The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 20, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly H"l l,Pr '"
Klamntli F-'nlM ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Rest Results . . .
- 1
Price, 5 Cents.
DIVIDE THE FORESTS' REPUBLIC presidential candidates
Will Not Arrive at Pokegama
Interior Department Provides!
For Many Small Divisions
Various Districts Will Hu Known us National lorusts ami
luili Division Will llu tinder Supprvision o a Chid
lorostcr With local llcmliiimrtcrs
.Nuiuriuiu ili4in:' ainbvlliif Inadit in
Mwloirtt iiinira nl II"' Nation mid i Hint Hn) ran I, n-achdl by Hie pro
Ihwe clmiigi will lirfiiiiiu fin llvrnlti I ln wlm ii. lint National I'mints. II, c
hf ! II"" I1"!' ,rl ild" lorlwul jnamv cluimiil from Intent ncrwlo
t III nu lon.'rr ! Lnon ti . iphium, lull National I'mi-ala In order to moid run
Mlli Ntlloiml I "'!. 'Ilimlltlikt tut In, i, M with llni titilniH Indian ntic
hlcl. Ill rtli'iri iii.iik " ni'mn a,
It Filth and niiiipii'O On-gi'ii, Wiitln
lntoii iiil Alaska. Ailing llnrtoi
V.ll.ll. Krnt nfthiaili.tiiit, i. now
fJrofr ll.r mi nltioUl Inul- I
tm ml kit lin lliln morning fur
tklfW from whrlr In' Mill go In SlUrr
Uat and thrill" the IHnUr belt that" rntiy lail Pall. Up
tslr that tlir- National Finest, an. !.. I
ItifilllMrd Hit i small mult hi na In hate
till mill In ihaign ul tlir Iwral ilr In
U o. Im an- Inti'iratril In that
jtkolr ill ul it. Tin a iii'W illvl..
loot (111 Ivoiilllr cffiitito nil tlir Hist ol
Jolr, till tl.r fnii-ats in tlir Paste III .rl
tfOrrf'in Mill he dlvidrd nlmnt n fob
Crattr .National Fon-tt, hIiIi C. J.
Back tit II nl ford In charge, liicliuli-a tlio
lotrtti Kiutli ul lliu ICouiiu-1) in tin ill.
Ut;the I iii.ii.t dirrat liiclu lei tin
ltvl Ulumi tint lt.vml'm.iia ill'
tUll, . Il.l.l.llo folk III till' WIII.IIU-
lis rhrr, nml S.t . Itanium, wllh In-nd-SuikraailtiiM-hiitgha
riurKc l It;
lUsrta Uimii n il.,. mlilillti lull ul ll.i-
Wlllararltcaiidllio rnituin ungnii tnad
btUCatrnlvfuiral, Willi ('. II. hvilinl L
l"i In cliaifr lirlwiTii tliur-antlaiii ', hroitntp In Ib'u nuaitr of tlm
'!H'lttirCiililmlim iltir la tlio Om-i nnm,., ' tiit ciitlro mailer ni'iin In do
(ualoml, ltli T H, Miairanl nl I'lirt.' , up Imiiih llir ttovrrnincnt want!
lnJloiliarKi.,n,(' ln tlnn ul tliJ iura
M Fremont im-ivn aoutli ol tlir ,lt
f1jf lUncli. tiiarMhrr Idkn, will .
Frtmunt lorcat null (Jiiy lni;miii ol
UkivWw In tliniuv, iiwrlli nl tlio Mc
tlr rancli ami iaat nl Dm Iv-clmlm
'InrtilllwkiHiNiiaailiu Houluiliafor.
