The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 11, 1908, Image 1

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jfoitly Il'ad Vmr '"
Our Advertisers
the Beat Results ,
Klimath KitllH ....
YKAlt, No. fil7.
vs Mails Must Continue to Come via Po-
kegama as per Contract
tnry to tlio Statements of thu Muitayur of the Klam-
,11, kc Railroad Iho Postmaster is Daily Lxpect-
inK Order to Route Mails Hy Horns
Price, 5 Cents.
uwltr KnuiilU ha m yt rwelv.
-.1..... in .mil., (lit. malt vlja
nb but Hi older at h-U.I at
illaw. Mull It'itit" Inspector
I W. Villi l',B ''rrl weeks ago
MilrJ thai '" "",', rprtiiiiiiirml
tUtn'"'r "If0 I" rlabllaliwl
tthtlOth t.l May. Tim (lovcrn.
ilsltajsinotfi slowly I" il "'
(nJconMurtillxlimi)r U a fw
tafur lli rrlf 1U lw alarlr.1.
'. Villi '" i''"1 "'l '" w""'''
imp.I tliatlh frrvlcn via .kc-
ibt discontinued wltii tlin nnw
ItM Un'in. It ! Krliraly -"
I iLil llil will Iwiloiie irgardli.a
111 anil's "f lli" Klamath ImVv
Urtavi or any corporation or In-
Jul. Il ',r that tome one !.
Mat to K. H., lli Knrral
ol the Klamath l-akn road,
Mm when tli new route wuiiM
Isfaasd lor he !. uialltl tl.n follow
kesaaanlcatlon to Ilia Herald -
f Rsplrlog to jruiir inquiry to when
I Bill will be routed via Dorrla, will
rtWJltl.lnt II lll U when I say
Tbawraloa la ttelter now thin It
la tit IKirris. All Ilia (lip
M tin pill til Ilia ((Kn A
tit SUitr Co,, tn.l tli rail rtttta
rltit contingent (flit Utter Iim
itpotltlf hurt to llit 11 Intarrtit
nth Kill.) tin nut accomplished
ptUaf jrrt in regsrd t thn iniltr.
stsprew H. I', tickets ami Melntln
IfFUgtlliir will quit Klaaiath Kallt
Ills ICih tla I'liki-gama, but ol course
Bill will ttay until IheOnveruitieiit
it off or I do. The mail rnntrart
l tli Fallt and I'nktiania Iim
SstUirM tears )l to run. I can
Ihcarrjlng the mall anytime I want
dlnr, to the communication nl
I. Abbott he can fore the malt to fit
kPokmtma the entire Ufa of lilt fon.
But, on the other hand, If ho
It h. ran iIIkoiiIIiiiiu the service at
slims. Thli wniitil ho rather a ono-
I contract fur the Government to
Ur Into. The (internment never
An t mill contract without tli pro-
Hut It can discontinue nr
4 U Mrvlco it my lima ami while
Hhlicttellr. Al.lioit may ho in
puoo totirunne i,e iraln ivlipilule to
ult I. In. cll, hi will liii'l that l.ui.nol
ilktntr to thn iiirinm-rit whim tin'
imIi'p Ij nil f ilLomtliiilrd,
County (lets Uoad Funds
Ci.tinlrTiiaiun-r I.. Alia I.1 hit'
In fh ill In In mi. I numleia H".V) fiotn
tl.r. Mate triaa.iri r which la Klnnitlh
County's thai nf thr flte xr c.-iit I iti.l
atln fiiml. 'I In- ulnln receives flm ll.i
( t "t Irl.t (if tin' nullify
ildUiil fn.m tin' l' nl pllhllc land
ml tl.'i ti.oiii'V " ncclvi.l I api'iitli.n
iil among thi munllea nf tin' lalo ami
corn Into tl.i r'.ml fiiml. It ran be Hard
for mi i. II. i r '.it) than tin' luiptntr
mrnt nf public hirfhwiiys. Klamath
Cinilily linw haa IH.'M)
In thr mvl fiiml, a "11111 aulticlriit to
put t'.mi' uf the rna.U In lln coii'lltlon
linuliiiK Lumber
ftitrial Uik loila nl lumlwr hnrv
lfli halihil mil to Matiry llri'thi-K V
Coniaiiy'araiiiti, All tin l.iiy
rttahllihlngiiuaiti'ia fur thn Suuimrr.
