He rralfi Mostly nm iit l Khnmtli Vati ' Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . ecoNoYKAit. N. ntn. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TIIUKSDAY, MAY 7. 1908. Price, 6 Cents. IAIN CANAL IN OPERATION Uporary lax Again This Year )0ST$l.5O PER ACRE tttntrs Slgniiwi Up for Wo- ler Under Arronqemenl ol lost t'ir iiiiLI n.itiia jif It, late llniimiliiU'wr " " Lili Ownly Ijii'1 ' Ih tilft.-i b -wMfllllirlllM'li-HI "It" ). I"" U IIWllI "'"' ""' I,""t f,,," I - ..I f..r tttflnr under krrt iiitc i"" " ' trnitarjr aiiaiignneiiU. vtlillf ,,jilfliili..ly palllally miiiplrlrd , llrtliiiiitlini r" '" ","lt ,l"' nfrary ""r !' J ' mi, II; iiiriut l it faruirta iii 'ttn iiiwrnil i.l lui'l llil ll'i')'"-" n ,Sitnr. Ihe ictmni'Mi ilriltnl irlliiilffiMlii:lliiMli' ill Urn illation ami the iiialftti'liain r n( the ulJttilni tli '"I Will. Ilelle- A,liliitliriU ill Ihe oirrll'n iMinlriianre, alalra llil ifnlilil)f 1,(0) ami mil Hgned up under tin' Kfitttf aiiati.'rinrnla till )r4t. tit Ui i.l II ii) iff an? ! mil payable LulOiliU-r, and il a larxi arrragu l hi up ll.r rml may li limned, u lli tin- liilruiion ill llii Kettlce to llfllwqiiifr than l lirrrsiitl) til lie jlW ri.ni- nrrrulntC twiu tin illon ill the )lrni. Tlila tnii"ir f tr K-itlrr Mill likely ! iIIx-uih Itlltr tliia )ar ami the land own I stkjr II final mill thru Iwrnui- MM to pay tlipnatrr tax nil nit ''I t limit ilt-nol tip with the Onvrrn- b... lUr. Ilrilriiiin latr tliat lie lllnl' tlm lititi in Niter riiiillllnti than H'leir lut xar V lew aiutrn-l I hatr tauted miiir tnmliV lllll mi ktutaarrimii nature havcnccilleil. Unit I.iip iriilnt ami am imicli it Ji tl.tu tli,.) eio laat )iar. iWlnalirn liitne.1 In lui mail) lOlula ami man) ( tli fanner irthn-n mm,- Hitvr during llie tetrni uptll liili.4lioii a it llut lli laillmiilihiiiMlry, which will likely kri s trrulmr) to make runny uf the 'liil;n llirlr meailuH, UmU Inr sporirr Inlall mi. Cattle Prom Crook Cliu. Durum , h, . ,.y from . lie teantly relumed Irom ottoqnty Hliete lie purchaicd SMI Hlitrrf, w,,, , J,,,, ,lw mitrlrr He iut tl.ixnltl.. mur. till Cnv.k tVnitilv In itlMXil Die k.iiiii. Imuil, a BBlr aiB -V'ai3isssssssi BBBBBBV ""t-VTfalljBBBBBBBBfl aaiH JaiW -1?3bsssssss1 L'Vr 'riiB The Seasons latest styles in Panamas, Straws and Crashes Also Plcte stock let on" and Thoroughbred" Brands f A "" rf vf ry fc . , . K. K. K. ANOTHER BIG RUSH Klamath People Will He in July I onil OpcniiHj 'I limn will In. nunthci liltt IaimI rnnli nlien llie lamia In Haunt, l'iik ami Onillt mUllUm Hie IIiimhii li'll liin-t lleinnil mill full) I lie lamia huiiine auhjrilln elm-tluu taiial H'llli Hunt In iMily June, hut in u nnl nenei fur entry nl filing iinlil In .liih. 'Ilil la. done In 'itliii the hiilintteailtra an iiikiiiiii) 'in erilie Ihe lel nufti iiltiiiul lamia Klainalh I'minl) Mill U net r ieileenei in the ruih, In .ilien It aev I eliil (ulllia limi' fiine tlii'li- In g, t in in, the Kriiuiel lliMir, ninl w iiiiiiiIh r nl the .n aim. tthn hme nM-intiil In Klainalh lllllher Inr aetelnl )e,la eHl In alalt Inr llii'le ahuilly n In K''l III I'll the tniiher ami atnni' Iniallmia. ImportiiKj Stock Cnttlc A lain nilinU'i nl i-nllle hrhiiiitlni; In II. V. .Mucin II ami rt-nalur Ahner Wih .nr. thrniih the illy ln.ay I he rattle fteie mii haai In liie.hlm Cnunt) h) H. H. Mllrhell Hml Hill U .ailuiel lii Ihe Klainilli haalti 1 ( I r 1 1 1 , llip Nnrniner. Ilwaia mlnil l.iinl nl tie, In tier I'lma M II' 1 nihil (Um WILL DISBAND Committee Appointed to Dis pose of I urnisliings At a mritlnifol the Initial Umpire Clilh laM nlht II a ihtlilnl In ilia rte nl the iiii4rl) Uhililillii; In the rluh, inl tied. Cluitaln, Frank A liken an.l -U-ao I libera were apl'ilnttxl n oiiiinilttre to aril Ihe chili furiilihliiC, amT whrn they hatu illi.ia(s nl the nine unnihrr linetltiic ill U Inlil ami uiliiii llaNMiltiri will he male nl the liliula nil h nnl alter whkli the niKunl. lathin Hill illali.iinl ami heeninr J mat ter nl hlalnry unit. Water in Ailnms Cnital Wnti r I" tin U'lnit ilellteml nt nil nl the lamli umlrr the Ailainaranal. Ihe mk nf rlennlnc thiwlllili nml tipaliTnt; It wa llnlaheil u left ihi) n.-o nml the nnter h.t". Inre li'ii liirneil In m that thii'lamUcnnlil he Iniiialisl, Ci.ntrncl. nr 1). W, inltli, aIiii llxiil Ihe canal, j haa taken nmi Iher jnh wllh ihuCalllur ula Nnithrniiterii ami n ill mine. hU out Ill iivvr mi the linn thin week. Sewral nl thii hi if IrelKht teaina he hinnlnu In the Molnllrn Company atari ml lor I'okt'iiaiim tmlay. It will take I... ......a..- .....l ..f tt.t in..titli t. In-tit I iiiu ifivniri mi, oi mi" iii'mmii '!"' In All o( tin freight llitit li.ti Uhm MIM I tu Hint 'lmo. Buy a PANAMA STORE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES Hik v v Vk. ia9 M 4 8 nBi twBtnWf TOM L. JOHNSON OF OHIO. MEETING OF PROPERTY OWNERS Right of Wtiy for Kcno Canal Receives Attention of West Side Residents 0. A. Stearns Submits Proposition on Hehtilf of Water Users Association Writ Siile pro'il) hnhleia met nt the lealileme nf A Cnali I ht Itttcllt Inr Ihe piiimiM'nl I'linxih-riiit; Ihe matter nln arllleiiirnt ith the ItecUtnatlnn Si-rlre Inr n ll:ht nl wu) lur the Kenn ranal nlom; Weal IIikIi atteet uml alo thruilich Ihe leapeelite pnieitiei nl Ihe laml imiiilti. ThniH-ut the limtlliK wele.1. K. IiihI ler, I'iiiiI llrciu-iiili-iii, t A. Slenrna, ('. II. WilliniM, Jan. Mmtt, A. ('ml inn, A.Cj.tel, W.T. lUllnlliinil C ( lel. Mr. Me.irna hml illn-itanil the matter thnmiiKhly wllli the Umril nl Dlreclora nl the Wnter 1'irra' Aimm-U-lion ami with Ihe nowimneiit enuiin era ami i there tn reiireci.nl hi oui Intcrcata ami alun ihonii nl the lleclu niation Service. Many l thixo who Mere preii nt me not iiitrrcateil in the ranal imly an II m.i Itvrt their prn i ty hy nlllifini! iwrtiiin nt Went lllljli "irerl, nml rmiiio Ihrniiuh wlnwe Inta thu ranal will p.i- wrro mil ut Ihe ineetluK- '''In' rall;l1 "'" '"" llll'"k! lllgli atrrt'l t"r it iliilitnco nl pmlmhly a hall inllu heiiiniiitii; ju-l nhnw the ltu lor the Monro llro. ior pl.mt, thru It will paaa thrnUKli tlm Into nnncil iih (iillntts- II. W. While S, A. CurNon I, A. I'anlvl -, .Ifti'lt lltulmi I. !" Ziimiilt I, (). A. iStenrna y mill W. T. IMIinit T. Arcnrillni; In llio atutementii nf Mr. Stvama llm llowrnnirnt U Milling tn lllvn eterjnne nl the property tmiifia Plan Improvements H. V. (lair, ol lllllxboni. ttlll arrive heie within a few dn)ii tu look after the liualneii attain nf Ihe Midway 'I'el. A Tel. Co. and nt llu Klamath Fulls Light A Water Co,, he Mug tlm presi dent ot both ol llio conipunlei. While here plaint will be. toruinUted for the Improvement!) lo bo made dining the Bummer. TliftWutm Cmnpnny expects tolieglnwoik on tlm leiorvolm fthont the first