The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 05, 1908, Image 1

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Lilly B I',",t'r '"
Our Advertisers Get
the Heat Resultn . . .
Kltmalh Vm '
i Ykaii, No. Ml.
Price, 5 Cents.
Ursh will
Work Done For
Two Weeks
, Dredge Will Ho Put On
i Alter Many Months
of Wailing
IUbhIIi I H ! mil hate a rail
Milrln the "l""' "MlWlll will
atirrlf li I" ''" 'r' ,n"1 "" "'''
built acro.i Hi" iiismIi .
rilM Arclii Mn flnt took llir
Ut tin IIWr the wink lit pru-
Ho a cijr uinallifaclnry man-
It It I'""' )"" '"c" ''" ""'
Up at t' Mini, mul Mill icarrtly
tla( lii U-rii rc iiillltir-l. MiikiII
IwlMtlnlrmt in llic drrilje an I
Mt rv)lrtr hitoi In U Ululir
I laflurocv of IIjp tamo houdno a Ilm
I t'.itiilliKll'in wat, (Iter Inn
tl(o III old clam digger broke
Luivlilnrellieiahai been lying Idle
lomlUnk The pleri lux- U-en
I Irum tlip f.uii try t Aihland
lll('lri that the rilehllihuitnl
S'ln trouble niiiiulaclurliic' llirtn.
i dtlay rasam llul llir road will
MUoiit mviitahtr watnr, Iluw.
k, It a III babul hirt lime naw mi
xbtrdftOit lll Imon I'm work.
ibttaalinc tlmtcoiul ng, lull at
l lore of tlitMii man I working
Urg, tlm machinery la
I it tlit rillri I lermliiiia awaiting
Iroaplitltti id the tame. Tim new
riiimoiriiiiiKliliin ami la moie
I to Iht raamp -vnrk than tlm
.Ufttdortln um. Thus familiar
bfoexlili fi ar llial tho clam dig.
Lu brtn a failure i.n tlm illLr
I, Ult tint the llir new ilmU'f Mill
toihmiicli falter woik.
i li lllllr or no que itlou hut w mt
kroej alll I completed to 1 1 water
Mint IU. all, ami tlnwo familiar
kUi.ik think thai It will reach
W December lit. J tut how
lllritlirljuiial that point can
f U Mil at thit Ilm... 1 1 the dredging
HjliouM t iihiucrrailiil the rcl
Msrawii a it hai been durlug thu
rl ll will U more Ihau year before
MI Knicrii l track across tho
p. The ntlli Ul, n charge -t. the
Wrtlon o the ruail nre unltijt every
iU hate the dredging rushed
t rtillie that ,, I, ihoonly lxilnl on
H'm there ani delay will occur.
Wlulerr fur jewelry.
Electric Theatre
Klamath Fall will toon hate a novel
ty theatre which la another Indication
that Iheilly I raillly becoming nmlro
Killtaii. Kartell lima,, who hnve been
hell lur several wevka, looking lor a lie
lallon in whkli lmiHMi a theatiit, have
arranged with J, V, llouaton for the
enitlon nl n tollable building jutl rl
nl tin Cvntrnl Cult- Tin aiiilllmliiiii
whldi h will urd will hate a ietlny
rapacity nf about UI ami will he
icclally a.lili In th. rr' iiaIioii of
urniitliiiiiiiiii vifuriiiiiiicii. NntliiKiii.
tuif ami mm,!" will llir
(raluin nl Ihn K'ifiirinatirp whlili will
ImiIIIi ai toon at Ilm tuiililliiK run In
Ufdril nit'l i-.nliil, I'lilll inch
llmpi a th Iipw hillMilii; will U lra-1)
lor iitriiriancy Ilm ihnw will l put mi
In Ilm nira Ikmi.k.
Club 5ii5pciuls
Tho Imaril nl inaiiaiti'it nl Ilm Inlaml
Kniplla Clilh hat rlni llicrluti riMiiin
nml iiiii illtHiltl'iii will .liorlljf l
inaihwil thr liiriilthliir. Tin-ililh ha
Urn in vilnlciirr lur nir a yiar, ami
thr U4iiiIuii InlhiMi I tin lack til nil. r
.it nn I In1 pail nl tnriiilx-ii.
Chumher Tlccts Tonight
'I 111' Ill.-illliK o( the ClmillxT nl ('III
inrrro louliiht .Imul.l l nl i.irUI in
trrrtl a Ilm riwiritanlrallnii ( thu lxl)
will l taken up, All inrmlirit arp ir-
i(lrtlrtl to l ptrtriil i that n two.