Thr flrat wotk nn the illtrh 111 .rohhly
I ilone timiorioa . Tli" rniitracloia ilM
not l.rliiK in a full rre with them, hut
rill employ n numt'r nl men aa kwii aa
Ihey itrl lhr tctnal rmiilriictlon woik
Aincs LunkitiK Up
I & JmJ'flftAj A 'If'IraUl 1 tu!i VatV
Election uf a United States Senator in Oregon Will Be Tak
en as a Verdict for or against the National Admin
istration and Its Policies
l(cMrla fniui tin. uiliK'a at New 1'inc
CrceWatc to the vitrei that a gnat a
mount of iletehpriiiiit work will U
ilonelhla Hummer. Kaatern capllalliti
are taking hoM i fomv of thcpropertlva
ml iluvclopmvnt woik will lw rarrliil
on thla tcaaon on acalc far morv ex
teniive than ilurlnK Ihv time alnce the
prixK'cti were illacovvrol.
llefori' aillournlnit the County Couit to trailtertli for hUi for Iho
bridge arriMn Ixiit rltcr at Iho Upper
(Jap. If Kiftliafactory hid I) recrlvnl
the hrldgo will ho built thla Hummer.
Coiialderahl freight la itlll coming
via I'okcgtma, Two carload wero
landc.1 then' today. Th Mclntlro Coin,
panv will maintain olllr ther for at
iraat two inontha longer.
K. K. Ke
Uei $6.00 Khaki Sulti (This week) -
lies $7.00 " " ' "
c $3.00 Khaki Sklrti - - -
SpUt straw Half, valuei up to $2.00
-Wrens Blue and Pink Canvai Slippers,
Reg. 1.00 and 1.25, 80 and 95 the pair
fOper cent off on all fhlrt Waists
nd Ends In China Below Cost.
tch this space for SpecialPrices
Best Value Givers
A girtt many Itrpuhllfana are !
ginning to roU'ily ak thui"t'lvea "Why
lhoiild r elect n.nrri.'.r Chamherhitii
loathe United ftatea Senate?"
And In thla if ho ii ananfrrd. 'Why
Indeiil ' '
Hut In II. mailer of a Unltcl State.
Senator they hao irvrntnl to them a
different prohlem. There they come
In touch with the pally nf thu Nation,
the patty of Roo:ell, of which they ro
warmly tpprote, and the verdict which
they render the general public mutt ai
I ivpt a. very largely tho Judgement of
thototeia ol Oregon upon trial aaminia
tratlon. Our vloction occur at a
ttrange teaaon of tho year. W hero firo
tlio flrat gun of tho prctldentlit election.
Tho voidlet la mtde up in advance, to
far at the real of the country it con
cerned. Tho Nation know thtt the
BUte I overwhelmingly Republican.
It likowito knowa thtt tho ndmlnliter
ill Ion of I'ntident Koonvvvlt hat hero
received riilhutiaatie approval. Tliat
admiiiiilerattou, dlpguUo It a no will,
It now on trlaftefore tho country. Hy
tlio general matte of the people it hat
been warmly approved; hy the corporate
and plutocratic Intorenti it la bitterly
revllcl, and whllo little la being done
openly, thcro 1 deep down a tmoulder.
ing lire of resentment that cannot bcux.
tlngulihed. For tho very reaion that
plutocratic force of the country hate
tho I'retldont, tho masee of the people
admiro and approve him.
If uuder iucIi clrcumiltncoa a thcto
It gov forth that tlio people of Oregon
In June elect u Democrat for United
State Senator, the administration re
ceive a blow In tho house ol it tup
poted friend that it I conceivable may
have a torlout effect upon tbo plan of
the friend ol the administration and
upon the great contett In November fol
lowing. It mutt not be forgotten that
much quiet work bt been done In re
cent month again! the admlnlttrttlon.
Onoratyjeo tho effect of it on every
hand In every communlty-the clacquer
butlly ongaged In hmttrlnglng Roose
velt, and lotlduoutly undermining the
platform of principle which he haa
been tteadlly putting forth In hit me-
tagta and tpcechet. If a Hell known
and tnppoaedly afo adwlnlttration
State falls Ly the wayaide in June, the
pieftitre of the adiniiiittration aeterely
tuffera and no man who hotieatly face
Ihequeillon can lee it otherwise.
In the present campaign and the com
ing election Statement No I. It pot on
trial, because both candidates tor the
United .Stntet Senate ttand square toed
and tlat footed upon that platform.
