The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 25, 1908, Image 4

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Now tittg at Winters.
Merrill. UveauMat not Speculation.
Watch lor"The Ami." A publication
which Will appear In atlayorltvo.
AIONKY TO LOAN Hani time but I
hare aorne money to loan If jou have
the ccitrilv.-K. 0. Hall.
Mem lanaina Hat k'KK itoro.
Villi Manning'! it) ou want the bctt
I nc cream.
MerriU VatVy the heart of Kluuth.
Mark L. liurni la In the city from Dor
rls Unlay.
MerrM. The town wilfcMt boon.
II our ere trouble you, mv Wlntei.
Mm. Dertha 8chlor, the mother of
Mr. V. C. ITcnport, in reported ciilti
(anile ami Children Straw llalM itl
every description at K K K More.
Frank Ira While returneil (nun Port
land Saturday night. He I nt Itonanta
today on land luialnc.
There will be a Hireling nl the l-.lic
Union at the 1'reiby lerlan church at '2 tIM
tomorrow allernoon.
MONKY TO l.OAN-llitrd time but I
have Mime money to ban II jmi lui
tiiitwrnril. K. II. Hull.
Two homct.Mi Im-atlnm In the Kla
math 1'rojevl under the tim eminent
ilitrh. rw lit quick.
Ica cream at Manning'.
Merrill. A aatarel traoecenter.
I)o nut buy blended wlitakoy. Win n
you waul putu whlaVcy ec tlmt Itl
put up under the government' 'bomktl
warehouse atamp," aa la the Conttnen
tal whtakcy, Water Mill whltkey, Nor.
niaiidle ryeaml V. F, V. rvo. Sihl be
t.M. Wllbton. tl"
I Tlio Gaso of Jones.
On and alter the 11. day Juno 11H.H.
milk and cream will bo delivered by Hie
Altamont and Kiveraldu dnlrlc nt the
following prlcea: Milk, pints 4icnli
quarts cents; gal. M cents; tnopil.
morel':! cent. Cream, 4 pint 1(1
cent; pints 2icent; quart 10 cent;
gal. or moie f 1.40.
Allmnnnl Daily
lilter.l.le ltirv
For Sale
0. I. liregory A Jm. -tt
I rnllcr lop ntllcv dek, IS; 1 lm
ladies desk, $10; couch, fft; ," tuml o! i tin
bees ill $ I each; No. S Itlchen lunge
tewing marhiiie, lion UnUIim.Ii, huiciiu
exlenaliiu lablo and iitinifroot other nr
llcle. Mii. t'.T. I'-im,
fur. stb niul Wli. Si.
r. W. I. Srehnru Inn taken ilnrye
if the American 'lining tikiiii, which
ha U-eii remodeled. All n mil u en.,L
treeinphied. TliU i the pi ice In gel
the lt iiiimUIii tmtti. I(
McrrUL Prorerty Is reasonable.
Get the Essence of Satisfaction
By Dealing, with a Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
LeadlaJ Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Commencing May 1st
Ease and
In Travel
Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight
ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla
math Falls
GODfG:-SteaMer Klamath leaves Klamath
Falls at 4 a. . connecting with ataife
at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8.
COMING:-Arrive at Dorris at 4 p. m. by stage
to Teeters sad by boat to Klamath Falls
arrivlag here at 7:30 la the evening.
Oregon & California
. Transportation Company
(CVpyrlclit 1
June nt (lie ngn of twenty eight whs
n im hit h' mid twirling ctei) tl ty tit
fair uup'H niul Impp) to work A later lie iimrrhil A Jinr Liter
(till lie lout lilt wife niul babe nt tin1
former boon mo n mother Then he gel
tutu trouble with liN tin ton fur turklog
oerlliui'. will expelled from Hie no
clety, niul ilur! ; the next It win
l bitter light Willi him again! odd
11... ..I..... .i. ....I l.l... .1.... .i til. I..... 1,1.
