The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 27, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Hewl I'npcr In
Klsmnth FHn
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Viiaii, No. 2.
Railroad to Reach Channel In
The Next Three Months.
Inttncctlnjr New Service.
il. Hielby, II,,' ii.erli,tin.leiil nl (In.
U'rlln-raritn JU,,,,.,, (',,.. uifll
liuarlers In rit.H.,lt ,fvt,
In Hi" rlty lait nlclit o limd the ,.
Price, 6 Cents.
r-xpiess rnulr In llila city. A fuw- dnya
luce the icn ice wai lrainfcrre.1 (run.
tin- 1'iikryaiiia tout,, iorr, nfl ,1(,
Hiiiiilrtnlfiit fa KfiliiK iMf-r tlui route-
Machinery Arrives.
The machinery fur ttiu steamer Mai
ama nulled hero today anil lias been
taken to lliii i;W)fr Lnko. It will be In
stallnl snd tested within a fen- .Uyi.
i ,
Want Cases of Illegal Fencing
Thoroughly Investigated.
gitieerfc ol Southern Pacific Clan lerminol Point tit
Straits During the Winter Houts Will Carry
on Ptmenger and freight traffic.
Practically m, work will be ,. ,
Wood tlvrr llils season. It will be nee
cMHty In itinovo n few til the bars in
onllT til firrff It... In ..... .L. ...
H. .1.1. .1 -.--.-,. . K,.v I
-I nun' in iififriniiio Ilia i rfc eurv and I h w I . .I..n.. i. it... ........
..I the new row... It ,0bably drtdg.. when It Is i.k...t t ,10 wv.j 7"
lil tUlt ..y rt-ult In n rp.jiICIoti ol runcli to ln worl: on tlie M cut. It fTIMDI A IrVJTC UAtr Dimi sTII sTsT,"
ll..' tale, Int., lh,.c,0I1. ""Hlkel)-1, few, before. he boat VlTlrLllRI O IMVL DtLN iILLU
.. lit 1... I.. ..!.!.... . . I ... II .1 ... .!
. i-v M. Kiiiiuii ui iiinnip me )oqi
Assault and Battery. i titer tunic. '
Klimtlh I H' may not ham ralltoad
Mectlniiiiliii:ll'itrf of IWW, lint
brt ll now run aiuratice llint In tlm
nilUllbf llili jear the .learner Klam
ttL an I other ll ni'l U miking con
awttoaallli ll"1 Uami l the alralla
ItU lli ni'lnl'Mi nl reprrettUllvi'
lairoullietn Pacific that tint load will
tabullllu Id iIMlt In nliottt ninety
dart. fl.trinlld progrrM la lirlng made
Mtiiairsd.thli ile nl Hurl" and the
titration on llie tna'il. nti rim work
ItfWfilttile ton Icii'hour tlilllt ami
illhlnafea da) twill have another nia
(Lite on lli Murk Tim ruiutrucllon
dill thtiuialil tatila n( il)ke will
Maoris tlinul lo llie navigable
Tbat'tini ate altraily in Ilia hand. o
IkttefWri for Ilia ronlriictloti of the
Uiagst llie water ami lor Ilia ritab
laoBiot of Icmjorary terminal ijuar
tors. Darin the iliv ica.on ll will be
aaralirrlr raijr matter In ImiIIJ III
fail tor the Llttiaf, ami It la iulla llke
IjJktUIorelhtrtuaiN gel bail all (if
tUlfiKcioand frof. Dili city will l
(Triad on by me n nf tall anil walrr.
t'alni tlirtp tlniiil,! I riceiitlotially
U rallitr ilmint; iIik wlntar Ultra
tMl no ilariKrr if Ibn route IwIiik
ftl to ibut iluwii on account of cr.
IWImmiIIip atraliilita nl.loin frvrara
tkfcler linn Ibrro or lour Indira ami
lib cm b broken by llio trainer.
TUclilut li mil ina.le lliat anur will
I UtMilIt to Terler a Uii.ll.itf antl that
Iteim tlie winier il iblt )rar llio tralllc
haitettrrlcl on tbrouitlt that tiolnl.
Tbaefflclali m IRvu ibario of the
lierrcelcl no liialrucllona for
lUconitrurllutlfif a lirniwl. (,.ll... t ....I.
In and If , anaiiKi.mria liaa bcti
llorilie n.vl it I. Iu,(.-., r'hi.t
Inwr lliv.l aaii.l Abel Ally, who
Ilia land at Teeler'a ami alaa molt
,''lltlitof,yt1, ibatH.ti.
