The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 21, 1908, Image 1

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"i g
Mostly Kcnl I'lr In
Kiimatli FiiIIh
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Prick, 6 Cento.
- -" " ' 'i
Bonanza Creamery in Need of
Market for
I Gr4t"l Increase in Amount of
It Ncfcssiiry to Seek Outside Markets Dristoll
(iocs to Sacramento for that Purpose
j linn, dimi tberlly today m
lililf lu.S.italiicnliilli IhnliiteiMt of
lkloiniiitriMiiry. Ibis creamery
iiH'')l" '" i'1"'1 ' Klam
Hi (wiiil and i" "I"' 'hipping "m "'
Itiprvlurl ltttf f Vr. HUH lli liiitltT
Mklng litiiti ! rt'ncltnl Ihr alagr
ikirttlircrraineryrau littnoiit every
ttk about ni pmmil of butter "vcr
tU amount ul Iho prrtenl trade.
Mr. lrlmill i!"- ' rUcreinentotomek
irrwpmriiti I" ilnp Ibe mrplm In tlml
rilf amy week
Tb-ruuct nl llio Ibinami creamery
ItgDitrrlledaiid llirru l Hill. loulil
Utlht k aark- will I found fur til
of tUbutlrr lint cjtn Ihi manufacture!.
T)rt crrarncr) la ii'iw receiving larger
taul'lln ol butter fatllian at anytime
frttlore and indiratlona aro very good
lornnit-ritliricream In llio next few
oatLt. The fitiurra ul thai lection of
Uxtoanty aro non aware of the fact tUre It iiiuriejr In milking fur III
man-ryand rnnit of them ire idling
bis lbs dairy lititlnni on h tinall Male
Tli fiULlliluiuMit n( tlila Industry at
r-injiliilriimrntralnl that Klein
ttbrourily liih'ttined to herotno one oi
IlitbritiUiiyliig sectlona In llio state
ofUrrfon.aml aonoii at llio railroad
ii fir ritmij-lt along to connect I tit
, KUdiiIi roiinty w lilt tlip roinmerclal
ctoUriot iho rot Ijikc quantities ol
Ury prudurta will l-i exported from
till iwtlun The llunania rrramery
iwuinulacturii about WOO poundt
flmtt-remy week.ind this atnonnt
CM b Inereaicd at any time. II will
batcnury IdiIihI anew market toon
Ibe (inner ate gradually engaging In
tb dairying LuiIm-m on mirr exlcn
iKale and unlets a market It sup
flW the price i.l U,r product would lie-trn-.
Tlio operation nf iho creamery liai
fMenadccldcdiurccn In every way.
Tlxfannvra In tin. vli-lnliy of llonanu
fc"lii awakened lo the fact that It
l,ritk..oM.i,.ilry atiwk ami are
Improving their limit accordingly.
Its Product
Butter Manufactured Makes
Coinlctc Testimony
The lawyer In tlio famout 37 ID raw
PIrcl to llllltll ttklng theletllliiuuy to
night anil the next round in the light I
will romuulf at l.kevlew Iritliiiilng mi j
next Mun lay. Tlilt raw- It one of ll.e
mutt liuiiUnl, If mil the mutt linjmrl- j
ant llial ha ever nunc up In tlilt land
llitrlrt. Mure 11x1111 and inure val
uable laud aro Involved than In any'
case that hat rn tried. It hai alio
Iktii In llllitatloii longer than any other 1
ra no nalng before the Drpatlnirrit I
from this ftlon.
Rainfall For Week
V. II. Ilelleinaii, ol tlio Kri'Iatnatiun
r)ervlcr(ii'nU .nof an Inch of rainfall
timing tho fail week. II itatea that
tlila hat inolilcnail the loll pretty thor
oughly hut that the crop nn the dry
land are not at far along at they uiually
ate at tlila time of the )rar. Warm
weather lor a few ilaya will make a vatl
difference In thuaparaneeuf Ihefieldii.
Dairy Happening
A vary pretty wedding wai olrinnlrnl
at the tftldencrnf Mr. and Mr, Wlit
mam In Ilonanta, .' oVIo-k p. in. on
Mar 14. The contracting partlct were
I'rof. II. M. Hall, of Nehraaka, and Mitt
Margaret rVlimnr, of Palry, Itev.
Ilarnia olllclallng. A few and
relative were preienl. The young
couple were Ihn leclplenla ol a numlier
of heaullful preaenta.
What hat Uouie of tin" dry year
rroakrraT The ralna of lail week, havo
Intuied goixl cron.
Henry Hilra wai in lairy lan wk
for the flral in a long time. He la in
feehte health.
The atork vltltcd the home of Chaa.
oelk Wedneaday night and left a little
Fire pupltt of our achool look Klghth
gTaileeiaiulnatloniat llonanta Thnri
day and Friday.
Mri. Frank U la vialtlng In Dairy
Ihlaweelc. Hie will return to I'm' Val
ley via Klamath Falla.
Let Us Measure
you for your Summer
Suit We can fit you to
the "dot"
A Doubt
isn't a fact until you
prove It Don't doubt ui
until you have teited ui.
You take no chaucea. We
refund If we fall to give
K. K. K.
The Neweit and Beit for
tlia Man who carea
1 MwMyJm&teiS
1 JW' r
vffVkULLIBskW x-
tfi lBttjfvBBaHsVLW. X, fWt rtLNT tVV ft
S.VUMKktVsssBkW7ssm .mlHm
Twelve Students Will Finish the Klamath
County High School Course
Tliu Klamath County Huh Schoul
will thlayvar graluntoa ilattof twi'Ue,
the target! number any )iir ulnre the
olatlliliimiil of the Hrhool. )'.ir
hut tit atudelitt welt) giadiiatetl mi'l
the piecvdliv jeara there were never
more than two or three. 'Iho incrcar.'
In tho niiuibfi ol ur.i'liiaUs It indicative
of thegruntl.uf lliecliicntlonalinitit'.it
lon. Tho iiialructois mid tint itudrntt
are now rouiplctlng the arrangement
for the uiiul coinmerireuirnta exercliva
and whllo they hii not definitely ar
ungeil Iho vniluut programa they lave
et llio dales for tho different rxercitea
and have all of the feature Inlliecourn
of pii'pjmtlon.
Saloonmen Anxious for Debate Between
Rev. Cantrell and Mr. Knodell
"la tho banker, who rliargea n ruto of
Intcrctt gieator than Is ul lowed by Uw,
a Iwtter man morully than the e.iloon
man, vthiidoea not adhere Mildly to the
law ni let down by the atate ol Ore
gon?" U tho iiieatiou tiileil by Itev.
CAiitrell in lite lecture Monday night.
"No" declare! the hetnrer, "uthouannd
limes, mi. And jet noeicty biiH with
deferencfl to the kinker, and ludincriui
Inately turn Hh buck upon Iho liquor
dealer, and endeavor- to iltlvo him out
ofbuilnct. Why? Po you want to
know? Comu to the ohtii houee on
next Sunday evening and I w III tell you"
continued tho lecturer, "and if there la
a man In the city who withe o debate
the Question I will be pleatl to divide
time with him."
Since Itev. Cantrell made the above
announcement tho anti-saloon League
ha endeavored lo engao tho opera
houio for next Sunday, ul which tlmo
they hive engaged Mr. Knodell to give
another of his prohibiten lectuiei. It
will bo remembered that Mr. Mtoaeii,
during hi recent lecture bore, chal
lenged the loon league to produce a
I Tlio lijrcalailreato icrraon will be on
1 i-.. .-.. ... ... . . a
I' ruiiiuay, iny ii. ill 11 a. in,; June .,
lheIVclamatloncontctal8 p, 111,; June
3, Clan Ijy uxerclies nl 2 p. 111.; June
:t, Studonla evening 8 p, m.; Juno 4,
Clan addieid H p. in.; June S, Com
I ineiivemenl ; 8 p. in,; June 5, Alumni
I banquet.
The graduate tills year uro Hacliel
Kinmi Applcgate, Lena. Smith Darnum,
1 Maude l'stella Nail, Alexander Martin,
lll,lVtryOctaviuiDeUp, Wlnfnsl Ver
ton Wlthrow, Minnie Itogene Barnum,
Chandler Marlon McCauloy, Fannlu El
doro Virgil, Haul Kollc, Fuyc Hoguc
und Milan IVart Arnett.
man who would tpeak in their came,
and now come the saloon men with tho
announcement that they will havo Rev.
Ctintiell meet Mr. Knodell in oien do
bate on Sunday evening and they 'hope
Mr. Knodell will make good hla promlro
ami go over tho liquor question with
Kilward Adams Cuntiell,
The result of llio saloon men accept
ing Mr. KnodeU's challengh will be
watched with Interest.
