The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 29, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Kcntl I'uiH-r In
Klamath Pnlls ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
oNdYm". No. BO I.
Price, 5 Cents.
'.uv uuiumi i vm i iil OLftOUli
jvernment Will Force Railroad
To Sell to Settlers
W II Hiulilmi n-ielied n teligram. W. K. Ilrown rind II, I'. Clould, two of
linm Chat. H. !',., general pawngrr the illrrctori of tliu lluetin Vint corn
agent nf tin.. Hml hem IV-Me, Muling ' pnny. arrived In tliu city lait night and
lie first Chapter in Litigation for Valuable Lands That
Have Recently Proven Veritable Uonuna for a
I arge Number of Unscrupulous Locators
ull U u I Iruughl l once by 'the
Lrmntnt I"' ll' I'I" ' taking
I!. rVullirrn I'aiillc railroad lul
tpBjXQ em '! land I" tl'i late. '
).fffiwnl, social attorney In the le-
nlof Jmtlte, Isat Portland for
ipsrpoM of Inaugurating tho legal
Hot. 1'"' I'"'" lutolved "
In California A Oregon Krnt land and
ttlatJ to l worth elioul M,0UO.-
, M ut ol Ihe Ml Is heavily llm-
, Theltiili were granleil year
Dot condition waa that they
laUhttvlJ to actual ctilfft nl the
riliof$!.20ncrr. The assertion It
lUltli railroad hav not lived
ailtlMlcraiioi me gram, ami in con.
km ll grant should be rrtoked.
lands ate now worth far In rice
fU0 prr icr ml Iho Kmlhtrn
ll I sloe lo let (o of tht licl, and
ml Milled on III land are unable to
tlltl to the claims ihat they hare
italMtor, The matUr wai brought to
Ultsntloo ol the (loverninrnt but lie-
I la mil could be Instituted It waa
7 to hare a resolution patted by
Thl i rriuhcl much red tap
JfoiaUtralWtngtiieerlngou the pad
Ilk Oomninent, for tha railroad
IrpWtriiot asleep at the awltch.
Xt IUI Hit C-jiigrrtsluual end of the
ktattka has len dlspoaod (if, lha (loy
l I ready in proceed with the
Ittf number Klamath Fall people
laUrttU.1 In Hit. tract, aa they paid
tor locations uii these land, ll hat
Iwen alalnl that only actual settlers
upon the land would bo gitcn a preltr
cuco right, bill there are Hill many who
arc not convinced thai ther lll l given
no pilor right became ol having merely
applied for the lands, There are no
known cases In Ihia county where par
Ilea aiv actuall) residing ujion the grant
lands. Iluwetcr, much Inleic.t It being
taken in the government tult, fur II It
wins It Mill i7H up a largo area ol land
for aetllemerit ai well aa ghr back to
the (internment a large tract of IliuUr
Remember Benefactor
Committee front all ol the grade In
tht public tchool and the teachera and
.number nf other students went to the
cemetery thli afternoon and decorated
Iho grate of the lato Joseph Conger,
who In bit will gavo Iho greater part ol
hla (ortuiiu lo Iho schools of tbla city.
Tomorrow will lw IVcoiatloti I lay. and
Ine citatum of remembering the lciic
factor ol Ihe schools on tlila day ahuuld
lio observed every year by decorating
hi tail rr.llng place. All of the pilplla
brought llowerr, which were placed on
tho grate nl llio U'lirfaitor of the free
eliicalional ijatein.
A.O, Ihilime and J. C. Cravena, to
gelher with eevtn bear dogt, atarlol for
tho hllla Ihla morning.
that tin. Ilik'-ta nl Ihe rMlticed rati) lo
i I'orlland would b ptareil nmule ut Dor-
ria no Hun. Jay, InMcvl ol .Mmiday, an I
would ronlliiim on rav until Wnlmi
day. The tlnm limit will b ten il).
and the plniing ol the tlckvta on tale on
Huiiday will enable partlca from title
city to nrrlte at I'oi11imI on oMirilug
day of the lto) Cdrnlvnl. 'Iho coul for
the round trip from thli city will hu
IM.SJ, and the i)icg.,n A Ciiliforrilii
Tranirtatlori Comp.uiy will nllow Hie
tame amount of baggage, I.V) (lOiimN, in
la alhmeil by the r-nuthvrn ruclllc.
'Ihe ruling to allow I'kmciikcm 1(0
ioiitiiN of lm'""on lliu Iwai nndMaire
will be i fleet until further notice.
