The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 13, 1908, Image 1

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yoitly H'"'1 1'",,cr '"
Klimatli FbII"
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Price, 5 Cents.
CONDITIONS GOOD IN KLAMATH I republican presidential candidates
Laborers Find Work on the Many Im
provements Being Marie
ACoiHlitiofi Aru favorable for tho Completion of lurqe
fnlerprisus-l mploycrs Net'd Not Hunt lobar -
1 I tifoor Hunting Work liislwitl
wi.milli i"11'1 '""' "","" '" ""w i ' ""''' "'" ' ''''I'11""1 NurllifMli'iii i
UkI la tnll" ' '"' "'"y "' I1"'' "'. '" gelling n la-Ill llinil II ill.) In'
otk (ab it-inr iluilriiC 111 srasnii Btrhtar. 'llie Pint rarlnia mi- hIiIii In net
.,11 un.lrt wit). t I1" IHP l.tlmn la mill WIH'll llii-yiln gi I thi'ln
-I I..I...I
tltlilat lli Mini' iii" ni-nn vwmi
pjisikalll begin ah'irtlv. Tilt- Iter
Umillun.ServIre l mi rliiplnillig !'
i -, il,n m lew wl" m nml
Hid) tiiully alsy for m time While
lint Klamath t 1 1 1 1 1 1 r y nut m gond lut
I lut UUnlii nmii llil year it w luil
)er illll lli istiiillilijiia atr am h that
IlictrHrullicm A ('! kIII nrrl a largn (here Is wml lot nil who mi- willing In
toaUr ul men within a li" !),
TUr litis practically rslabllshrd their
lJ0iftefi lut lb season and am now
Uplaf ! I" i111" l'"1 '"" "v "" ",r'f
i .
ntlrttl. I ! xi'fii'I"") I,I"""",
lUtll llirll aalsllea.
Committed to Asylum
tjptlae I'uloilida Mil rollllllllllil III
ra&rwu ,r3 " ,-- -i .---
ilf ISO nen, imnl "f ulinm thfy rTl (the llnniie mjl llila iimriilng He
UMcnr In tlil unlr j . II they llml l lb Dalian wlm waa lunixhl lieu n
tkilBwnaie nut available tin lll few l) !.' fniiii tli Vonllnrii I'.i. itlc
mJoulfur llirm The Klamath Kll
UfM Water ( will shortly UkIii
srtoatlieiir reservoirs and the
isaslaaof IIip tiatrrsislein. This work
kMbnilfl)r.l Uvause II. V. (Isle,
tstpttldrnl nl llm company hai Ittii
tlsblflu gtl line tjilllr a Imce ut inrn
tllWnemusry lurmnplcte litis work
nMiiiilla mo lnit ready In begin
lassseson's run lint llm logging cnp
trfataiilgfsllfif wbicd futnUhes em
(aeratM lor llit UUirrm. The railroad
basUla(irloi llml the lime will anon
WLtrt hen n iino nl Id muitriiclltn
as till U directly tributary In ibis
el;. Jluaisrnus other minor Improve
smli arson Mlilrh make It il.ln lor
slkealUliotlhit iiipii m tut are willing
tlloSlltj'a nl In ItVllte rlllpln).
Thtri lit mil knl dlllerrnre between
lUcooJIilon ol lait )rr ami Itiln )rar.
UMtrtwn rni,l(ijet wrra to
fud llm ami nunirr rrcurliiK Ulwruiii
llUtluijtr men am lnokluir, lur work.
Tk Wifti ire nut nliat limy wnrn lal
Jar, Uit In llila ntllun llicy allll rariitu
IiIIm vicinity ol Ihu ilollarK, ami In
onfctwitlipyarnaii lilgli an iwnniitl
lUllilalliri r ily. In n-crnl )raia
noBdrtdt of men nn luixiipil Into
iMicuunlrjr in work nn Ida reclamation
rjritm,bul tdw -r Ilia Koverninrnt
kulouml It uniiri'i'iinry to cnil mil lor
tlBM limy tt.iiif livm In reiponie lo
JnrllwiiiriiU lor iiu-n In work nn Hie
'l. CoiKliiiMii aiv ry raoralil
lullaccoiii..,iiioiit nl uiiililiTlil.
kill, ll,0 f.m.l. allul.l,. fnrllio
iwir .lnl on hkini'r rrrrk lulur I nn J
uiiilrr llic lialliirliUtlnti tliat In' i it i
inarrltil limn, ll ni llinunlil lliat lir I
liO'l Nroinii liitirlly oVraiik-'-! Ironi '
ftri- ilnnl, lilt hi mnililliiii lint not
llliirnt'l mnl llila liliillilln! I'r. I'. M.
