The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 08, 1908, Image 1

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Lt,y Kul IMiH-r l
Klimntl' Full" '
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results . . .
Price, 5 Cents.
cal Officers Arrest
juspccled Parties
uM s Out $200 laken
Lm Him While On n
IViiirar.tocI Drunk
lltfl'l" I'""" """"
lull night. It wai
,.rrli"l party would
.. mo Mrlntlre.Hlra-
r. lull) alwul II . i".
I putt N-hallnek wore
ic ilago ' i 1 1 -1 iii
Imti'fl'lo Inn, and nut
Ilptlllll of till man
. Im Ihrro paMcngrra
lli'llll'x olllco l'
..jii mi limn Dorris
iMrlt tliu nltlrer.
I l.4t loo i.l tho iar
i- aiMil the "Tilt mul
turned Ijiwr. The
Irllutr gltlng t !
. II Itlll III tllFU-
'I it a,,o4rliig tlmt he
WKSifU. ul Ihr affair.
Ulirll A'f ai itatwl !' tliO
iti nun I"- 'lli oltlcers aro Hint
iltir I k Uir olil man who wai
,!l of ' l-M), lelt Medford to
Ur. Tfcrr I -rii acquainted fur
ttliina -,, IM ire starting Cook
I op ai. rt fellow named Cal
(In an 1 1 ' iliu wy fur the three
tlm to !'' After lliry not tin
(JJrr,u r. in a drunk and Col.
urrricn' 1 onn story ramo on
llMrllt . atiil Dial lliK lint lit
I't i.f li. ,ry vu when ha was
rn III i liy ttif liC'IIT. A
rtwjb i i ho M'cuii ami cloth-
crrt:- , t,u money, tut lie
IUioj tin RAaiiinic further orders
Ill Ui Hi - n .earned that Douittai
i.liii.i-. i i,.,in IhirtU under very
("iclom rin ..iiann ami Iliu sill
Uiun li i .i I,r i llivoliit who got
J mth inr .l, man' money. He
br iPj, i, Inmlt-d In Dorrkhut
"J li, i n, r. g lm thonit up at mm
ll.ia. , . , , about 1:1X1, which lis
'Hiel-ad mo imUrgame. How.
. U f,r I . k ir-oried that ho had
m-Alml, Ii....KUn dl.appearcd ami
!,( liim l..n P (omul, I no
ilrfloiiiriit4 HViir ynilllaC Collllll
'II lllriy l i ,iii.. ,,
SV. Illtl ,.,y.
lU tain '
LlilL:i '
t :-"'
I Llnl '
lU i llr
r.lflfir '
tU till'
lof n
1 of It.t
Messrs. Elliott and Mack Are
the Purchasers
Oim )f lint mint lmurlaiil Uml
tiaiiiaclloiin corimiiiuiiatvil liern rriTntly
look placo yr-itriilay lion V, K, Araiil,
tlm Mlrllitrmlrht of Ilia C'ratrr Ukn
I'ark, wiM lili farm coualttliiK of 4MJ
acrr, alt inllrt aoulliratt l Klainatli
I'all, In Mriua. W. T. Elliott ami
Chan. Mack, nf Klamalli Fall., Iml
fnrmrrly nf Inllana, itinildrratloii
Tliit aal It lmiortahl a tlm Aran!
ilra la nun nf llir nlilrt ami lira! farm
III Ilia ruiinly, ami la una of Klatiialh'a
If Hi farju liimira. Tba lar la one of
rumlileralilo lilttoile Inlarrtt, It being
oris of lli olilrit Inillan tlllagr In
H.iiltlirin (liK,,ii, Hjiiio of I ho flnul
IMTlirit'iia ol Imllan rvllra air fouml
In till rnunlry wrra fouml mi thlt
ranch. Km In Han lllafe fuiinJnl
hero m Ionic to tlmt Ilia oMott Imllana
liavir tin knoxIr.lKP of III lirxliinlnR ami
tlm maxnlflrviit ' likC on Oik la-r
wrro callrtl "l'nK Moira."
Tlio placo waa taken tin aa a limnr.
atvail In IH7I, Ihvyrar prior tothoMo
ilnc war o well rrinriulriJ liy the
rally arlllrranf what li now known aa
Klamalh comity, Thrir oopl cait
Ihi-lr hit ami furlunra In ami with a tarn!
iiiiroclalmnl from the Imllam, Mr.
Arant waa at thlt plaro on June Slat,
In'.l, when the Mihc IrlUo, after Ulng
raptuml mi Willow crock rait of Clear
lakr, wai Mn( rnnvrjnl hy the KOTarn
mriil troopi in Fort Klamath, where
allrrwanl fuur of the rhlef Iniurcenta
were irlnt anl haiigrJ.
