fie ftoetiifM ibftua. Our Advertisers Get the Rent Results . . . . 11. .11. i . . KlimMn ' Yeah, N. MO. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1908. OND Price, 5 Cents. ETERS TO BE ifoeer Hood Considering Proposition of u Spur to ISTRUCIIONOE BRANCH NOI EXPENSIVE . .i... I .....Htm WitilH Inmiri' Wiitui f'jtniiii I Sun iuai " " With Trnins Ihroughoul nel Seldom freeio lo That Pluto E0lMl ''""' "' "' """""" bow lu "I"!" 'Hltmriii 4iU nliflHiy leeirr iii-i... ll.ll.tMat IMIHIIHI' "I ' CaUdir". P" ... i ..i i . i.i K-tl.ilin. "" '"- U. Bi-ii IMi irlvrrypruiai.i isfllrtllrit "I ' X'r " 'to" flL,Maril w III come, lolhe land- k) connect "Hit I''" " '"r ,I,U , urrfinenl llfii IbeGovellf lia4llirrViitlieiii I'aclllc Company I to Iks cruttiinf il lli channel r matter that may caum delay tocslnf llil rlir. and I" "' I" llfctroaJ to iiatiKiblr water "III t thfnl Winter, row- ku I"" mUhiHm! In the H.I'. i 1 AM Aly l'i r tin apur In (f' Uti'Iin along tint Jkittw iil along thf rltaiibrl. I tpur tiu'ill i"1 nine over i iii imiIi "'i """''I '" ry " iMlt """ill requite ery Utile grad ltd nclltlly no limiting. If. Usui haa previously staled and lftsTeedthal II a large Mwinlll I last Teeter', lm would construct rtolliatIM to Unl nut Iht pn I ! tU mill. A ainrement I on ittfetlnthla uilll In lli nearfu- I II tli rii)tlll"ii It carried to ifdllaiue the spur nlll I nrer- Itffniiiriit between Ida H. I'. and tfltrnnmetit provides that Ilia rail- I csany (till ut In solid till Ithtclufinrl, an I out to him tide I (III ! i lirUtp and sluice way. tbndfitt alii I liuiUr In thi one ItbtUUol tU Main canal and will I ol flu lint y gates. The Govern- at till maintain pumping station About Your Summer Suit W I We will not charge you a cent K. K. K. STORE NEXT TERMINUS That Point - " - L'ntire Winter-Chan Hi I In- floating In reg-uUt the hull i on rtllxT llr n( tlirillk. II the water ! como Iiki high Hid K'lva will I raled In Irl It lluw mil, mill II il e,et t'i low Ilia pumping ttalloii will Ui IiioiikIiI IiiIii llto, Tlia till that mint ! made (till laVv a meat ilral ol luatrilal anl it la umlrnlo.! tlio nk lakm liom tlie tumifl will Im ilr.l at tlili -,lnt Tlio till wllllrata tlie clialinrl navltiaMc f jr mall lioata on l,lli tiili ol ll,o illkn lull will itoi iial(atlon at tin- lallnm.l. lliaK, I. willimt in ilillriKt lirra and maintain a ilil'llig jlut and dmil,llc a mall town will iIok iii aa oii at tlm inarili Ii rrclalmiil. Il will ln IiiiiiiIMp In put In ll.e Oil I and tlio liradtcatra liy till Kail and tlir clmiuifl ntar tin )lnl wlierfll.r rul-j road criMra It Irrnra up iluilnif tlie. Winter lotliat U-aUrannotnot lliiounli. OwInK In llila Hi)' rtim,lctloii ol tl.n road to tlir watrr at tlili point will not Inaiirp water ruuiiertlnua tluoillioilt llie entile Winter. T avoid any ul blllly ol not liavlna watir loiim-cllou a ileteinilnel effort will lv made lo lian III Iplir built In Treter'a lieloro Ilia cliannel Innea otrr. Auction 5ale A. ATnnld will wll at public on Saturday, May tub, at 10 a auction in., at the llird I'KMley place, near the tunnel, the follow Iiik lleuit: Two wmtom, banieM, ono plow, two harruw'a, all Hilda nl household (no, and other article. Teriua rih. W, T. HI.He baa U-fii at I'm t KUuiatb (or n lew daya atlemllliK l buaiin' There are poor, dood, bet ter and best makers of clothes We represent the latter. : : : : Our Invitation for you to look over our choice selection of Tans, Browni, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow Stripes Is an invitation to see Quality that Justifies the Price When placing your order with us you take no chances on getting just what you want, because and Satisfy You No Experiments This Year Il It not likely that anything will I done tlilt )Pnr on the mnrnli liml t;r-lim-iil ntntion. Tim mllroml vinlmrk. infill In iiiiu,lce.l In a K,iul wlii-ra It inn I-' m w (or 10 re,m. I"K ol tin1 Ininl lew I tlm K'niTiiinent n r(iiliimntal lurin ly AUI Ally. 'Mill lun.l Han leukcil a jrar uy,, lull up to tliU Uiiir in, tiling Into Irt-oii iloiut to liilatiii it no Hut riTlinriil iiiIkIiI m In 'i"U'i'. 