Pie fteenitti Ibftibj. grit; Real I'lr '" Klimith FN bur Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . OHPYBAB, No. r,l!. YJjtfRS FACE MANY MEASURES till Tax Learning of Suffragist to Vote Intelligently on Questions MSE OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM it Clerk I'repurcN Ballot for I inkvillu PrctiiiM Con- tiiaslhirty-nino Candidates' Numes and Iwenty Measures lor Voter to Oetftlu Upon KLAMATH PALLS, ORKGON, TUESDAY, MAY 12. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES n.toief,.ieitng.tii Hie ill t 'ilny mIIi r lliPllittTiicdy In .Nnti-inher, , J,s. flection ll tote luieiligrim, .. i . . .1 ,1... ..imIIi... mini. ,tiifn.li-i" " - .jbmiuim rn'i'i l,1"' "" " dhtwlrtlfiriiaiim will Ih.-..hM .1 ...... it.f ..IIIltMlltl kvtitH l "" "'""' "" jlllril. ''","'l-,' un v"" ,KlltipirJ lli I'"'" '" ",r """ tlMrll! ptKlncI On II M We ,it) ttirli iiliinlliK I'T ulilce itlK Called .SlaU-a N-natnr down l tcgallittr. lelde llil thel" IIlfi"l'H " ' vu,r'' ""' Ismm; il"1 ""l """ "'" M,y I Mil bl the totrr will Vnlx lor ll ol tm: and H ' elm "to ,0 lilt not more thsii.'' r mil of infernal trie iinto mi ipahle of loJIni the meatmen lliat ale Tit tu ill Ilia lliltallte IntmsJoiu lll do much towanlt : It unpopular and nhntixlous. lUtUmrattircis tlil are on Hip (IftDotof iiilliClrht IiiikiiUiico to Ltwlnilst n nun ml ilntlrtii and lotlBOMtlllt RIP ltllpnllllt ! listiKriaway Hmt may lw) nils- l,KtUn( It iuipnttlbl dr a man I latelligrnre to tola with a taaiferttan.lingnf tho qm-tlou lkllilol.tlliiltcI.lr. Ibsrivpllon It Hip only county meat- tteonallrred,amllt I tale lossy llaltroriureiuttt of thn tiller ItepaataJ for llila U ono of tlir ini- latiantlonsoltlie tlrrtlmi. IWMSsairttolpm.'dinakp tlip Uceapllratrd ami bulky alfalr. ttfOMaareury brief, wlilleiillieri tcoaiUtrlle space. TIip meas- lb brkl ire about at follows. II. AaicntiiJuitiit to the constitution lli talarlc nl inrmUl of the aloft. It It imtoJmrrit permitting Ilia Id of UU Institution at place oilier ttuSMtofgntrrmucnl. l iwndramt Increasing number of CuurtJiiJn t aui8, and Wtlilrglil.tlte assembly In IffliUlU (or tlio eierclso by drttlt count ol iriitirtii Jurisdiction "r crr..-l by ttin county Il AMmlinint i-lunglng llmu of m fi. All lift niuthllng fur iiloiiiT In the county ll. 11, All urt prut tiling fill In i' lr'iiliii'ill nllim fur lMti,nllli'.lriiiiiily iii(fi ami ahiulll. 7 All .fl 1.1,11 l.llfti. fur I Iim Hiiii.jin.l .. .... -,.. ...... ,. ..,.,.,..,-,. . alion ol i'i,(l nntinally fur fuurji-sit fur Hip ruction nl arrmnles fur Hip statu inllltla. H. An net In liiCM-am ll.i pptnptM-' linn fur tlio niilrci.lty. II. An amendment for equal uf1ratCf. III, All art n-h'ilUHliK Ibu ralrlilii). nl Million an. I Iiiikvii. II. All ainrinlini-iil ttltlni; ilth-a rx illmltn mrr fur Hip Irytlltllmi ol tlira tlr, larp trarkf, hkiI ronint, aloon, rtr., unilrr tin- Imal option law ol On Kim. IL'. An ainriiilnirnt virinitliii( (loin taiatlon all ilwrlllnt; liouc", barm, ibcl, i.ulliiill.ln, iiiacblntry ami Imll.llliK" umI pxcluihrly for inainifac lorlrt, fmrr, faun inarbinriy, fruit llppa, liipt, btubi, (ana linitriiivnt, llvp utoilk, lionirbolil fiiriilturK ami workuiPii'a looU. 13, Anirniliiiriit kUIiii; tutrra Kpr I.) call cll rtrrllon to illrrbarcp niilc He ulSolala anil lu rlcct tbrlr auircitor. H. I!lll for a Ian InitrucllnR lrlla turn In vol for !) Unltnl fitatri trna lor trClvliiK ibc litliPit tntp at Ibv t n rial rlwtlon l.'i. 11111 nUlllR O.l0 till- iOHUI lu make Ian Inr tbv rlrcllon of tiublle olll clala by Hip maorlty ot In.lin.l ol plurality, Mr. 11. Hill limiting llio amount of money rantliilalra may ifn.l on a rmupilKn, c. 17. Act prolilbltiiii; Minion liliiii In r'amly rlrr. In. An amcmlinriit cli.ilni jurura nil KtanJ Juror, ami prut Mint! that no ton ran lie cliargpil wllli a crimp In Ibo circuit court rxccpl on Inilictmcnti by the grand Jury. 10. Illll providing for the creation of I loo. I titer county. OF GbURijE GRAY DELAWARE. APPLICANTS HAVE NO PRIORITY Claimants of Oregon & California Railroad Grant Lands Will Be Given No Prior Rights Because of Applications Being Made and Filed for Same Ili'lHiiti from tlieilrpaitindit ol ju- HipdviIon lliey are not worili the fee lieu and Interior In the rlTri'l thulappll. of rcconling. Hco William V. Mong and hi coin, pany ol talented pl)er In Dr. Jekyll ml Mr. Hyde, Ilia gnalet pychologb cat dram ever wrltlcn. At Hip opera 'MwiaUUhuiniiiiUhellril Moil. I ,omo Kilday night. BARGAINS THIS WEEK SK.K.K. 95.00 - 5.75 2.40 .75 STORE Utt 16.00 Khaki Sulti (This week) - ! 