Neither la Chamberlain or Cake, a
such, nn trial before the people. The
iuctiun 1 one not of the.o men, but ol
broad National Import, leading to a vic
tory which will mean a shout of ring
ing encouragement to the National ad
ministration or a vital blow delivered
in the houso of It friends. This It the
real proKtition before the people of the
State, and It la one ol tho main reason
why The Telegram will throughout thl
campaign give II, M. Cake Ita heartlett
support and urge as strongly a it may
the voter of Iho State, to sustain the an
ministration at a moment when it la
more seriously on trial than at any
other period in Us whole history.
Portland Kvenlng Telegram, May -Ith
Dr. Whitycombe, of Corvallis Experiment
Station Will Be In Attendance
Illustrated Lectures and Discussions Will Be Beneficial to
Farmers and Stock Raisers-Adjourned Meeting of
Water Users to Be Held at Same Time
that there in no mIl.lo chanci: to re
move the county ceat if tin- question la
tuhmittiil In thn vot.TH.
Dredge Not Working
W. II. Kent, whnhaschnrgs of tho
dredge on thevallmad dlko acros the
marsh, was In the- city Saturday, lie
slated that the repairs for the dredge
had not lrn received and that no work
was being don. The wood work on the
new limine was Mug done and In a
hort tlmn the machinery would be on
hand and nt toon at It can be put on the
barge the new dredge will lie put In op
eration. Thn old one will bo repaired
rhortly and th. two machines will be
put on the joli. It It now almott three
weeki since any work has U-cn done on
the dike. This is a good reason for work
and eery day that It lost means delay
In the extension of the road to this city.
Will Open Office
E. 1. .Morgan hat returned from Cali
fornia where, ho has been for several
weeki on an important real ettate deal
at Rosevllle. He Is now making arrange
ments to open his ofllco in the building
near tho Hum hardware store. While
at OaklanJ he purchased his olllce fur
niture and it will arrivo hero within a
few days.
Registration Closes Soon
Registration for the general election
closes on tho loth, and up to date there
are 748 voters registered in I.lnkville
precinct. This is enough to make three
precincts and at the proper time this
Fall the County Court will make the di
vision. The total registration of the
county will be approximately 1C00. All
of those who have not registered should
do so, before Friday.
V. Ci Davenport and family visited
at Keno Sunday. '
Secretary C. I'. Chastalu, of the Kla
math Water liners' Aavx-Iation, la In re
ceipt of a letter (rom James Whltycomli
director of tho Oregon Kxwrlmrntal
station at Conallis, informing him that
he ami Professor Dradley, the chemist
at the station, can come to assist In tho
Farmers' Institute to be held on Juno
6th and Cth, the time set for the ad
journed meeting of the Water Users'
Mr. Whitycombe states that on thn
night of the Cth they would give an illus
trated lecture on the various typet and
breeds of livestock, and alto showing the
Agricultural College and It work which
is of interest to evtryonc. On the fol
lowing day tho discussion of subjects
pertaining to animal husbandry, plant
food In the toll, chemistry of the soil,
and other subjects of Importance to the
farmer cctild be taken up.
Thla Institute will bo held at a tine of
the year when farmer will have time to
attend and In order to make the gather
ing a succes It will be necessary for all
Ilia stock, raiser and farmers to attend
the session. Valuable Information can
be got by attending institutes of this na
ture for those wh attend are given the
benefit of year of experiments with va
rious breed of stock and kinds of toil
and crop.
The meeting of the Water Users' As
sociation and the Institute should bring
every fanner and stockman In the Kla
math basin to thla city on June 5th and
Cth. This will be the first Farmers' In
stitute to be held in this county and if
it It mtde a succes it will make it pot
tibia for tbi county to secure oue of
these meeting every year.
Vote on Saloons
The question of prohibition under tho
local option taw will bo submitted to the
voter of Lake county at the June elect
ion. The question will be voted on by
the county as a whole and also by a
combination of precinct In the north
end of tho county.
Building The Court House
Despite the fact that the light for the
icmoval of the comity seat ol Ijike coun
ty is still red hot the authorities nro go
ing ahead with tho construction ol the
now court house at Lakevlow. Parties
coming from thero say that tho stone
and brick work i progressing splendid
ly under the direction of W. A. Wingate,
formerly ol this city. There is now n
possibility that the measuio will not be
submitted at the June election. Tho
petition asking thut the question be sub
mitted ha the required number of sign
er, but a number of those have grown
disgusted with the fight being made by
the newspaper and have asked the
county court to withdraw their name
from the petition. Again the law re
quire that the clerk mutt give thirty
day notice that the measure will be sub
mitted. It appears that thl notlco has
not been given. Lakevlew resident feel
Wan - '' API
BY ll ll T
ll 11. IKaIU Mk
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Hardware Dealers