C0 Advertisements i .l Inn fiV r?.KMKl.ml.nu.. OK... ZZ j, II. Hill. IVlt M-ii., cr- ' ?' . Pin... nf", ZZlSTKTt FOR BALK ,Bill,-i4l.iri'll'l' l"-atiil III'111' . .L..r. (..mail lllUm l.iibr "'""" .in I"1"" ..i.i..,iii.e. "" 1,-ilrtM'--. MuiLANi:ou8 .....iwi .1 (. Inr ffL and (.it. Il.-4.l.iwttr Amerj. w" - . M noir. t( fOK SAIK HaMr-r Mir-" "l","M IM,,W '" in.,..,., rjn (..- LkMlnr-'f """ , llii'iort""c' ,T.l'""","1,'""tt """'"'i L..U..,l...aI.- t lw.fK.lti, "' " ImIhWiW rWiWUiitw". IwM.. SJS7.tiifiarii-t-J'ir -. . .a !....... salts tarlaHlia- ImP 8AI.K "n" """" "'" rfad.Wi "''"" . .. . . MtbralinC '"v'' Citll itt tlit llrtck If uuOotthif lf ""' """ ,"J,, loaftl out ulllilii II'"' "' :!" ,y Iwu ItflU JVlllll.J f".lr, Hi.' .lta IoIhi)- I itran Inc. Ink HHItr MENTION Ii.i vicmiii at MnnnliiK'a. Mm. H.i: , OkIu Ii vliltlntc isllli Inr' lUrnl A-Maiul.. I Merrill. Investment not Speculation, i (letup. Miliillrit la now In (ImtKu ..I IIiii Miliitlio Coiii.,ii)'a l.ualiH'M nl ' Durtla. HiiIiik llil-1'itnuiim mill Hlmw lliita' ot id" K K K Mote. , llev. H.I.. (Irnlllni, l II,.. Klui.H.lli ' AKoiiry, la Ioij.iik nl tin- American ! hotel, ' Knr (In. Iirit rlu In Iiimii tail h Urn1 Msniiiiiilli HtnmV., II, W.HIrsw, Trie I prlnlnr. "HfraMlx.at" I'm act nml lili Inmlntita miK.-lnl, .1. II. , Tn)lnr, rami Mown from I'm I K'niiintli )cii'iilay. ' lo lif.t I..IV 111 1.1 Mlilakcy. When you want pnio viliUVey ti-i tliat It la pill lipiimler III" K".'riilii.nl'a "IhiikIi-iI MMrvhoilMiataiiip," n la the (.'oiillneii m-nni'iiey. nirr Mill wlilnkcy, .Nnr tnatiille mh ami s rr,., tf,, () FACTS ABOUT KLAMATH PROJECT inatiille m ti. II Will laoil II A F Mdntlip, nlllii. I M. Mclntli.i Tcaiiulatlim Co , Imi iiliiriii-l lo (Iranta '.iia where. In. ,mA niter tin' colil mi)' li.lvltl.-a. Humor mu Philosophy DUNCAN M SHUN 3500 Acre I'rcc Tfc,Ukf.l.l'n"l'"y Ima 250U itcrra ...., ri.fl,rlll,r ,, ,,...,- dlaaJ nolrr ll.v .vlain illlrlt lliai n ( man who illilu't net lo on I In- Kine ,fflJ IIKNT MIKI lr on.. rar. nflivlf ll'l' !' ' I1" I"1' "'"' riwr. TV i.ntT mii'l ,','r nl j PERT PARAGRAPHS. All II (ir Ii: til llfi- la litetlluhly fullowcl wt or Inter l.y n .ton urli;hl .lealli ljMlhUn.l In r.tlitvnltoii. Tl.a-! ( aUillllHTll.illm ri-M-rvt ll.l ..... ........... k.til.l.l.. T rpiw..ui . ' Tl. Ukei.l ('aiiiny, J Frank A.Uim, .Manacrr, .Merrill Oiriinti, Treasurers Notko Sotk I lirrrhy tjlrn lliat tlien rtlK laaJalallirciinl)- liraauiy lr ll. rv tatiua . all (iittinliiil .-.unity WTWll il. at.il mi aixt prior to Wj II, MM. Ililrtr.l till aliir Mill aajajioaiilill.iai., IlatKl tt Klaiuatl. Katla ll.la 5i .1) laUfril, 1KW U Aha Imk, t'oiititrTiraxirrr. rropt'iy I rtatorublr. Mr. W. C. Nvlmrn lia taken liatwe al tlaf Amtilran .lliilnn i.miiii, hIiUIi aatlwBrrniialrliil, All women rook mMi4nl. Tlila ! Hie plare In ml UaUalmraMii Itiwn II fUniTXKNr 01 Till: INTI.IiIOII. r.rial. "uaa ofnia. Huto.K . u. March . am lwnctorautaii.m or Kane uiNia. Nanruatar am.. Nthi.HNuiL- u Lm.1.. !Ua(IWaltaWn.arT..( IU InUfturhaa kill .... . h.l.k..K. 1 .. iar. ..-:.. ".:"".-.-". " a". wnnr.i ir wiirHirawsi imt inula' Iaaiaarjnm-r U ul ul Juno II, Ika tB aUPU lut iu In tiivt.r. a I.MK KUmalf. flaailL0napfl.rih IM.mlut UeWTUxl hmla ainruaaairvtioi ln kMkitan iinAitv JnMUll..lni,tninl II la In. e.l l.-iiio Hint llierv la In. bimkI al.k. to a man Ui-uino l. rai.'t make giHx If Mr llo.