i luv mi',., ii ini iiiiii iiu ii, ,. ni-iiim
i beeninc poei , there were uiiire lithoreri
IIiiiii then i MTv pick mid abut el lie
' wnt curbing In n ton of tent nun niul
'then or carrying nut u tun of nthet
when lie col In the tiny or u ulrei l ear
lie wiim't Lllleil liulteil. he wimii I
IhiiII) hurt, but ii iKillteiiuiii tiHik It n
.1 bit of Impudence on lih part tu In
lerrupt I milk- niul he una ei. Hired nml
, tent up fur Itilrti ibijt In "lie one
IliiprlHiiiiiiieut wu n itrent ivllef
to Joiiet He t-ol ximuthllii: In e.1t nml
, Kot It rt'KUMrU When HIkIiI hiiik' he
1,'ut ii tnlih itiuifiiitnlite I ml In nu
nttier M'li-e Ii.. felt ileKr.uhsl IIILwv
en mill m i of the other irlmien
woulil Imw IiiikIiiiI lit the Llei bill II
I tertl li'tt Irue lie bul imioV
n v'ooil llklii r..r ll nml In. I been ilnuu
iil thrniicli i fault of hit on ii. bii.I
he li.ul ilolie nothlnt: to tie eriu Impris
onment It liiiuilll.ileil nml liiiblllertsl
bllii, mill when tilt rentmtv lit t twen
erteil he liml lnl hU velf respeel nml u feellni: that the wnrM w.u
apilint lit tu
Trout that ilay Jonet iHi-anu- n ImUi
lie tniuipiit wtihiuit nil)- particular
aim etept wntillni; to i;el muuett hero
t'heii he went auionc the fannert the
lliiinl thttiK wu to net the ili'K on It 1 til
at .iu nu he riitenil the pile or
i'lliiibetl I he feme If I here iwn no
ibiK. then the fanner rnttie fnrtwinl tu
Kite the ImUi the l'ir etiry one
flintier who fill niul .IkisI tit 1.11 llflivn
lunml I1I111 tiwn). 'the Utter ttiniicht
It nereatarji to will him tiiine mul
threaten him urn I mnke bltn fiel till
poaltlnti The former ileum mteil that
he p.l) lite time the tnllle if the fool
Itl wnrk, nml when he pit reaily In
mote nlonu they lutlilwl mi Kennhliig
nun in make mire inai lie witvu 1 nr
rylliK olf n ptiitv 1 r the coiiteiit uf the
Kransry. .Nutv ntul then. 11 1 lung luter
taN. Jiiiivi met n human Ivlng. man
or woman They in him a .me
human U'llti; tnlLt tu nnollirr ami fur
niivhoiir after he wnull feel blui'lf
aitnln 11 man Then nli.n umilil tuuie
j country routtnble to run hlui In 011
HiMplcloti uf Im tut; Irili-u n wagim
loail of wheat nr Hitalieii ntul nbuie
him Us-iuiKe the prnoft were tarLliiK
I'nr tlte yeum Juliet wumlentl nvi r
the face nf the earth In that time he
met more people 11111I mttr mure uf hu
man nature thin the i.rtlltmrt ii.jii
Miilihl M-e In lltltiR two llfellnieA. In
1 particular be tatr the tlttleue'H nf bit
fellow men lie illnotenil ItiHt fur
etery hroli liilluleil man there trere a
. thoutnuil Willi ptnt-hnl nn.l 011lr.11 I11I
soult. He lienril-K'"l:i mil fni.iUI
ami Ijllik- lie " the liijuntlie u
man to man. He miw nu Utile that
wat Ri4tl mul mi initili t ii'inl.-mti
that, hobo nt he he r-nme ill
Kiutiil ami no ImiKer W'.uli-rnl why
hoct cromle. en It i.tlu r tit ttie tronif
One iIn) he plikwl up uu ol.l new sim.
ler nu the biirlma) mul ml'luuu 11ml
reail, iituonK other lliliik-t. thai a ivr
tain phllauthrnple uhl laily hail f.jtnu
eil a tul i-tuloweil it houiv for the ullliirf
nml llulli'Tit June bail Lnotrn for u
year piit lint he waa 0 vlitltii of eon
itumplloii nml that bit tnimpitiK ilay
were il rawing to n lnu rinuietltnet
us be lay iilulir n trie ami tlmiiKlit of
It he reittoneil that the ro.uttlile illtcli
ttnx kinnI enotiBli for n Inuip tn ille In.
.Kul11. there w'muIiI tonic n luniilnu to
llitii Iiiiiiiiii belnt nNiut htm nlien
the cm) (aim
Countrlaa Rulad by Monareha Bom
Pcopla Think Ar Uiurpar.