Ilillili tole will I nut. 'Ilm inrrlliiK
nazamn Is Launched
Thtftirw ili-auierhuilt lor tho Woo.)
liter trail ily I'atki r A Ta)lr wai iur
oiiilully taunrhcil )ntcnU). Tlm hoat
it Imllt nn llnra tmlraw rrry little watt r
ami ll It eTlitl that It will ilrtelop a
hliili tale nl iee,l. The Uut it lion
analtlnn thplnilallatiuli ollhenuchllie
ry whlrh hat iml )it
Should Work Street
I'.illm Jiiilur A. I.. Iratilt I'-" tiad
two ur thrro plain iliiink raiet tho pail
lew ilayt. In uiiul iiitlanri'i the parllra
hato U-eu unable to par their linn, anil
at ll it eiiemWe fur the ritj In hoanl
primtirrH they hatu Utti allnweil In &
nn pmtiiie nf (ro. hchat lor. Thit ell)
liat ttreelt that nre.1 flalliK ami meaiia
thoilM do dctl(xl wlierrhy thvie parllot
coillil lw forced In work nut their tlnet.
Inland Empire Club
aaaaaPSaia 9. W
W r . iv.-
WVu M. iiJ .m.S
v aKf-i I
V i T aHaVl WVVflS
Labor Not Scarce
Although many more wen are now
mplojed on tlm internment canal than
a fw weaka bko the Ileclaroation Ser
lf I" csiiertenclni; no illllcnlty tn gt(
ling all Hie InlKiiertmi ilnl. The wage!
pal J range from 22 to 2 eenla per hour
nml eluhl lioiim rontltiltea n ilny The
herthe Imt Leon mlwillxini; fur men
lately, uml iirvitnl iniuy tipplirntlont
in rr;ponre, l.aUniii ri Mom lemnin
long, but work is not to plentiful thit
I) ear im it hat len lor thu past two
)ear ami at n coiipojuenru lalxr dom
not roam about at miuli ami men teem
iratitfleil to Ma) with a ob eteu If the
ralary It not all that Ihey think it
i thould U-.
Maney Ilrai. will begin ttoik on their
contrail about thu tilth, ami their outfit
which ia coming oterlaml from Winnc
luucca, Netaila, will anite here within
n tun ila)t. They will employ a large
force ami will runh the work ai they
hate hut flte montlii In which Ihey
mint comrlrtr the contract.
Homesteaders 1 ell of a Muni Hearty Applause Shows That
Who Disappeared In the j His Remarks Were fully
Mountains Appreciated
All member ol the iluh are riiiuetteil
In meet at the club rooiim Wnlnvtilay
night to determine iiniii what thai! bo
dnuu with the ipi-rly ul the club.
aaaT vVaCaaaaai
LvV aV 'MbvH
Wmh",dlj ft- aaaal
B7waHntf 'iHllaflaaaLval
The Seasons latest styles in
Panamas, Straws and Crashes
Pkte stock
Met BOIl" and
h Mm for
very lace"
Arrnnling tn theitnry Inld by hliif.
leaden leturiiliig linm the Illy country
it li very pmbilile thai dining IheSuiu
iner Mime hunter nr limUrman will
llnd the bl em lied hrniea nl a human !
ing in the vUlnil) nl (ierhail Muuutalii.
The tlnry told by a Swtde homeitradrr
wholiteil on hit claim diirlni; the entire
Winter It that a few innnlhi ago when
Ihetuow wat alwul ten lect deep, one
telling a Pago came to Ida cabin. The
man wat tr.iM'Ung northward and wat
without (now thoet. The honieateadcr
wanted him to remain nter night hut
thit the traveler reluted to do. Thelol
lowing morning the riwrdo alleinpted to
track the fellow, but toon lott the trail
In the mow. It ia cry probable that
the man pcriihcd in the mountain! and
that Ida remain will bo found aoouer or
later. The homeiteader who telli the
tale remained in Ihn wooila throughout
tho entire Winter and tho ttory wat not
learned until the hnmenteader licgan to
go back tn their ctalini a few wceki ngu.
A iiumlier ol partiea hate Ufii nn
the lookout for the remain hut no trace
ol the man hat U'cn found.
Monro Drot. have a force of men at
work putting the heavy machinery for
the Kjncr plant in place. It la rather
alow' work handling the largcit plccea
which neigh 1MX) pomnla. At toon
at the machinery la installed the
building will ho completed.
.Superintendent W. r.,Aiant, ol Cra
ter Lake Turk, id purchasing aupplleti
and material (or the lew iiuprovenieula
that will he made on the park thit year.
He has about U00 left over from latt
tear's appropriation which wlU pur
chase most ol the euppllea and material,
Tho improemr.nts will not bo very ex
Hon. II. .M. Cake wat greeted by a
large crowd at the opera houte laat night.
Ktery chair In the home wat filled and
j many were forced to Hand during hit
tpeeili, lie wai introduced by C T.
Olltrr, the Chairman ol the Itcpublican
central Committee, and talked lor about
an hour on present iolitical situation.
