The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 06, 1908, Image 1

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my Kiwi I'npor l
Klamath Full
Our Advertisers Get
the Bent Results . . .
Ykaii, No. BIB.
Price, 5 Cents.
hangc in By-Laws
of Chamber
inwibl Body Reorgan-
Ilied-DlrctlorH Manage
Buiiic Hereafter
n. ..urMlllUtlull of Klamath
Lalrl il I'rouliieiir "t'"1
. mMibt !! !!. ';'"
I IrJ, uriil lieri-ellrr Ilia btial-
.Jit Clumber will I transacted
,l,Mi'Mlicclr Instead nl by the'r. Ik" "" bylaws provide
Liba'dol "" ll":"r, which
smUrlit. til lce-pre.ldelll Slid
(rilsrrarrmciiiliera anil the other
It lit tlt"l. The election ul lli
kMI quit Hljr ai seteral
!, nominated, Tho elected air
i Mittln, Jr . John Kill". W. II.
Ur anj lianl li Whlln. The
nUrliltn without a vlcr-prea-
tt aiJ JuUc ), T. lUldwln til
Fltttlila bltlre. W A. IMiell waa
Ltlasr-I as ptral.leiil anil K. II. Hun-
r M tec iftary. There will I seven
urut.1 com mil tni to Manage ami
Sl!tn rnaltrra tint no to rerclle tlir
ntkrfi ol llic Chamber, ami tlia
kwllltra itr to lie headed with on
llr director at chairman. Thlt
inn; officer a apeeUI Jut to per
bd4 will have a tendency to keep
liattmt la the meetings.
i only cUum In tin by-taw that
MuTfi'tril Mat the. one providing
lira memUrthlp. It waa the with
t Inljr llialonly Individual be ixr.
Itid lo Wraiiic member ol Ihe Chain-
Ofjuijt t' tin- new otiUr ul thing
ICtmnla-r i a whole will hate but
rtfolar inrrtinga racli year, lint
Ki! mrrtlna im railed at any
tltlidrtiiirdiierraiary. Tha Uianl
Birrtton ill mrrt on tin- Dial ami
MTIivml)! ul each inonlli, and the
lr.fIInilll,o held tonight. The
rtcottr meeting ol the Chamber
U I..M on Ida Hint Thursday In
Iodide 1( ,,B ( Initiation
nl Id llm due. Tlia former re-
m C 10 ami Ihu lattrr ono ilollar per
tli, or rather 111! r rw, MriUi
U ClituiW-r l becoming a greater
' for im.hI that. It hu avar bean,
I ry liuiinemi man ol tlila cllr
nll U a mtiulwr of Ihe body and ae-
I la tbr up building "I llie rommunlly.
M Important matter came before
the Hireling, among tlimii (In- plnim Un
the float at llm llomi IVnllvnl, u ,ni,ii.
allluil (or I lie tialalillaliiiiciil n n iKirn
mill, ail Ptlillilt at W'ci-,1, i-!iiltliitial
illillng Ilia Hiliiitnrr unit ii'iirml n.lii'i '
tiling rmiil(ii. j
Would Reach hirqu N'umlier
ul People Who Imwl
AiiutliiT nilu'itltiiit; i
lontMvialitr merit wai iirKlili"l In tin
C'liamUr ol (.'niiiiiH'rir lor t-niialili-mUiii
hy Juilgaliwi, I. IUIiIhIm. llniMmtli
em I'aciflr la 1'iillliu in "Y" at Wil
ami at tlila miIii all uaiim, Imlli i.u
tin- main linn anil ntcr Itir- ('alidtrino
Nnitliraiiluili iaiiuie aluilliri anil Inii.l
i lop llirrr lor a lew miiiiili'i 'llii-pio,
villoii ! o put up an I'llilWl liiillilliif i
at tlila point. It wimM I a -y ml
vantagroiia liK-atlun aa It mini. I I hi n-rn
liy many rap!ira, JiiiIkk IUMmiii
talknl Willi llie foiitlx-ni I'ncllli' ri-pir.
ciitalho at Wii-il In ii-garl to tlir mat
lr ami Im think llint It will Ua ruin
paratlrl)-i-a) rnalli-r In ('i-l llii- nrira
aarjr groiiml Irnin tlir .ltf 1 com) rtn).
Tlia matter will Im luitlirr limll;tnl
liy the Cliauilx?!.
Proposition Submittvtl to I ho
Chamber of Commerce
J I. t'laik, ul (livil'in I1)'. Iia
written In llm fliamlier n( Comnierii
tlialJacuti llroa., tlir piuprlrlnrt ol tl.i
Oirgoii Cl'y Woolen Mill, wem think
ing ol ratalillililng a wooli-n mill In lhl
city II they wrmgUeri any imliicnnent
hy Ihe local TOpto, Tim iniihltiit)
1 1 iy data in Orrgon fit)' U to largi In
Hi liH-atlou nli'l II aiillaliln arrange
meiita ran Im male II It their Inlivitloii
toinnie a paitnf llirlr plant In lliln City.
Tlir fliainber may ItivritliMtii the m it
ter ami will anliinlt; the proxiritioii to
liH-al rapilallita Aa aonii aa tin. lail
roail rrai lira the iiaigalil watrr Ilieir
will Int aaplemliil 0ieiilng (or n Honlili
mill In tlila city. Southern (Mrpm pro
ilurea a laige amount ! hiuiI anil a mill
at lhl plarn wiiiihl prinlilu a ! mar
ket. Tlir water iri wntilil makn tlir
oiwratluii ol a plant iniipeiiUr, ami
with tlieae natural liuluu-iuciita II
IioiiIJ not take uiticli encouiagi-iuriit In
Imlure a (artory to loratr ln-n-.
County Court caneiieil tlil nmrnitii! .
Aalde from iHiuie routluu liultiet the
only matter taken up waa tlio granting ol
a llijuor llconii' to J.C. Kilaalln( Illy.-
Court will rnnllnue In aratlun (or rover
al ilaya.
(lien Fount a In lute gonu In lloriN to
work at the pulullui; Imalneai.
jS& v&TsBHaflaaHataaaaaaMaaaaLa.
XfjA.', SoHUHLsa'SalalaaaalaRaaaaaa
J VV ;r. -a ! 11ill taM rw i - i MTT aaaaaaa amaaWK-aWaar
aMaftW-sssLTX r
. VV I'OrJjaaJv'Jks . V
im 0 - I lt VJ
I'orthml Y. M. C. A. Plan-
niiuj lcur.sion to I his
.Section in June
One nl the Oral eki-iiriioui to the KU-
Rev. W. C. Smith at Head
of Wolf Creek Coloniza
tion Movement
V.(i. .Smith, (ormely the paator el
nialhiiiiiiilr) Una )er will In' llmt ( ihe l'reibyterlan church In thl city, la
the IViitUml Y. M.f. A. While I" 0w locate! at Wol( Creak, and hat
II,, . Ity Ot T. IbMwin J. !'- Car- ! t ,., ,n0VeBlent. j. M.
ml met many nl the meiiiocra o llie
Aoociatlonatiil (omi'l that they Ink-nil
vi.itlnCiati-r Ijike Ihla Summer. The
Jilil.-u iiiiiiiIinI tin-in Hint Ihla city
nonlil treat llieui ru)ally il they came
The Seasons latest styles in
Panamas, Straws and Crashes
owplele stock
Iteigon" and
k ! (or evrty
heir am! Mr. Carroll pniinlaeit to kill
the (.tltot calf on hit ranch II they
would come out there am! liy over
night. Accoi.ling to tlio plain ol the
Aisoclaliou alwiil twenty memben will
nrrheheiu the latter pait ol June.
They will r-pend the llrft day and
iiiliht at the Carroll rinu-h and will then
go to Crater take lor eera! day out
ing. Tlila exclusion wlllgie Klamath
an opiiorlniilty to enteitaln u number
ol rnrlland'a reprewnlathe young
Stone Resigns
C. 1!. Stone han tendered hl realgua
tlou in ustititnnl pioneciilIng attorney
(or the Ijike iind Klumalh dlairlct. Ho
him had thla atep under contemplation
for aonie lime lull waa iruaded lo re
mnlnlii theollliu until jeatenUy when
Ihe demand ol hi other practice re
iti!ml that he tep down and out. Dur
ing his liiciiiiiheiicy Mr. Stone lius con
ducted the affair ol hi olllce In a man
ner that tins won lor him the high e
teein ol the eoplo ol tlila county and
added much to hlo reputation aa a law
yer. Attorney Moore hna not aelectrd
hi ncreiaor and no Intimation haa beeu
given out na lo who ho will be.
Gone to Oakland
John 0. Hill and hit son, tleorgo 0.
left lor Oakland thlt morning. They
wont a hu fti Dorrla In the Warden
automobile and were accompanied by
Major Wordeu to the new town. Mr.
inn. Ir . haa liu.'n atuk (or aome lime
' and goes to Oakland to recuperate.
I I'lnkerton, alao (ormely ol tlila city, la
' ataoclated with hln. HeT. BmTth and
,. j Mr. I'lnkerton have an Intereat In about
A)00 acre o! land adjacent to tha etatlam
n( Woll Creek, oa tha lis to Portlaat).
The land la cjoae to the depot, the moat
remote being not over two mile away.
About IGOOacrea ol It la especially adapt
ed to fruit ralalag. The tract li being
aub-divided and will be told In email
acreago tracts.
Sex era! faruilea from the Eait bave al
locating the lad and finally apj-ealed to
Chief ol 1'ollce Iw for ataletancc. The
Chief had met the hoy and directed the
lather to their humble abode. It waa a
happy reunion when the father and ton
were brought together.
float at Rose Festival Wjll
Be Credit to County
Throjyh the Chamber of Commerce
Klamath county will be represented
by one of the best floats that will lie seen
In the parade during the Itose Festival
at Portland. Judge Geo. T. Baldwin,
assisted by W. A. Delzcl and J. I). Car
roll, complete.! all arrangement (or the
float while at the state metropolis, and
the Chamber of Commerce paid (or the
ame with the fund led over from the
Sacramento exhibit which gave tlila sec
tion audi extensive advertising. The
float a representation ol irrigat
ion, agriculture and stock raising, and
beside it will be decorated with large
photograph of Crater J-ke so a to at
tract attention to the magnificent teen
ury of this country.
Upon request of the rilate I'alr As
sociation the float will be taken to Salem
alter the Itoae Festival and will be on
exhibition there during the Hummer and
at the (air this Fall.
Government Wants
High Street
Council Defers Action Until
Interested Parties Have
Been Consulted
Measure Licensing Draymen
of Cily Is Killed
The meeting of the council wa ol
abort duration. The ordinance asking
(or the High (tract (ranch! wa read
for the firat time, and the dray ordi
nance which hu been before the conn
ell for aeveral month wa killed by
action ou It passage being poatponed
from one meeting to another. The bill
presented were allowed and warrant
ordered drawn. On motion a h)drant
aaa ordered Installed on tho corner o(
Washington and 9th streets.
fleet Tonight
All of the parties Interested In the
right of way for the Keno canal will
meet at the residence of A. Castel tonight
to decide upon aoaao manner of corapro-
raiasartbe matter with tha Govern
meet. Hone of the property ownara
want to Impede or In any way delay the
work on the canal, but at the am
time they want their property protected.
ready settled on the tract, and thla
season several acre of apple and peart
and LVOO grapo cutting have been et
out. A considerable acreage will be cul
tlated till year. The property bat
enough timber on It for the use of tht
colony and mountain streams and
spring supply enough water for irriga
tion If It should be found necessary.
The large hotel at Woll Croak ia a part
of Ihe estate and Ohio friend ot Mr.
Smith have taken char go of it. Itev.
Smith has quit tho pulpit for the pre
sent and Is devoting hi entire tlmo to
Ihe colonisation business.
Father Finds Boys
J. II. Oee, an Englishman residing
near flush In Lake county, arrived In
the city today looking for his two boy
whom he recently had come hart from
Seattle. He tent the boy monty lo
comoon,but when they reached her
they had not sufficient money to con
tinue their journey. They wrote to tht
father telling of their predicament and
In the meantime built a ahaekoutof
oma old board near the old fair ground
and neut to keeping house. Tbtboya
were without fund, but they caught
flan and managed to get jdong until tba
father arrived. Wbtn lit came btra he
experienced considerable difficulty In
Chief of Police Low hat been herding
cow today. He began tarly thla morn
ing and rounded up all the atrayt in tha
city and then started them out on tht
Altamont road. Loo stock ha become
a decided nuliance and tpa will be
taken to put a atop to It.
Again the city council 1 aaked to give
to the Government a portion ot West
High street for canal purpoMt. The
matter was brought before tbt council
In tht shape of an ordinance granting
the United State a perpetual franchise
(or a wooden or concrete coadnlt along
thla street. Thl ramt matter waa be
fore the council aeveral time lat year
and on every oceaiion the property own
er along thla street appeared before tht
council and protested against tha grant
ing of the franchise. The matter waa
finally postponed until auch time when
the Reclamation Service official and the
property owner should arrive at tome
sort of an agreement. The council held
at that time that It waa a question If it
bad a right to deed away a itrtet for
canal purpose without the consent of
the parties owning the property adjacent
thereto. Nothing haa been heard of tho
matter for aome month and It appear
that no effort baa been mad to get the
property owner to agree to tost plan
(or the construction of tbt conduit or
canal. When the ordinance wa prtttot-
ad laat night Panl RrelUnateln appeared
before the council and protected against
lla passage..
The completion of the Keno canal de
pend upon tht granting of torn kind
ot a franchise along thla street, and It I
very probable that It tht Government
will consult with the property owner
and will agree to put in a concrete con
duit that no difficulty will bt experienc
ed In getting a franchise from tht council.
Last year tht council refuted to grant
the franchise until the property owatrt
had been consulted, and It It vary pro',
bable that tbt taast thing will occur
New Attorney
John Irwin, who bat opened offlctt ia
the Withrow-Melbaat block ia tbt lattat
addition to the legal fraternity of thla
city. Mr. Irwin baa been a resident ot
tbi county for over s year.during which
time he interested many of bis frjtodt
in Klamath realty and taught school at
Olene. He is sure ot a cordial welcome
from hi legal bretbern.
. Use the
for Tr
rw- it
t- -rTjrf . 7.-V. 1
and Linen Lines.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealers