The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 14, 1908, Image 2

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y,vw'fi'r' r
lasts asttr. HMD Smtr.Ttk.
HajTaMQ PtrMMMfl vOMpMy
W S) SaJITS, WSjar
suascurnoN katsb
Uaar.ttrsMa.ansr. .
PtWr. W mA Vkt mrtu, . .
tMllv. W MMlL MontlL
Jail, illmd br miUft. a
iimm. nta. er cwmar,
NinrtrH Law or Otsum.-lnlhi MM of
lit Iswt of Unm trwMw Ust iiiiir sur
rimKMnNM iiisii M MU Mtk
iH-mwMOT to ui vmn tw.Uk attt. wfcknt
rift. as r iU
tun tksll mM MklMt Mtk mm. wWOwt
to tart .
We we going to have more in.
vettigations, more inspectors.
The railroad companies are go
ing to get it now. Only a com
paratively small number of in
apectont can be employed for the
$350,000 authorized in the sundry
civil appropriation bill to be ex
pended by the Interstate Com
merce Commission investigating
the railroad companies. Of
course it was a very unrighteous
thing to say anything against
this proposition. Members of
' congress realized that they
would be marked as corporation
men when they raised their
voices against enlarging the
army of secret spies authorised
in this appropriation. But the
railroad companies must be in
vestigated. The people know in
their own minds that the railroad
corporations have been doing
great wrong and so we are turn
ing loose inspectors to find out
about this wrong doing. We
are going to employ men who
are willing to work for $1,500 a
year to pass upon the business
methods and' transactions of men
who are drawing salaries from
$6,000 to 60.000 a year. 1 will
not say because a man gets
$50,000 a year he is so much bet
ter than anybody else, but the
corporatioaa employing him think
that his experience and know
ledge are worth that sum.
To this extent the employment
of the cheap man to investigate
the railroad companies is a great
deal like sending uninformed
postoSce inspectors to investi
gate aad pass upon the business
methods aad the condition of a
great banking institution. There
is a danger that the railroad com
pany inspectors, like the post
office inspectors, will feel bound
to "make a case." It has been
shown that whenever you turn
detectives looje upon public or
private business affairs they will
make a case against the per
son or institution.
Another feature of wis pro
posed expenditure which is in
teresting, although the people
might not feel it, is that the ex
penses in the future will run in
to millions. The $860,000 will
not go very far in inspecting
and investigating the books, the
papers and business methods of
the railroad companies of the
United States. In five or ten
years we will probably have a
swarm of these inspectors that
will cost as many millions as
now expended for detectives and
such operators in other branches
of the government
It is no doubt a wise provision
that the Interstate Commerce
Commission should have power
to make investigations aad com
pel the production of books and
papers of railroad corporations.
They are public service insti
tutions and the public should be
protected, but it appears to me
that the method of sending un
informed men to make this in
vestigation is a rather crude way
of doing business. The general
suspicion which attaches to the
secret spy system hat to a cer
tain extent made people ,tmr
that the injection of a similar
system into the Interstate' Com
merce Commission business of
the v couatry may prove very
harmful. Arthur Wallace Dunn
in Woman's National Daily. .
MARSH LANDS Pag richcst m"- ABEI
. . . ..... j..-. i i.iMn ,. con n.r irr anil unwardl. EfllV TtTM. "' 'saafsL
ou Dcr cat. vesteiaoie maner. luamaiirs Brcaicsi wiboiiw i r - -
A In of High Degree.
The Eldred Company
A knockerless town would be
worth traveling many miles to
Arthur Llf bton at aclioot routtantl?
ltd fate climi, lilt father waa poor,
and Arthur'! prospects fur irvtiltiK
Mora than a school cducatlou r uoi
aacoaragtaa; when an aunt died and
toft fatal an annuity of !,wo so Ioiik
aa fa remained a student In n uiiImt
Ity which aha drslguatcd.
Arthur waa slahtrcn aud a lialf
when he entered collritp. Ue patted a
splendid eiamluatlou and was picked
out tor head of bis class, lib friend
Bdwln Tyler, entered the aaiue year,
uauaavd to scraps ttiruiigli the en
trance eiamlnatlou and wat picked
out fur the foot of the clans. At llto
hlfh school from which the two yoiiiiB
men weut to collrgu m lU-atrlit'
Ford, a young lady of slileeu, to w hom
both were devoted. The brilliant I .ruth,
ton. houewr, uhk fur lu tin-, ulid
tUer au uudurataudlut! UtwMi
him aud llrntrlce Hint when lie w.ii
graduated they should lie ciitfiiKcd.
