The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 23, 1908, Image 3

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iNi.n,M..M'll ir iiiilurii !
"" i, i. lor MkH'K i'0'""'' U,,M"
'"if, J II, ''' "'" e"r'
I Hl1,w'" liarif.
.I,M.. ' i ( kinds of
,,.,' I Imm ll.l..iirlrri Ainr.l.
rin H""1
.. . ..!.. An lllillltllt llrllltil
Iftinaf"' "
Wh.u in-". ' M "'
f,ll,tlM"""" "
, .. iillv iiom llnrrlllit'""! '
H.II.M.nli.Mlr. Mlrir.lii.oiw9x
" . . ii-. .1 .i Ji'nclv atntr.
).tllf "r
'" .' l.,., rl,lr.l.llltliuIHl
.... i i i-a...!! illnliii
IruliK.W.I Mini - "
r,.Ktr.lU.f "'"" l.'l"lf
rillfwlHlllif ,f'
35(mi Acre. I'rcc
tu Ulollr - .iii-ir.y '' "VM ""
rfUivlnnl"!'"' da HI I' ll'l
tiiififr iii.m" i m:: '' )
IW Mu Initio M' "' i'"1 '"' "'"'
llUf. 11" i"l''r ,'"',t c""r al"'
to tl.c Uii'l iii cultivation. The lent-
iffllllllliiTfii.ilill frame Hi"
lilt In iutr tin tnllti.
Tin- UVrilil" Company,
PrattV. Ailmm, Mminurr,
.Mrrilll Orrgon. ,
Ireflsurcrfi Notice
Soliff Llirlrliv Ifivrii llml ill"!" air
UtJiIallifCinirity tnamiy for the. re-
dra.tlon i.l nil oiililaiiding rotinly
luttoli n(til mi ami I'll"' " '
Jlj 5. H. Iiilrtrl nil Mini" will
(MM l(U llill dale, . . I
I'linltl KlamMli I all lliH lam n i
U.(lil, I'.os.
I, Air l.rwi,
Ton nly Tiramirrri
sknlll. rro.eiiy Is reasonable.
Jin. U, I. Nilmiu ha taken i barge I
"I II Allirilr.lll lUllIng ICII, which
1,11 lfl rll,l(, ill ItfnitlMtl fHlftVa
' " I
utmiii))rl 1 lit In llii- place In get I niral.iii I, mo II
niTAKTUI.Nrilt 1IIK INTl:illOlt. iNKK4l.
,""( l.lrliT VNxhlxtim. II. !. M.cth 17.
lai Nurirkor MjrTimituN nr nnua 1-ani.
I. MTfllaiT mil kftfiat..Kullr 1. t,.rl,v
I'm Itatll Vila Xwt.laiuflhlnt.ff ha.
WH otr1iwnul utxln ut tlllrwl In mt
lvuU mux alt.cU Ih. IOl,aal for lrtt
M huiun uihW IU sl ! Jum IT, IKS l
llUIKI (. u In nwiMlln lth Ih. KUmalh
nW1. IW. '.I IU (ulluoln ilfwrltnl Ultl
kOOtUtoailfmn, ! I,r hU utltr Mwh
rfulliMtaut.toM.1 lm hrl4.fu. (lullr
m4 (f.1 iwi uihrt m llhUrawn,rwrvl
" .III U .ul,l luxtthmviil unl.r
tWU,rUn.Uilr ll. tfnlll Hl.l wih.l
. ., "M ' '" I"1 ','" " I ul'Jl to "
P;.!"f-W "llk until Julr J, l, t IU
I'M iuu. Un. utw al uCn&w, Uixon,
wi (Urn that nu ymnan will
rraili4larlniartTUi nr rilhl Kal
Jtwwn lnt tlWirrM nr irulwukm Uwun
""'"rjll l'Hmn. MlurluJunaJD, IWM,
iNt',. M'i.MK'i IWlbM W.T. ITU.. H. K.
"Ml. I'lll.ll IlKNNinT
. IjnimlMlnwr of II.. Iinrtl Ijiml Oltkw
'""" I Ir lie y.
tWI AubUM Hwti lrr of Ih. Inlrf lur
G. Helming & Co.
Fur Merchants
Mamhlleld, Oregon, or
KUmalh rails, ongon
Bin's Plumbing
Contracting and Jobbing
r'irntcluim I.lnu or Plumb
lnK Sifcliililon ami nrnt.
l Vrkmnnnlili.
A. 0. u. w. Building
nianiam raus
Jackson Hotel
ort Klamath, Ore.
Clean ronmu dnwi tAm
the table alwaya tup-
with the , beat the
Wket afforda.Tritia m.
J C. Jackson. Prop.