""llliA.S. Ii,.i i,i.,lo in
! Nuuii-ruiia mlivr illviilon will
J In utl.rr .irl nl tlm itate, bol
"M nrutlonnl au ihi nm. moroi lotc
r rtlttM tn na, ,,., 0j ,,0 ,.u,
Th livliliiii. Iirrninn rft'cllvvrtlii)
".' July ai,.l . ,,rr foVritriH
uMU,.U,',voil.ariteol tlir var-
I.mjiiIiu.I'.ii" Hii. will !' on tin- Kioiitol ,
tmiu-ia. iiiu I'rpniiiiiini inii'ii.ia mat
lllll "1lpl. ll.lll lltlt f full tin, llill (.
irxT v.iti'.iiK ale lr tin (rrt.ln iipli
III Indian tltlx-a nnly. Till1 fiitral H'l
li will Im mvle imicli itmnger by the
now iiii-thialul handling tlir nt area
nf laud riiihiarril. a. Ih put having
tilled charge will Im mi tin' ginttinl tn
ntlrnd to all mattcit t-ilalnliig to tlm
.vimiiliiriit fori-alt
Visit High Street
Tlir !)' ruuncll, M.i)ur II. Ht. li.ii.
UMiop, I'mJ-ct I'liitliif-rr Mui'liy ai.I
n lilimlirr nl till' (Tiilrl) nnncta nloiit;
Writ 1 1 lat li tlrrt went ovct tin' lllit nl
ay n.tnl lur liy the piviinini'iil fur n
iiimlmt lor llif Ktn.i raiiil. Tin' var
ton fi-atnicanl tic Mink Mi'tiTl.1ailnM
In On'riniiKll by tliDCiiuIiiwra aint tin
irnn'lty tm tior virK (li trhi'il nil ii--iiiUnttv
to iiitr tlii-lr (iiiilun mi
tlir in.dtrr Tlic council lui not ill tlir ni'lion it will taliilmt it !
tain to pi. iinjt' ilmt il tin 'iOtty
iiMin-ra r.ti'.a .1 k illln'iK'a Hint tlir
fianrliia.' fr I lie il;lit ol n.ty fur I lip
:tt , cianttil tlicti tl.r city ulll
tlir inUllot'i'iif Initlilint; tlir rliilult ol
mikhI, wlillr tlir iriiirrty imiii't llliiat
on rritn'iit.
Cement Sidewnlk
Tlm lint fJprlnKa ltiiitiivi'iiu'tit 'ni'
li'iy Ii lion- roinpli'lIiiK rraiti;riiiriitii
(or tlit rotiatitictliii) ul crral tlimiiutul
fiirlol rvini'iit rl.lannlliii In tlio Hot
Hprlni! tiililllton. II It exitvcttxl tlmt
wltlilu u low urrkri tin' milk will be
iinilorwiiy. Tlio Hiinouiiociiiciit ol tliit
Iniprnvi'iiH'iit nn inmlrliy tliominpany
lint yvar.
Let Us Measure
you for your Summer
Suit We can fit you to
the "dot"
A Doubt
isn't n fact until you
prove it Don't doubt us
until you have tested us.
You take no chances. We
refund If we fall to give
K. K. K.
The Newest and Best for
tho Man who cares
IJHMii, IIvemmi llnuiii Iii laitrv
iilint'a llirul.l t an aitlclr ltli tlir
caption, "Dr. Ilrtiiiiltmi llifntca Aurr
lion nl Ituv. Cantiill." Xuvr lliia rrlif
tation liapciia to Im a coiillruutloii.
Tlirwaiv my Mnn.Uy nloiit,
IHuVlii; ol I l.c nlinj ol prnjrty ami
llirclii-aitn-aa uf life, I ..iUI: "A man
Imaan accident, Tlioir la a ptrmatiirr
ih.Iit riploloii, lilin.llni; lil rut ami ,
in.iTinllliK' lit. liaml. Mr li liroiiolit ,
mili'tlna pliyriclan. I to comoa with1
Mint in liia i'r. Tlie plijaiclan nl tlir I
loornaka lilni. nrr tlirrti nalla in jour
alim'a? Ho tvanta tn protect lliu lino
Iriim on Ilia Moor!"
