tha
delivery of the baccalaureate-aermon by
ltev. Geo. T. i'ralt, of the Preabyterlan
chnrch. Never wat more good advie
given to young men and woman, who
nre about to enter upon the etraggle of
life, couched In- fewer vord Uaaa Utat
waa in tho termon delivered to tb
graduating claaa of tbit year. It wa
evident that tho wnrda of Bar. Pratt
were alnkingdeep into the mindt of th
graduate and that all who beard bit
clear and conclae remark were im-
preaied with what he wat taying.
Fpectal muilc wat provided for tha oc
casion and Mlat Nickerton tang a aolo
In her uaaal charming voice.
VVunts Crater Lake Job
Tho Sacrcmento Bee of May 'li con
tnlm the newt Horn that J. II. Harrlt,
of Pilot Hill, in Placer County, it a
candidate for tho position ol superin
tendent of Orator I.-ako National I'Aik.
ThU position la now being ably filled by
Superintendent W. F. Aran!, who holdt
the Kiton by virtue of appointment nt
the hnuda ol the Secretary of Interior.
If n chango it to bo made, nothing it
known of it In this city. . .
Done' With Pokegama
Cdpt.J.'M.McIullreandK. M, Uubb
iirrlu'dln the'clty tlila evening from
Pokcgauin after closing up moat of the
builnt'ba of the Mclntlro Trauaportatlon
Company. Capt. Mcliitlre will make
hi twadquartera in thlt city and Mr.
Bubbwill be employed lu the local
otllre. Moat ol tho buaineaa ol thlt com
pany will come via DorrU hereafter.
Mrs, h. K, Ilcauieu leaves Wednesday
morning (or Portland u hero the goet to
attend a mealing ol the Urand Lodge ol
the Eastern Star. Mrs. Kennies la In
line for the office ol Grand Worthy
Th few day preceding tha election
bav been bnty oat for th prohibition
Ut and tor th anthproblt. Both bar
been conducting largely attendad (Mat
ing and bar ba maturing tlieir loi
ter dtcltlv encounter at tbapotl to
day. The ttraggle tor topremacy did
not atop at th mtlog latt nlgbt, but
daring the entire day tb rpranUUva
of both tide bav bam at work and
nearly every voter wa ramiadad of th
fact that lb liquor qoUoa wa on
tbat wa op for dadtion. '
Saturday nlgbt at tb court boote wa
beld a local option rally at which J. B.
Maton,Jadgarlfflth, Alx Martln.Jr.,
Rer. Oto. T. Pratt and Her. Conklin de
livered tbort addreeaet. Tb taeaHlag
wa largely attended and tb ratnark ol
ipeakert md to be In accord with
tb opinion of th andktnoa ler avory
point tbat was mad waa heartily ap
plauded. Sunday night a motting d a
tlsllar nature wa bald at tb Matho
dltt church and a number ot tb rep-
reMotativ eltltent ol tb town addreta-
ad tbo.larg congregation tbat Iliad tha
church. It wa a anion atrvlot ol all ol
the Protettaat church in theliy and
there waa not n vacant atat. .
Latt nlgbt at tb opera boot, Rot.
Contrail, in on ol hi abl lector
champlonod th oanaaol tbctalooanton.
Tb boildinc wa iltad with an atathnti-
attic aodtoae and I raqnontly tho poUtad
retaarkt by tb tpakr bfght (oath
roaadaofajtplaad. Ttainhi
pat TMtoir tho pooptoka a wiy that
IntaHtpmt rotor ha hot! nn npporlonity
to form an opinion attar giving tho
matter eooaitUratlon and ahor1 hoaitag
all ol tho argsmeata pro and. con. Tho
counting ot th ballot will bo th do-
cition of th people.
Mra. Barbara Scholoater died 8uoday
morning In thlt city at tb horn ol bar
daughter, Sir. W. C. Davenport, agod
77 year. - f-h wat a native ol Germany
and came to thit country in 1874, Mttllug
in Mlnneapolla where the re tided until
latt Fall when the cam to tbl city to
vlalt with her daughter. 8b wa ill for
aeveral weeka before th end came. Tb
funeral wat held thlt afternoon from tb
Catholic church of which tb waa a
K. of P. Attention
All tnemlieri of the Knighta of Pby
thin lodge ehould attend tha meeting
tonight at there it important butine
for consideration.
Bif Vte Cut
There aro 761 regitterad rotor la
Llnkvill procwet and tb ladioatiaM
tbrougboat th day aro that nearly nil
ol tho rtghrtered voter wr out btaidoa
n number wbo tailed to ant tbair I
on th regUtratlon book. 8v
war kept boty during moat ol thday
wearing in thoroto. A lino waa fortaod
wbn th poll opoaod thlt moraiait and
It waa maintained mott ol tho day. D.
B. Ward waa th flrtt man to eatt hi
Malls on Boat
Tb null will arrlv tonight on th
tMaaor Klaauth, coming la lor tho
flrtt tlm by way ot Dorrlt. It will b
later in th evening when It arrlv. and
if tb train ahould b lat It will arrive
her loo lata tor vning dtotrlbatlon.
atBBJjMpjawlwBawaTtTaTtTtawo ytKJ " llSSSaBBWawawB
m The proof of l "W it in the -
m - the freezer L k freezing M
I The White Mountain Freezer I
1 make more cream, better cream, and nuke it eatier
1 and cheaper than any other freezer on the market m
s ?
a- f.-fl,
I If
- f!
a . i
v.i 1
l' 1
J- u
- ?tSht.W:it?