THE EVENING HERALD tMrf dallr. iml 8undar. tT Ik Herald Publishing Company SUBSCRIPTION KATES maHaiwar. . . . ; tUttr, 7 mail .lamonlha, , . , .N Dallf. br maU, lhi mwiuia, .,.!. Dally, br mU. a mMlk, . . , ,M JaU. Mlnnd br tmrrWr. nwk. . .11 HOW TO KMIT.-Wt IVatcAc. IMMT MM, ipra. onto., iwtrcnal chvtk on tvtl lura bank, itvnpa, cola, or cumory. Nawararca t.w or OaaooN.-aMtlon MM of ifc uw. of UMun nrovtfaa taat vlkMwwr any mm mtrollln a nmpapr dull mail uch iwwrir 10 any iraon In thU Stat without Knt nnivtnc an mWr tlwrafar, with Mwiwn kail b daniMil to l atft, and no M or ! tun ahall arcnM aaalnM autk pmai, vkrtMr all ntwanauor W mvlroa br tba Mon to whom H la ami or not. MARSH LANDS Jte!U?!L!; Klamath's rtreatcst barrialiw (it $20 per acre ana upwanw. kmmj ichm, 50 per cent, vegetable matter. .-" "T" MONDAY. MAY 2. UWS von ar nuccoicTt There seems to be not a very clear understanding as to the working of the Local Option law and for the benefit of those who have not studied the law, we would explain. Klamath County will vote for or against prohi bition for the?entire county at the election June 1st next. This amounts toVvote upon the question in each precinct in the county. See section 10 of the state local option law which jays:. "A petition for an el ection in each individual precinct in such county or subdivision thereof shall be considered as and shall have the effect of a pe tition for an election in each in dividual precinct in such county or sub-division thereof, and the county court shall issue an order of prohibition for each and every precinct in the county voting "For Prohibition" notwithstand ing the county us a whole and the sub-division (if any) voted "Against Prohibition." If the whole county should go "dry" all. the precincts therein are "dry" under the law regardless of how they voted at the el ection. If the county as a whole goes "wet" only the precincts are "wet" as vote that way. Or MTKIST TO FAKMCIS A bill'tbat is of.big interest to farmers, .stockmen and agricul turists generally, .has just been referred to the senatelcommittee on agriculture and forestry by Senator McCumber of North Dakotaacting on behalf of his colleague, Senator Hansbrough. It proposes to establish a na tional commission of co-operative service to promote agricultural co-operative organization and to appropriate money for its main tenance. It creates a com mission' of five members to be , known, u the National Com mission of Co-Operative Service. The duties of this commission of co-operative service are to promote such co-operative enter prises as it may deem wise; and to that end it- is to organize by the election from among its members of a chairman and are cording secretary, and to elect a chief of the co-operative service, j who must not bo n member of the commission, and who is to be its executive officer. Tho chief of the co-oierative service and his assistants, act ing under the commission, aro to collect and supply to the co-oper ative agricultural organization information concerning organi zation, managing and disband ing co-operative enterprises, ami mayassist co-operative agricul tural organizations with public auditing, and in other ways as-. sist those who wish to retain ; .tt.lit. Iiwlittiilltnl Kilijt,lil(9u Kilt.' WIWIl IUUI1IUUHI trt,?lllkOO MHV need to delegate to co-operative agricultural organizations funct ions which cannot be so well per formed by the individual. The commission may enter in to co-operative