'I lir praon la now- loo far ailvanml loratry on any riwrltiientl ii r-lioiiM tlie Inii'l lie iwUIuis llila Hiiniiui'i. Mnn. (, eoiiiiltltiii ol Hie lolliijn.l ,lih. Ii will taU my little li'trx noil. Id i-ihIom tlm lauii, In Need of Light I'arilr oiiiiIiik In from I-nkerlcw lay H,r 11W ,1P, , tUitc -wl.r ,,ltBl, Al ltrKlli ,m ,,mll , wu10lU gll( and power will l nec.lo, to operato tlio new mill Uiinic rontlrucled. Tlie old elettnc pliht, l(-le, at New I'ine Creel, wa detro)i-l by Hie lail Fall j ami bat uetvt been rebuilt. I.akvlew l In iUiLiii-' ! for lauipa nud can. Ilea SECRETARY APPROVES CONTRACT Muney Uros. of Winnemucca, Nevada, Awarded Construe- lion of South Branch Canal-Large Outfit Cn- roule Here-Will Begin Work MaylOth Secretary of the Interior tiarfleld liaa approietl the bid ol Maney llrotbera A (inipany, ol Wiiineiuurra, Nevada, nn the South llinucli canal. The. contract include the roiintroctlon of live and a hall uilleaol tb canal, the name to lie eompteteil In live uiontha time. Tiiry bao alien, ly tailed about Heienty head ol hone toitellier with all the luachiii ery they will need on the work for tlili place an, I npvcl In l-itin actual con tiiiftloii wmk al,nl May 10th, H. Weill, n uieuilN'r ol the llriu,Ia now In the city and U malliiK arraniteinenta (or thu arihal ol the oullll. Hit will re main heieilurini: the .Sunnier and will aiirinteiid the work, Thu bid ol ! Maney llrotheri A Company on lhi if we do not fit High School Ball Team Tlie atudenta ol tlm High Hcliool rorn ploleil tlm orKauUatlon ol their liai 'It team and tlie aKrfP'Katlon ulionld I)" able to put up oiuo fant Ki'uca. Tlie Ica'.n went lo tlie Axenry where thoy will play Urn Indian. Saturday tliey will play tlie Fort Klauialli team, le tuinlng Ii'iiihi Holiday. Tin; Unit up ot the team la aa followa ('. Yaden, cutclior; )iurtt, pludivr; Cronemlller, lit bain: Nolan I, '.'ml bam; Hum, :ird lute; llayden, abort top; IV, lo(l field; 0. Kel.ap, center Held; Van HIh.t, rllil Held; and V. VaJen and Hammond inbitl tlltef. Will Gather Data Deputy fiaina Warden, Mont K. Iliitcblaon bai Uen advlied that Meairt. Itohliuaii and e'lnley, repreent atlvea ol the American Hclioot ol Natural lllitory, would apendlbeKreat' er part ol the Hummer In Klamath County KthcriiiK Information nod data. iTIray will arrUe here In July or August and will put In eeral week on the lake. contract waa $78,117, It belnK the low eat ol the two blda received by the Itccla mation Service. The coiitrartor are well known and are now conilrucllng 290 inllea ol road (or the WeiUrn I'aclllc Company in Nevada. They wilt bring in ol their outfll lo complete tills work on (chediile time. Juat at aoon aa they get the work atarted they will employ a f,,rrc ol about 160 men. Thla lame firm alo placisl a bid nn the Clear Ijikedaui, but aa the bid la much higher than that of Mahoney llroi., ol San Francisco, Il is not likely that they will he awarded the contract. MAKE T01R OF STATE Chamberlain and Cake May Visit Klamath Governor George K. Chamberlain will open hit campaign it St. John, where he will deliver the first speech of the June contest. II. M. Cake hit opponent, hat leu lor uoot uay.wncro ue win mauguraie hla stumping tour at toon at he arrives. The rival candidates will stump the statu from one end to the other. Tlio ill nerariea have not been prepared, as Ihuio require, time to figure out train connec tion to the various points. W. M.Cake, brother ol the candidate, will not com plete the Itinerary until alter the meet ing of the Republican Slate Committee, as it is Intended that several speaker will assltt Cake on the stump, covering such places at Cako cannot reach con veuleiilly. Chamberlain doea not ex pect to have a staff ol tpcakert with him although ex-Unltod States Senator John M. OVarlii may maku a few sioeclie. Owing to hit campaign, It nil! lw ln pomlble lor Governor Chamberlain lo attend the conclave ol Governors, hich hat been called to meet al the White Houso May 13lh. livery Governor in the United States haa been invite I to attend and bring three advisors. The object It to threih over the important mattert now before Hie country. Gov ernor Chamberlain hat written to Presi dent Roosevelt, explaining his Inability .- .. j ii..i .. i.i. .H 10 aiiana, aim uai ajwiuieu " y resentativM H. W. Pcolt, Supreme Jus tice R. 8. Bean and 0. 