IlUtha,on ol liH-nl AeprcicnU
'""ol Iliv StlittivlM Pitclfle that tlm
"""Pur Hill not bml.l ..,v..n.., ii,.n
J1" MWitablo water liiL,ll. but Untt
"u),irliiKi,l.rosi K M vt.
triiriol l llila city. . maiili roa
iraclota hatn no iinlor'.ci-n illtllculllci
Ibey will com irle (do rnllrn illnlanrc
of llio il)kv In aliout four iiinnllia ami by
ptltiK tlw Kta li will bj nillcli'titly v.
Ilnl lliat ll ami ralli cn U lal.l Jutl
ai aiMti n llie il) kit iM'tiiuiea ilry.
Kepuhlicans Banquet.
TlieMurtlll ltenibllcan club kp a
batiiiiet .Monday nllil at wblrli wite
I'lP'rtll a llllUllM'r of Ibn raliilliUtra.
Kulbuilattlc (olltlral ievcliei wete
maile by tliecan. II, lain, liyC.T. Oliver,
llio of Iba llriubllran crtittal
t'oiiiiiiltUf , anil by otbera win) wetn iti
allciiilame. All of llio camllilalea un
Iboltejiiibllcan ticket will rrerlroalarge
majoilty In Till Uk I'leclhct la lb
(ifnllctlou of tbotn wlin ale familiar
wllli that arrtliin nf llie county.
Ilan5 For Season.
Mike irby ,w0rc to a rouijibtlnl Dili
aflertiiioii (.b:iri(ltiK lliienu llojiklut '
wltb nmatilt nml lutlery. Tliaalury at '
lobl bj .Mr. ami .Mn. Derby la that tliey
wen. bulb attuckiil by Mr. Ifojiklm,
anl bulb linw tji, ,aiiK -,.i '
mliiil ujiinxiiiieaiitliif an affair, an
eaclibaaablaik iy... Tiv Hre Ivilli
nil tilv )i'irof iiKuamllinve lelilel i
at tint llopkim raticli time Inat fnll.
The trouble ucctirvl nl llie ranrli 11 fo
ilayanpi ami lb., miller will lik tly at.
tract roniMrralili attitluti wben It1
co.rei ii In Ibucniirli, I
Mr. llo.kttii wu aitaltiliiHl befote i
Ju.tlfeof Iliv IVnrr Miller Una ofler- I "
, , tnerel
Predicts Wet Victory.
AirojKji tbe vote on local option in
Klamntli fall, nnenf tbn abruwil iill.
Ili'iaria nf tbu county, niter Making a
thorough canvana of the recMrittloti for
tbe rrcvtit city election, mnkea tho pro
licllon llul llie town will ko wet by 103
voiui. Tlionvlilratlon forlho tlccllon
wa ai-iut IV), n llllle more ibau one-
four ih of Ibu voto ol the entire county.
Thii being Ilia cae hu Iblnka the
louulywlll no wet by a conili rable
maritin. na many of the outljln pre
cliida are mire to kIvo n niajority voto
lo .inu aut.iiro!illiilluiiita. Tlili j
United States Marshal Is Expected from Portland Short
ly to Look farther Into the Reported Unlawful
Inclosure of Public Lands
. ..!,. .. ...... . .
... .. 1....1 . . .. "". 1'ieiwi on, out llie proptiel!
noon, but the cawa, .ntn,,, ....til ,(,.. c,. ha, correctly foretold the re-
licit Atiinlav. i . .. -.. ..i... i. . r. .li . T
' ''" main j mi iMctiiun in in ii euuni. ,
Hurt in Runaway
J. II. Froneflebl, n represenlatlve of
tbe Ilree.lera Gaiette, met with runa
way while taklnjt the Harrfman borae
from thla city lo Fort Klamath. Tho
team lcame frightened and In the run
away he anl the ilrWer were thrown
from the bupgy. He lua'alnrd a num.
ber of brtilapa, but delivered the hone
nt tho fort in aro-rnl condition.
Dairy Items
aaiaiBiBiBB BSII LiaM
l-'i.lieriiilr.iilenl V l'.Aratit,of Crater
Ijikn I'ark, baa outlined the lliipror
mvnta no the pitk fur thla aumtiier. He
now lake It for i;rauled thai the appro
pilatlon will c but 13,000 nod will.
Ihlaamall autii It-will k Impoialblo to
aiTiiinplI-h very much. He aipecta to
inn a rable alotiK the trail down to the
water and lo itrrally luiptoved llie path
down In the lake He will probably
have enough fundi to run a l.urie trail
lo una or two of the aceuic iinla in llie
park. The fiinda for llm )car will not
(ertiilt dol.iit mure than till.
