,.. w ftoeiina Beftla. u.otly Ita"1 r",or ln Klimath I'nl'rt ' Our Advertisers Get the Rest Results . . . ondYkah. No.r,i2. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1908. V Price, 5 Cents. I0RE LAND TROUBLES Niers Have Hear ing in June RANTED ON APPEAL iHnlMioner 01 oenerai lind Olwu tonceoes Kigtits to Settlers ITU'Wnet" '" ''"' ''"' ""'' "' trail kate ittmr-l lln'lr first point. Ihrr malaappliratinii ""' klUUkftlfx ,IU" ,l,n "'nrl' " I In rerelte tbelr filing i-aoaiiap lillefe-l settlement before the land llironn " Wllun ami lltlaarnl 1 ll' ""I" "' '" Haerelary ! U Interior Tli mailer wae Hi tarpealnl " (I'" Cuinmlaalnner n( aCroeial lwd Ollice. Some lime oll(lir"lted that Ilia Ijikevlew ihi.lUm InilriKted In allow arlof, and ii tit ta rrrt la run- Law) I; nollrea to all ittlea concern- IiUIIIip lirarmi: ill incur tha mid of June, turtle! participating In ffBihilU nut ifimidrr Ilia auonclr. io the; lurr lrn granted hear UtIH figure mora prominently llkt (lit (or tli mit valuable plecea tlaUlin the entile aerllnli restored 7r. Tin munera unit unt Into Ul bug Wore llir Secretary mad artstArttl Murder and liullt cabin, I notlrri i( arttleiiienl mill resided ithtUuli. The iitlnratlnii order iImJ I claitae prohibiting tlill, lull mdmm cllin hey are nut effected kUorJf at Ihrr had alia! aa. 11 residence upon Ilia land belore i SpJer wat iiivIp, ami they argua iMimol villain a law before UanliK Tlio llo tiilng-Unplun ttannviila ti-nlUr nalrna , Ml iloj, li i mi Hi contral aa rrnl- It iar, ai aim o.Mttc I iinn Ilia M btliritll ai lettorad til entry. iM.at ot tli- rUiius rl.-. on hy Ihe irtlurna llin'cr ami atone filing fill llinm alul Inn n It..... I.. -i. . ' .... ifi ,, fi'i ,n. in mm iiiiiii Hlfll filings, Tlirau arc llii' nimt cumpllinlcd caaes arriulliK liom llm null, Nome r.l the Interested partlca mvi already hud heerlliga, ami III HKml Intlaure. Ida raipliau Inwii iIhIiIh In fatnr nf the parly hi iirlng Ilia llil llllng, leganlle.a III It Ix-llltf tlllllirr nil.) alone urlllilna trail. Ill umir (! tin,. , who gut Ilia ilri'laluil (rum tliu Ijikekle iilllrc Imp lcl nntliia on llm lUliiiauriliiriiit; Ilia nlliat rltlii In iciiiuM-llii'ir llii (iKurinrlil. .if ir) mimiIiI aiiniiiiitr I Ilia aina. r lint u ltn- itcli,na . Ill Ilia can't air miilriel iii.cnl an-, lakan In lliiiOrm-ral l.ari.l (lll l,i. , ai lira m Im data Im-cIi cinnilillrii; unions ' llirriiK-hn Inrllic lamia mutt uti Uri tlia Kmiirii, lur In ifiaiillnit llirm n ln-ai IliK Ilia C'linilnlaaluiiar ailmlla tliat ll.i) liata ifilatn rl(ilil In llir maltcr WnithiK fur Machinery 'Ilia W'latl liver Imal la mil rinnii.'ti'l anil U awallliiK tlia Inttallalhii ul Ilia uiaclilnory. Tin Iwllar xaoi.l.Tr.l (rum Ilia Kail ami la ilrlayol mi Ilia ruail Aa arani a II airlvra ami it Imtallnl Ilia boat Mill la pill Int) M'lklia, OmIiicUi ilia latrnrta i.l llio tiafin inily a lllllr ilraliclriK lll l iluiia on Ilia ilvrr tlila yaar. It la nut likely that Conniraa will make an appnipriatlun Im Ilia uuprura inriil ul Ilia rlrur llilt )rar. All ilia wink that will t- ilnna uti Ilia ihir III l tla irinuval ul tin- lnuth ami thatlrarliiK ul Ihachaiuirl, DircctorM In Session Tha lloanl ol IMlrctuta ol Ilia Klaiu atli Water t'tara' Atxlatlun U IiuMIiik III tegular immllity meetliiK tlilt alter noun. Mltli Ida aiieptiuii ul W ('. Daltun tlia entile lloanl la prearnt The rtit" routine i.u.inc. win be! tranaarled ami comlderabla lime will l gUen tu Ibaditriittloiiiil the Clear jiVr (lain. Klumath in Com mission The aliamer Klamalli gma on Ihe irgular run In tha umrnlng lht'lia! will bale at 4 u'rlurk and will ronnect with tha atagu at Tretir'a (or iKinla. Tlia boat hat been oil tlia tun lor auvntal Heika and haa had all ul her iiiarhluur) thoroughly nterhauliM. About Your Summer Suit There are poor, good, bet ter and best makers of clothes We represent the latter. Our Invitation for you to look over our choice selection of Tans, Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow Stripes is an Invitation to see Quality that Justifies the Price When placing your order with us you take no chances on getting just what you want, because We will not charge you a cent and Satisfy You K.K.R. STORE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES liaaaaaal W mrgLiwt r mi mm km aw amr f 4 WILLIAM JENNINGS SEARCHING FOR Left Bonanza Yesterday Evening for His Home But Never O.ntihnA Thra...Clinc iiiuun,u iiii.iv uiran caiiw onus I VUIIU Ull Hunk of Lost River by Searching Parly I. U Rid hit-, who a luriuetlj I.K-ntc.1 at Meirill, i now in tlilt city and la i in plo) it) in Ihe O. K. luiber aliup. lie ti'lit ilia Winter in Cult land. I. I. Ruti, ul 1W Vallay, It in the lly lodat on butlueaa. JHW"lMa if we do not fit Iff BRYAN OF NEBRASKA. ANDREW NICHOLS jmA C.W,. r..-A Itoxasit.OKK. May2"AudrewNlcliola a (anner living about three inllea (rom here, carno to town jeaterday to transact buiim-ri, and after be had completed all lnirltnt malleri he Imbibed pretty (reely ol tliu Uonanta whlaky and when ha ataited (or borne that erenlng he left town with Ida horae on the dead run. The laat aeen ol the man wai when be wat taking Ida departure. Tliia morn ing Ida team turned up at borne, and a aearch wai at once begun (or the man. Searcher, (ound bla ilioei and oocki on (he bank of Um( River about two mllea Iron) town. The auppoalllon if that he waa thrown from hia wagon while In an intoxicated atato and attempted (o wade (he rher and wat drowned. A party ol about (ourly people hat been out alnce Ihli illuming draglng the river. Nichola la a man pan fifty yetia of ago and haa a family. IRRIGATED CLAIMS Rules Governing Homesteads Under The Canal The Secretary of the Interior baa iaaiusl through (hu Uoneral Laud Olllce initrucllona to KegUtora and Receiver governing tlio hoiueateAil entries made under the Reclamation Act. There are a number ol ihcmt entrlea under the Klumath Troject which will be ubject to the new ruling and Instruction. The II rat provlalon I that the Secretary will determine the number of acre ol land that shall bo embraced In an entry, and hu.wlll determine upon and fix Ilia chargea por acre againat llio landa in cluded in (he entry for reclaiming the aanie and for maintaining the irrigating ditches. The charges so attached are sgaln.it (he landa (heintelves, and as the annual Installment accrue (hoy become fixed charges against the land iu the nature ot a lien. If at any time an entry is cancelled (he party flllug on the lands next must pay all charges that have accrued against the land. The Instructions also provide that when one parly bao filed upon lands ami haii compiled with the law and the entry It not held (or cancellation he cauac ol back charge! atich party tray M'llnqulrli In lavor ol another pcraon and the pviaon tecurlng tha filing through (he relliirjiiltlirnt'tit will l eriv titled to credit (or all n( Ihe payuientt that hae been mailn under thn Rerla inallon Act. It la alto providid that all psrilei making humealead entry tinder llio lieclamation Act uiiit in addition to pajing all charge! rctlaim at least one hall o( Ihe Irrigable area oltho land In cluded In the entry, ami mutt realde upon and cultivate the lamia according j to the hoioctttad lain. Any (allure (o I make two ol the paymer.ta when que, or to reclaim the lamia aa provided herein thall render Ilia eiiti) atihjrcl to can (ellatloll, At tha end ol lite )ear cuntinuoui leaidenre a homeatvader under the Reclamation Act can make proof of re clamation and residence and alter tliia he need no longer realdo upon the land. All partlea having aoldier rlghU (or claim credit will bu alloaed to uw the rame under the Reclamation Act, but they will not be able lo nccuro patent until all charges apilutt the landf have lieen paid. Ilelra ol entrymen under the act will not be required to reilde up on the lands, but they tntiat comply with the reclamation clnuie and mutt pay all chargea More patent can laaue. The method ol final prnol on landa that are entered tubject to the Recla mation act li Ihe tame aa on otbe hoiueatead entrlea except that final prool muat be made aa to reclamation In addition to rcildence and cultivation. Signing Up Lands K. R. C. William I in the city to at tend Ihe meeting of the directors of the Water Uters' Aiioclallon tlila afternoon. lie aaya In the Upper Project about 3000 acres of land bavo been ilgned up, In the past mouth. He lays that a soon as certain deals for lands are closed the ace rage will be Incieared. They hae been making an actlto campaign in that tectlon to get landowner to sign up. High School Loses Yesterday afternoon the High School baseball team played the Klamath Star at the Agency and wai deleated by a core of 15 to 11. This morning they played team made up of the Agency employes and in the eighth inning the core stood 11 an J. The game was won by the Agency team. Th Is afternoon the High School and tlio Stars are play ing another game. The baud dance laat night wa largely attended and all who were there bad a very pleasant time. The dance of the band ate becoming very popular. "" Use the BRISK fWMI I Ipv Trout. -I Roberts & Hanks Hardware Dealers CAKE WILL SPEAK HERE Monday Night at The Opera House ARRIVES TOMORROW Central Committee Arranges for Speech at Merrill in Ihe Afternoon Hon. II. M. Cake, the Republican nominee for United States Senator, Isle phoned L. Alva Lewis today that he would arrive here tomorrow night and would speak In (hi city and at Merrill. He will leave on Tuesday morning so that it will be necessary for .bim to peak at both places on tbe same day. The Republican Central Committee has the matter in charge and the present plana are to take Sir. Cake to Merrill In an automobile, where he wilt tpeak at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, returning here in time to speak at the opera house at 8 o'clock In tbe evening:. An effort will also be mode to secure large delegations from Bonanza, Fort Kla math and Keno for the Monday night meeting. C. T. OI!vcr,chairmanof the Republican Central committee went to Merrill this atternoon to arrange for the meeting at that place Monday after noon. Election Day Voters of Klamath Falls should In mind that the iolls for the city elec tion open at 9 o'clock.Monday morning, and that It is the duty of every resident of tbe town to go to the polls and par ticipate In the selection of the men who are to take charge of the city's affairs for tbe next year. Despite the latsnets ot the hour there is no perceptible stir in the situation. None of the candi dates I making an active campaign. The nominees for Mayor are apparently willing to have the people decide. Tbe councllmen are making no active can vas. F. E. Ankney will likely have bo oppoelton in the First ward. la tbe Second ward Silas Obenchaln and II. Bolvin are In tbe race, and In the Third ward F. T. Sanderson will likely not have any opposition. Mayor D. St. George Bishop la making arrangement for an extended camping trip through Lake County. He wlU leave here sometime in June and will be gone a month or sis week. He expects to visit all sections of the county to be come acquainted with the lands of that section. It I his Intention to acquire lands If he finds anything that is satis factory. Fishing Tackel Hooka, Flies, Trolls, Spinners, Reels, Silk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NETS BAMBOO RODS & CANE POLES. vu