Notice to Public J
Kmhatm Vm.m, Out,, May -jo, hkim i
Nnllrn In din iii1jI: K,,r (m ,,ur,K (
ulrKlnMUIiliiKilu, Itcn (MlvtT) llmlu
(or tliln clly, n it m.lliti on ,,
mir lclriliomi lilaiilm, Wn vvltl, mi mull
nllitt tliloilnli', iIi'IIvit den nl i liarxu Ihi. ,
lurcii I Im Inin. dl Hu, in, ami (I p. in.
nil mraiaKKH .l,ltul In iHUnoim hIiIi- I
In unit liliM'k of our olllcii,
On imiiFNifM to ir(in oiilnlil.i nt i.
.rrn ilrllmy IlinlU llirin will Ihid iiut.
ririiKrr rhaiiro ol ecu In (nr alnllwry nl i
Minn wllliln llix city limit., imjalitol
iimiii ilulUiry nl iiiiMnKi', ,
In ran' nl n liii'aii;n mining in a .r.
in mIio linn a liililiiimHv will notify
thdii liy It ami, II tliuy no iliilic, nail
lliii ini-Mani. In llirm wlllimit rliarKi', or
tlify may, mi audi nntlcp, call ami m-ri-hn
liiiimnKi- at (Vnlrnl Ollllrn (ten nl
Mi.ra(p. irnhiil Utwcen llm Imma
ol ll i, in, ami H a. m. will l- ilrllviril
III tin inniiiliin unli-.a n h.oii run I
rrniltril liy linfiioi will rail fur It mi
nrli nnllrp.
Vnil I a duly,
'llm Ml.lway Til. .VT.I,C.i
liy O. Il.datra,
Tin' Nllla lry liiM.'la Co, liaa' rrrflrnl
Call ami lnMvt lliiinrw llnr.
Vim ran Krt a IMmral UaiL at Will
anli'. Imt.'l fur f I. linaril ami Ii.IkImk 'i
n wirk.-t,'. I. WIIIm.ii, l'nii. If
Kcpublicnn Candidates
I). H. r-Vnalur -Hun, II. ,M. Ckr, a.a
II, K h'vnalnr, la all that wu ran fur
In oiik ranil'lati'. Mr. Cake la a man
nl iilcailiiu aiK-aran(f , an rmiirnt
aN-nkrr, a man that Mmlrrataiula the
lollllral alluallmi. Wlillu many nttrrt
that Mr. Kullun U-atrn, )rt wr
irallc, liy the Mitu Mr. Cakri rn-rUiil
In III. Iminr rounly that hr laa iiiilr
tlirrr aa Mr. I'ulloii waahrir. Mr.('ki
la ilrrvlhK nl hla parly tr.
Ciinitrriauiaii V. ('. Ilawlry ilnl
to hla aat rrcuti! wllli ptlilr; III farlhl.'
rrwnl la hla litatfuilil,
Jiiallc.iol Ihr .SurrHio Court It. S, ,
(Iran lirnla mi alwrlal Ini'lillim.
Ialry niiil Fool Cuuimlalnnrr-J. W.
Ilallry I. aim a Wlnnrr.
It. It. ('iniiiilMlnnrr-T. K. CainiUll
lit nun fur llm iHMiptr ninl it entliliil
to thr aiii'iKiit nf tliu rnilro tarty.
I'ihihuiiIIih; A llnr my II. V. Kujlrii
lall, a rnxtx'iitliiK Attmnry, la iract
Irall) wlthiiut o'oaliliin. Hi' I" will
iiialitlnl ami Klamath an, I l.a.c Count. '
Ira arr to I rmi;rntulati-l on liavin,:
Iti'Ii alilr to ilan aorniniirlrut an at
torney In iiutulnat'nn fur the ,lfi
hlali'h'oii.tlnf-!ro. II. Mrrryiuan, a. ,
Slatr rViintnr, la a rlalni; voiiiik Slnlra.,
man liavlni! trrvnl mu'trriu In thv biw-,
rr lloiiaii ami ileiiiomlialnl til. nlitllly. '
lli'iri'rnlatic-Oiir fSlalc t Itrp.
rr.riilallwa. II. I'. lU'lknap ami II. A.
Hratlaln, niv alronit rnmllilati'. ami will
morn than nl Ihvlr party ulrniKtli.
HIirrllT W. Il.llarnri Uwi-lliiialinnl
In llll tlio olllci', halliK arrvnl aaai-H'tia-or
nl l.ako Couity, alao at ilriily thi'ilff.
Ila lint a gul rduratlon, l an ncllvr
man, well ariiialntrl with nil the nur
roimilifiK rounty ainl makn an rlllcli'nt
nlllcrr. Voir (or him.
County Cletk-C. It. IH-Iaji, at County
Clrrk, It well known to you all, havlim
avrveil llilx rounly n School .Siiwtln
li'iiilrnt In n way that I" n rrnlit lo hluc
anil, do I. now nerving aa Ik'utity Slier
iff of lhl. nullity ami la known to If a
tlirniiiily roiuciriit man,
Counly Trraturcr I. Alva U, n
Trraiurrr, la well known to you all ami
lie oliitt with priilu to lilt pat! rrconl.
School Suiicilnli'iiilcnt J. 1. Hwan
It a mail that hat Uvn roimplcuoualy
lieforn the puhlii' for the pant live yrara
ml linn accomplMieil vr onderi In nlucal
ional linen. He it well lltleil for tlie
AatenHor llert K. Wltlirow,iAMt
or, U the right man in the right place,
having torveil u number of yearaln the
Abttrnct Olllco and liaving complete
nhttract of every piece of deeded land
In the county, mta him In a poiltlon to
bettor Judge (lie value ol real eatate than
any other man wu know.
County fiurveyor-M. P. Wllllanu hat
been contplcuously before the public
during Ida term of oilier. Hit, work
pcaka for lilt olllclency.
County Oonuiilsaloiier-O. J. Swingle
la a pioneer of Klamath County. He It
conservative butinett man and bat
made a succeta with' hit -mrn business
venturer, and II I falrto assume that
he will do as well with the countybnsi-nets.
Tliu Klrinmlli I'rojcct Ih tlio unme
Hint linn been ijijiIIciI to tliu reclama
tion of iihout 10U.000 ucrcH of Inrid uow
, uiiilur llm overflow of tlio Klamath
Hivi'r inn! or Lower Kliiiimlli Ixtlio nnd Tnlo Liilte
ninl llm ii'i'iKiilion of uliout IcO.OOO nrc of vnllcy
liiml niljimeiit to thu Klmiiiilh Kivur, nlonj,' tliu course
of liOKt Klver mitl tliu trilmtnry portion of the great
liliiteittt lyliiK clilully in Klmnnth County, OrcKon, but
nlno I'liihniciiiK it tmrt of HiNkiyou mid Alodoo Couii
tii'H, Ciillfoniln, n totul rircii of 200,000 ncroH.
Tliu Project cmbrncuii tliu coiiNtructioii of a very
(,'ient inilciiu of chiiiiIh, IiiIoiiiIh mid (IrniniiKo canal
mid will liuvu IIh princiml Hourco In Uiipcr Klamath
Ignite. (Jlenr l.riltu mid llomully arc rencrvoir sites
w 1 1 fiu llniid witter will bu iniioiiiidud mid utilized for
irrigation of land incliidcd in tliu upper portion of
llm Project.
Work on tliu nmln emial wrm Marled in tliu Spring
of l'.JOU mid Dm llrnt unit of niuu milcn in now com
pleted. About 111,000 nereH of land will bo irrigated
from the llrat unit, thu luluraln for which arc being
eoiiHlriieled under thu kiiperviiiiou of thu enKinecrs
having ehurgu of thu 1'rojccl. ily far tho largest
irojioition of thu laud under tho lirst unit is uow in
ii.'igehriiiih mid inimt bu cleared mid broken in time
for eropM in thu Spring of litUB- Work on the sec
mid unit in being done by thu Onvcrnuicnt nnd em
braeeH nineteen mileii of main canal nnd twenty-six
milcH of lateral.H to fiiriiish water to about 20,000
additional acrcM of land. Work on this unit will be
prosecuted its rapidly iih possible.
.N'early ouu-lialf of the area to bu irrigated is now
under waler to it depth of from ono to fifteen feet
and will be reclaimed by a riyntcm of drainnge to
lower tliu level of the rivera and lukca. A large part
of the xwaiiip laud mid practically all of the valley
land in the Klumulh ilasin nre held in private own
ership and Home in wry large tracts which must b
sold in tracts of 100 tier erf or Ichh under tho regula
tions governing the perfection of a water-right.
KLAMATH'S For its development and prot-
UREATEST pcrity tho Klamath Basin must hava
NEED people, nnd the right kind of people
nt that. Its groat need is intelli
gent, practical farmers, who understand the meaning
of intensified and diversified fanning; men who will
buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with the
idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making per
manent and comfortable homes. Such men ore bound
to succeed. There is room for thousands of them.
Developing Sugar beets have been grown ex-
Various perimeutally throughout tlio Klam-
Industries nth Valley. The percentage of sugar
is high, ns will bu noted from the
following nnalysiH made by the United States De
partment nf Agriculture from beets grown near
aiigiir in beets, per cent., lil.7 ; .sugar ill juice, per
rent., 'J 1.1 ; eoeflieient of purity, 83.1.