ot June, so it! to hntotlieiu com pleted by Fall and ready for thodellvery ot water to Ihe soclions of the town that will b. coveied by llio new ivaleimi. If your ees are tailing, glasses dont tit, tee Wlutere. tthnvi lots ure cro'hil hy the canal a mth'Iii.i1 ttater rinhl for Ihe right nl way, nml hoalnten that hehai pri-'tnlrd the matter In moil of the intemteJ par tieaulmnrv I'oml.lrriliK it (avorahly. Ilpntntea thai he haa alwi rrrclttxl a promise finm tint vnninerra Dial par I Ira leanlinK ahnii; Weal Main street can In come memliera of the Wafer Uaera' Al r.K'l.ition mill hy to ilolng get itatvr with ulitch to Irrigate their places. 'I he plana of thu declamation He nice protiih1 for nltiime (nor feet tt Me and two nml a hall feet high along Weat llinh street. Mr. Stearin alatn that Ihe engineers for the Cioverntncnt liaye prninineJ that they illl cover thla flume ami put It ilottn to grade whenever the treet In oKn for public travel. He atatf that at Ihti lime there la not ml llclvnt money on hand to linlhl a con crete romtiiit uml If Ihe wooden one il not Accepted the Keno canal may he dchiAcd for Homo time. He la ol the opinion that thu franchiie aked by the (lovernineut aliould ho granted to thai the conalrnclinii nt the canal will not be ileliitcil. The matler aa It la Manila jiut wheitt Ihe council left it. Il wlll.re celte (nilher conalderatlnii at the next council meullii);, uml In Ihe mean lime II the (internment and Ihe parlies el fectcd hy the canal conhl nrrlte at aotne aUici'iiicut it would expedite matter. New Boat Builders llcllkumpur A lliennan, thu boat huilderi, have their launch nlmiMt com plelisl. It l(i built ot nil solid oak and Is designed lotlevelop a remarkable high rale nf uweil, While these gentlemen da not make a regular business ot build lut; Ixiats still they may lie forced lo lake a few cnnlracls, loi all who have Been their work have pronounced It ex cellent, and It Ih jital possible that ioim one will Insist on their Inking a contract to build a launch. 'N A regular meeting ot the Woman's club will be held to-morrow afternoon at 'i '.SO o'clock at the residence ol Mr!. Chas, Swlugle, on 6th and Pine street!. DIRECT TO MIDLAND County Court Decides to Build Another Road It hat hern derided hv theConntv Court to irn up the direct road to Mid. ' land, and the anu- will hn tievird and patted tiion at tine. II it in then ae i p!rd roriiiderahlc nnrk Mill he il'im-1 mi it t liia milliner tn put it In ahape for the Fall and' Winter Iratel. Thla road will prove a great convenience lo all the farmer llvlntt In the tlclnlty of J Mldlaiid. The mad hat lireri ue more nr leu for mine lime, hut r)nt going lint way ttere fnrtt.il t nK-n aevfral yalei in nidrr tofel tlirniigh, and dur ing the net aratnn the rnad hi atwayi hern almoit irupamahle. Avert Onion Famine Klamath Falla wan threatened with an onion famine litt Winter and lor eteral wteka it wna Impoi-jlhle to buy an onion In Iherity. The price went jp tn aet en and eight trnli a ounil. Capt. O. C. Applrale la planning to avert famine during the entiling jrar and hai practically completed arrangement! for a large patcli of onioni, which he will plant in the next few week ATTEND CONVENTION frank Ira White WiH Repre sent Klamath County Frank Irn White leave tor l'ortland In the morning to attend to bitiinew maltera tor aeveral dayi. While there he