He referred to hit victory over Fallon in
a tery nnxleil way and let fourth strong
arnumentt why the state ol Oregon
should twnd a Kepublican Senator to
Wahlnt!lon. He promised the people
that In the event ol his election to the
United Slates Senate he would Juso his
Inilucnce and power to help along the
reclamation and Irrigation ol the lands ol
this county.
The speaker held up tho Uooseteltad
ininUtratlonaa the ideal of the Kepub
lican party, and his arguments on all
pointx wore strong, clear and conciae.
Hedlaciisscd aeveralollhe current iisuet,
among them tariff rev Irion, railroad legis
lation, and the curbing of the trusts.
He expressed himself In exact accord
with the administeratioii on all ol these
matter, and that Ids position was ap
preciated by tho audience was evidenced
by the luHuent outbursts ol applause.
Mr, Cake Is a forceful sptaker and II
ho should l sent to Washington the
great statool Oregon will have an able
representative In the henate.
Hoy (1. Walker hat tfone to Sun Fran
cisco. The lioston Store has mvuied the ex.
cluilve agency nl the famous Nettleton
shoe, which lor grace, comfort and dura
bility Is seldom equaled, never excelled.
Albeit Walker arrived tn the city to
day(to attend the regular term ol
County Court which convenes to.
Geo, II. Hum has begun the workol
moving his store building. Mon are en
gated in moving ever)tutnK that Is In
the road to getting the rollers under the
A continuous moving picture enter
tainment will open at tho opera house
tomorrow evening. Moving pictures,
Illustrated songs etc, with a standard
price ol only 10 cents.
Quits Retailing Beer
Tomorrow la the la.t day on which
lcer will I- mid at retail it the brewery.
A. Cailel, Ihc ptiptietr, will devote
Ida entire time to kuppltliig the whole
sale trade. In addition to the keg beer
lie will put out I .t tic- btt-r for the whole
sale trade. The capacity ol the brewery
will U-enlart;id luthatlaigerquantilies
ol heer (an be manufactured.
Will Resign Tonight
At the council mectln; tonight John
Hlllta will tender his resignation to go
into effect on the firat Monday In June.
Mr. Stills will continue to fill the offlce
ul Councilman until ho takes the May
or's chair. It la quite generally under
stood that C II. Crinler will be elected
to fill the vacancy created by the re
signation ol Mr. Stilts.
Improving Sewerage
Ma)or-elect John Milts hat several
men at work opentng up the sewers
leading to the Lake. The Improve
ment U one that will better the sanitary
condition ol tho city. Mr. Stilts has
during the past year taken an active in
terest In keeping the streets clean and
In making all the civic Improvements
that the limited funds would permit.
As Mayor he will devote much ol bis
time to keeping the city clean.
Capt. J. M. Mclntlre and wile went
to San Franciico today.
Wm. Ilassett, ol Merrill, has gone to
Portland on builncn.
Father's quiet Sunday one contin
uous roar of laughter. Opera home to
morrow night only 10 cents.
Gets No More Funds
for Park
Representative Makes Unsuc
cessful Attempt to Get
More Money
Crater Uke National Park must get
along with the sum of 3000 this year.
This, however, Is not the fault ol Itepre
sentative Hawley, for immediately up
on the receipt ol the protest Irom the
people ol this city and of Medford he
began his efforts to have the allowance
increased. He tried to secure an
additional appropriation of $1300, but
the proposition was voted down. Just
why Crater Lake should bo cut short
when a park in Washington was allow
ed 150,000 for the construction ol one
road la a matter that makes the people
of Southern Oregon feel that they have
been slapped In the face.
An appropriation of about $3000
means that for one mora year Improve
ment cannot be carried on. It will pay
the salary ol the superintendent and
will keep in repair the roads that are al
reaJy built.
Thad McUatton has gone to Portland
on a business trip.
Geo. II. Woodbury has returned from
an extended visit at Portland.
Chicken dinner every Kanday at 12
a. m. Mr. A. Slater.
C. C. Hogue ha moved bU family into
the Miller house on Cth street above
Capt. J. W. Siemens returned hut
night from Corvallla where he has been
visiting with his boys. He also visited
The Fraternal Brotherhood issues
Certificates from $500.00 to $3,000 paya
ble at death, or at seventy yean of age.
Ladles are admitted the same as gentlemen.
Tbe complaint ia again quite general
that the country need rain. Feed on
tbe range Is reported in bad condition
because of the lack of moisture this
FOR BALE One dresser , one wash
stand, one rocking chair, one table and
one heating stove. Call at tbe Brick
store. U
. Use the
in-w nwv m x-v
i- iui a)
x Wi
SfV.v J
f I Jl f .- 1
It WxMaaW.
UftWgBrs' -
Hooka, Fliet, Trolli,
i. .a, s
Splnncra, RecU,Sllk
and Linen Lines.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealers