The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 06, 1908, Image 2

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Herald PubRsMng Company
pasr.tonan,arar. .
UbMt. tar ssalt. Uiw awaiaa.
Uallr. by ml ."wui
atll7.MlnndbrnnW.Bimk. ,'
How TO ruwiT.-oana I 1WU1M MBCTT otot,
mm orr. nnoral tKnk oa nur al tank,
iMhl coin, or nimq.
Nmnm Law or OuooN.-Sottkm MM of
Ita bun ol Onm amUai UttoMumf w
BaramcoatroUlac a wwiiaf stall U yiek
r pi our I'wi in m oi wwi
ji oratr umfiuii pwto minnrn
to b ttft. and no dM of aalts-
M imMw an oroar Uionror. rack nnrmiw
nlast soth paraoa. vkouwr
MtTaihrUvaparaM lowkon
MM saaU aarraa aitlul
lib) wat or art.
What we want ia more mem
bers in the Chamber of Com
merce. There are many reasons
why every business man in the
city should not only support but
take an active interest in the
Chamber, one of which is that
every family brought into the
country, means more business to
the merchant There is no man
but what will get his $12 worth
in a year by being a member of
this organization. The new by
laws are a great improvement
and places the Chamber on"a
business basis, where it will be
mora able to accomplish better
results. The mainbusiness will
be transacted by a board of man
agers, consisting of seven "live"
members. This Board meets
every two weeks and a member
absenting himself for three con
secutive meetings, is considered
as having resigned and a new
man is selected in his place.
This insures active workers on
the Board and there is a chance
for anyone, who is not afraid to
work. There are seven impor
tant committees to be appointed
and enthusiastic workers are
needed to assist on the commit
tee work. The Chamber is now
a success' and a power, but it
needs more members, so that the
work can be divided up. Let
every citizen, who is not a mem'
ber already, hand in his name
and get on the band wagon, and
there is sure to be something do
ing in Klamath this year.
m 1 M.axtl
MARSH LANDS Oregon's ncncstgu.
SO per csnt. fcgetsble msttsr. KUn..h'. -MlMt b.rt.1- .1 20P" "c -.1 upw.rd.. E..y Tcnss.
Five thousand pamphlets, de
scriptive of Klamath County,
have recently been issued by the
Chamber of Commerce. This
gives our citizens an opportunity
to do some effective boosting.
Besides sending copies of these
pamphlets to friends who might
be interested in this country,
every citizen who takes a trip
to the outside, should take a sup
ply along and hand them out to
people they meet on the .trains
and in the cities they visit. Be
a "booster" and when you go to
the railroad, talk Klamath at
every opportunity. Yon will
find plenty of interested listen
ers, and a few good words will
induce others to come here and
will help built up our town and
country. Don't be afraid to say
a good word about Klamath and
dontstop at doing it once, but
keep it up.
We have the best inducements
to offer people of the cities look
ing for a place to spend their
Summer vacations. There is no
reason why we should not be
able to secure monthly excur
sions from Portland and San
Francisco during the Summer.
The Y. H. C. A. boys, of Port,
land are considering spending two
weeks, here in June, and every
effort should be made to induce
them to do so.
This fellow who has a record
of over ninteen thousand conse
cutive evenings at home, lives in
Indiana, of course. Where else
could we expect to find that
kind? Gee! but won't he make
things howl if he ever does take
night off?
Just suppose anything should
happen to one of our great bat
tleships in. a Japenese harbor,
what do you think would happen
to a few thousand Japs scattered
bout over this country."
Tlabcr Una Notice
United HUte Uml Offlro, UkevW'w
Orrgon, February IS, ltttH.
Nolle Is hereby ulrrMliM In
iillanr with tb provisions, ol lb ct of
CflnTMo(Jun3, 1878, entitiM "Ait
act lor tha sale ot timber Uml In the
tate ol California, Orrgon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as eitended to
all the PnblU Land Statu by act of
Annum 4. 1892. Charles K. MP, of
Klamath Fall, County ot Klamath,
State ol Orrgon, hat filed In this otllce
hi sworn statement So. A0, for Hie
pntrhan of the tw'ine., nw., ol
arc. 3, tp. 38 8. range 9 K. W. M., and
will offer uroof to show that the land
ought la more valuable for Ita llinlor
or atone than for agricultural purposes,
and to eetabliah hie claim to eald land
befoie the County Judge ol Klamath
County, at hit office at Klamath Vails.
Orwon. on Wednraday the 13lhday of
Marltttt. ,
lie nsim-s at wllnesres: T. r. Nulio
tar, 1.. D. Itltchlion, True II. KUp.
A. M. Jamison, all of Klamath Mis,
Any and all oereons claiming adverse
ly the alwve described lamia are request
ed to tllo their claims In this otllce on
or before aatd 13th day of May 1U0S.
J-M&-I3 J. N. Watson, register.
Petition fur Liquor License
To the Honorable County Court of
the State Oregon for Klamath County.
We the undersigned, residents and le
gal voters of the Precinct of Sprague
Itlver, In the County ol Klamath and
State of Oregon, and actual residents
therein and who have actually resided
therein for more than thirty days im
mediately preceding the dale of aignlng
and filing this our petition, do lieretiy
respectfully petition your honorable
body to grant and issue to J, C. IMsall
and T. M. Edsall, nf the llnu of Kdsall
Bros., a license to sell tpiritous, vinous,
fermented or uialt, liquors In less cjuan
title than one gallon, In the precinct
aforesaid for a period ot one year, from
the Cth day ot May, A. I), lftti.
Notice la hereby given that this pe
tition will be preaenled to the County
Court ot the State of Oregon, for the
County of Klamath, at the court house
in the city ot Klamath Falls, on the filb
dayol May, A. U. 1M08, at the hour of
one o'clock I'. M. or as soon thereafter
aa said petition can be heard.
Paled this 25lh day of March, A. D.
O.'T. Anderson, L. I.. Griffin, I. T.
Anderaon, F. A. Campbell, W. W. Fin
ley, K. W. Wbetston, A. W. Evans, J.
M. Baaser, Win. II. (larrctt, Ed Mourn
ingcatnp, John 8. Furber, II. J. Lang
kam, Koaa . Flnley, W. W. Smith,
Jamee I'hlllipe. W. E. Hotter. If. I'.
Coartrigbt, II. I Anderson, C. It.
Moriu, Amos Lundy, Mat Iawry, J. A.
Wilson. J. E Freeman, Hpratt. Wells,
C. E. Ilerg, J. II. Boyd, James M. Fei .
ren. Frank Obenchain. I- A. Illclianl-
son, George Bluoiningcawp, (. M. An
deraon, Tom Ivory, Jame Brll, Frank
Hhamley, J. A. I'arker, (I. (I. IV-ws,
Charles Trupp.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon (or Klamath County.
John Koonti plaintiff, va. Amanda
Ella KoonU defendant, suit In equity for
In the name of the atate of Oregon :
Yon are hereby required to appear ami
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit on or before
Saturday, June 13th, 1MM, being the
last day prescribed in the order (or pub
lication ol thla eummont, the first publi
cation of which being on Saturday, May
2nd, 1908, and if you (all so to anawer,
(or want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court (or the relief demanded In
the complaint, died herein, to-wit: (or
decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between plaintiff and de
fendant. This summons ia served by publication
in the Evening Herald, by order of Hon.
Henry L. Benson, Judge of the Circuit
Court (or the first judicial district of
Oregon, dated May 1st, 1008, which or
der require summons to be published
once a week (or els consecutive weeks
from the lat day of May, 1908.
' A. L. I.KAV1TT,
Attorney tor Plaintiff.
Auction Sale
A. Arnold will sell at public anctlon
on Saturday, May DUi, at 1 p. m., at
the Bird Looaley puce, near the tunnel,
the following items:
Two wagons, harness, one plow, two
harrow's, all kinds of household goods
and other article. Term casli
land ernes. Wsshlnalan. I). U. Much tf.
Ita. None or aasroBATioM or rvauo lands
TO SSRtUBIBMT AMD TaY.Netfc is lunrahy
Slrsa lists See arua werstanr ot tw murior baa
vaats dssartswntal erasr ol withdraws! In so
rarastaeasaMaSNcts uat witMraarsi roe irru
tianpunssssiuidsr the act of Jus 17, 1M UI
Stat. Sat) far us la eonaactfaa wfiFlfcf Klamath
Project, Orscon, at the foUowin daarribsd leads
la the Btato at Oraeen, aad br hu authority soeh
ofsskttrutsea have net bam haratof ora BnaUir
learned and are not otherwise withdrawn, rim rd
or appssBrlstsd.wUl bs subjact to anuamant uuint
tha aahva land ! of tha United lull, an and
aitar Jnns M, lSua, but shall not bibJet torn
try, aW or sstoctioa unUI the
Uakad Slatas lead onV at UksvfewToraion,
wanuam gaw axsraaur im nan no earsoa wui
s loswa or essrtMe say naht what
aay aatuaaMBt ar nafinialTiin Imuii
after fserearr a 1W aad prtarlo jTua. 7 1Mb.
BiqroarupBuoa Dainjr rcruaaaD!
e,ti. aaciB so. t. na.. bl a sl.
- aSMaaiBSnae.BaHBHBii ' w
aiiBBjMsi, umnM,rs
Heavy Freighting a Spccltlly. Daggartc oracrs rc
Given Prompt -Attention
0. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date piano
trucki we solicit your
fine niano movlntl
OfflM NT I
turn (171
Kraldcncc 04.1
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quant it irn.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401
or KKK Store, Phone 174
JT riTT TIVR Wood Yard and Office
L lltAAJtiK neBr city Hall
rtionc IM
The Eldred Company
F. G. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza, Oregon
Saddles. Harness and Supplies
We make a specialty of first-class, Kiiarantood,
hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
Incorporated November 28, iqoo
Statement of Condition "
,. , of till'
Klamath County Bank
Klamath Falls, Oregon
DECEMBER 31, 1007
I whim ami DiHcminui 5340,030(10
Itomlri mill SccuritieH qi nyr'RA
Heal Knlale. IIuIIiIIiikm ami ' J1
FIxturi'H l1.7'lft,ln
CiihIi uml Sljdit KxiiltiitiKi) 100,247,09
Capital Stuck, fully pali
Siirplutt anil I'rolltri
Dm.' OiIht llaiikii
I, Alr Martin, Jr., ('anlu.r of tin
ialil, tin solrinnly swear lliat Hi.'
nun! Is truw to the Iwat nf my kim;.,l. . .,,,,',
" AI.KX MAltTIN Jt r..,r, "
ttulm'rll'l ami sworn In trfui n,r n, 1,1, i..
of Jaliuarv, l'M. '""'
I '( V M W.-iiiwm
Ni'lnry I'ulil.r f. , ir(t a
Ass'l Cashier
Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating house
In the city. Open day and night.
.Ready for Inspection
Our line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry,
Linoleum, Art Squares, Table, Lounge
and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec
tion. Something entirely new
Alio Silk Floss and Feltolene Mattresses
Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen
cil woven wire Springs, the only thing
for hot weather.
Polihed Oak Dining Sets and all oak
Successor to B. St. George Bishop
Phone-Store, 61 Residence, 155
are Advancing in Value
When blockri in Millu Addition crcc:rerd
at tiaririii'i price n number of nhrewd mrt.
torn boutthl; riinco llmt time nines have
increnned mutcrinlly.
These Lota arc Bargain Buys
nt prownt prices, nml there in every rn
to anticipate nn ndvance in prices l!c mem
ber tlivntf luts nr FIFTY feet m unlih and
ilwp- rnorc than iloulilu tho aren of mcit
town lotri oirortil tii Inwutorn.
CAPT. O. C. AFPLEGATE Office an Fifth SW
Land Salesmen.
Plumber and Steamfitterl
Klamath Falls, Oreo
Strictly First-class Work
Estimates Furnished
Phonct: BuilncM, 396; Residence, r.04
Vi.'i- rr-!riil
The American Bank and Trust Co.
it strr ftHJll1' ' "" n'""1 ' ""' nnl '
- -- ,
TT rV .
AWfofit C l w
f 2k c' fS" "Zr 'flSra
t S 19 laBii IS s f i 3 i $
Asa'l (.'ashler
Cor. fllh and Main street
Bennett's Feed
Next to Martin's Mill
Now Open for Business
The Chute System of Fcedimr which permits StM
getting their fiill, hnu been installed
Plenty of Wagon Room
East End Meat Market
- ,
CKISLKR & STILTS, Proprietors
Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and VouW ,
KaiiwiRW " kr'
rtenh and cured ftieam " f- ln
W hnndlo our meatu In tho mot mouu.. - . j
.. . .... m.., a nnl wo will W'J
iniesi ana surrounumgu. ntlitUJ1
Iiuddv to have you ror u run