The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 04, 1908, Image 4

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Get the Essence of Satisfaction
y Dealing with a Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is, pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
Leading Watdunaker, Jeweler and Optician
Commencing May 1st
Ease and
In Travel
! T aKwt. .. m
jBaftaa.jA""4BBBBttBBBBBi&?'' 111 stfaWtaatHUl-'
Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight
ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla
math Falls
GOING:-SteaaKr Klanath leavea Klamath'
Falla at 4 a. n connecting with starfe
at Teetera which arrlvea at Dorrla at 8.
COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m. by stage
to Teetera and by boat to Klamath falls
arriving here at 7:30 la the evening.
Oregon & California
Transportation Company
Flour Pitmlno No More
Kwwlluoonanerftmwnlrroiii at UkMlew m'v Homli mill M lw
Winter. eiplolrO Ly tho tlrt t StMilT, In
II. U. Ihinlap m-nt lo Mctrlll on .luck ' lime to handle lhl year. crop. Ut
butniM , J,,, Uke County iilti.ri.l from a flour
. , ' r.tiniuo mul tin-1' mill 'l up
UiUm mul Chlldreni .Straw Hal id , ,, ...,.,,,,
wry dcrcrlptloi. .IKKK .tor,-. 1 1""""1 Hmcnce ' ' "l'",""'
' ' i.. .1. .. .i ... . It tut tutiMiiracptl
J. D. Carroll returned Saturday iilKlt , lif fi(rm,p Mi , ,ar , ,,, ,
from alw(iTmkavlUtiirnrtliid. ' ,mu., br!,.r lhl year than II hat Iwcn i
Herrll. The town without a boom. f..rei.iul yearn.
i I
V. II. mul 0. K. Xnttli went In Sun
Kranclacn till morning In w the. tl t
conic In.
Tlii Ice cream fcaaon haa Ik'iiiiii mul
our parlor are open. Manning'.
''.Mr. Don Ziimwall at Mnr
gan-Nlckcraon conceit, aa ptanoitl.
VMt Manning' It ) mil llio l'l
tiv cream.
W. It. laii, manager id tli Kl.nn
III Palla Tr.ri.ti.itl.llim l. l itl lint-
tit today on I.iikIiii-ki lor the i-ouimi) the fheep kept fat. The price id mul
Merrill. A natural traaeccnter. "' - ' ,a, '"' "",11
, , ., ... ... viii mul illily Hill" !' '1-
Hytrin nltiir Ininnrnin Mnv Mil. iMiafclil
.....!. . . I .-I ..I I ititilnitr .
Shearing Commenced I
, lilgri ew id men ate licrlng with,
the blade, at Ih" Wnniif i-mijmi 'In1
f i-orrata St I lotnlot iii " hand of
3JW) weioahraiedtheiellrttiif the week.
Tin ill it ald I" I xccptl.inally tCO"d
thltapiliig. pmlli imlng I" ' lietif
nl nonli among Ilii' alicep mul lity !
i'.iiii tin' ramse wut (jiiil " winter and
til 1.. ,lIU....I I.. .11 ...... .,1 il... -tl- 111
nut it iiviiii M u w nil n a v in' mi
tree. I'hone 31. Shite llrui. A Co
Mr. 11. Ilellleinpcr, Jr., Ml llii
mnrnliiK (or I'ntllan.l mi un i-xtniilol
xltlt to ii-Utlvvf.