17.00 " u UUe 13.00 Khaki Skirts - - - " Split Straw Hati, value, up to S2.00, ens Blue and Pink Canvas Slippers. Rett. 1.00 and 1.25, 80 and 05 the pair " cent off on all Shirt Waists nd Ends In China Below Cost. fetch this space for Special Prices OFFERED BY KLAMATH FALLS Best Value Givers . K. K. K. STORE canln fur Hie untold grant land of Hie OteK"" l.'iihfomla tnilioad will hate no pilorilv of light over other appli cant ha. brought consternation Into the heail of a boat of claimant", who ruthed Into tbcte laud, and paid high mm to unicrupiiloiii locator. In Khtmatli County many pnrtle tllel on theto land ami paid location fee laming from I".'. to 10d. Some of the locator charged no fee at all but located parllc. with the uuder.tandlng that they were lopayceitaln imiiawhen they acqulreil the land, hut In mott Imtance a location fee tta charged and the iiraaco given that the laud, could be aecurtsl. In Mini County alone (loiiibly.UOOacrei of theielaiuU have beeu tiled on and applied for and the lender made In tlio railroad coin panyofllcci at Frni Kranciico. Keti ranging from l.'i to $.'0 have been paid for Hit privilege, and the partlea locat ing tho feekeri after timber land us urcd them that they would hato n priority ol right and hate the llr.1 uif dl.putcd claim to the land In question should the got eminent iiicceed in their efforla to declare llio land forfeit. A most claboiato program ttai fob lowed, audit complying ttllh nil poisi. bio legal rc)iilrementi amount to any thing the claimants for Ihcso land should reecho consideration. Tlio plan was at follows First the poisons desiring to be lo cated accepted Hie cruise of tome locator, and upon being aequalntedllh the description of the land made an affidavit to the effect that they had let tied on these lands and were actual residents and horueieekeii. Jills application was Med with the county recorder ml placed on record, together with statement that tho ten der had been made the railroad com pany, and tint their ppllcatlon for purchase had been rejected by the railroad company. Over 800 of these papers have been recorded In the office I ' of the county recorder and-accord log to In addition to Ihe a bote many of the claims hato been duplicated, and eten il tho applicant should have an oppor tunity to purchase endles litigation would eniue. Many of tho parties In appljlng for the land were Induced to apply for land toother tounlle with out any I lea of settlement or sincerity on the part of Ihe would bo possessor of these railroad land. In fact In many Inslancet the affidavit read that they are actual residents on the land applied for when Ibo cltlien of this section and in other portion of the atato know that they are engaged in business and have made no attempt to comply with Ihe law relating to resi dence and settlement. Tho whole matter is decidedly com plicated, and tho ruling of the depart ment Hint these nro of no consequence and worthies will bring some order out of tho chao and save endless litigation and iosiblo prosecution for falsa affi davit uiudo by tho seeking purchaser. Home from Philippines J. 0. North, son of V. II. North, ur rived in the city last night with hi fath er who ha been at San Francisco to aee Hie lloet. This I tho former tlrst visit to tht city and lie lias Just re turned from the Philippine Islands where he ha been for the past two year with Battery "D" of the Fifth Field Artillery, lie I homo on three month's furlough. Bear Hunters Excited The bear liunteri ol this city are con slderably worked up over the fact that J, 0. C rat ens wounded large