relations with similar organizations and with state officers to work conjointly and the sum of $50,000 a year is set aside to be expended under the authority of the commissi in, to be used in carrying out the provisions of this bill, which is to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. i ITS ALL OVER Manager Hitchcock of the Taft campaign has given out the following statement: "State conventions in California. Mon tana, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington nnd five district conventions in California two in Oregon and one each in Ohio. North Curolina and Texas el ected nity-two delegates anu in structed them for Taft. The" total number of delegates! pledged to Taft is now 57I. Only the iexos state convention and seven district conventions remain to be held. The Texas state conventions and four of the district conventions will intruct for Taft, increasing the total number in the Taft column to 586, or ninty-five mors than a majority of the Republican nat ional convention." Humor on? Philosophy 0 DVNCAN H. 'MITM PERT PARAGRAPHS. M. Cs l'.t i'i I. W. I In II.- .1 (I. I I'liw' I.. S lli-.itf WlllMHllailo'lllKimt lilt li"l'" k n( lliiim rlivitp it" llir rlirit W. II. t'littk I.. ,. Crimen C. l l!niliy J, II. IWrty s. II. Kin Tlii wily i line Unit fiimo of u can do Unit nit' in In count ill nil Ih t fiim , our on ti I' Iiir mill IncUlciilnlly Hull of , (Mlll lltll -i. . IM. mIo ti t i ol. II If .MMI Cllll't l.ivp lllO trunifcr to miotlicr line acticduli' The oflcniT it mini inal.c ttio unn' lultlnkit tin more certain lie W Unit tie U rlKlit When si mini aeilivt u miri' l"'t In U iiit in tntnk I lie wlmle community In In it In roll ti nirtlutt It. A Kclit-rul knowledge of HtJtm dot'iu't inii-iirll)' IK a man for n tlntlr In aiilrunoiny. Sum men look out for Uienielte. Well H.ltlJtU'i! Unit lilt Siitillllo m.ijeil) will liHik out for Hie other fellow Don't llinl fault wltti jnnr iiclKliUir'a mirk linle'H lie It on your ii)rll Amiability It n lulelllRelKe itml often i.noi fur II I ins Wanted C l. Wlllmni In III Hie imttket for nil of fnr. for wlilfli ln l l'' '' lili;luit market I'tloo. Ail.lreM lilm tit Kl.inmtli KitllT Oregon. lull. I'u.Uc llbrar) I Uto KlmiiHtli FnlU IMI'Hc l.llirnry li, j. - ... r.iin oen eery nlletiioon inun i o'eloek uml tnrli evenlnc from C:m In Id o'clock. A eonllitl luvltntloii lit timleil to nil. Summons In UieCiinill Coillt til tlie SI If Tin1 woman tltiity tlm-iit't viwaiv cluli. tiiei-itti lor Kl.tniittli County. Joint K.miiW 1'l.ilntlll, . Ammnlit I'.ll.i Koeiiixti'lemliinl, .nil In tiiilt) lot I itltotee. Ill the imnie "( the .Into tl Oleili'li! You me litteti) ttiiiltiil In ''r itinS tltlint'l llieeuiilliit llliil i;itliit )oli in Ihonl.'te eiililliil Kllll oil or U'lole t50tl itnutlllille for i sinnl.t) . June Utli, IW"-, llin! H'f Utliln) iti-vflU'.l III the ottler lot ul. Iicillluii ol lliiit 10111111101111, the lll.t nlil. tMilon ol mIiIcIi Ix-Iiii; on .SttunUy, Ma) Jllil, IKW, Itll.l l( Mill ltll m In Minuter, fur nant then-"', the plaliillfl mIII .tily In the eontl for the tellel ileuiamlol In tlie eouinltilll. II li' I heli-lll. tifwit! fur hIiiim" liotue lieter It U'Ioiik to the SI111W1- Yoil know when Koine iooilc lotto Iieen utxluatitt with tn'nteil mnuey for they hae the tlollnr .lii to show i "'" "''"'"' '"" "" l"i.. ol malil for It. So Unuiuil. s. jb . ,- iniiiiy eti'tin,: U'tmi'ii I'llilillfl ami ilr- Irliil.ttit Itui iimiiieii. m ettril hy puhlicallun in the i:eiout! I l.tal.l. I.y olilrr ol Hon. Unity I. Ik'tixm.'f ol llie Circuit I'ourl lot the lli'l JihlirLI ill.tllct ol Unroll, a.ilnl M.ty t, ltH, which or- ler tequlret nilllilliiill. to la' Hllillhnl mire n week coliMCUtlte HrrV. Iruin the l-l ihit i May, Uw. . 1.. i.r.AVirr. Allnriie lor I'Ululllf. Nuilcr Knr I'ubllCallon m ABElADj Ha Wt a Phlletophar. A liuiy Diprcbaut tvho bail not taken 11 bolMar for yearn. In which time et fry other member of hit family hail enjoyed many outline, rooclutleil to Klftr hliutelf n rwt of n wevk or two unJ ntnrteil for Si-otlnnil. When In iil Iveli Kone n ilay he rifelveil a lei .i,'ciui from hit wife to thU effort: Our liouw wa. rnllrrlr dr.troyrl l.y AM l.t nlKlit. Tim rhllilren an.l 1 t eapnl unharmnl. Cotnw lioina at vnc. ItAIlIA. To thin, after reflecting' n moment, be replied at follotra: What la th ua f comltor lioma uhm thtrr la no liorna to com 4 to? Taka th at-lldrn to mothtr'.. May llicra with ihrm ill! I Join you and don't worrr. KRANK. -London hcrajn. Rome of u uro not trantlnic In tl e. periencf of nerving our frlemln ltb nil our bearu and then of xcelnif tbet.i tent otbera trllb all their pocktstbookx. IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS F HHVJBHBaBBBBJBBJBHBBPJBHjjBBBBBBBBH apv L.iac i ii . ''.B I aV aaaMariaf "" . 1 jlM W Mj'jy T-BaaaMLaBLa W aHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaOaV aa." ".Sometblnt: uer nboul John." Think lie It a llitlc lilt orri" "Well. I beard lilut ny that he wa aatUlled with hla wasei " The reaiuu mutt of ut uru tuur U b'.vauto u bi'U-ct fetv lmo itwu an rtay way of Kcttlui: mouc Petition for Liquor License to mi: iioM)i:.iu.i: ctif.NTY t'Ol'KT OK Tin: stati: Ol- oin; I.O.N KOI! KI.A.MAT1I COl'XIY. ttu the;m'il, tei-nli'iiln ami rolem ol the tirecilicl of Uord l!ler, In tlio Cotinlyol Klmnatli, f-'latc ol Ort-KOti, anil rctu.ll terMinta llieteln, ami who limu nctiully iclihil tla-nni for more lliitn lliitty ila) iiniiieilijtt'h .ricelliiu' tint date ol rljiuin ami lllitii: thU Htltion, do lniil.y reiectfully IHitlthn our liouotnhlu in (.'tnnl and luo In JnmeH II. Wlin-ler, n re. dent of .aid precinct, it llreiite to .ell aplrltoua, Iuou, fermented or malt Ilr) tiora In Itia (iinutltlvi than ii,u gallon, In the precinct afore.nld for it period ol Ix iiiotithi, from lliM.lril, day of July, IW. Notlte in hcreliy vln li liy (lie tiniler .Ijjneil, Ihat thm tiliini ttlll ho pre tenleil to lliu County I'oiitt afotciild ut tliu-coiitt rrxim in tlie city id Kla mnt)i KulN, Oiecou, on thu l.t, ilay i.( Inly, A. I). l!n)S, at Iho Imur of ID o'cloek it. iii. ol calil diiy or an nomil tlierenlter im .aid petition can ho heanl. : Hated ttiiii ir,tl day of May. ln)H. .laiuet II. Wheeler. .NAM IIS l)i partnif nt ol the Interior, I'. 8. I.aml Oltliv, Ijtki'vli ic (trefoil, .May Ifi,, Nutire I. herehy ulten that All-rt llarrinoiti ol Klainalli I'all., Ortyno, uho. on ,S'iir. H, I'.)?, tlmU-r and tmie itiplitMli'iii, No. 101., for NH'4 NIVij, ."tctiou r, nmn.lle 37 S llatik'e 0 : Will Mrridiati, Int. (llnl iiotue o iiiteiillnii to make final Trixf, tot'.talill.h i la. ut to the land ale ilr-trtU-il, Udite County Clerk Klainalli Co., at httolficeat KUinatli fall., Ore., on the lllli ilay ol Autfti.t, l'lt,l Clcimiut name. a. wltnre: John (!,' bclaltuck, ! Klamath Kallt, Ort-Koti, T. J. Klamath fall", Oregon, AlliroJ.iiin.oii, ol Klamath Kallt Die Koli, Win. Catlmtf, of Klainalli Kail.. OrcttMi. J. N. Viwi. llei.ler, f, IS Professional Cards DK. WM. MARTIN Dentin! Office over Klamath County Hank C F. STONE Attorney at Law PlMce over itfutttiflke, Klamath Falla, OrfRon Tit I Mint r. 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney al Law Klitriiatti Kalla, Oregon You get more room, more cooking surface amd convenience than from any stove ever sold la Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House' Furnishings, Bridge on Main street At the NAM us 0. II. Ilnyt Ho) It. Wlio N, J. Jnlinnon David Kaniley S. ll.Oiiriliier J. II. Vonti a. v- Vomi K, X, llotiipier 1'iank Oomplei I'aul I'irboim J. II. KiiiuiU M. 1'. Moruau W. Jl. TlioniHiion Ixillil) lilllllllHIl L. C, Drake It. A. Moon O. a". Gray Walter Dixon C. Gray M. II. lleai) o.c. inn O.S. llo)t W. J, Jamison It, M, Jamison J. L. Yoao John Gray J.AI.IImerv II. IS. 1io.ley O. II. Hunch Ami Uropii li.lll'llll.lallitttiiu IjU'. Copelnnd Ira Unijlc We.ley Colo Win. .M. Keen D, (). Courtney II.J.rHVrl.leo I). I'.. Noah W. II. Norton A, I.. Melhufe J. A. (ilbion Clark Win, Denton K. .M. Denton Irv Dciitun I.. (.', BUmoiii J. II. IKHsIiC K, J. OJen Jon. IIchuIk Ituhc White Frank Silvers D. llyan DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Ameilcnii It.uik & 'Inn Co.V IliiiMIrifc CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night I'rivale Diiiiim I'arlor Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. Incorporated November 20, 1000 Statement of Condition if llie Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DICKMBER 31, lt)07 RESOURCES Loans and DiscountN $3-t 0,530.00 liondsnndSecuritivH (13 Bi'iia Hoal Estate, Hull(llnKH a.ul m Fixtures.. . . V,in uml Siht Kxt'liunco i-..7ir,.ia j(i,a.7.09 UABIL1TIKS Capital Stock, fully imitl Surplus nnd I'rolltH Due OtliiT llunks Dt'K)MtH I. A leu Martin. Jr.. Ca.hler of I).. Itik, tin aolciuiily awenr that the inrlit la true to the lie. I of my know!. .t AI.KX MAUI IN. Jl. Sulwrllel and nwiirn to ,rfori n . of January, I taw. ISealf C Notary I' OFFICERS $100,000.00 2 1. 763. 1 1 :i2,000.U4 KM .205.40 $5ar,ojo.5"i '3tf Iff irr ll lllj It i. .-a ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN. JR. LESLIE ROGERS - President Vice- President Cashier Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor Cholceit of Wlnei, Liquors mtd Clears rc.i IS kin trra to llie Letter cla of UAilr t:t.gUiir4 the moat critical. You'll notice tt. i.te&u lp try it, Juat the Jilace to droi n. f r trfrciklrf Ut aKF when you nertl a llrnulat I - Iqinri tf U klmla for family trade a -clalt. Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Table, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Plots and Feltolenc Maltresso Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thing for hot weather. Folshed Oak Dining Sets and all oak. Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER - Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 15r, CIIAH. H. WOltDUN I'reiitlent M. WOKDMN Canhltr I itHi) MKUUSK Vkr-lWiW The American Bank and Trust Go. Klamath Palls & Wlnema Truck & Transfer COMPANY I'urnituro nnd pianon carefully mnved. IIukkuko wagon and Kt-neral drav(r.(f. AH work Klvcn iirornnt otlintion. litian to nnd from all IwatH. I'lionw lO.'l COLBURN 6 YOUNG Proprietors A-Vrx '! i a m m m mnnn i m ,-., Hn . usi . an bi Ji i . ik n"wsi i-jh.:5 r "Qil .i J 0Sk Baw ateai .aa? r& '& MM i i iLH m m iw m If I la iM israjCI MEL wniBJSlffl38 CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor.SlkaMllrUlNllrcd . it rft pWac w M-