Nichols hoilv l:ouiul
Dont Be Afraid
IPTIIKHKiiilfknvMlnlaafioutvvan I In. i.t ,W
mlyoiiafiiMiuHlwlMttt tluclor, iluu't Ik. i, "I lkl,",)
tint iliwtor'i itrMtlilloti to our (lnr to iHVi. it imls '" ,,,lm
II' M,Ki:S linillftrrnr tu who tlmilnclm la, t ,..
fiirn inw eninillratllhtwMerlillon U l,,'., Uh,,,"" ,!'"l","
mi illffwiiM Imw miMh li UMliv llm ii..ciliti ,, 'i'' I ",l'
idly It li wrlltin. II MkM no .llno.r.i, im IUr, , l,f,ll
tlir Innrr-llrnli umJ In th prvHilptlnn o u, ll(t, ' '" '
AM. WK HAY li "il.m'i I alrakl to brlnn il ,,.,,', ,
ITMAKI-:rliiiiilinrnihoMpnKrlpiliiii,Uiik ,, . ""',
ln.wrllliin lli it-rwrrlpllen, you hit Hi. piUilr.t.v , i'm i'i" '"
pirtrrlftlini In any itora jnw r(rr. Wn li. -.' ,," '"l,-
y.m, MlMicllonll you Wii your iirnH'tlpu,,,,!, , kl"','"''l
UKOUAUANIRKthatumlfrnoroiiil.loiiil.m,.,, , ,,
ImlurMiiinl will "alluailnUiricrii.iiiiiu ","',c"1'
riivnt II It MMlly M tit ilnctor writ li. ,.i ..... .. "''.u',l'
.. ,, , . H. i n-...... '. ""' ii ii n i.
.... I.l .1. I .....lllu l.ll...! I l-l
un. ii.ibii.t 'i!-iiiiia which ran i. , .. . .
ri".ni in u,
Star Drug store
"The More that lave. You Money"
Mr. II. Weot IK'puty Orciiiilirr i.l
Tho Knitrmil llrotlieiho.i.1, will In-tlnl
llirrv ! .nli'kllrr ipli In Prti
I) trri ilivi III till )tyM r
ttrtvU, .,iiir.i ni'.t ihMl. whr
rriut.i'it Mnrlilp It litlJ
Tlir "mlllim tliillrt" nf AuttnlU
'Un. UkI "I AtKlic. Milmlt i ,Arr.l mi fiilfl) tiuo..lli turfio will
(un.l Inn ! Ill IMl lllrr ii-iii mil HrllnT III II fjfoiip. TWJ
KaltuiUy iilk'Iit. Un. fmclilnt; juitty
r-.iilnln I "i.itfnrllr nm.
Willi.' tlir n.niii.trr I n Mil Wllrr
-"" ..I.,.. i . ,u, ,,-., ul,..' Willi." thr n.nili.lrr l n Mil Wllrr li!mi ilrli.B II... ilirr nrir '"",,, ,.,,1.11, h,T, , flJm, , ,h-
I I. l ...... I I ....I II...I. iTinla! .... ' .. ....
American Hotel
Mem I'iniiiii Halt K K K t'n
Concert by kin. Mortcmi mil .Ml.
NickwrMin will In worthy nlyiiuralt.'ii.l-
SiiH-r!ntinili'iit 11.11. WiUm, nl tln
Klir.ialh lntlan Ci'ti-rvalloii, 11 in
tin: city lt nlnht on hit way to S.m
K. II. Henry liai rrtunicl fnmi ilit
Klamath liullan ICewrvition Hhrri In-
hit alnvt wci (iiuml, mi.l llnir rlTil
Htr in ii'MAl.lnl I.) tin. fln.llnif l
llio Nil). ltirMrnl that lillf ill
ii trail'"! rniiililion Innii ilrtnk hcwalkol
into tin' iirr ami mrl hit .Irath l.y ao
il'lrntl) ilnmnnij: Il a nmil.lrml
iiniino.iM l li'il.l an iiniirtl.
Htiliir at far up Mijfni atwl
'ii tlio Nn-ktr
Tbi-ri U prwif of lb fict
that fjlftirt liivr lvii faocii i(W)
! )ntm 'lli tint uiftilhiii of lbm la
mailr In Ihr lik of Itulh.
' II l rttlinalnl thai lb llu.xint nf
I Mtlrr or.iliiltatp.1 cmi th glulw lli.
