The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 13, 1908, Image 4

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Get the Essence of Satisfaction
By Dealing with Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optica Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is theSincerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
Leading Watchnaker, Jeweler and Optician
Mm. I), i:. Vynkuo, 1" ico-H'tlim
from a revere- tick apcll.
Mont 1'ariiiiim IIhU K K K Mori'.
Vllt Manning' l( von want tlio Ival
loo cream.
Kwrillilnn tin- Inlort III Suiiinit'Miill
invry will U fni1 nl tlio Sllll lry
(loud Co.
Mr. I'm, a rrronl arrival (torn .lc.l
ford who ii'iUlix in llio iiiulli putt nl
thin rll, It itNirli'il xi'ty III nml Iht re
covery li very doubtful
Tlio Oltl nml Hu Miner at tlio ora
linutaHntmibiy ulitbl.
0. 1). ilUuti lailo.In. out hi liul
mIi tlocl: nl lliiniti clunp m tlir cheap
vil. '
Tlio Nlll I'ty (iil('o. Iim receive!
Cull nml liitneil llioiiKw Iim'.
riii- Moiik Cuiiiuiiy wllli'iMi'iif'TIm
Olrl mid tin' .Minor," ureal Imnlcr
drmiui IhIi-ii from Tim Unlt, nt tlio
o'ni lii'ii'i' Saturday iiiulli.
Senilis Miulilne (or rent by week or
month nml lor wile on )' liiMdlliiicnt. I
Commencing May 1st
Ease and
In Travel
Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight
ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla
math Falls
GOING:-Steaacr Klamath leaves Klamath
Falls at 4 a. m. coiBectUtf with state
at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at A
COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage
to Teeters aad by boat to Klamath Falls
arrivtai here at 7:30 la' the evening.
Oregon & California
Transportation. Company
Call 111. 1'liono '' n rlnn ' NH i'l u''U ("i " "iUi "'
and adiutt your ton Un: umoliiiio Mure! Machine, Sinner SchIii Mm'lilin'l
yon Mart your auiiiiner'e owini;. Auenci. Cor. Dili nud iimln atleet. I
Cliri'sii'iioiubltfimdidl work ttiurmi-l , ( c-lrn . M the illy I0.I.1). lie
li'iil. Sliuti'i Sowlnn Maihiiu Ageni'V. ..... , . t 1 .. !...'
I I Im null liiintliitf for 11 cook lor tin'
v iMM'...rt iim ...r.-...i.r.i '"rum.,li l.,ll,,,hcl.olll..tMlc.o.ltlo..l
I! II II11I.111I1 i.l.ico mi I'lilrd atieeli . . . . .... I,.,. I
., ..,,, Iiini'i'll mid bo Hilda that the lilnlo'a I
Hear till' Aldrldt'!ci. ...... . I
1 vUlli iiiiuli le (hI lluu foimrrly. '
II11M' 0111 I1.0 I'Uitnlui And (iih'X I
im.I lunch hand I1111nd1i.1l nl tin' I llii'iii'iii'iun aiitami bin la-nun mid 1
'Stc.1111 Umi.lry. II I our 1'iitlori mo, .Mnnnlin.
Iljidl.'H hii.I Cldldti'iK Slr.iu Hill" oil Tlio U'kI "t'liniKVraiilia" on the. mar
I'Vi'iydrn'tliilloiint K K KMnro. I kel I the rMI'.w. Coin" In nd mi'
Tin- llliib School Uno b.ill team ;" I ,!., n, .,. f,. May acl,clloi
.ilorii thlaurek lo plat the " ' sinKcr hVwIim Machine Ayiiiey, Col '
that place. 1...1 . .M,,ii,.i,.
Hcforoyou biMMt In a Ntr.m, titki', Merrill. A natural Iraacccnter.
I b.k nt tlio I'.irrt.iinl Store uli..l... j 1U ,0i,,lin I',,,,,,,,, hata.i
J I'rid IliuiWr, lb.' painter, hi J'il , f ;,Vi ill hut 11 fill Intl. and H will buy
about tllilabct lb lli'utiti Noluinl rel-' i - but nl tbi' I'.iill.unl Murr. Ik 1
b'liri'. I .1 ... . .,.,., 1 1,.. ..... . ...,,,i .'