-M-ll'a eaolil. inru aiilrlile tira Hon vere lo Im--collie ..iilur. ttlut w.mlil luki. i nl. of Hie pilic li;:leI 1 tier. prol-iliif luti't mi) ii'.. ,i Uir rmUiik' truul.le, liul, lli.-li. wi:ne .roi.. Jilal liate to Iwrruw ami., tlilnc l'rK.'illy la In llie timln ti relallir fl latticr. uii'l ue nre nil il.-a.l unlua l liaie Ii t.l.iti. to in. WIkii r HiltiL our iieliililN.r la fit 1 1 UK lila J U- I rewnnl. tic aomellmea I n-vma luellne.1 to think that l. la iy ' hut u ix'iially. AVhcii tint .let II fonjeta )oii It la lime , for ion li .In Home linr.1 Ihtukliii; Per- j tiapa ho la trifathu; ou entirely lo look out for Mill iol clrU ttiluk tlml too much waUl , It wnale of koihI nmt.-rl.il. ! ajaajaarjatal iu U .ul.rrt lnitlm.ril uruJrr aaHMailu4Ui,( ih. Ilnllxl MlalMimaiHl ma w, iiua. U.I .hll n.. U uh-Tl I" an- !t '" IU JalXU law. at II, MiaiM Ul KTlr l UkrvWw, Uraaw .aaiai.nlr alntlial tn. iri m "! anmln anr llahl Ul t-r wlllnmni m- uruMallin lu MTf II 1VM Klul i,.L ... J... ftl lk. "'iJiiV.Vft'J'SLS'1' w-.K.r.. .. -.-? wr.T-.. m-ninii nnirmm wti. ISJ?!"f aala w.uirU. nr .Wl.l Ul 3,l?.,"'.?!"r"'", " rMllin Uun r '."f .. ii Jnl. al. uii rkiri. In mm.W llAin MnJc?1''""' "' "" "",n,, ,n,, 0I,V AuMai, HVmiary ..f .. InUrlur G. HelmliiiJ & Co. ftr Merchants Mtrvliddd, OrrgoR, or WMuth I'pIIi. Oregon Zta's Plumbing Shop Cttlracllnfl and Jobbing Rtrtclaan .m of I'lnmh '" Volalilo nn.l llrat- . Worknmni.ili. A. 0. U. W. Bulldlntf niamiin rajii ckson Hotel ' Klamath, Ore. Clean rootriki. anmt tuuiai JJJe table alwayi aup- wim me beat the maiaai- Ie. .JJackaon, Prop. Bprlng AKIIclion. - Hear It.am nulaca In yonr hen., l.lko a flat. -.lllr ' TiltiK lo wak up A Uritf and itumli r.iali.merT ,1'nl Ihai funii)' tuilnrx In our lluo.1 TI4I makra r " ,u t laWnf Or rtnvrh.lf, Jujl a H'a umwlir? I'uii". rail a djctor. j 11 a In' I nu aatlqua O uymrt.'ina " ;a Tl.ain liolaa k- And racllnca .1 f U Ih. call of Ilia aoll- .( , Wanla )ou lo com back J j And maka our llvlnc , ' Fannin Al In Hi food old da) a. Vou a. )uuralf r'ullowlna- Hi Plata-, i r.llnc tli t.rcalh of aprlnc In your noatrlla I And aoearlnn at Hi "T inula, I And, my. , It aeenta Lull)- ' At lm will. Hi world, , ; And no tor Mil i To w' till fall. -''K ' Vou a.a your wlf In a Biintionntt t 1'liaalni th praky Inn That wanta In aol Too previously. You are Ilia klda dolus off lo Iho red aihoolhouac Where you waa tauklil, And ll la all tin. Don't worry. You'll not over It Huron you oult our Job And atari to tuckla Th hray lifting. I- L al 8urprlMd Him. "I.iuuilu a ureal hit with tb.nw eotlu..'i "With wliotuV" "lly tullor, I'nlJ cuali." Klamath lH Putllc library Tho KUmath Falli rubllcll.lbrery U nivn vnrv afiornoon from 2 to 6:30 o'clock and encii'pvunlnjr from 0:30 to 10 o'clock, A comipi wviumon i -tnded to all. Tho Klamath Project Tho Klninatli Project ii the name that Iiua been applied to the reclama tion of about 100,000 acre of land now . , 'iuer uio ovemow or the Klamath l.iv.'i- Mini r Lower Kliunuth Lake and Tulu Iiake mill tin irrigation of alioiit H0,000 acrca of valley Imiil iiiljiiuoiit to the Kliiiiifith Kiver, along tho course of Lost Hivcr mid the tributary portion of the great plrttcau lying chiefly in Klaiimth County, Oregon, but n Iho embracing a part of Sink! vou and Modoe Coun tii'M, California, total area of 200,000 ncreH, Thu 1'rojcct embrace the conatruction of a ytry great mileugo of canala, laterals and drainage canala and will have ita principal source in Upper Klamath Lake. Clear Lake