8, Jackson. Alter flrelng hit opening gun In St. John tomorrow night, Chamberlain will probably start for Eastern Oregon, and will tour that section before returning to the Willamette Valley and the Coast. He will probably close bit campaign in Portland, and thlt It also the Intention ol Cako. HARD LINES FOR Decision Of Assistant Commissioner Is a Lemon For The Settler REVERSES OFFICIALS J. L. Yaden loses Valuable Claim to J. L. Buell If Decision of Assistant Commissioner Is Not Reversed On Appeal fo The Department Oueotthu uioil liopirlant Klamath county land contctU hat been decided by Aailitant Coinmitnlorier S. V. I'roud fool, of the (leneral Ijind ollice. The rate la the one olJ. I.. Itucll va. J. I.. Yaden, and Ii a contort for the Yaden homcitcad north ol Illy. On June '), 11)03, J. I. Yaden filed upon a quarter ecllon of land covered by a growth of timber, ettimatlng according to the evi dence introduced about two and a hall million feet. On June 10, 1007. J. I.. lluell Tiled an al!idalt of contest, charg Ing that the defendant hail lalhei tore ride upon, cultivate and Improve the land at required by law. The hearing wat held before County Clerk Chaitaln on Auguit tl, 1H07, and .both partlei ap peiired and submitted teitlmony. Upon thla lentlmony the register and receiver ol the Kakevlew- land office rendered a tdeclilon In favor of the defendant, rec ommending that the conteit )- dli uiliaeil. rialntiff apcaled the caeto tlio General I.nnd Ollice, and now the Atalatant Commissioner revenca the de- cltloii and orders the entry ol Mr. Yaden cancelled. However, he lui the right id appeal to the department. At the hearing before Clerk Chaataln Mr. Duell testified that lie had ecn the land bul oriceTlliat Ihere tfaa acablif on It; that about 10 or lfi acres were free from timber, apparently naturally no, and fenced ,and that them Is a grow tb of about two and n hall million feet'of tlmlier on the remainder. He did not ee anyone living there at thu time he impeded the place, but admitted that be did not examine the hotiro cloeely. ( He Introduced fl witnesses, none ol whom had eeerflho land, aud their teitl mony was chletly In regard to the de fendant's residence In Klamath Falli, from which placo the land Is probably tUly miles distant. It was shown that Mr. Yaden is a mall contractor, and that the Klamath Falls postmaster reported to the department that he resided in Klamath Falls. It was also shown that he was a mail contractor at the timo he j mtit mng 0 t,l0 Umli am, tmU tm) I )0U, regutllon ,!., a contractor to . ,.,,, mion . ...,. .., . .... r. sonal supervision. It seems that from the evidence the Assistant Commissioner deduced the opinion Unit Mr. Yaden and his family Use the .- M,ti-i r , - - -- -i--ic '-HS:, 4l "BRISTOL" oor Trcrut. 1 iSKy Roberts & Hanks Hardware Dealers HOMESTEADERS OF LAKEVIEW OFFICE used the place as a summer home, but1 did not actually reside upon It. Ha states in his decision that occasional viiits lo the land are not sufficient to establish and maintain a residence, lie alao states that Mr. Yaden may have done the best he could aoder the circum stances, but there are certain require ments ol the homestead laws, without the compliance of which an entry can not be completed. He also holds that the fact that a homesteader Icavea hii place to send his children to school Is not sufficient reaion to eicuae him from maintaining a residence. This decision, a many heretofore rendered, show conclusively that the homesteader, in order to hold bit claim, must comply with the land laws In every respect. It also establishes the prece dent that a man in the employ of the Government cannot be away from his land because of such employment. It it very probable that Mr. Yaden will ap peal the ease to the department. Resolutions of Condolence Klamath Lodge, No. 99, Knights of l'ythla Whereat the Supreme Being haa enured our.eaatla and-tesntsred -from oar midtt the esteemed fellow Knight, Dr. Q. W. Matton, therefore be it Itetolved, That by his death the order lott a respected member and that the heart felt sympathy of the lodge be extended lo the bereaved wile and child. Resolved, That the charter of this draped in mourning for period ol thirty days; that a copy o( these resol utions lie sent to the grief-stricken wife and that a copy be spread upon the re cords ol the lodge, J.L. Yaols Wm. Wauxib F. L. AaMSTBoxo Dorris will hare another big day to morrow. The first regular train pulls out of the town at 3 o'clock in the morning, and the first one to arrive will pull In at four o'clock in the alter noon. Several Klamath Falls partiee expect lo be there to go out on the first train. John 0.' Hill President of the Hoi comb Realty Company, arrived in tbo city last night to remain several days. Fishing Tackel Hooks, Hies, Trolls, Spinners, Reels, Silk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NETS BAMBOO RODS & CANE POLES. V N ;-,