Kxperienee has ilemoiihtrated that excellent n.s
par.'igiiH, onions and celery can bu grown, thu tulo
lauds being very himilar to those, of the Sacramento
mid S.m .liiininm Valleya of California, where such
vi'gi'tnlili'H are mi Micrrssfully cultivated. Through
out the world the reelaimed marshlands are the best
niiiled for thu highest development of dairy inter
e.std. There is no question that this will become a sugar
beet producing section and that n number of facto
ries will bu built nnd operated with the development
of thu industry.
All kinds of fruit adapted to thu
thrive here apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes,
plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and small
fruits bear abundantly and of excellent quality.
There arc n great many small orchards throughout
the basin that prove the adaptability of the region
to the profitable production of fruit.
K. i. Smith, former president of the Oregon State
Hoard of Horticulture, gives it ns his opinion that
tho foothill lands are specially adapted to apple
Cultivation of the notnto has passed beyond the
I experimental stage, the sandy loam of the uplands
I producing them in great abundance.
; Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation,
I took the premium nt the New Orleans Exposition.
Tho most important forage crop is alfalfa, the soil
being peculiarly adapted to its growth.
Excess All landowners being required
1 Holdings Must (o sell their excess holdings, there
j Be Bold is n largo area or good land for sale
' at reasonable figures, prices rnng-
! iug from about $l.r to sv:i.ri for unimproved, and $'J0
1 to (.10 per acre lor improved laud. Land adjacent
to the principal towns commands hiuber prices. The
, ptirchnscr pays for the water right nt a cost of about
$18 per ncro to bo paid for in ten equal annual in
I stallmcnts without interest. This amounts to less
i than the ordinary nnnual rental paid private ditch
companies.' Somo of the irrigators of Klamath Vol
I ley (nnd they are tho most prosperous farmers) have
t already paid out to such companies for water $60 per
l aero nnd i wn no water. All of these companies have
I been purchased by the fioverunient nnd included in
tho system.
No public lands will bo open for settlement for
several years. .
Climate Tho upland soil is mainly a rich sandy
and loam of great uniformity and composed
Soil largely of disintegrated and eroded lava
with an admixturo of volcauio ash mid
diatonmceous earth, tho latter material of plant ori
gin, formed in tho bottom of tho ancient sea which
covered tho greater part of the Great Basin, and of
which Klamath VnHey is n northwesterly extension.
Such soil, chnrncteristio of many of tho richest agri
cultural sections of tho world, including much of
Italy and tho great plains of India, is extremely fer
tile, and of lasting productiveness. Tho Inko and
tulo lands ore made up of a volcauio soil containing
much organic matter, a vogctahlo accumulation of
ages, nnd is of n pcatty nature.
Tho climate is extremely healthful uud not buveie,
There is rarely any Winter weather boforo' tho latter
part of Deoembor, and but little r.ero weather duriug
the entire Winter. Tho nnnual, precipitation is aboat
fifteen inches, with littlo rain during the Summer
That's what people often lay when theyijet
articles In the Grocery line. We doit tell
the "It Will Do" kind. We always guarantee
absolute satisfaction.
mone 5i6 van Riper Bros.
Get the Habit-Use Chase 6 Sanborn Coffee
Our new goods are now here and
you are Invited to call and in
spect same.
We can SATO YOU MOITCY on anything la the Fnmlrnre
"Our Responsibility end wbcaevt r jtm are Mistical."
Vice President
Map, PUaa, Btae Mats, Etc.
Klamath Gdunty Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irriatlon;Ialnsirs
Don J. Zumwalt. C. E.
M. D.fJWnxmij, C. E.
Klamath Falls, Orefttoa
East End Meat Market
Prime Beef. Veal Mutton. Pork ud Fevfttrj
Fresh and Cured Meat and Sausages of all kJod.
We handle our meat la the moat modern way la eleaa
lineaa and surroundings. Try us and w wDl be aaost
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were offered
nt bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bought; since that time values have
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Bays
nt present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipatean advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are FDTY feet in width and
deep more than double the ares of most
town lots offered to investors.
Land Salesmen.
Office oa Fifth
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family DUaer Far
ties. The largest and best arranged eaOag hoase
in the city. Open day and night. '
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co.. Phoae 401
or K K K Store. Phoae 174
J. L. FIELDER 1Mn01Bl9to
Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggsgf Orders Are
Given Prompt Attentkm
O. K. Transfer & Storage
Office an
Having up-to-date piano
trucks we solicit your
fine piano moving