and Horaelly are reservoir aitea where flood water will be impounded and utilized for irrigation of laud included in the upper portion of the Project. Work on the main canal was started in the Spring of IUOij uud tho drat unit of nine miles la now com pleted. About 13,000 acres of land will bo irrigated from the first unit, the laterals for which are being eoiiHtriictcd under tho supervision of the engineers driving charge of tho 1'rojcct. Ily far the largest proportion of the land under the first unit is now is nigebriuh and must be cleared and broken in time fur crops in the Hpring of 190ft Work on the sec ond unit is being done by the (Jovcrntnent and em liriMM'H nineteen milea of main canal and twenty-six inilrx of latcrala to furnish water to about 20,000 iiililitioiml acres of land. Work on this unit will be prosecuted ns rapidly as possible. Nearly one-half of the urea to be irrigated is now iimler water to a depth of from one to fifteen feet ami will be reclaimed by a system of drainage to lower the level of the rivers and lakea. A large part of the Hwriinp laud and practically all of the valley land in the Klamath Itasin are held in private own ership and Homo in very large tract which moat be aold in tracts of 1G0 acres or less under the regular t.oim governing the perfection of a water-right. KLAMATH'S For 1U development and proa- UREATE8T perity the Klamath Basin must have NEED - people, and th right kind of peopla at that. Ita great need la Intelli gent, practical formers, who understand the meaning of intensified and diversified farming; men who will buy land, not for speculative purposes, but with th Idea of clearing off the sagebrush and making per manent and cemfortable home. Such men ax bound to succeed. Thar ia room for thousands of them. Developing Sugar becta have been grown ex- Various pcrimcntally throughout the Klain- Industries nth Valley. Tho percentage of sugar it high, as will be noted from the follouiiig iinalyiiin made by the United States De partment of Agriculture from beets grown near hiigar in lieel.i, per cent., 21.7; sugar in juice, per rent., 24.1 ; roefllcicnt of purity, 83.1. Kxrienci' has demonstrated that excellent as pnrngiiK, onions anil celery can be grown, the tulo InntlH being very niniilnr to those of the Sacramento and Kan .Joaquin Valleys of California, where audi vegetables are so Hiiccewiftilly cultivated. Through out the world the reclaimed murshlanda are the beat united for the highest development of dairy inter- I'htn. There ia no question that this will become a sugar beet producing section and that a number of facto ries will be built and operated with the development of the industry. All kinds of fruit adapted to the tcniMratc zone tin he hero apples, peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, apricots and nectarines do well, and smali fruits bear abundantly and of excellent quality. There are a great many small orchards throughout the basin that prove the adaptability of the region to the profitable production of fruit. K. L. Smith, former president of tho Oregon State Hoard of Horticulture, gives it as his opinion that tho foothill lands arc specially adapted to apple growing. Cultivation of the potato has passed beyond the experimental atage, the sandy loam of the uplands producing 'them in great nbundance. Klamath County wheat, grown without irrigation, took the premium at the New Orleana Expoaitlon. The most important