Another Automobile
will remain ruternt day In order to dc
(lib. iijhiii the plan of Improvement to
be follottcd by the company thli tenton
Vo definite action In regard to Ihla
mailer will be taken until filer the
director! have their mectlnc which will
he held either Monday or Tuealay of
next week.
According to the tcrrm ol the f rrtn
i hire held by tlila couipatiy for n (trcef
i ar line limy mint nperatu an eltctric or
motor car by the flrat of AugiiKt and It
la very probable tliul they will put on n
motor within the next few rnontha.
Other plaim pertaining to tho develop
ment of the addition will lw formulated
while tiny lire here and will Ixi carried
out by V., It. Iteamea, who la the local
manager of the company.
I The letltirr by Jud;eC. I!. Wataon at
Anolhei machine Inn been added lo the High Schfi' hut night bi one that
Ihe automobile iii thin illy. WHIN K, waa highly intereatlng to all who at
Virgil went lo liiirrli Ihii morning to . teude, Mr. Walton ia a pleailng
bring In a car for U'.T. r-hlve. It will enkcr ami one who ! well informed
carry four paoetigi ra and I. modern in on the historic and acenlc Kilnti of tho
etery imix-ct. Thii makca Hie fourth ' lato ol Oregon. Ilia lecture wni a treat
automobile for llua city. to the people of thi city.
Secretary Garfield Turns Down
Clear Lake Proposals.
Also Required Per Cent, of Lands in Upper Project
Not Signed For Government Irrigation No Plans
for Future Have Been Announced
Organization Will Not Be Effected Until I
of the datei of the llcenaei. Thla otnla
tlon would be Immaterial but for the
fact that It waa evidently made wltb the
intuition of placing the Antl-Baloon
Committee In a wrong light. In cir
cular liiucd aome daya ago the com
mitted atated that the county had re
celled flOOO In llceniei from thetalooca
alncu June 1, 1W7. Thla aUtement waa
correct at the time the Oguref were taken
from tho County Clerka booda, daring
the flnt week in Stay. $000, the differ
ence between the report In the "Anti"
and that itiued by the committee, waa
! paid Into the county on May 0 and May
h, as may be teen by the clerka affidavit,
after Ihe figure uted by the committee)
had been secured. It will therefore be
teen that the report of the committee)
w ai correct at the time It wat made.
Anti-Saloox CoxurrTii.
Next Tuesday Night
! Candidates' Last Chance
The newly elieled city olllciaU will ery likely that atepa will be taken lo
lake olllcii Moiidjy, but nuln lo llm j provide for tho publication of the pro
day Mine election day the organization reeding of every Hireling. Tho newly
of the new council will not be m.ido un-' elccttd offlcliili are all In favor of an
111 Turaday night. Ilhainot )el been i-coikiiiiIc aduilulatratlon and one of Iho
learned lo whom llio Mayor hu chief aim will lie to reduce the indent
ilatol lo till Iho apK)lutlve otllce, nor ednen of ihuclty. The method for ac
areliia (wllelea known lo the publh-. coinplliMiiglhl"hao not jet Wen de
It liai been learned that a iiuinbei of rldinl uwn, but tho number of the
the louiiiiliiien anlaUothe Mayor oro council aro preparing to ui'se tcveral
In favor nC having mado jiubllc all ol ; plana for Incrcating tho revenuo and ol-'
. .. ... .. .... i .. i . ......t .i .i.. ... i... .... i
tliu Iranaacimn Ol Hie council ami ll i , r i"r ruiimii un mn iuimuhk tium jj ifttc (Jo not ttn
I of llio municipality
"Wake Up
"Come Out of it"
and fake a look
At those $12, $14 and $15
Men's Summer Suits we
have on sale at - - - -
A Choice array of patterns to select
f rom--Now's the time to buy your sum
mer "rig" and make your pocketbook
smile. They are $10 while they last
It la very proba
ble Ihatlho city will bo bonded to a to
provide autlicicnt fund to pay off the
present outstanding indebtedncta.
The Mayor ha view on thl matter and
will pri-rent them to tho council after he
takei hit teat na the chief executive of
the city.
