v Ik Lteftlft Mlly RenJ ,'"u!r '" Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Khmatb M - OND VKAH, No ri:. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 4. 1908. Price, 6 Cents. DY FOUND DISCONTINUE ROUTE I'okogama Goes Out ul Uusi nuss Soon J& WILL ADDRESS THE PUBLIC CALF CAUSES, LITIGATION EXCURSION IN JUNE Low Rates to Klamath Dur-inR-Summer JihIko flro. T. Ilalilnin reliinieil Sat ntilay iillil frnin I'mtlarnl nlipri- lie NEARJ10USE Been Dead for Several Days PARENT LY INSANE ties Brennun Dies While Staying Alone dl Ihe J. P. I co Hanth . . - .1 ll.n J. I'. WhwrnnK """ ",v " " nlite int'i'lay allernnun It. HI. Me 'i'1 J ' """'' ' t ol ('!. Itiiimmi ijmg in " i-i. n I ,p kuw ami "" ""i UlLitJon. ate lhat II ' "" nforsrvrial !). Ilinin r l ..linn lip ramp nut I o.iiifriiii.ur.i uir Kovriimi tit. ,,, Informing them H'l llmiilllnii awn ,...i.i. .. ii .iuii- -Mtarqe Comd Listens to the alia out llf mini"! Ilium l '! I i hiiiiIi-)! Hipiii In winl tbtrjfl or Muni llntcliltnn. Ill L mxlc alinaii mini inr rt; fHtl.pl luali, Mil IK attention IJtitlalt Mrl Dial Uutnif with wiiisae mm ma pullon woiklnic nvpr time. tut imii li" dinnk louilderably it irmi thsl lila lulu. I ln-cainn U), CantlridC lilm In Itnaglns Hint allien wsi alter lilm, Up spparml- ItM sdsld In irtuin In Hip liuUM lnl f Alan III Hip Intra whele iW died. lit tiamlnatlon bowed that ha had lUrolnll'P Iioiii.i for Mtrral days ilUli"! IipIi'I rooked Iml giown Id; and nolhliiat about Ihe place hid iesrlfor llirnnan was somewhat Itthtrtctirand had Urn In this town iartril)eau, It ia nut known that tUlM tny relative, eroaar Mai tin mil Undertaker Iklllock ami In Hip icvne n( death irnln an.l hriiug-lit Ilia body In An lii'nrt waa lipid tlila after Ilttlir morgue at wlilrli ll aa l tint lir Iml illr.1 a natural ilratli. ITU Miunrr'a Jury ciiiitlilpil of tlm li: W T Sliiip, do .c.Nutili. . . Slouch, (i. Krrr, It. M. Sailer iCbrittr Arry. About Your Summer Suit jfi aW Juf I We will -not charge you a cent and Satisfy You K. K. K. STORE On mul after t It flllrenlh i, iIhk liliililli llin I'oVi itmuu iiiuln uill U nut , ol bulin-". 'llil la llni Hiiiioiiiiiriniiil inada hy lln.l. .M. Mclutirn Compiii) , mul ll In mioii.ImI li Manager I',, T Al I boll nf the Klmuiilh laki llallioad. iini Hist dale lint Mrltillre-Httaw tag.-a will! I iill IhlIucm, mul II ! rf) probable1 t ! At III" Oirgnn V Cullfoilil Tflin..of tat oil Co Hill iii Irluir llmt Iiiiip. i It I" mm iietalllig the linn Ixi-miim- II ' iiiiat ruin tlifr mall. Iml ullliln litu i . . ' I il) tin- nmll rotilp Will Ui i hanged mul mul with h thange will mum Hip dii Continuance of tliu ttagp Hup lu I'okig. mini. Tlip iIhIp lot Hip ilianie-if Hie , mall iuiiIp Imi nut I ' 1 1 Hi i-1 Iml II will Im twlmri tlip llllli nf llil mouth. CAKE VISITS MERRILL ( senatorial uinuiutuc Hun. It. M. Cake nifhnl in tin- (it jp.trnUy rpiiliiK and inluiiiially piitrrtalhi'il al llm jikpa.p Inn. Many nl Hit- lp.nlillraiia rallpl iIuiIiik Hip ntPlilliK In inneia ariiulijicpa nr In liprninv anilaltitril Tlila inninlnK lip at lakin In Mi-nill In aiMtrp Hip 4iiIp ol Iliat pctinii, Up wa ncrmii iatil.l li) all nl Hip ltp.ntlirjti rnmll. ilatrt, ami Ha nirtlnl liy a piy brijp anil cnlliualattlc crnHil. Mr. t'nkp oat trry uitirli ilrapi hHIi Hip irri'timi Iciurtrl lilm ami pxiiraxl I a rtplatlnn. TUp 'tty w 111 iiliiin cuil) lliii i'M-ii-iiiK, ami arronllnn In tlip airaiip-iiii'iila nlO. T. Olhrr, Clialunaii nf tlip Hi niullfaii (Vntral (?iiniiiitli-p, liu Hill rak III Hip Court IIuiiip park Imiiitlit. llio IHiili Kclmnl tiam lull trim lnt Hip laal itinip In I tic Imllmia li a fcuip nf 17 In H, Tin' bnj ri-tiiriKil hump Hun.lay Iti'llntf llial tlip) hail Iwii hsk IliK a loalriit tialtli). 1 lie iraaun liaa only JnM InKun anil llio Irani may )pt rpdu-in llrri;. There are poor. good, bet ter and best makers of clothes We represent the latter. : : : : Our Invitation for you to look over our choice selection of Tans, Drowns, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors. Pencil and Shadow Stripes Is an Invitation to see Quality that Justifies the Price When placing your order, with us you take no chances on dotting just what you want, because iff ytiBumiM H aHaK - aaaaaH aaaaaEVUaaaaaaaaHl M LHlai'HlfraaaaaaaaaaB .aaaLLaa T VK1 H Jf,aBHRjE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW' -1 "" fH Hon II. M. Cuke, Republican JOHN R. STILTS Election Was Exceptionally Quiet--Every Citizen Voted Ac cording to His Own Dictation-'A. L. Leavitt and Capt. J. W. Siemens Re-Elected Klamath Kalla iri.lerent onu of tlip liui'l iiilet i'hcliiin that it liaa had (ul ipuial )idi. TIipip na nn itllir Milpptllnir. A,aieiilly -i-M "l-r wlinievnle lila limp In lln btnincfa tl nent In ll.- iiillx mid in-t hi lmll.it the H'P city and will do hit Uit to Hra1tht way liprrnriiltinlii.rliitf t-l liilMinJcn out Hip preaent had llnancial con- n( tin. rily, nn.l It may Hell Ui aiid Hint dltluii. Mr. Slllta, at a milnlerul the llip ti anil ii-piei-piiH Hip Hill nf Hip ma-, Jnlity nl Hip -opp. Itolli randidatea if we do not fit aaaaB aaaaaaV Candidate for U. S. Senator THE NEW MAYOR Inr Major were irnod men Inr the place, and tint election ol John ,lt. Htlltn an it Hie city a ililel execnlhe hIio 0lc,, w aa attentiw to lila dutlei and Kr llevly ( hla 1,'mu In tlip city. Ilia record aa a councilman n uwurance that ok Slayer hu will mnnrige affairs in a manlier that uill U tatiafaetnry to the general public. In Hip llmt want F. K. Alikvney had no opposition (or rouncllmiwi, mid In the rVcntid Silai Olwiichain Has elected hy u l.iri;u majority. In tlio Third Wanl Maiimi llanka had no opKkitinn lor the unexpired term and K. T. Sandcraon naa elected over Ian Cofcr. The iinnly elected olllcora k in In Ihe harueta Ihe tint Monday in June. The council for tint cunning year Hill he an follow h: l-'irat Hiird; A. (,'antel and r'. K. Ankenyj rV-ond; Silna OU-ialialn and (int. to bo elected by the council to lill the vacancy lu U creutisl by Hip re iisuation of Mavor-clect St il to, mid in the. Third waul Marion llankH and K. T. Hatidenion. A. I,. I'iwlll Hfta re-elected by u large uuijiiilty mid uill be polict. Judge (or an other year. Capt. .1. W. rilemeiiH uaa re-elected city tieaaiuer and will nerve IiIh tlxlecMilli yeiir in that capacity. Tlio vote In tliu various unnla uasaa follow h: , first Ward : for Mayor, John Stilts 111, Frank Ward, 22; Cuunellmcn, F. K. Anleny M); 1'ollce Judfe, A. I.. I.eavllt 45, O. A, Steams ft; Treasurer, Capt. J. W. SWineim U, A. M. Win den Ci. ' Second Wuid: 1'nr Mayor, John StlltG 88, Frank Waul SI ; Councilman, Silas Obeuchain 78, II. Ilotviii U0; !' Ilco Judge, A. I.. l.enllt Ul, 0. A. Steams 27; Treasurer, J. V. Slemena 10. A. M. W'Hf.len '.'L'. Third' Ward : For Mayor, John Stilts 48, Frank Ward M; For Councllmen, Marion llailka (10, F. T. Sanderson 03, Pan Cofer 15 -, Police J mlge, A. I,, Lea vitt 00, U. A. Btearui S5. For Treasur er, J. W. Sleineae C8, A. M. Worden 10. jax'lit aUjut fmir wick a iKiitln Hie Klntiiatli country, lln ray hIipii Iiu led I'nrlUnil nun i,t Him Ix-it lloat builil prn In Ha- UnltP'l Htnti-i a Hoikinx nn llio Klairmth limit , ami Hint tlila i enmity uill hnvp n rr j.ic-eiilal Ion Dial , uill iln It Juillie. j .lu.lire lialiUIn louk paiticular aln3 In iii'iuire into Hip mattpr n( lectirlng , cxtniloiia or tlila cct!on during Hie Hiiiuiiilt. Tliu K. V. nlllclala etuted that It lay Hould run aiifxcnri-lon to the Kla ctntli country In June, Immediately ' rider Ihu linc Kcalhal, and that duruit; tiiepiillre teuMin they Hould grant ex ruialon rjtea In (mille of ten nr mnrp. GROWTH OF SCHOOL Enrollment Indicates Increase in City's Population Klamath i'alla public schools are a fplendid Indication of the proren of the city. Tlio teriua of llrOG-7 sIiohi tlio laryei-t enrollment in the hlitory ol tlio town. Thia ia necoutited by the 'fact that Mason, Davis A Co. employed n large number nf men hIio hnd families mid tin-children attended school while residing in thia city. This year Hie city has practically nn transient imputation and itill the enrollment is almost aa largo aa It was when so many families resided here temporarily. Thia la in dicative that the town has had a grad ually growth. Tliu greatest gain In the enrollmcut uaa made hIipii the country tint began to attract attention which was about three years ago. At the cloe of tho 1U05-C term the roll contained I'M names, at llm close of lb0n-7 there Here 402 and at the present time there are 410. At the beginning ol the present term there was an enrollment ol but 2S5, the pres ent figure showing a remarkable in crease during the year. Many new stu dents have entered school tilts Spring and each week there it an Increase in the enrollment. The Increment In the school enroll ment for the past lew months It conclu the evidence that a number of families have coma in this Spring to locate, Everything it being done to keep the schools up to the highest possible stand ard, and in this l'rof. Dunbar and hit corpt ol attistantt have had exceptional aucceis. The schools are now (airly crowded, aud It uill be but a few more yearn until the city mutt have another large school building. . ,Vse the noicTni'ii for Trdiit. 3?r, '5SiRi -SfrtSVC -- -i-iJ Roberts 6c Hanks Hardware Dealers File One Suit After Another END IS NOT IN SIGHT Is the Calf the Calf In Ques tion Is the' Question for Decision The ownership of a calf value.) at about ten dollars is causing all kinds of litigation. It appears that last January the call In uestion strayed into the pas ture of llurrell Short. .lie fed and pas tured it until a (ew days tine when W. F. Arant apieared on the scene and claiming that the call belonged to Clar ance llarria took it from Short. He, however, was not agreeable to this, but claimed an interest in the rail (or feed and pasture. Heat once reptevined the calf, and Sheriff Obenchain went out to the Arant ranch and got it. Arant vest gave a redelivery bond and the calf It now in his potsession. Seieral months ago Clarance Harris had Jay Arant arrested for stealing a calf. The call was identified by mens of a dime being tewed up in It neck. At the preliminary bearing Aran! was held to Ihe grand Jury. The present litigation It the second chapter in the call stealing case. The argument pat up Is that the calf that ia causing the litigation at present is the Harris calf and that he (Harrlt)pot the dime In the wrong call's neck, and that Jay Arant Is under indictment for .stealing hi own calf. V. F. Arant, the father of Jay Arant, replevined the calf from Short to return it to Harris so that Harris would withdraw his complaint against Jay. This was all satisfactorily arranged, bat Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Stone would not allow the withdrawal of Hie complaint, hut will prosecute the care. Fight Growing Warmer Willi the approach of the election the county teat removal fight In Lake Ounty grows gradually warmer. The papers of the north end of the county are heaping- abuses on those of the southend and vica versa. It teens that a number of those who advocated, or rather signed the petition asking that the question be voted on have re pented and are asking the County Court for permission to withdraw their names. Thia fight meant that the question of county division Is one that it certa'n to come up in the legislature. Seo Winters for Jewelry. Fishing Tackcl Hooks, Flies, Trolls, Spinners, Reels, Silk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NETS BAMBOO RODS & CANE POLES. . vr, a"