forage crop ia alfalfa, the aoil being peculiarly adapted to ita growth. Excess ' All landowners being required Holding Must to sell their excesa holdings, thore Be Sold la a large area of good land for sal at reasonable figures, prices rang ing from about $15 to $35 for unimproved, and $20 to .r0 per acre tor improved land. Land adjacent to the principal towns commanda hlaher prices. The purchaser paya for the water right at a coat of about $18 per aere to be paid for in ten equal annual in stallment without interest. Thia-amounta to leas than the ordinary annual rental paid private ditch companies. Some of the irrigator of Klamath Val ley (and they are the most prosperous farmer) have already paid out to aueh companies for water $60 per aero and rwn no water. All of thee companlca havo been purchased by the Government and included In the ayatem. No public land will be open for aettlement for acveral year. Ollmat The upland aoil ia mainly a rich eaudy and loam of great uniformity and composed Soil largely of disintegrated and eroded lava with an admixture of voloanio ash and diutomaceoua earth, tho latter material of plant ori gin, -formed in the bottom of the ancient sen which covered the greater part of the Great Basin, and of which Klamath Valley ia n northwesterly extension. Such aoil, characteristic of many ot the riohest agri cultural sections of the world, inoluding much of Italy and tho great plains of India, is extremely fer tile, and of lasting productiveness. The lake and tula landa are made up of a voloanio soil containing much organio matter, a vegetable accumulation of ages, and is of a peatty nature. The climate ia extremely healthful and not severe. There la rarely any Winter weathor before tho latter part of December, and but little sera weather during the entire Winter. "Tho annual precipitation ia about fifteen inches, with little rain during-the Summer' month. . IT WILL DO That's what people often My when they get articles In the Gtocery line. We don't sell the "It Will Do" kind. We always guarantee absolute satisfaction. ,.,. 5i6 van Riper Bros. Get the Habit-Use Chaae 6 Sanborn Coffee Our new goods are now here and you are invited to call and in spect same. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on anything In the Furniture line. "Our Responsibility ends whenever yon are Satuuf ed." E. W. GILLETT 6 CO. llEaT E. WiTimow, Vice I'ronlrlrnl Abstracting Msps, nans, Bloc Mats, Etc. Allen Suu; Secretary Klamath County Abstract. Go. Surveyors and Irrigation. Engineers Don J. Zumwai.t. C. K. I'rciitlcnt M. n.lWllXUMB, c. & Treasurer Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef. Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry tf'rcrh and Cured Meats and Sausag-es of all kinds. We handle our meats In the most modern way In clean liness and surroundings. Try us and we will be most happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys ' at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAFT. O. C. APPLEGATX FRANK WARD Land Saleamen. Office on Fifth Street- The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or K K K Store, Phone 174 JT FsT.T.TlFR Wood Yard and Off ice . 1j. I UiljUltR Netr clty HtU rhoncM Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention O. K, Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving KENYON & THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS Office 871 PHONES - " if I vlMiacac4S ,.''-.,