I nually In Hit furui ( rain, anuw, lrM
rrnl-fnn I Un aiiyllilne fur you ii la '.-.I.ItU rutilo liiltra.
ttn Mi: rni. Italic) I
llcllf-Vi-. I'l.-iMk. I tli.nit.1 III 111)
on llir nlmiiT
Subscribe for The Herald
Elwood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Fakona Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hum
! HuiIkii.I (aftir lti thralr-Wll.
my ilrar Mary, boar ilo you Ilka lb
Sloii.. fruit In a m ttntr It not gml iiit l.rfj
for crj juuug ilili.lii'ii an.l thouM lj Wlfr-Wry much. Tbfir'a only ot
..... in K.n. t ii...i..ri.i..iii li. HihI.I Ihlntf In II Tti moim1
hat ten working on tin-rwlanialioii ,..lcr l.n.tli.r mi.l .lit.-r (act lakra .lai- two yrari aflrr lb
project. Ilehai the wnrkol tiirtryiiiir . ., , , tint, an.l Ibey bm lbt iam rranl
, 'A nhiiu l t.iiiirtluirt liolbhig more I i i,-M.i i.rnlr.
prmrllcally compleU-l. ,,., ,,, , r,a,1)rg fr a I " ,,"r",, "T-
.. . , rlKhl In In- It ii..t riillllrtl-; "Of rourw." aiM Ibe pgefi frlttwl.
Milpment ol the latett pittenn in AllM,oll ,,,,.. j I,., tit fault., but be'a a tn.
boy'a aulll ind cortluroy uantt iii.t re. , , , ,. ., ' lwt He alira bit Ufa lo lb arkv
wired by eiprrta at the I'.irtl.n I .tote. . U" 1c""',r"",1' "f "" "' K.VW "" of the muatV-
el.ll irre itl. each U,y . ( , r , tu. f lI( (1Mrlv Vt) i,clc I fc (b u
,u". Iirliis r.'iir-.iiilril i . ... "T.
tug inai nacriiui ii ooa or iBttra
II your eye ire lallimr, Kla-wa dmit Mitt .nll.ut t f.vl .. lckiiL
Hi, ee Winter. J. Cauitl.iu-No doubt, llfer.l
O.H.Mel.ifo..nd..,uhl,.n.lne,y:;l'Vri',1,'1!; U lBUW-'B,,0 ,l,u-
dettltnto condition In the Mrita A Aim ! .
..,... . ' Terry Catey - What a the oiattrr.
anu earn lan aaiur.iay. Hie mm alj,.rrj Wlut are ..u ruiiiilnu' for)
Jew. tt
-I'lilladvlpbli 11
Cbarllabl Man (to former Ula4 ba
gan-Wbail liar yo roTrad yr
lienr-Vell, ton . It'i tkla war.
1 1 recently luat ray dog; and aa I eao
a ilranger in thit aectiou. Tho author Jtrry I jury (nw. iikvr l))-ll'a all no longer be blind I bar cvavladwl to
Hie were notllie.1 and he Hit at once' "s,',( 'rfrjr l'm off llu,jr "0,r
taken to the county Mjr farm.
The ikatlng rink on tin corner
Hewitt- llelleTv In tnrcliiatloul
truiiM a luuta-Loodu Tele-
Jenett--.M.nt certalulr It lent HIT Ha waa an aJllue wfaa kad Utt
i'i .laiivfiler from iilnrlntf tho iilaiui for a IbiuImI ..u.-m . iL t lili A k
Klamath Atenue ami Sixth .tree! ! ueek.-rtirn) Storl.- made up bla lutnd lo tak no rtaka IbU
mid An elenbant workt from the nee of "'"I- .
lie ran draw a load ", ",." "".' ' .' 'w ' . .
mm i.v aiirtni vain, inv wanierwr 01
leged mur
Palace Restaurant
Hunsaker 6 O'Conell
Wlua tk W44M frttaU
najhi Coamlfl.U. AH arid
Arc poy whtH tlm Pr
caw rrow wornou.
anaamal-a(BB paT
open every altvrnoon from .1 in .
e'ery evening from r to M (r rliil.lrrn, I twelve to eighty
from 8 to 10 for I lie penem!
for dancing from 10 In t
on, I'roprietor. " iluu't want my hair brut bed orr
l'rl tV.,1.1 . ..I l.. ..I.l . '"
... ..,w...n ,, aroM
Peatll where he had ln for t.netal I falbcr'a"
rnonthi receiving treattuvnt for hit in-
rral puhlie .m i "f HOeen lo,.,. lift half a ton and carry V-Ji t -Mr C, In tb. ail!
I" J I Jnl.n three tuna mi Ida back. ' )W't " '. C? ' r .
- J. '. John- ( dervr of the late Mr. Abel."
"I ilnut limit my hair hrutbed orr. ... , . . ... .. .
tny forehead any lunger." d-clared III. ' . ' ""V" "" flfl 'rtbotloaa.- U..
I uant a rack In II like '" . ' "7 "-"- "" "
I" i. 'a acuviu.
"Aa lo howr
"The author buyi uaay copl of tba
magatln and iImb nearly alwiyi
frimei Ibe cbck w mbU."-Loula.
villa Courlrr-Joursal.
Ilrarll It n l'ortugue term derlve.1
from braza, "n live coal." relative lo
tho nil ilveiiiM.I. wild whlrh Ibe coilli
! try ahotindt
1 here
Jured knee. He haanimplelel recover
er from the injury.
MerrtU Valley the heart of KUmnh
,, mere nre mi) lour coiintrtea iii "wtiit do you regard aa tt aaoat
.i . il i! i r'i" ..('!"" """'' 'a)"' ",,,tl' l,r""",,' ' afforiled to luvrn-1 Important tblug lo favor of th Ibaory
llial Kallroul Uay Hill liea grind tuo limit To g.l mil ii pntetit In each una that Mara la lubllltcdr
ceil. Hor racing will Im one of the roiilil .-.1 nlint $l.'..ltl .j far." mawered the popular
most pnimineut lealure... There are' The Jupamn. have Hire., forma of ,cl,,nl,. ""'at an irtlcl aaaualM
already eight horrei on the ground ainl aaliilalloii-iniH for auditing an Inferior,
aeveral more are eipecliil within a few ' """ tur al,"l"! urn! afother
Ikt Very Beat the Ma.ket
A ttmrAu
arUaVMkwM a I
Saaclal Pricea 30 Days
TaltfboM aatf Mail Orderi
"Tin BrMhn' ravwtta Jeweler'
invented the phonograph.
He made it an entertainer
for all. It ia manufactured
at a price which everyone
can afford, and we sell it on
the easy payment plan, so
no one need be without it.
Have you heard and aeen
the New Model.
We Want Your Trade
atotlaiactlM Owaateed
Klamath Falla, Oregon
A new lot ol Ixjy'a combination auila.
plain and knickerbockcra. Two pair ol
panti with each iiiit. The Portland
Store ia now giving a haoe h.ill outfit
free with each auit of Loy ' clolhea.
J. I.. Ilateman hat p'irchatud a nix
hone freight team fr.uu It. K. linn-
iker and will put the team on the
at onrtf for th. M.'l.iilr..
.-....... Bii-p IK.I1JI, 1
Co. Mr. Ualcman will hiul from IV.
kegama for a time and ail) then Irani.
er iu iiiu iirrit rouie.
It ii not necemuiy to leno your
Wllihuatoloinf it Winter. Wo Hre
now preparcl to do your wirk prompt.
ly. All work guaranteed for ouu lear.
Work Is ProKrt'5sing
Moit eicellent progreni it being midJ
on the foundation lor the new Court
Houte, and it ia espectei tint the end
ol th week will iee the (tone work com
pleted. There will liea tix foot hiick
wall on top'ol the atone to complete I lie
baisment, and the laying of brick will
be commenced next week. Judge Daly
U highly pleated with the manner In
which the woikli being conducted under
the aupervialnii ol W. A. Vlngate,'-Kx.
for aulutlug a auwrlor.
KUaiaUi lad Public library
The Klamath Falla Public Library ii
open every afternoon from 2 to 6:80
o'clock and each evening from 0:80 to
10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation ia ex.
tended to all.
in -i
9 Baa-fVtit.- tfL
BBBBV'WW',i iff hmmj
awaVfir.'. '.iaaKjaaaaw
m mm I
$ If I
li avaj .aw avflj
af H f,
ul 1:
M wawal awH .it
I aVr m
tbat aide of the nutation no b
three time aa readable aa mm taking
Ibe opiMMlle vlw."-Wibl8gl0B BHr.
I'-)"U brhVl.lirtj
Wlgg Wb.t . lu(Uf. (d. i.
bandaaiuin tuiii. i ,i ,. '"il;
Kaehang. ""'
. .. .- M.l .Ul U ,n f .
w.fc i. ...i,i,. Jul. ..u, u, nv.iTl
-I'lilla.l.liil.i. ii . "all
Iu Japan. ., ,tIUIV;"a
amount at 4 i.(i)jfa.
Iluwrll .f.,f mm,, WM1'
lhal I- .1 . . '"I
llyker Itrumtuii l.lUtMUkt
lug mini IkIIk bua I'.lw.r...
I bought hv km out ut Hltkt-Cl
a ,.w
Three lnlllt., luui ,,( dU,,
uHiimuim aniiutu; tooBti(Bl
of th llrtltili navy U ao'dlid
ai nal.
A Very allt.ixv truiJr turvai.
la Iii bathr It teirtal tlattne!
wiiii a lining ollllkm cf Ulrtw
of l
lllohbt (tftrr III ill tUU l
g liter-I'm guiiig iu i Tutu I
IVloa along Mkilibt-.Sa, UtU I
rleaurtl up
OliMlrlillrmao llllt)viut
Willie HI. tet lit! filUl
lite wrnr all hit udl ourt)
Jluimy-Tra her m;i aUt tU
Argut liad a liun.ln.1 fjet
Hilly lire wtiti a dial
umpire l"-.l i; A CblcipNrrt-'
l.lttle WIIMe htj 4, aUlbll
Mllr.-ifli 1
l'a-ll liiuit l tbutUrMMiei
ainbulalxr in toll
Mitt X Wouldn't II U kirrtia
lute M die an md QlUI UWI.-
half ki at to Liu t on I
way.-Clrvvlaul leader.
Jone It your diugbter I I
tnua Irian)
Hlillth No but tb irflkUfll
miking ibrrait -Clob IVIlo.
"la viair wife iurtltlr
l think mi lU-r rUHwwll
tuna off my clolliet, id4 I eaatataj
IO MW I brill OH.
Tb I'rufrttor. Vlfe-t I
klaaa.1 Inn fur I 1
(bnllyl-Afyel'llr,' J"
It I bV been klMlagl-Miw
VUltor- How long art F
my r iuaii rrUl
llor-lluw can imi m
a Uf lilriirr. I'atbflnder.
The Service
you obtain from your clothing is twtfettj
There is style service and the service
by the durability of the garments. The
ii a matter of taste and the other a mittvf
Tho nntrnnn nf rriU afnM Uava lonmnil tllllt VV6 )
ITUard thorn nn Kntti Irlnrla a aarvinn 1111(1 111 addHW
to this wo endeavor to give them at ull times the vjjn
bCSt norHnnnl aunriut ruwuiikla Vnllf fOOtl VVlU " I
patronacre are our exlatnc-.' and wo shall endal,
to merit them-now arid always.
TIih moment we have a diaaatirled customer we exiect to I
our store, unlets it ia a man who thinks so little oi "'TS
tlmt will purchase somtthlng that does not plenso Wm jg
j w un us aoout it. ir you buy anyuiinT ' "- j
it disappoints you in any way, shape or manner, come .
ua auout it; we are here to make it ritftit.
Portland Clothing And;
Shoe Store
M tlfv i-. iu t
.V i