The (ietimiii euipetor, whine iH-cupa-
tlon of the (let limn Undue l lil to
httve In I'll the oiltrome of 11 "ooil mui.
nierel.ll upei'iiliitliiu." It lltun!il by (
lillttij to be heir to Hie throne or l.lilt
lanil, Im Iieluif Hie ehletl ehllil of Hie
rlih'tt ehlM of lliiylale gileeli Vhlorla,
The l.lni: of lll) llt on mime oitnj
ilae'i lliitme "I liNfiilher of the pre
elit LIiik iimemhil the Ihrolie of Sari
illula nt tlii'iletteiiilaulof nu ninblllnilt
man of the .Mi'xnmler l)f of iiinipter 1
lux hern lie wnt 11 nmn of title In Hie"
Utile kluiiiliiin of o behiu one of
lit iliiken hpalli. wllhiilll niUliil tint
ptvple. Kate Hilt mill Aliuiileilt lit i
ttirolitt of Sk'll)
I'lte jeart iifierwnril Atnaileittl
thoiniht Hint ut .Miinllnla wnt n lirpr
place Ihaii Sicily It wnuhl If nil the
letter If he nihil II. nml, hat hut put
J the matter In Hie haiult of lierumn),
( harlet VI ut nine ncreeil ttllh Aum
. tleut lint Sinllnlii tiotilil Itr lilt
I AiiiRileut therefore, innler the pro
I lei Hon of the l'uifriir Oharle pro
iretleil to Slliltlila w heie hit IHi'kMe"",
a ter) H'ttil one wnt from fear nl
hitwtl roll teope 'the nuiil to the
throne wnt acciimpllthisl In iluuhle
iptkk lluie ntul nt n reiwinl Aiiiaileitt
k'ate I'lnrlet SKil)
'I hit mtiirritl inily 11 century mul n
hilf tik'u aiul the lineal ile.ieiiitaut of
Amaiteiit It Hie pletent Mitnr lliu
uiauui'l Itl of Unit
Hie ktnt: uf linen- l 11 I line nt
etef) "lie kunwt In make ikhii for
lleiirtfe I i'f the llilletlet, Olho. the
then ruler ol iinie uiul 11 llatarlait br
hlrtlt ntul pireiiliikV. wnt ibmiil ntul
KI11K I'lirltlliu' Koti put on the thnnie
In m:I
It r.iiue nltuit Ihnnik'h n tit II war.
Rubber Gloves
Wcnr rubber itloveu while tloliiR hoUo woi I, . . ,i n i
enlnK-Tliry nron perfect protection W,. w , K "l ii
nml tiny other operutlon that requires the i V J '"'ci
... . If Ill rt I At t
wnter- tun win iiuu tiiem a kmm pnilci'ii,
noiu ware v imve tin extra kmh Iiiim
Vit per cnit UlHCount,
LIkIiI KlovenneamlertH, of bout iiiiillly
Medium weluht, HeumteKM
Kxtrtt (imllty KloveH for outdoor woilc
ii. I.
t) lit) ,l
o oirer it
Pyroraphlc Materials
Twenty-five per cent off on all Pyrogrupiiic
Our line Includes pyro outfits, points, bulbs JZ
plaques, boxes and all articles found In u first class -tocf
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Saves You Money"
On Tiling NltdtiJ,
Tow lie NntulllMiiiiillutf nil Hit talk
rImiiiI Hie whelett there' Iimiiii fur
plmt) uf liiipniteiiieiil lit trtetfrnpby
llrontie vl, l Hiitt't U prrfnt un
til tlu- ilelle nuiiie heme In make ll
(kttrllite fur 11 twiuiiiii In Hielie n me
tak'e llli.illt nitHim Marwl In ilealU
I'hllailetplila I'li-t
A AdvtillitJ.
"What', yntir Hiner" ntknt lb nhl
farmer of Hie iileaiuau
"liw-nlt uitiiutet nfler ,V What mil
nr. mure ttrlctly nit-nkliu; an lutiirri-e. i fur you)"
tli.ii. ibirlii! whlth lite lltet of the, " nnul theiti panl." tat. I lit 11M
relBiilm: tints nml iii'it rre ouelit , fanner, leailliuf Hie way In Hie whuhiw
Hut the uintiarilit iwaptl tiiilnirl 'the, R hiii0ui; at a ihkel marknl.
Inturceiilt iheriittin in taluie.1 I'rlnrej "illtili awn at 5 H"-JuilKe
Mfntt. Hie lute lliike nf IMIiilmrKh - -
A Rl Oritvanc.
Itihby hmknl nikauie at the piece
who M'hstKil mer Sue ('uluiri; nt Line
hut the w inn; inline ri fittitl the
tlimtie - Ntrni Mull.
of nike k'ltiu 11 tia at uprr
, ..V, J, ,t ,).. ,,,,1 (l.
Stoutntu and Sang, Jrr
I in preilmit win.- ami fatnett km Taltrt fair." ial,l Hubby, "fi.r
tosclher I he) .erialuly .rem In 1I0 1 itraiulma tu cut mr .lire. '.ju... rirrt
Ihlllk' b.ikt Mi.'er Ihrnilk'h her ei
i 1 .1 .M
1 v4m
1 V X V''i'iPSBMi J
; MO fm
ao to a man 1111 11 lire What It the
c-nitMi nf thlt iiimrub-thlp? Tetrai
zlna I nt plump at a ptrtrMk'e .Nur
ilhit It nu apple iliimplliii: Melba It 1
tuiiKnltlrvnilj iiiii,iia t'alie It real
Itveli Jell) n la yclliiilrolil I 'anno,
It as fat nt n turi.r Stliuuiniiti
lb ink It a il.-iii 1. .ut nnufiil Setii. J
hrhti It tint a lath h) any meant l-li-inniiii
maile a btiioiu nml Ititciltout
llritliehllil Until Ihe He lletikrt are I
1. lit. heat) men llriKimll tint a iftant. '
Oiint It mure hullMiit tlian Juno
ilantl tn l In her prime I'altl tint a
little naiw-il i,,T ttntii.ui of tieautlfiil 1
Keah I "remit nl It tin Inlrark Kirk j
b) I.111111 U n K'v.lly lump In ix,k
iimii ili-rulillue I'urrar U 110 allm I
Cllt mill ur LMilliluiit ilanleti It Ilk
11 full hhtttu nxe lie Cltnerot hiki
like 11 jolly fat Imtili k'lrl with a fur.
ty ft" Inch ualit Aiming; the nun
Ihe tniiirt nre fat nt n rule 'the
baito nre tail an, I Iran -.New t,rk
tai-lc-. - nrit-r'a UVrkly.
'Oiirh, UrU-rT ita-il the tlrllin
uertimtl) ''Ihrre are .eteral luikt
hi that nidir"
The Mi; lorlT lnif Ihe lather aruiltiil .a lately. "Well, what
ilu ymi etliett In a trn rrnl almrr,
KiMi-niiir," he riwritt, "eleclrle nUV
HI built liMMpUti
H Mad Hlmtdl Uyitular.
"My ilrar Uiy, I'll hat In riitrrl
thai illiuirr fur I wit Hull
Vallril away)"
"No Tlie fad I our ciwli ilhlu'i like
Ihe war you allmlrtl to ln-r aalail lli
I latt llino. )nii illunl Willi u."-CIre-
I ml Plain IH-alrr.
in vented tl iilior.oiffit.h,
lie iiin.lo 1 ,
for nil. I nmnuftcturfd
nt n pru ttbicii f.trjtre
can tiffonl (um we rtll it en
the vat. .;nrrnt j,!n,
no one icul be wilheutit.
Have) on hcird nrd kcb
the New ModcL
Wc Wont Vour Trade
Kallafacllon Cuitintttd
Klamath Falls, Oregon
C.nd rr th Ualllaililp.
Matt) llmii.iinh nf inn,l, nr blub
;raih. Imlilnilit were ailppllcl In Ihr
vettelt .f Ailmlral lltant' llrrl nu the
hitik' 1 ml... i, t,r I'ai-llle '1. nt
luile ininly hut ilianitnl of lale
Jeart ll Ii mi hunter Ihouuht ihllilltli
or 1 rfeinliialu In ml Uinlmiit 'Ihe
lli'illrjl rorpt nf Imth i-rtlcet mum.
'meiiil attrela tu tin. men, ami the mm.
ti.Uwirj uiiket It aty for tln-111 tu cd
the U'tly-I'ure tninly niul itx-clnlly
ehonilnli) Imtiljont nf hlk'li Itrnile are
aadl to lenx-ii the npf. f,,r mrntiit
ilrlnk nml fnrni one nf Hie lt ntul
moat unlrllliiiu iiierir) prmluclliK foula
Alway Oatllng Stuck.
Hlubb What la (.'.ikitiJ ilolu
ulllir he UiUKhl hi re uluiuObll!
I'rtili 1'iillim hi the hor.rt.
Htulib-Ah, playltiK th.. race, rh)
IV1111 ,Nu, rnlluttlut; lha farm hnrwra
that inwr bl martin to town rrry
lime It hreak ilnwn -Chlca.i Nw
iney nre i-niiei a r recom
to ille tinJer 11 roof, to 1 memhil for loiKiimplhui In lint rem,
.11.. I. I.f. I ., .. . .. ..!. ' trllnt tt'li... t .. ..
me 111 nit neii, eeii in mivt iij tan.
with a mini iter before the lamp Hick-
trlea Uhen Ihe army nf orcunallon
In the I'lilllppitirt wna lark'i r than ll
It many larcu ahlpiin-nt of yowl
ty weru imiilu tu Manila.
IereJout. ""
A moulb later Jonct won nakliiK fur Mni1
'nilml'slou to the borne, lie tvna thru
n human wreck, nml lilt ilay weru Oraiilian Beat of Bront.
nuinberoil. Yet, they took bltn hi, hut Owlnjj tu I In- amount of ilrcom
the nttcmlant In hU wnrtl Kate hlin mil tik'elalili) iiinll,r rontnlneil In
warnlnc that If he Made any trouble , Ilrnzlllnii wnlert, tthlib cniitea rnl,t
Orgundl Wr,
"I 1II1I Ihlnk." .till rimlly Huobberly,
"uf k'nliiK In for imllllca. but I
t'ftwilil I Huillilu'l klmw lint how In
Ineal my lufrrlora, ilnti'l f' know,"
"Vmir Inrerlun) rrmarke. Hhan.
"Oh, ymi uuulilu'l krly In m,
any uf tliciii."-",tlhur i,.
From Anthr Viwalnt.
"Anyway," a, Uv huabauil, "you'll
Kite iiierrcillt for hailiiit mMnoit)
to ay iiuthlnit"
"Ob, I .li.ii'f know," rrjoluctl hi
wife. "I'erhap you haven't MtM
etiouitU ti aay tiytblnr" Chicago
; Palace Restaurant
Hunsaker G 0'Conell
Subscribe for The Herald
Elwood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of 'a carload of
the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hurn
he'il k'et th bounce. The k.iiiu. iitleml
nut nuked bltn In the fr.iukvit maimer
why be illiln't die Mintenhere In 11
Niinnilrlfl Inalenil of roiulnx nmoii
bit bi'ltert, 'Ihe i!oi-K,r illjn't nk
hlui over. Ilu unlit there wnt 110 iiccl
of Hint. Any one with cam nti Iml
only to llntcti lit thai rtukltu coiikIi
Ilia exiellemy theailncliir further in thill there' wna 110 uctil nf
traatlii'; k'noil ihliketi brotlt nml pnrt
wine 011 Hint c-iikI ntul that he mipjiut
til there wnt 11 (olllu Itl the hiin-ment
In lit, The 11 u met In Hint tviinl hail n
, Brent ileal of KOknlplliK nml tery IIIIId
inirmiiK 111 uu, ,i urat .ioiii-s wnuteil
Hilt mul that nml eteii il.irei) In rail
.out ut nluht nml iitviikeii Ihu aliepliiK
nurae, but nfler 11 few tlaja, nfler Im
1 bail been Inlkeil In a felt limes, be
jlenrncil bettor. One ilu) when he imk.
nl for the milliliter he wna I.iiikIhiI nt.
'They dlil Dually IiiIiik him uTeatiimenl,
lull till tlmt lim. lilu ... .... .......
. ..-. ,w .m... ,..u-, in. vjr, nviv iuu
, tteali to rind the Due print Uu reullz-
fi'tl that the etui ttn near but wim
clliiRln to llfo na even 11 hobo will
when he heard the nurse complaining
I of bl hanu Ingratitude. Hhu argued
, that be oujtht to bate dk'l n tv(d( be-
, fore und that bin Imrixlm; on the way
he did Hhotted n Kelllili ohstlnncy.
Joiiph figured It out Hint tho nuriu
1 couldn't ter) well poltnn lilm off or
choke blip to death without uttrnctlnjt
nuoplclon, mid that iiIkIiI ua nliu slept,
after narnlnx hlui not tu cull out, he
h'are up tho Unlit, nrd hit soul patted
011 to lit Maker, ilxlt tvnrkman. tnm
Hand, wife, child .loiut. Ami the
world rolled on at U they had m-tnr
" M, QUAD.
1Ielerl11r.ill1.11 nf ihlit lie. Hie bull of
mi' new ill ptiih lM,.it Uiianahara,
built for the lirnllliiii otiriiinent. I
nn.trurtii! 11 tlniy ( nie. Ak'nlnt
thlt meiiil. h.i) pnpuiar Mech.iiilc,
lltu uirrnihe at-lli.ii of ihn lirazlllan
wutera In mi effwl. nml Hiotigb
more.roally l-,lh In nml con
tlruciliiii, the teti t nun h. lighter
Ihaii If hum ,,f mi, .1 nr iwmhI Th
iru(4iier klillllug m.d propeller
iiImi nf bronze
No Un4 f ll.
Mr. Jeiika-I'in mrprlaeil In find you
looking fur rrtnt. I thought you
engaged one yealenUy
Mr. llUhley - Oh, .h' ldy'
mnl.l. Kite wait nu me. I'm looking
for unit t wait on her.-t'athollc BIDd
ird and Time.
A Wlckar Lifeboat."
('. J. tie Nut, Uu. t, lliteitlor, of
llolleiilnm hut leietilly iialeiileil a lifeboat tliTII hut ttllhtliKid tin
utunlly lough litt hi 11 henvy ten.
U'lllt the emeplhni ,,f Ihu rib and
w'liU lim It nudu enllrely of wn.
ler light tth her. II h llbmlulely u.
Hlulublo ami can MjiiiI llw lluiet 11
uiucli pintmlliig iih the wmnleu or aleel
llfeboitlH, It ihH-.i i,t 1M), i,viBi (jllt
It rlih-a Ihe nemt he.iiillrully mid tin a
greater tap icily for patu'tiger and
protl,lons than ihu other heavier boat.'
Petit. o9ul. '
A rthonl fin iiogt ,,i. I,..,... ......i.n,,..
il In I'.irlt The objnl UMo ted,
.belli poll tenet u i. Iaa.i..ini
Th Rtort Pamlnln.
Hi I eu where (be flmt mnu who
eiepled 11 leap year propoiul uf mr-
ri.ige uaa cotiiliilltnl aulclde.
Klin-Well, that protM liulhlug exctpt
that wu women hatu auih killing ways,
-ihillliuorn American,'
FOII KAI.K-ltoUry ball bearing
While Hewing Machine, laical ilealgli,
KlilleltaKiirnllureKlore. tl
When lllr Wfdduta PfrK
Bttin Comlnlln. aiibtiw
Arc Happy whtn Hit rrtfr
cnti tome .rum VVINTH
The Very IlcM tie M W
Afford. :: :: '-' - " &
Special Prices 30 D8yi
Telephone and MH 0frt
The Bride' lovoriie "
rrulucij lo welcomu iim, ty ultutl,
up, wnf.-KliiR l(. tll, miJ KU0
w .Mri., mien the tuitor leave
Iho dog flccoinpaiika hlui in ti... ,1,-..
oimtniilly wagging bit tall, and bowa
... ...... -i i ,- ueuiiing hi head to
the Moor. He a trali.,i in,Aa,i. ..
J'tct up it huiidkercblef, glovo or fan
bat has been dropped and return It
to the owner.
The Eldred Company
F. G. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza, Otegon
Saddlei. Hirneii and Suppjiea
We make a specialty of first-class, KU,"nt1c,
hand-made' Saddles and Snaps. Our Sadflio
have an established reputation.
Ordera From Everywhere Sollciiea
i;jj.i-st3H".'' '" .