Mraira. i:illoll ami Mark will enM
in eitemlrr farming anil itock ralatng,
Inctuillng lioraea, rattle anJ hogi. Mr.
Mark If one of the practical hog rahr
nf Imllana, ami III place will In 0ll
wi ai in In a alrlctly mulern hog farm.
The large lining will be uaed ai a re.
rrvoir aii'l by uiraoa of machinery the
water will In- iiIIIImJ for the Irrigation
nl thli fine trad of laml.
Mr. Aiant will ihurlly lake up lila
rriMmirr for the Suminer at hi poet of
July In Iho Crater Ukr National Park.
Concert Very Good
The ouicTt by Mra. Morgan and Ml
Uu Nlckrraon, aulitclhy the Klamath
KalU Military llaml.wa attemlr.1 by a
large ami apnreclativa audience. Every
iiumbrr on the program waa encore by
the audience, It Ihut allowing It ap
preciation of the inuilcal talent of the
partlclanla In the program.
When you buy n Sewing Machine or
a I'honograph, gel the beat. Come In
and act) them at Th Hinger Hewing
Machine Agency, cor. rtth and Main
LaaBBWu9 'eaaV LbbbbbbbbbbbbVJ
lilfefeifejj' va
The Seasons latest styles in
Panamas, Straws and Crashes
Complete stock
"Stetson" and
"A Hal (or every face"
Mai vk.'jA - VS J
Chamber of Commerce Direc
tors Hold First Meeting
Under New Laws
Appolntiiioiil "( cniiiiuitUvfc J" th-
only Important mailer taken up nt tlio I
meeting ol (he nrnly electl director!
of the Chamber of Commerr. Onoof
the director! will K'rre n. chairman of (
each of the cominltteo which were np-,
olnted a follow : j
Traniportatlon (leo. T. lUldwin, A.i
II. Nafttger, Frank Ira While.
Immigration-It. II. Duiihar, E. II.
Hall, Wilbur White.
Public Iuipriivementi and Irrigation
-Alei Martin, . II. Onte. 1. W.
Memiwrthlp-W. II. Dollwer, C. V,
Htone.T. W. Stephen., (J. Ilollkemprr,
J. 0. Kwau.
Adverliiemeut, Eahihit mid Enter,
lalnmrnt Frank lm White, tleo. T.
Daldwrin, Alex Martin, J. Trunk Adann,
C. II. Underwood.
Agriculture and HorticultureJohn
Ellii, J. D. Carroll, E. I'. Morgan.
Manufacture-W. A. Delnell C. S.
Uoore, I'. I.. Fountain, Fmnk Ward.
The comr.illttv on ineinlrrliip will nt
once begin an active rmnpalKn to get
more member! (or the Chamber, ami
w II. n,,llM...r. iho chalrinan. think
" ' . T
that it will ho poi.iblo In iniro than
double the prenent memU'riliiu. Other
cotninltteea aro taking up Iho work ou
tlined to thorn, nml the Indication! nro
that 'he work of Iho Chamber in tlio (
tur will bring even bettor result than
It ba brought in the pail.
Fulton Proposes Amendment
Increasing Crater Lake
Sum $50,000
Back From Timber
F. M. Knife returned lait night from
a villi at Albany and Portland. While
away he alio made a trip into tlio bell
of land in Qraot and Harney countle
which i to be rettorod to lettlement In
June. He ay that a number of parties
art already on tbe ground going over tho
land that are to b opened to settlement
and entry.
Villi Manning's Jl you want the beet
leo cream.
Crater Lake National Park ha yet one
chance ol getting it appropriation lor
Ihiiyear increased, Washington dlt
patches itate that Senator Fulton ha
propoied an amendment to the tundry
civil appropriation bill calling lor 160,000
for the Improvement and extension ot
roads in Crater Lake Park. Senator
Fulton ha established reputation in
Washington for getting thing that ha
goe (Iter, and the (act that ba ha
taken np th light (or a larger CraUr
Lake appropriation i encouraging new
to the people ol this section ol thtat.
Should Senator Fulton (all in bating th
appropriation increased than there wilt
be no further hope for securing larger
uiun for thl year.
Selected Health Officer by
County Court
At a meeting ol the County Court to
day Dr. 11. It. Hamilton waa appointed
County Health Officer and Pbyaidan.
.A fowdayialnce he received the appoint
ment a phyalcian (or the Reclamation
Servlco. The Doctor ha been in thl
city only a abort time, but hi ability a
a phyiiclan is already recognised and
hi appointment give assurance that
the duties ol the office to which he ha
been appointed will be well performed.
Ho came to thl city well recommended
as a physician and mrgeon and from
the time he located hero he ha enjoyed
a largo practice and has been highly sue
cenful with hi patient.