'Anti" In Error
Saturday night at the Opera flooaa
in tliia city will be the candidate' laat
chance to help lliemaelve In thl cam
paign. The occatlon will be a grand
hall at which a ipecial effort will be
mado to have every political aiplrant
meet all of the votera and everyone who
might be able to Influence a vote. Tbla
will bo the lait opportunity for the peo
ple to get acquainted with the pertoni
whodeilre toaervo them, to It will be
to the advantago ol alt to attend, and
politic will be ahown a good time with'
out their having to talk politic. Thli
being the case there I no reaaon wby
there ahould not be a large crowd and
an exceptionally good time for every
Case Is Submitted
A. V. Lafferty and Dan Johnilon re-
, turned lait night from Lakevlew where
In the imuo of the "Anti," appearing they had been on land bualnee. Mr.
, !. . , ...
a tew uay ago, tne ptiulltner tailed
to furnlih u with an exact copy of the
utliilatlt of Geo. Chattain In regard to
iho nmuuut of liccnae received from the
saloon by Klamath County tlnce July 1,
IPO". Tho following it a correct copy of
tho tame at f itrnlihed to tho saloon men :
Stato of Oregon, 1 u
County of Klamath,) N
1, Uvo. Cliustuin, County Clerk of
Klauiulh County, Oregon, do hereby
certify Hint tho following liquor licensci
hnvo been granted by tho lion. County
Court of Klamath County, Oregon, tlnce
July lit, 1007:-
July 3rd, 1007, J. W.Dyar.U mo, $200.00;
July 3rd, 1007, Flelthmann & Fitchor,
Gmo, 1200.00;
July 3rd, 1007, Iloytdt Wheeler, 0 mo,
Jan. 3rd, 1903, J. W.Pyar.Oiuo, 1200,00
Jan. 2nd, 1903, J. II. Wheeler, FtiKlam-
ath.Omo $200.00;
May 0th, 1003, Edtall Bros., one year,
May 8th, 1908, Berry A Hettinger, 8 mo,
Total ' 1000.00
hereunto tot my hand and aQlxed the
teal of Klamnth County, thl 26th day.
of May, 1003'.
County Clerk.
The discrepancy Ilea In the omleilon
Lafferty appeared a the lawyer for a
number of the partlea mixed up in lb
37-10 case, lie ayi that It took two
daya to submit the evidence before the
Register and Receiver, and that It will
likely become time before they will ran
der a decision. Mr. Lafferty feel con
fident of winning the land for the tat
Advice have been received f roan IV atle
ington that the Secretary of the Interior
baa rejected all of the bide on the Clear
Lakedambecaote they were too high
and becauae the required amount of
land waa not algned for government Ir
rigation In the Upper Project. It ia
laid that both of tbe blda that were re
ceived by the Government are far ia ex
ceaa of ll eitlmat. The blda received
were Mahoney Broe.. at Ban FramcUco,
who bid 1116,770 on tbe two ecbedolee,
and by Maney Brother! & Co., who
bid 1188,980 on the two acbedolee.
The bigb bide and tbe fact that only
about 75 per cent of tbe land are
algned np, tbe Government demand be
ing" 80 per cent, are reaponlbto' for tbe
rejection of tbe bide. It baa not been
decided what action will be taken in the
matter. Tbe Service) may decide to
readvertiae for blda or it may, decide
to undertake tbe work by tore) aeeoaat.
However, until the reqntred per cant ol
land la algned up it ia not likely' that
any actual work will bo doaw oa that
part of tbe project.
Litigation Continues
Partiea retaining from Lakeview aay
that tbe litigation accruing frota the
land rneh of laat Fall ia atill on la fall
blaat and tbat in many initaneea one
conteet ia being filed on top of aaotber.
In aoat of tbe caeet appeal are being
taken from tbe declalou of the Lakeview
office and tbe Indication! are tbat the
fight for the land will cootiaoe for aev
era! more month. Moat of the laade
filed on a homeetead lait year have
alaee been relinqoiabod and Umber and
tone fllirg placed oa tbea. Toe Laka
vlew Office (till ba a large amoantof
work piled np.
Public School Closes
In ao far aa active work goea tha pub
lic achoola of thla city cloaad today. Next
week will be devoted to examination
and tbe correction of the paper. The
year Jutt flnUhed baa beta a blgbly aac
oeatfnl one and teachera and paplia are)
ready tor tbe well earned vacation. Tbe
instructor! have not yet made lUflalte
plana for the lummer, bat moat of tbem
will leave hero for at leatt part of tha
vacation month.
The proof of
the freezer
i in the
The White Mountain Freexer
make more cream, better cream, and make it easier
nod cheaper than any other freezer on the market
I ,ft
. X
i ''j
if un j
p 'l