Improving Cemetery.
The Odd Fellowa have recently eiit
mrral hundred dollara In lmproitit
I heir biulul ground. It haa been cleaned
and Irrea pUnled and a new lenro put
mi. Tin. uthnr burial irmutnl aliould re
rvlve tome attei.tinn and bo tlxed ti,
an aa to preont a inoro cleanly npiear
anco. '
The Candidalei ball held Wednesday
nV-bt wai well attendeil and the reaulU
from rale of baiketa aatiifactorytotboae
that got the affair up.
Wm. Wiitlit wai kicked down ami
. . "iii. mm waa mcaeii uowii ana
Nominees For Office Making Canvass onl,ra,I,,,,,H,onbr,,,orMWdnM,,Jrw-
. ning two ribt were broken and numerous
I heir Own (Merits.
There remain but n fen moid daya
until the elerlbiu, but not wltlnUiulinn
thii tliecauiiili:n lui ro far U'eri at.
honorable mie In every rci--ct. Cut.
ilidalei, and ulxi Ibeir friepdn, have re
frained front att.ickliij their ojiH)i.etiti,
and moil uf then, lave nji-iken well nl
them wlicni'Wr the) lure had ncciulon
oreilookcd eutliely. Thtire are nintccn
other me.niircj on the ballot and every
voter ahoiild acquaint himself with
tlii'-c meaiurea. At aoino of tho poll
llrul tneetlnK hel I by tho Kepublicau
cainlxbiti-a Iheao tnraiurea liac been
di'cutii-il and explained lo llie oter.
It would be well lot tho rett of tho cam
to do io. The lEvpuhlic-ius have and tuiu if everyone of the political uanir
are u.aklu.'.i eo.icerteil ultenipl lor llie anti would urn. hin.ielf with copies of
election of tlie entire tlrki!. but in i1ii-.h iiiatina ntul u till., .linn mt..tnn.
ury work for thetntelvcialio do a lit lie ' "c rf'c,nt 8ll iwle oxamlnatlont.
iuiireut will l made aa aoon
Chai. haa moved Ida family to
Merrill w hero ho haa cleaned In tho
barber bunlnem.
Let Us Measure
you for your Summer
Suit We can fit you to
the "dot"
A Doubt
Isn't a fact until you
prove It Don't doubt us
until you have tested us.
You take no chances. We
refund If we fall to give
K. K. K.
The Vewest and Best for
th9 Man who cares
Inn tlm nlteiniit they hive tiled the
meiita uf the ptrt) 'a rnt.dlibttei nnd not to loin; about llio defeat of most of the
the dementi nf llio nonilnoot n( llio lueitiurei projtoaed by the initiative nnd
other parly if they havo any. Duriiu referendum. There are a few meaiurai
tho clo'lti- daya of the catiip.ilk'n nil of on llie list that would perhaps be a ben-
the candidate are extremely actlvouud !ellt to the country, but the tnoit of
n.o.t of then. Hieott the ko every day then, would aoon aa into history along
ami part ol every nliil.t. , will, many other lata of lliii ttato onlv
lly far llie li.irleil llht secina to Im to be referred to as bad and unnecessary
on thu matter of local option. Thla , lot. . Voters should study all of
cuts and bruises made about his foe.
At thia writing he la getting along much
better than any one could hope for and
may Iks out of bed very aoon.
Some of the good citlzem of Dairy pro
poo to use their Influence to defeat any
candidate that sends liquor here to be
tued on election day. Candidate lake
Judge Or 111! Hi and O. W. White will
address the people at Dairy May 29 at
lamplight, on 1xral option, come every
body, o
Threo Dairy pupils were successful In
measure li revolving its full share ol at
tention and some of the others that nro
almost of cijual luiortatico nro being
tj.e amendments nnd go to tho polls
prejureil to cast an intelligent vote on
everyone of tho measures.
Contesting For Land.
Clerk Chaitalu is hearing the evi
dence today In the Henedict vs. I.timly
case. The hind Involvei Mrs. I.undy's
home-tend near Illy. A largo number
of wlltui'nea (rout that section nre It.
the city to givo evidence. The defend
ant is ninkiiig a hard fight for the laud
aa she has claimed it for her homo for
seteral years. This content It to be fol
low od by others i.Ioiik similar lines nnd i
It Is rather a strange thing that people, I
who n few years alnce, refused to accept '
tilings on these lumU for a nominal sum
arc now willing to spend sovoral hun
dred dollars lit attoinpt In wrestle from
others tho lands that they have held (or
years and acquired when Ihey were
worthless. Had the Government been
less lax in the enforcement ol Its laws
all of tho presont litigation would havo
been avoided. Largo sums of money
have been spent In tho last few years
lawing over lands which a few years ngo
wero classed as worthless.