1 ill.l not mrntion Dr. Ilainilton't
namr, I iliil not ay that he refuml the
man ii.lmtialoii to hla huiiao, I ill.) not
even ray that hn kept him wnltinn. ')'
point naa that a phyatclan thoiiKht ol
hia liiiol.'iiiu and "urh llku thlngtat null
A tillll'.
Hut Dr. Hamilton rayrt ll.ut the lino
Ivnin bolunisi'.l to Mr. Mniton and Mr.
Ednnrda ny that he waa "not kept
HnitinK tuoru than tlvo aecondi." Tlila
iiaren the wliolo tiling. It con
aldrrntu nil nround. Tonchlniily con
aidcrntc l.lnoleiim, I oni told, cornea
IiIkIi hrriiln Ihr Woat, and it la north
live rccondn of a man' agony at any
tlmi In aavi n hullnay linolvtnii from
hntMinlliil ahooa.
Seeds for Experimenting
W. II. Ilotlcmnn, who hit been curry
inn on c xteimUe improvement in con
necllon with hia other work, a.ty that
nil of tlio lliItiK" that he hn planted mo
dulni; "ell na can ho expected. Ho hna
n mmtll nmoitnt of nlfulfn toed on hand
which he Mill kIvo to parties who wiah
to experiment with it. He hat enough
of ihl to tow nliout four half acre
patchm. He itlao hat about 'M pound
of augar beet which lie will give tn
pertons who will uao It for experimental
Private Line Installed
W. II. Hciloman. in chaw "' "'
operation and maintenance of tholrrl.
Ration syitam, hna Juat completed the
InaUllation nl a private telophono lino
along tlio llnool thecamil. About every
tnllo or two he ha put up a telephone
which li for the use ol tlio farmer for
all biialtiraa In eonnertion with Irrlga.
tlon mattcri-. The Inatruinentt nie.1
arc lii 1 1 1 for thia pnr.r am! are in an
Iron box and arc ao eiulppcil that they
nlll wllhataml the elemcnta. TliUfyr
torn enable Mr Hclloiiian to keep in
dote touch with all parts of the ayatvm
and la ulao n great convenience for the
farmers aa It tavel them many mile nl
travel to tot certain information needed
in connection with irrigation.
Long Time Coming
Twenty-three year airo" last month
Krncft Applegate wrote a letter to .Mlaa
Jennie Orubli at Klamath Fall. The
letter waa mailed at llonama in I8S0 and
reacheil it deatinatlon after being in
Uncle Sam' care a little more than 23
rar, in nhich'tlme II traveled the dii
tance of i"i mill. The recipient of the,
letter I now Mr. Geo. II. Ilurn, and
the letter wai from her cousin and told
of a mimbor of their childish plana,
The poatmark nn the letter showed
that It arrived at tlio Klamath Kails
pottotllco last night, and It Is quite evi
dent that Bonanza is juat coming nut ol
n Itlp Van Winkle nap.
Rumor Not Confirmed
The rcmor was current today that D.
W ..Murphy and one or two other cut'
ployes ol the Reclamation Service bad
Iioen transferred or else had resigned
from the service. The Herald learns
from a reliable source that some new
men are uxpected In the Service, but on
Inquiry of Mr. Murphy It I learned
that ho la aware of no change In the
Service and that the personnel ol tlio
otllee forco on tlio Klamath project will
not be changed for sometime nt least.
Consolation Party
W, J. Brennan, who is temporarily t
bachelor while Mrs, Brennan la taking
in the sights of the city, auinmonod a
number of his fellow creatures who are
in it similar II x and also a few other to
his rooms last night to condole with
him In bis single cussedness. They
talked, ate, smoked mid maybe di auk in
au attempt to forget tholrN atltictlons.