black bear last Sunday In the Loug lake coun try. The bear wa one ol the largett of the kind and had wintered on the ridge east of the lake. After being ahot It made II way into the" thick brush and the trail wi lost. The dog that Mr. Crateni had with him would not take REPORTED LOST ON UPPER LAKE W. 0. Huson and H. D. Foster Failed to Reach Their Destination ., STARTED FOR ODESSA YESTERDAY NOON Searching Party Finds no Trace of Them But Telephone Message Brings the Tidings That Missing Ones Are Safe at Doak's Summer Home the trail and ho was furred to give up. lie Hint back to Ihe place )etlerday with another dog but the storm of the preceding night had obliterated the trait so that the dog could not take the scent. Today M. II. Wampler and a party with four bear dogs are out In the wood look ing for the w minded bear. The place where it was found I not more than ten miles frrm town and Ihe hunter are surprired that a bear would winter so close tocitilization. It is quite probable that Mr. Warnplerand hit party will bring in the bear as the wound caused the lots of so much blond that It could not go far. Many Ducks and Qeese I'artie who hate been out on the lake ray t,hat there are more duck and geete hatching on the Klamath marshes thl year than there ha been for several year. The game bird of this country need better protection than they have had. The deputy game warden cannot la expected to protect the entire county. An organization of the nimrod should be formed for the purpose of asslstiog Ihe game warden In the protection ol the bird, and to use iti effort! for the perpetuation of the game and fish supply of the entire county. Some few bird are killed nut of season, but this viola tion of the law will not extirpate the supply. It is the burning of tulea dur ing the nesting eeoron and Ihe robbing of nest that cuts down the number of birds. Frequently the report I beard that parties went out into the marsh and gathered several dozen duck and geese eggs. An effort should be put forth to atop tho robbing of nests, and thta effort can be made more effective if It It backed by the gun club or lome other similar organization. T. E. Smith and wife, who have been here since laat October, left here thl morning going to Portland where they will reside . Yesterday noon V. O. Haton, of the tang fake Lumber Co., and Govern ment Foreater II. D. Foater started for Odessa in Mr. Hoton'i launch and when they failed to reach there it wa feared that tbey had been wrecked. A strong wind wa blowing yetterJay aod It w thought that their boat waa capsized or that aoraetbrng broke on the engine and that tbey were stranded. When tbey did not reach there thl morning George Gregory started down in a launch coming along the west tide of the lake. He arrived beta this even ing and stated that he saw nothing of them or their boat. This evening telephone meeeage waa received from the Doak ranch to the effect that tbey were at the ranch safe and sound. The engine on the boat gave out and they went to this ranch foi food and shelter. Much fear aod ex citement prevailed as it was feared that tbey had been capsiied sad probably drowned. Will Go to Dorrls Many people from this city are plan ning. o attend, the big caUbratloat at Dorrls on Friday and Saturday. Derrb will have a big tune, bat all who are go ing from here should eogage roosts ahead of time or else take cazcp ootllt for the town will not have accommoda tions tor the big crowd. The people of the new town wilt do the bast they can under the circumstance, bat the best will probably not be any toe good. Work on Plant Delayed Work on Moore Bro. power plant I not progressing rapidly owing to the lack of tome of the parts of the machinery that it to be Installed before the build ing is erected. Tneee parts are experted at any time and as soon as they arrive the construction ol the building will be ruahed to completion. The Use crew is still at work on the line to Bonanta and it makingsplendid progress. i w . .jp.m. . Li U " iisHf i win kSBBbb I lJr IKSjJglJ Bk i i ROBERTS & HANKS Hardware Dealers