Dr. Hamilton 1 a graduate of tbe
Wealeyan University of Nebraakaand
of the Willamette Medical College. He
practiced medicine at Vale and at Med
ford before coming here, and while at
the former place he wai health officer
and phyiiclan ol Malheur county. He
1 recognised a a man ot ability by tbe
medical protection and the county I to
be congratulated on aecurlng hi ser
vice. Both ol tbe petition to which
Dr. Hamilton bat been appointed were
oiled by the late Dr.d. W. Maiton.
Workmen Will Soon Have
Building Completed
Workmen have begun the erection of
a depot at Dorrli and parties coming In
from there nay that the foundation is al
ready laid, and at the rate they are work
ing it will be but a few day until the
building will be ready lor occupancy.
The "Y" I completed so that the train i
can make the turn at the new town.
The gradofor the "shoo fly" is receiving
the finishing touches, and the contract
or, Erlckaon & Pelterson, are working
all of their forces on title aide of tbe
llole-ln-the-Oround. The steel gang has
not begun work on the shoo fly, but will
likely begin a toon a the deep cot at
the top ol the hill is finished. There I
no longer any doubt but what the road
will reach the navigable water thl Fall
and if it were not (or the delay in crosc
ing the marsh this city would have rail
connection before the dawn of another
Ex-Policeman Phillips Mixed
Up In Land Litigation
W. J. Phillip, formerly a policeman
In tbls city, bat recently a ugebrush
rancher In Butte Valley, I the star
In rather sensational contest proceed
ing. When "Hill" waa on th police
force iu this city he had the reputation
of being a tayr and no man ever run
bluff on htm. It appear that la thl
litigation he 1 maintaining thl repu
tation N sooner had W.J. Hipee, ol
afacdoel, placed against Mr. Phillip
boaatetead than tbe defendent filed a
counter anlt claiming dasaagea result
ing (roam tbe inconvenience -)Med by
tbe contest. It alao appear that tbe
contett affidavit allege that' BUI did
not cultivate bis bad a1 made no Im
provement. Tbe defendent claim
that be ba 40 acre under cultivation,
that be ha a bona, barn and a wall on
tbe place and that be ha tbe entire 160
acre under fence. Despite tbeee thing
the affidavit allege no improvement,
and BUI baa decided to determine by
actual experiment II a man can be
proeeculed (or (wearing to what be says
I a lie. Tbe civil action will come up
at Dorri bortly and twnty-(our wit
neaaea have bnen eummooed by tbe de
fen. Tbe caae promise to be one ot
tbe warmeat thing tbat baa ever hap
pened In Butte ValUy, and tbat aecUon
la warm one tlnce the advent ol tbe
Needle and Sewing Machine sop
pile (or all make of Sawing Machine,
Singer Sewing Machine Agency.
Approach of Railroad
Has No Affect
Local Companies Will Com
pete for Business from
Dorris to this City
The fight for the freight and paiaenger
business between this city and Dorrli
will be carried on by tbe J. M. Mclntlnt
Transportation Co. and by the Klamath
Falls Trans. Co. The .former comp
any has an agreement with tho Southern
Pacific for the handling of all through
freight and the latter company Is mak
ing an effort to Induce Klamath FaIN
shippers to ship to Dorris in its care.
It seems that the fight for th buiinean
is about to begin Instead of coming to a
close with the approach of the railroad.
Tbe Mclntire Company will haul to
thisclty over tbe mountain road to Keoo,
while the other company will uie tho
boat from Teeler'a to this city. It U
claimed tbat It has been definitely decid
ed tbat tbe spnr to the Landing will be
botltthl Fall, and' tbat Teeter' will be
the Urminu of the road white the work
across the marsh Is being , completed.
II tbls la the cate there will be another
revolution in the freight situation when
tbe Urminu i established at navigable
water. It ia Impoeilbl to determino
bow long tbe terminus will remain at
Dorris, but Judging; from the buildings
being put up by tbe Mclntire Company
they bave Inside Information tbat it will
be there (or several months.
Headquarters at Seattle
The Director of the Chamber of
Commerce bave under consideration tho
matter of putting up a Klamath head
quarter at the Alaska-Yukon Expos
ition at Seattle in 1909. It it estimated
tbat a building that will answer the
purpose can be put up (or about 11500,
and if tbe matter should be favorably
considered by the people of this section
an attempt will be made to secure the
Mceeaary funds.
The erection and maintenance of a
headquarter would provide a place (or
the distribution ol literature and would
become a meeting place (or all Kla
math people who will attend the expo
sition, It would be the mean of giving
thl section extensive ad ver tiling and
i a proposition that should receive lull
New line ol fancy Souvenir oon- at
. ,Vse the
," noiCTi
v ,. i a
f or Ti
Hooki, FHct, Trolls,
and Linen Lines.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealers
&$' 10 J
, S