I 111 .'II IIHI iwill'il imi 1 T 11-
Accidents will Happen
When they do you of courao want ili(.,p-iuhI
of Medicine and DrosHinKH. l klndl
Como to us for Drugs nnd Dro.sHinj.N. y h
tho Best. Lowest prices on ave
Bandages. Adhesive, Court and Medicaid
Poms Pluters m
Sterile Gauzes, Plain nnd Moist, l,amiH iVnftl
Oakum, Towels, Napkins, &v. ' '
Use Peerless Foot Powder, "It Stops t. ,vie.,
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Saves You Money"
Merrll. The town without a boom.
1 Taint, 1'nliit, I'litnt. JuM nv.'hcl at
I'lli'rd liilllldrilnaiiaiid l.tillidlrai to wink
on f.ino) IioiiIuk.
lr .li'kll and Mr. Il).b' at III'1 iei
Subscribe for The Herald
Elwood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of-a carload of
the Faatona Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hum
' llurd.iri Slum 11 rouiiiti'ti'
lliif of Sbi.ruln-Willl.iuia I'.ilutu :md noiiri' 1' ulitbl
11r11lal1r. 1 ... 1 . ... , 1 , ...
' ( lil.'l I . ( . I.iw liai l-ru I'iiIIIhk
J Now ilnir-t jl U'liili'i-i. .liibl.,uu...i. vil..n I.. k.i-. .Hay
J11I111 Tbilimaii, 11 bnitlivr of .Mm. 'oitlli' out o( Ibi'i-tty limit, but lu baa
p Win. Wliillock, la ln-rv fiom 23iltv,i.i,, found tlm J.ili ratlirr dlllloult our.
'(M-ou, Milling uilli rrUllvf. l'A,ti" '"""I- tbrlrialtl.'loruu loo.r,
bale Ui'U imtllliil tlut borraflrr lir
Merrill Valley the heart of Klamath. ;,, , m . , , ,. ..,,(.
Tbi- tadli'i Aid Sc-ii'ty of I lie M. I!.
'vliiin'liliaaMMtioiiti Uji .i. j JScV5 PrOIII KcilO
olnl for on.-M.'rk mi H.iiiuiit n( tlu'lii!
vxciiralon to iKiril". I
tin Mo'idity tin t-owfuiut'iil lt In
1 In older lo rtilurp nil al.N'k U-fon-I' , , . , ....
. , ,, , ,, , ai-coia virrf bi'li- lo IiiMhiI the -train-
iiiom; my linlMinit, I am i.fl.rln niv io '
llr.'tK-kofrrocki;ryul HI ..r nut dl- ". KUiualli nd CmiiI.). It.ll, ,....
'.count for tin. ui'it lliiilj dayn. li.... "atiifartory I'Xauiliiatioiia. ,
' "nr" J .'"mil I'adicclt l ri'llllliu lil bll and
I E. W. Smltli wlm li:i iiinidrU-l Il- l i it n tboroiili n-iinvalln. Nr '
contrjrt wllli tbo ItiiLimitloti .'Vrvlce .i-r li U-lm; put on and paint la Mug
on Hip .iUm cinnl, lll abortly 111010 applied, .'am la Kcttlntc irmly for tbr
Ida outfit to limy uln-rn b will mil-1 bU iIuimkoii tbo K.'ml,i.lii-ti (.I iIiiip !
atinct liraiicli lo tbr max. I plt. 1 1. i.XTtiil. Tbi' lime of tbo daunt baa
Have ou Mi'ii tlio iii'n llii.M),.iy I!1!! iluiiK'-'l from U .It to tbr '.'., '
at Wlnti-ra- i:rrtUlv li liuil.-l.
, The ."ontbern I'acille fnljit deart-, Sjhi IVtitrtt baa alio bad til Unrllimc'
ineiit ha a Uli-phoiie at Diuli and , inli-.l. .Mr. Itobbina did Hip mik.
j aliiiipcra tuny 11 m- iiiimimiiieato illutlj II. ftniiBa.-.' bai tbo Itlvir-'
iilth bi'd.iiiilrra In rrird to all .1.1,. fnil barn and la eliaulnit a, renla
frt'liilit mattt-ra. j lo f,.,.( ,,. j. w.r ,,1,, (
You i-an K.l u "J meal l.-.k nl Will. n,,,,. Wall l, rrliininl to
aot.'n bottdfor l. li'mid ahd IkIIhl' .'. ' ..,.,, ., ...
!,. u,,.L (!. I,' Wit I. ' "'"' '' ",M" K-l'""' lub.ulloK..
U.imnp fi Philnannhv W I ll fMl
a mmcan n. Mira iVf JM
r aaaaaaaj v-aaaam ,
m .
v. JI.--H-Bir. MZV'iX
-i tfH-lX
liair to Ik' you run no bvltt-r tbau you PBBjV H A I II
mm ii
rlolii. iHiipln an li.ilipat lu aplla of.
tliPlllwlli'V, and ollwla arv Uolirat III
apllr of I lie rMM-ala.
Wbrii you are no better than you
hate to be you nin no teller than you
ahullld tw.
Then' la imUnly mora apt to inaaa
lulalakii I nn 11 tlm rwaaurv man,
A aelf aallatted Imllrldiial iloean'l
it) any (tiardlaii aua-rt, for noltilug
ran rrach tlm to harm him,
Tlw eallouaea on lb band of aouia
of our frleuda were undoubteffry made
by the baudlea of their llllla hauiuiera.
Wheu we aren't really ouraellea the
rhauira are that bla aatanlc majetlyj
ran tlirow mure light U(wu who we
are lhau anybody elaa ran.
Wheu the really Mra Iblug of Ufa
ahow up no bluer lhau ham aaud
wlcli the rhanrea are that you are
hungry and dou'l tb Mlutwlch.
There la no uaa la a quarrel, but
aouie wo.le aeeui to get a lot of fun
out of II.
Kreryhody la always taking good
aound whark at lb fellow who la ab
waya afraid of gettlug hurt.
Moat of ua are alwaya willing to look
at the brat al.le of au uolowanl tblug,
hut are too oftru uoable to And II,
' C. II. LVUpnud lb-it U'ltbum .uit
! out In the inornlnK for varioiu pari of
j llio county. They will Inlcnluw volvia
I for ii'M'nl .lay k.
Mr. Maiiii and Capt. Wilhury rrn
oinnjr ilni'la .Muiuiay,
J'.lui Iblicoll baa iiinviil to Southern '
California to look allrr Ida mlnlnic In. I
'i.:..r 1.,,.. 1...1 . 1.. ..1 it..i.. .I..
lill- l MAM .. Il.lll .IJCI.fc ...IS II. Ml. I . 1
'ulllil'at Kelley. Aa Usual KVlley got! ' ,'""'"-" !'' Ifone lo lho titer
011 11 llblili) drunk mid itbi'ii the cliirf v" "''' t
Hent loluck iiim up be put up a haul ,
dKl.t from which b-einer,,.,. badly ,u,l !Z .T .J ?rJ
"" .t i;ia.-
Iiat; fl.aln ::) hat; I..Vla:ialraw
bat at tbo Cortland .Store. lwk
up. f'r. .Mrrryuiiin wai cnll.-d in to ll
after Krlliy' injtirici.
Clothes for Boys
XTRACpop Tl 0t
Make a list in your mind of
all the good qualities you want
to find in the boys9 clothing
you buy. Then come here and
get more than you thought of
InanXtragoodsuit. Good as it
can be, style as it should be,
lower priced than it ought to be
Ederhelmcr, Stein G Co. Makera
Sailor, Junior and Russian suits In many
variations of style and fabric. Carefully tail
ored and trimmed. Also a large showing of
Norfolks and double-breasted suits.
The Portland Clothing and Shoe Store
Baseball Outfit Free with Every Suit
Whan CIim at Heme.
Ur.n ilotm't miii aaellr wrung
Tu Ihuee who profit bf II.
Trr call 11 Lf .nuili.r name
Aixl ly thai mrana tUtir It,
And llr (M .laln wkn itua
Aa Cfu.l aiiU unrrellng
Wl.o Uu nut L.l about Ihe tuali,
llul apk of u l.allng.
A Mill, rakrolt on ll.a aUa
la Mil lu a luatt.r
That rails for any loud rao.alka
or aosal' Ml. chall.r.
It anr una rum.a bulling In.
Thr aak Mm lu fora.l II.
Tl..r n.J ihe mon.r, an4 iMa aeaaw
An aaar war t ! II.
Tl.ilr aatary la amall emiuh.
And dJlna com. In handy
Tu .t lh Il.lnaa lhar hh4 at heina
And bur Ika rlUMr.n randr.
And If thlr atrer Kick a
Tb.y tail It la be qulat
Or liter may bava lo get along
On mora nwdaet dial.
And llirn il.ty aa a boat of man
Uy ev.ry una reapacled
Whewe w.alih would navar aland lha
If car.fully InaMctad.
And ao nwdsat llllla graft
tlon'l bother I ham a anlnula
In fact, they're only aore Uoauaa are not mllltona In II.
invi'iitnl uu iilionttnrJ.
H mtiili' it ,'in enlertiitff
lor nil. It im fnanufactarH
ut 11 priri' which evrfjee
ran ulFuril, 11ml uoJt
llitr vans pnyinint plan, 10
nootti tun! lw ttithootit
Have you henrd in Na I
Ihe New ModcL
Wc Wunl Your Trs
Sallafacllon Cuaiiawra
Klamath Falls, Ortie.
Palace Restaur!
Hunsaker 6 O'Coi
Tlma Attaahmant.
mF Baaaaaaaai3Baawraaaaaaaaaaaaaaak X I
fhlng at m up
"What aro you
"I heard a joke yeatcnlay and I jytt
now aaw the point of It."
-ror tfoouneaa' aaka dou't UU It to
we. i nave 10 go to a fuDoral loawr
When the WtdJift
avg.ii Cnmlnln. alUjg
Are Happy "htn Ut JS
enta cumc iroia Vwial
The Very Ileal i
.. .. m M El
Afford. ::
Special Prices 30 DW
Telepho. e and Matt l
The Bride' favorite ewj
If your uyea tronhle you, aw Wlnti-ia.
Hrlghten up with Hherwln-Wllllama
Paint. Hold by Baldwin the Hdw. Co.
Rea William V. Motif and tila com
pany ojjtlanteil playara In Dr. Jekyll
ami Mr, Hyde, lha Krvalrat payeliologl
cal drama over wrlllen, At Ilia opera
Imuae Friday night,
Mayor D. Ht. Ueoraa Blahou hu bean
making a number of ImprovamanU on
bla houN boat on the Unoer Ika. He
la getting it ready for tlw Hummer ai be
eipecta to apend aoma time on Ihe water
... ntn.
.. . ?fn8,r'.! ,:r iru
Tho 'llcliiorii ""-",, .Ml
too, kept a illnry In - dJJJ 't
alao kepi u mini !-- - ' . m
hack hlocka of Auatwllt m-jj
d between drluki on f.Lg
aecurv for hlmacir m - ,
andeatntei. in u u""":lld tM
dt of aherrallon hVSl
world fauioua norm, -r: y(
olantr money ""'I " ur?TM m
men baa plenty brl '"JTr-"
Surely men with I' ' .T-A,
braloa wero tnu'"" lor "; Tyi
bralua aim n "" nBftM
ana law tu. I--" -)
cution, wouu,"":-inaiaf
of Orton'a namod co.
tlon In court eemm --Tlt-Blta.
. .!
have u WO"' ,u
ant to bava
during (be warm wealber,
Jvtit "A'fi ifvk -