Grand Campaign Ball at the Opera
House, Saturday evening, May 30. Dila
will lake the place of the "Grab" dauco
which was advertised for Sandersou'a
Iail. .vuia .
Judge Watson's Lecture
Judge C. Ii. Watson, of Ashland, will
delhor a freo lecture at the High r-'chool
building tomorrow night on the subject,
"Prehistoric Flskiyou Island and the
Marble Halls of Oregon." Judge Wat-
not. Is known as a pleasing speaker mid
has made a specially of acquainting him
self with the scenic, features of the state
ol Oregon.
Fell With Pole
Geo. Ilremmer, employ! by the Mid
way Tel. & Tel. Co., was quito badly
bruUod when a telepnonc polo fell with
him while at work near It. M. Itlclt
nrdiion's placo on Conger avenue. He
siut lined a number ol bruises but Is
ablo to be about today.
au llnntlc rejmrt la sent us.
Our farmers aro through seeding and
the boya are out hunting slick ears.
'Prof. Hall has been engaged to con.
tlmio the school for two months longer.
Wm. II. nilu Is engaged finishing op
the front of the Davles building.
John W. bogue returned from attend
ing Grand Lodge at Salem Monday.
Wo hear some complaint of wire
worms working in the growing grain.
J. It. Welch went to the Government
ditch camp Monday to engsge u black
Storks lilted the home ol PhlllpOden
last Saturday night and lelt little boy.
A large number ol the voter residing
In this city temjiorarily, but who bar
homesteads in the different etcttona nf
tho county are planning to go home to cum the taut that ii at
uiu me viecuon on next nion-iay
Since tb Increase in the value of the
land in thia county a naober of cases
have coma to tight where large land
owners have illegally fenced tract of
Government land and holding It In in.
closure so that It cannot bo settled on
by other parties. In on or two In
stance trouble baa arisen over thaw
matters aSd complaints bar been filed
with the United State aalborllle at
Portland, A federal marshal I waa sent
here to Investigate the complaints aaad
about a year ago and tb result waa that
few of the fence were removed. Most
of the land In tb Klamath basin that
at now under Illegal feoos art with
drawn from all form of entry on ac
count ol the reclamation project and tb
parties locatllng on them oan aoqolr
no right except that of fqnattata. Too
partls ownlug the lands nrooad tbesn
can work a decided hardship by not par.
mltUng thtsn to com nnd go to tb
places. There 1 no ma of relief for
tb squatter save through tb federal
authorities who will preaeonU tb aaat-
UrofUletslfMcbw. It la atattaj that
within the past few wseks chame of
this nature ha've been lied with tb a
thorl ties In Portland and that Utoroagh
Investigation of these aaattere in this
section 1 to be made a soon a a mar
shall can arrive ber.
There have been numerous rssss of
Illegal fencing In this connty, and until
just recently no on paid any attention
to such nutters. However, tb land
arenowindeuandand bosaeeekers nra
looking up these tract; and sqoaUing
on them If they are In tb temporary
withdrawal In order to ncqalro n prior
right when they nrt-rwtorad to smtnr
and filing. Tbr are several Instance
where, In the past yr. parties have se
cured poeeeeslon of valuable tract of
land. Some of theee tract are bat a
few rail distant from the growing
towns ol tb county and have been part
ly under cultivation for several years.
Another In vee tint Ion hu hn ukad
for br some ol the squatters and It fa
likely that wben a United But mar
shal! come here this time all of tb
reported will be thoroochlv Invest.
Tb local ootlon matlna flatnnUv
night will be held at tbe court boost.
indications are that It wUI be hugely at
tended and a number of pert! will dla
cusa tb taut that la at k that at
tracting ao much atUntloar
K . M. Richardson is making a num.
ber of improvements on his home on
Conger avenue. Ho U havinj tho
home turned around andlmprovlng
the ground.
Several parties have recently sold
their timber claims. MoU of the pur
chases wero made by the Weyerhaeuser
Compamy in the section north of Bly.
If your eyes trouble you, see Wlnteis.
The proof of
the freezer
ii in the
The White Mountain Frctzer
makes fnore cream, better creim, and mikei it cuier
and cheaper than any Gther freeaer on the market