Those who participated-in the sorrow
drowning affair were U.IIeltkemper.Jr.,
K. B. Hall, 0. lUUnderwood and Oeo.
Brandenburg, all of whose wives ate
Until 5:30 in Evening
ManagerAbbott Announces New Schedule for the Klamath
j I nke Railroad Effective Sunday-Change of Mail
j Routes Is Expected Before Then
nlVht finrr tlm city, un J ulio were the
cliii'l aytnpatlilMTt hIiIi their liott.
; Tliootlicr Kft Mere M or II. Ht.
0i. IIMiop, Dr. Win. .Martin, Dr. C. I'.
Mrtfon, It. M. Itlclmrdion ami 4!co. Q.
I'.rklriB of I'ortlati'l.
Republicans at Merrill
Chairman, ItepuLllinn Comity Cent
ral Committee: I have been Instructed
' the I're-ldent of tlio Tttto Lake Rep
ublican Club to In form you, that on the
evening ol May loth, a number ot Hep
ubliciitm mot at Carlockt Hall, Merrill
and proceeded to organize the Title 1-akc
llepiibllcan Club. Mr. C. W. Wilson
was elected I'rr'ident, John W. Taylor,
Vice I'rrs. and O. II, Allen, Secretary.
Next meeting will bo on Friday, May
"2nd, at 8 p. in. nn.l the presence of any
one In accord with the principle of the
Kepnblicnii party iaearneatly requested.
I urn, very respectfully.
O. II. Alien-, Secretary.
Keno Items
Henry Chapman panc-d tlirough Keno
a few dajs ago hauling a houe moing
outfit from Don is to Klamath Falls.
The children of Mr. For, living at tlio
Hitchcock Mwmill, are ilotvn with tha
Scarlet fever and arc under qusrentine.
There li no case of the fever In Keno.
Mr. anil -Mr. U. W. Tower started
for Salem Monday. The former will at
tend a grand lodge meeting at that place.
Her. Creecy preached at the Keno
school houso last Sunday evening.
Mr. North from Klamath Falls was in
Keno the other day visiting the band
boys who are preparing lor the big dance
on the 2?nd ol May.
Hpring linn Panama and Straw Hats
at the K K K store.
ELbbbbbbbbbI aW l....saBBBBBl U IISgBuJ BaCV
Hardware Dealers
Manager K.T. Ablmtt.ol the Klamath
Lake railroad, announces another change
In the operation of the trains over that
rosd. The new schedule becomes ef
fective on next Sundsy. The mail will
leave Pokegama at ,11 a. m. and will ar
rive at Thrall at 1 :30 p. m. It will
leave Thrall at n p. m. and will arrive
at Pokegama at 6:30 p. rn. Heretofore
the mall arrived at Pokegama about 1 1
a. in. and at this city about S o'clock in
the evening. Under the new schedule
It will arrive here about midntcht.
However, an effort is being made to
have the service changed to the Weed
route before the new service on the
Klamath Lake road goes into effect.
This change of route has been pending
for some time and it will be mad as
soon aa all ol the Interested parties have
had a chance to present their argument
pro and con. A petition signed by tbe
people ot this city showed that it la tha
wish that tbe mail be transferred to the
Dorrls route at tbe earliest possible
time, and the orders. to make the change
have been expected for several days.
After next Sunday passengers, freight
and express will be transported over the
Klamath 'Lake railroad only on Toes-
days, Thursdays and Saturday, and on
the other days of the week tbe mail will
be carried by gasoline motor. One or
two pastengera can usually be carried
on tbe motor, but the company doe not
agree to carry anything but tbe mall.
Ladies Aid Social
The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church
will give a social at the Pelt looming
bouse next Friday evening, May S3.
Twenty-live yards ot carpet wove by
Mrs. North and a number ol qailU will
be told to lb highest bidder. Refresh
ments with hot drink will be sold for
10 cents. Everybody invited.