InirliiK the tint )cir Arllmr Udell
tou tuok UHMt of the print utfi'Ud
while Ned Tyler barely uialiittttinM n
small frai'tlou orer a rutins tvtilcli
woulj tliruw btw out uf culleee. Tiler
waa aouiewhat prominent In uthtrlioi,
but iw aa Hilaliy lulen-aleil in ,. HHdate,
..ii.,.u V... I...I.... ....iil I.
vmot hmiii. .u. UTi.iK liiu.n-iuij .
scuuisny to wsrraut ma niruiruiiuic
any of the 'aiolutincnt" lu lilniH.lf.
he dlstrlbutrd tbcAn aiuiiiiu Hiom- ni-
poavd to be titled for tliviii. Imlivd.
he was what tulirht In ralll tlio iI.ikh
"boas. But In the middle of tlicmvuml
year eren thli Icnoble w.ii
denied Lltu. fur Iw m enuslit utie
nbjht hoUtluc a calf lutu the Iwlfry
and eillrd.
Ijelfhton wat tTadliatrd at the Irnid
of hte class. He had viit eery U'
cation with lleatrlce I'unl, had cur
responded with her aud ou lilt iznultia.
tlon they became formally cngagi-d
Arthur wss tery much imulrd In the
choice of a career. lie wat to er
satlle, be seemed fitted for ninny
different fields, tbst he wat drawn in
at many different dlrectlout. When
the summer bad nasim! he had not
decided. If by the tint of (KIoUt
following he did not return to collide
he would And himself without an I it
come. He concluded to enter fur a
postgrsduste course, during which lie
would make up his mind st to hU fu
ture course. Had there twvii a law
school at bis alma mater be would
bar become a lawyer, for he could
bar studied the profession there, re
celrlas the annuity. But there wat
no law school at the university, and
by the terms of the will he mutt study
there, and there only.
Meanwhile Ned Tyler continue I hit
downward course so some of bit
friends expressed It by bunting up
scraps of news and selling them to
newspapers. There seemed only one
occapatloa lower than this, and he fell
Into that too. lie became a political
ward manager. He bad the while
been steadfast In bis love for lleatrlce
Ford, though she was preoccupied with
his rlTsl. One dsy sfter sn election
ska saw his name In the list of sue
cessful candidates for the legUlature.
How fortunate," sbe said, "that I
chose Arthur! I always feared that
Ned wuM 'go down bill."
At the end of another year Lelxbtuu
found himself In a position to low the
bsueSt of his counts7 of study unlet
fas finished It, which would take an
other year. Besides, the moment he
ceased to he a student af the unlvm
i Ity his Income would ceate. He con
sulted with Beatrice, who declined tu
advise him. He contluued the course,
and when the second year was finish
ed, being still In the same position,
took a third year.
Beatrice did not lack decision, and
when Arthnr entered for the third
year bis postgraduate course she broke
Ibe engagement. This nearly broke bis
heart as well, but be was setting too
old to study a professlou, had no taste
for business, and his only way of mak
ing a living seemed to be by remaining
i student. Tbe consequence was that
when tbe serentb year of his studka
expired he entered fur Ibe degree of
bachelor of philosophy, which required
in additional five years' course.
Meanwhile Edwin Tyler, la-lug oblig
ed to get op on his feet occasionally
and talk to his fellow legltlstors, grad
ually attained tbe reputation of saying
to in point in fewer words tnan
tny of them. He waa nominated for
lieutenant gorernor and elected. The
forernor died, and Tyler became gov
ernor. While be occupied tbe utter or
See, hearing that his old sweetheart
was dlssngsfsd. ha proposed again.
Beatrice had seen one of her lovers
begin high and remain on the same
ievel, which means to sink. Another be
gas low aad climbed steadily upward.
Ska objected to being tbe wife of a
perpetual college boy, but was not
averse to being the wife of a governor.
She bad waited seven years for the
soUega boy and waa now old enough
to banish some of the sentiment of
early ms Manhood and appreciate real
success. 8o aba decided to take the
nan who aba one considered wss
"solas down kill," and now before the
marriage has taken place tbe governor
has fate pipe laid for bis election to tbe
United States senate.
Arthnr Lelghton Is' coming
F. G. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza. Orcilon
Saddles. Harness and Supplies
We nyike a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Sliaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
legrcet for lilm t atudy fur. lie It
retting gray about the temple mid hut
X'lit oer UhiUi to long tli'it ho Moopt
'lie nu uld man The miilertirudiuite
imlnlaln that lie hat ! 1 1 there eter
ilnco the liittlliitlmi wat founded, tuo
r tlircv ceiitnrlet ng.
Republican Candidates
II S. ..nlor-llon. II. M. lie. "' I,,, l,,yY1rn,.,,'l 'the onlcr for
II. S. Seiiatur, U all Hut can aL (or Umiiun l thli iiiiiiiniiif.ltie lint pnhll-
In IhnClienlt t'timt id the SUIe t
tlli'fiiii lor Klaiinilli Count)',
Jnlni KikmiU plitlnlllf, -S". Amanda
I'.lla KiHinlr deli iidtnl, .nil lu niiily (or
In the name ill the Malool Orrgoni
You aie lieieliy nipi'ivd In apear and
.tinner the complaint Died again.! )ou
In llio nlu entitled milt nil or In-dire
HalurtU), June Mill, IMW, Mnu Hie
man I cation olwhlili Mm mi Saturday, May
-ii. s nam biiii ! hi its stiinsari.
11 ' I .. wai.l ll.s..f ll..t s.ldtiillfl ka 111 Slililtf
! nniil linn1"! tni I'lainiiH tit " '
to Iheniiiil (or the ullcl detuaiiitiil In
the complaint, llleil lierelu, ti-llt Inr
a decree ilil inn the IniihI" ( tnalrl
iiii.n) uviitln Ii'Iwitii plallitllf and de-li-inlaiit
1 lit- kiliu l ! Willi) pilhllcatloii
III the i:i'iilni; llerilil,tiyiuilrr nl linn.
Ili'iir) L lleiiMin. Jilil;e nl IheCiicult
ifiiiirt tin the llrl Juilicltl illtrict nil
...iiKr.-finan-.C. Ilnwlcy -.IM jon-gnii.iUliil May .t, IHW, nlilrli or.
Mr Cake la a
u( pleasing, n man that iiinli-nlaii.lit lln
Mlltlcal hiluatioii. While many n-itret
that Mr. Kiiltmi uai U-ali-n, jet ue
realle, liy llio vole Mr. C.ile mvlveil
In IiIk home count) that lie pnpnlar
thereat Mr. 1'iiHnn Katlieie. Mr. I 'ale
It ile.ervlng ol lilt parly vie
to the
end of hte fifth year aa a student for
Ibe degree of bachelor of philosophy,
Is twelfth at college, and, like Alex-
rfnder, who wept because there were
M wore nations for him to conquer, U
troaulsd because there art do more
to lilt ut record nitli pthle; lu (ncthl
reenid it hi" platfoim.
Jtittice nl the Supreme I'mirt II. ,
I Wan nevda no ineuiloii.
Ialry and Kool Coiiinili,iloiier J. V. j
llallcy It also a Winner.
It. I!. C'oniiiil.iloner T. K. CanipU-ll .
tin man for the imiple ami in cntlllcd
to tin- KiiiiiMirt n( the entile parly.
I'roiH-ciitini; Attorney 1'. V. l'ii)Lin
dall, ai l'ru"wiillii Altornry, It prart
Ically without npKllIon. lie l -ll
iiialll!cl and KUuiath and latko Connt-
lc are title miih'rntii'alcd on having C. F. STONE
lx-n alilu to place ntminta lent an at i-
tomey In nonilniitlnr. (or llm plm-e.
Stale Hen itor (ieo. II, Morn man, an
Stair Senator, it n tiling vnilng Stalei- j OlfKon
man having mrl one term In (he I j- !
er lloiltu and di iimn.lratii! Ii.i nhlllty.
Ilrpretriil4tlra Our State ltei
re.riilalieH. II. 1'. lit-Uiiiipanil II. A.
Ural lain, mi'n(! cutiilidatti ami Mill
more than -ll their jurl) -lni.iilli.
Slit-rlir - W, II. Harm I. ni-lliiiatil!ed
to Till the olhce, liaiiiu ircil aa-".-
or o('oiint)',nliai)iapiit) nherilf.
lie lia a good education, l an nrlhi-
man, well acipialntnl uilli all the xiir
rounding county ami make nn elllrinit
oMlcer. Vote (or hi in.
County Cleik (Ml. Oclap, ntCoiinty
Clerk, It well known lo you all, havlnx
M.ivcif thin connly 111 School h'iij-iin-tendeiit
In a May that It a credit lo lilm
elf. lie lmiovering ai Il.-inty Slur-
l(f o( thli county and ii known lo U- a
llirouglily competent mail.
County Treasurer 1. Alva l-wit, n
Treaturer, It well known toyoit nil ami
lie 110I11U with pildu In hit pan! record,
School SniMiilnlemlciil J. (I, Swan
iiainanlliat lint Imi-ii rniixi tcilouily
lieforo tin) pnlilic for the pant live jrara
ami liaHaccompliKliednomlertliiiiliivat
lonal IIiuh. He U well lit till for the
Anaetror Itert K. Wltlirow.u A.w-nti-
or, It the rigid man In the nxht place,
having nerved a iiiimher ol yearn In the
AhHlract Olliceiiipl liavmg 11 complete
ahatracl of every piece of ilecded laud
ill tin-county, puti him In a iioaitlnii lo
Ijetlt-rjiidk'e the value ol leal i-Miite. than
any oilier man we know.
County Surveyor M. I. H'illUnis lian
licen coimplciioiinlv hefoio llm ptilillo
diirliiKliit term of ollice, IIIn wotk
fM.-ukH foi Ilia elliciency.
County Coinmlti-loiiur-C. 3, hwlnijle
Ib a pioneer n( Klamath County. Id- In
n coiiKivathi) hni-IiM-'H mini mid him
uinde 11 Hiitiem with hit onn IhuIim-m
venturer, audit It (air lo iihiiiiim that
he will do at well Willi I hi- county l,iin-neHi,
l.-r liMllllfiMi .llllllilllllM 1,1 ! IihIiII.IimI
mil tt U.-.-L furalk inli.rllllvn UL.f
lium the IM day ol May, l!W. I
a I.. i.i.AVirr,
Attorney Inr I'liliitlfT.
Professional Cards
Otllre over Klamath County Hank
Attorney at Law
Olliiro oer mtollice, Klamath KalU,
Tcutmiix 1. It
Attorney at Law
Klamath Kail, Oregon
American Hank A Tnut Co.'t UulMIng
Open Day
and Night
Private Dining Parlor
Oysters Served In Any Style
J. V. HOUSTON. Prop.
Furs Wanted
C I). WillBon 1b In llio market for nil
kinds of furs, for which ho will pay tlio
hiirhttt market price. AiMreHH him at
Klamath Fall, Oregon.
We Make Little
But there is always
something doing at
our place in the House
Furnishing line. We
carry the largest stock
of House Furnishings
in Klamath County.
See us for a Square
At the Bridge on Main Strut
New lino iOMIsoii plmnoKraplit and
records at Wlntera' Jewelry Store.
Klamath Falls 6 Wlnema
Truck & Transfer
I'urnlturo and piauoa carefully
moved. Haggage wagon, and
general dravr.g. a work
Kiven prompt attention. Huts
to and rrom ull Iwata. Phone 103
Incorporated November 28, iqqo
ftateiaeat of Condition
of the
Klamath County Bank
nisMth Falls, Oregon
DICIMBW 31, 1907
IxMtu and Discounts ,. S340.Giin.Rn
Bonds and Securities
Keal EaUte, Buildinits ami
Ctuh and Sight ExchanKu
14,715. Q
1585,04 0.5
Capital Stock, fully pnid SI 00,000.00
Surplus and Profits 2 1,753.1 1
Due Other Banks 112,000,04
Ik'poMlt 431,205.46
I, Alsi Martin, Jr., Caahlrrnf tlio nl.iw iimn
hank, do aolrmnly twrsr that tho hIhh' uir
mm I it tnif toths bsst uf my kniml.ilni' tiinllrii.f
AI.KX MAltTIN. Jir (al,r
Subsrrttml ami twoni tu lfntc in ila i,,i, ,i.v
of January, IHOH. '
lSslf C II Wm.,
Notsry I'ulilir (or Oirv n
Ass't Cashier
Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin
E. H. DnFAULT, Proprietor
Choicest of WIm . Liquors and Cigars
Catsra to Uw battar (lass of tradf, with iM.thln IooJms"
ths most critical You'll notice the diltrrrnct ahisjM
try it. Just U rdacr tu drop In for a rr(rrhii( brw
ss wbs you nsil a stimulant IW lluir of il
kinds for family tnuio a aix-dally
Ready for Inspection
Our line of Carpets. Matting, Tapestry.
Linoleum. Art Squares. Table, Lounge
and Stand Covers, is ready forinipec
tion. Somethin entirely new
Also Silk Floss and Feltolene Mattress
Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pet- 11
dl woven wire Springs, the only thisft
for hot weather.
Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all otk
Successor to B. St. George Bishop
Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155
Vlci-PrnfcW !
The American Bank and Trust Co.
JKff "ssssm shUsSjC giSS TyyarMF ""vrifflfffrW' H
sjaT -Jgrjfiv SjSBsBjTjat ' lTSjBBjf, aH, sjsaS
ili J A 9I aHfe atWak Bjk &m fi Omm
r ,m
CAPITAL. $100,000.00
Cor. Stk sua Msta Strwl
- vii, . omiu&y