Wlild' i'Toitiirf-1 tin1 man limni1 ami a
roiiiinllliirnl In Iiip ll' n)liim nua It
aiusl, Tip allrnilanla m 111 arrive Iipip
In a (nn i).
mrnm iwj aLamtt
BT .1B!' , ' '
ft JJP
Want $750,000 Appropriation for Klamath
Reclamation Project for Next Year
! Appropriation This Year is Too Small In Comparison to
i Sie of ProjectWork Cannot Be Carried on Exten
sively With Limited Means
Kii4)ctcl ol Ki'tti'iK ttlihkvy fur Hie
Imllaiia for noiiiu llmuaml mm' lie hat
Ihtm rnuxlit In I lie nrl ami an effort will
I niailc to k'Ivo lilm llm full penalty,
lie haa inailu liltm-cll a nulranco aliout
tills lonn for rotne lime, ami Chief Low
lia Ucti walclilni; lilm for aereral
! Sawmills About to Start
.'. si
..uil.f JU!L '''
ei .. unci troop.
Resume Work Soon
Wink (Ki I le laii.'"'0' Ilx "'" 'lllfi'
In lw iitnl nn tin1 railroad Ulki ncmii
llic lliarali la 1'fln-tnlllK, lull tin' Ilia-i
rliinrry liaa not )i'l nrtltiil ll will U
ai-ellil wrrka U'loro llit'ilnilifo will Ik' In Urflif oiL Tlicol.l iluA'i' la
till laiil up for n'paira. I lie runlrncl'
ota liai' lo'l uion tlian a inniitli ami
Ulitt-aa lliry iln U'ttrr wuik I lie Konllirrn
I'arlllcC imuy, will If t.inK'llcl lo
inaki! oilier iirianncmi'iili If lliu nai la
to I it roiriili'lrl In llila city anytime
C. I'. Wlllaoii lua clcanil lli lalaml
In l.lnL. rUeraml li inallnK u number ol
linproteiiiriiU mi llic place. Small
Imilillniia liate Imvii erecttil uml afoot
lirlilp- H lielnit Imlll funn Hie rait niile.
It la umluratnoil that it III be imt'il a n
lieer k'milcn ilurlnit tlieaiuiimcrinnntlia.
The lleralil liai for aevoral ilayit iH'jf
rcltl to irKiit llie arrival of a eon at
llm home nf M r ami Mm. Wlmtrnr on
the Till, nml ultu Ihr arrivialof a mm at
lh Influent Mr. nml Mra. Hurling on
the Oh.
Announcement Has Been Made of an Open Tournament
Commencing on July 4 th for the Championship
of the Middle Pacific Coast
The'IYnniaCliili of Klanulli I'allt, Klamath Kails an opiurluiiily In tee
Olefin, announce mi nen tniiriiameiit aoiue llrat claim teniiin pla)ln,.
romnipin'liu on July ltd, I'tis, lo he I'lay will lr under tlw mien of the
htlilat the chili ciiiuta on Seventh an I ! I ulteil Slate National Tennla Aaiociat-
Klamath Avenue. I'lay n'.ll iiiuimeiice
at IllnVlocla. in. an I will he heit Inn
ion, nml It is hoe.l by next aeaiou that
application will he ina.e (or the iikiii-
Ihe aauiiiilla of the rlly will coin
ineiicii llm natonV run in aliout ten
ilayn 'lluie will m a atroriK demand
for IiiiiiIht during the entire tumuier at
n riuiiilK-r nl largx realdrnces will ho
ImiI) t . Arkley llro. have on imrnema
amount of log piled up In the woodi
ami they now hare a small irew at work
hniilinR them out. Moore Broi. have
aorne li;a on hand nml alio n raft in the
water at Kino. They alan hae n force
of men In tho wooda falling treea. The
111III1 will run throughout the entire
iiiDimer and n very luiay icaaon li anil
Huson Cominjf Home
The rejiort U-carae current that W. O.
Ilii'oiinnd II. P. KoaterliaJ not yet been
found. Thli morning they arrived at
OJeaaa safe and aouml ami Mr. Huson
la now on hit way home in another
launch. A telephone message received
Irom lilm this morning was to the
effect that they were safe hut did not
ray what had happened to their boat.
(They ienl the night at the Poak ranch.
tfle S6.00 Khaki Suits (This week) -kdle
$7.00 " " 4( "
Udlei S3.00 Khaki Skirts - - -"tat
Split Straw Hats, values up to S2.00,
CiUdrens Blue and Pink Canvas Slippers,
Reg. l.oo and 1.25. 80 and 95 the pair
H Per cent off, on all Shirt Waists
H and Ends In China Below Cost.
Watch this space for Special Prices
Best Value Givers
out ol three advantage seta, except Ihei U-ralilp in Dial aMociatinn. I
llnala whirh will lid beat three nut of, ll la to I hoped Hint Ihe people of
live adtanlage tela. i Klamath Kails will join with the club
Thecluh is entering Uon Uh nvoml In nuking till tournament a grand sue
season with an nugmculvd inemU'rahlp ceas,
and added enthusiasm. Twoncw courts i The following is a Hat of the active
haeliecn developed wlilcli nru iid In ' inemheni of Ihe club: (ientlemou ;
good condition.
I'leparatory lo this tournament a
round robin will Ih played which will
give tho players of tho club opurtuiilly
to round into form, ami later on in the
season, at a dale In ho announced, it
handicap tournament between the club
members will be played. This will
give those who have been previously de
feated In tournament an opportunity lo
come back,
rite tournament to liegin on July Jib
is lo be (or the rhumplonihlp o( the
middle l'acillc. The ovents will bo ns
follow: llentleinens single Middle
l'acillc Championship, Udle singles,
(lentlemrns doubles, l.adloa doubles,
Mixed double, ronsolntlona In both
gi'Utlciuoua and ladles singlet.
It in llie l n t "fur a challenge,
trophy lo lie won six llmei not iiaees
snrily In suceesalon U-foru it becomes
the permanent proierly of any one.
In addition, llrst and second prizes will
le awarded In each event save conso
lations, In wlilcli event only llrst prliea
will be awarded.
It is hoped that this tournament, The
Middle l'acillc Championship, will be
come permanent annual feature In
Klamath Falls. It will tend to adver
tise Klainntd and In other ways be Iwne.
flcial and pleasurable to tho community.
There uio a number of players in tho
rlub vvhonreoxpected toboon the job
when the tournament commences, and
it la also Iwlloved that soma ol the club
players will be found to be diamonds In
the rough. Every"effort will be made
to get experts to participate and give
Report Big Business
I). II. Campbell, Will Mason, Cuills
i:. Widdora, Wilson I.. Wiley, Uurgc
Mason, Dr. 0. 1'. Mason, llev. Goo. T.
I'rntt, Dr. P. M. White W. II. Helle-
man, I). K. llayden, T. W. Zimmerman ,
Hoy Walker, Klbert Wright, W. O.
Suillh. J. It. Korvell. ladles: Mrs.
(Iro.T. l'ratt. Helen M. Hogue, Kvelyn
Applegate, Demle Applegale, Ituby
Hlllis, Uiulae Sargent, (i orgla White,
l.yle Watson, Mae Wonleu.
Homo prominent man will act aa
An entrance fee of It.UI will lie
charged In Ixith the Indies and gentle
mens single. For each of the other
events n fee of ".' cents w 111 lw charged.
Theriimmitleeln charge iam folios a:
W.O.Hmlth, D. II. Cnmpliell, Dr.
V. M. While, Will Mason, W. S. Wiley,
Curtis K. Yiddoes, llelen'M. Hogue.
Kutrics may bo forwarded tonny mem
ber ol Hie committee.
The Mong Co. feel unite good over
the treatment received in Ijtkcview.
They played lo a crowded house every
night and the people of that town
showed thorn a splendid time. They
were pleased with the trip and it waa a
success both from a business and plea
sure standpoint.
Several weeks ago the Herald an
nounced that In a letter written by F.
II. Newell, Director of the Recla
mation Service, to Senator C. W. Ful
ton 1 1 was stated that the Klamath
Project would receive fUs'.QOO for the
year lft0-09, beginning on the first day
nf June. This haa not bean officiallr
announced, but aa Mr. Newell itated
this over his nwn'aignature it la safe to
presume that it Is correct. At the laat
meeting of the Director of the Water
Users' Association this matter came np
fur discussion a did also the matter of
an allowance for next year. The
amount for thli yetr la too small to ae
compliih much and should hare bean
at least double the amount. The
directors after some discussion arrived
at the conclusion that for the next year
there should lie an appropriation ol not
less than 1750,000. Project Engineer
Murphy waa present and stated to the
director that he would do tha bast ha
could to secure) this am ount.
The delegation In Congraee will be
asked to use It Inflacoce and power to
secure this allowance. Senator Fallon
will be' there until next March and he
and Congressman Hawley can be railed
upon to put forth their effort to asxara
a larger appropriation tor this project.
Tho Klamath Project la entitled to a
large appropriation from the tact that
It la one of the largest projects In the
course of construction. Then should
be no trouble In enlisting the aid ol the
entire delegation in securing a larger
sum so that more and larger contracts
can be let. Indications are that some
thing will be accomplished with the al
lowance for this year, but it tha appro
priation were double the amount much
more work cjuM be done In tha same
jength of time.
Iteports from varloua parts of the
county are to the effect that the crop
were but slightly Injured by the recent
frosts and l hat the Indications now are
that there will be an average yield this
Sold Whiskey to Indians
Chief of Police Low arretted "UlacUo"
Mcintyro last night (or selling whiskey
to an Indian. Thechlef saw Ulackieand
the Indian having a confidential chat
and watched fur development. They
made their way tn the rear of tho Stand
ard saloon. Mr, Low got Chua, Daldwln
to go with him na n witness. Ulackie
soon came out ol the sulnnu and handed
two bottle of whiskey to tho Indian for
which the Indian handed him money.
The arreat immediately followed. Black-
le, who gets Ida name from the color ol
his skin, ha being part Negro, ha beau
WAl ' iH
11 m
. Hardware Dealers