Organization Active
Tho Merrill republicans aro very ac
live. The nawly organized club will
meeugaln Friday night at which time
plans will be completed fur u bulness
like und energetic campaign. Tlio club
U gaining In membership ami n large
attendance. Is expected at the meeting
on the night ol the 22nd,
Capt. J. M. Mclntlio got tangled up,
with a barrel of something ut Pokegaina
ii few day ago and rame out of tbe mix
up second belt. He It now unable to
be about, having luttalned a strain of
tho back.
Council Will Insist on Having a
Cement Conduit on High
- 1 1
Right of Way for Keno Canal Is Freely KacusstMl 4 the
Opinion Prevails That the RectamaUM Service
Shall Not Construct a Wooden Fiume
Late Fruit Uninjured
Fruit Inspector O. A. Slearoa aaya
lliat lite varlctioa of fruit were not in
jured by tho froiti, and that there will
be wino apples, pear, plum and cber
rlen. Tlio berry crop wa not Injured
and unle weather condition ahoold
ptovc iinlavorablo from now on there
will bo a gocd crop.
Coutractors Moving Dirt
Maury llrothers ACo. are now work
ing all of their team on tbelr contract
on the toutb branch canal. They atari
ed in to move dirt a few day ago and
have already made a good thawing.
They ire going to bring In more of their
outfit from Nevada and Indication at
that they will complete their contract
by early Fall.
F. A. Autenrlalh.of the Klamath Fall
Tramportatton Co. i in the city fro
Dorrli on builnes matter connected
with tho freight thlpoaenta tothUplac.
He ray that tho Southern Pacific com
pany ha made all neceaaary arraaf
ment for the handling of the mall froaa
till city and it ia quite generally expaet
etl that tho change of route will occur
on next Punday.
A number of Jertcy cow and calve
patted through the city today an
route to Illy where they will be patturad
and milled for the Honiara creamery.
The ilocL belonged to Je Parker and
was purchated in the Rogue river vally.
Tim t.rrwrfltn far 111. F.rtn.r'fl In
atltute to be held on June 5 and 0 will
contain many Interfiling numbai. It
will not be ready for publication for
few day. .
Spring lino Panama and Straw Hat
nt the KKK More.
Hi II "Ti tni " its arrt , 11 W
I II ssE&KBXfr II ii
BLffjj -SalaasMaaT
Ul at
HH FwIyt1 I Wl
maaaailli Jr DHL A
IMji-BI rmjaaaaaaaaaaaW-P,1Tl.faaB
1 I -maaP
I if ,
Hardwire Daakra
Indication are that taw Kim canal
will not be delayed on aoeoaat ol right
of way orar weet Bits atrtwt If tbo .Bae-
laoatlon Berrieo will agreo to put In
concreU coadttit. Taw cowcll. bald aa
Informal rotating bwt nlgbt and dia
eoaatd the action to be takes i the
matter. Tho ccmaeaaa ol opbsloa wa
that lb franchiaa ahoeld bt graatatt If
it provided for the eeeMtraetloa and
maintenance ofacoacwUatntttaf). Af
ter viewing the groand with tho fttd
property ownars and tba go-rtraawat
engineer, tb dty aalhoritlta ti of Iho
opinion that a woodea eoadalt woald
prove very onaatlataetory, haeaaa It
would not be per-aaaeat aad beaaaa
there would be mora or 1M Uaaaga
from it and coBteqaeatly eaaaeaa lor
damage tolta. Sareral of tha iiiaaill
men haw Hatad that U Ua goraraiaat
official modify lb (raacalaa o that It
will be la aeeordaaea with Uw wUbaa at
tbepeoplaaad tho eoaaeU, the ordla
ance will bo paaeed at the next i
TbiapUeee the eoaaeU la a
where It la not holdlag a tho 1
aa!, bat U prntuHag tte Ughwaf as.
well aa tho laiiriaH oftba prafatty
Whea Project Eagiaeat Varphjr waa
eeea In regard to thla matter ha atalod
that he bad aeror Igorad aa aatttag ta
a cement coodait aad be waa not la a
position to aay what actios the gorera
mint would take If the eoaaeU related
to grant a fraaehlaa for a woodea atract
ore. lit tutea in reply to qoeaueaa
that be did not know whether or aot
there were toBclant fnade oa head for
the construction of a etmeat eoadalt
along tbt ttreet.
It U likely that no actloawUl be tak
en by him until the eoaaeU reran the
ordinance that provide for a fraaehlaa
with either a woodea or cement atraet-ure.