will receive the Klamath float from the Imildtra a! a repreeentatlve of tb Chamber of Commerce, committee liav. Ing thla matter in charge, fie wilt alio attend Ihe llepublican itate convention lo which he will have the proxy ot Judge I.. F. Wllllta, who waa aelecled ar delegate from thil city. A Musical Treat levers of music will have an oppor tunity tonight to hear an excellent pro gram that Iih been In cnurte ot prepar ation for aoinu time. Ai has already been announced thii entertainment Is given by Mn. Jessie Brock Morgan and Miss I.eta Nickerson, two of our popular vocalists, asslited hy klr.T. W. Zimmer man, baritone, Mrs. Don Zumwalt, ac companiest, and the Military Band. The band boys have not been heard in concert work tor some time, but they have been practicing diligently the while and will no doubt make a bit to. night. Ai has otten been Mid, thii city contain! an exceptional amount ol mu ileal Ulent, which hai tended to edu cate onr audience! to a high lUndard, and it la expected that a large and crlt leal audience will he In attendance at the opera house tonight at 8:30. . Ase the "BRISK for Ti vy- 1 v x- Wi Roberts W1I QUt. 'crBfsIB Hardware EXPERIMENTS SUCCESSFUL Grasses and Grains Doing Well TREES ALL GROWING W. H. Heifemait Reports His Experiment! Crsfs in Good Conditio,. KxK-rliueriti bring carried on by W. II. Kellrinan.rif the IteeUmattoa for vke, are proving highly succewfal. The grains and graates) sown few week! agn are doing aa well a could be expected when the weather conditions are taken Into consideration. The recent cold spell tin retarded the growth little, but most of the fields are looking ex ceptionally well. Present Indications are that the experiments with the dif ferent varieties of graini and graieee will be inccessful and will result in the Introduction ot some ol the new va rieties. The sugar beeta.are not far enoagh along to .bow what they will do, bat experiments carried on last year ware highly successful, and thera il little doubt but what they will be a lueeees this year. The Urge number ol trees planted by Mr. Helleman are doing well. The only onn that liave not taken bold are those that were damaged initdp ping them into the conntry. It ii yet early to detemfaM wnkh of the crop will do the beat, bat tna bjdi catloni are tbat under oondltioaa Utal are the least bit favorable Um yalai Md grasses will all prodoea average etapa, and that most ol tba atvada traea will grow il they are given ear and atlas lion. Mr. Helleman baa snada a study of tbeae mattra and it would ba wall lor those who contemplata pUatlag tree tn consult him and get tha benefit of tba experiment! tbat he haa carried on for many yean in all parte ot tba country. Seeing the Voters Candidate! for county oBeoe are be ginning to stir around more than they have been. Every day aoaoe are aaen coming or going. Tbe campaign ao iar baa been very clean, and ladloatioaa are that it will continue tbat way. Every man who ii up for office aaeaiatoba running on hia own marlta, not on tb demerit othli opponent. With few ex ceptions the nomlneeaol the two parti are making a thorough canvas aad every voter in the county will have as oppor tunity to become acquainted with tbe men who wish to serve them. Fishing Tackcl Hooki, met. Trolli, Spinneri, RccltySllk and Linen linei. BASKETS, NETS. BAMBOO RODS 6 CANE POLIS. & Hanks Dealers