The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 29, 1908, Image 1

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Stir Advertisers Get
the Heat Results . . .
Klunatli FnllH ' '
Price, 5 Cents.
jwley Asked To Aid
In The Matter
. . -sr- vaisOv
Ifibr n,Senl l Washington
Akinq lor More lund
lorl'ratur lako.
j,.r ,r,.. iir being Ukrtl tWlJ
Mltinal allimeiir) mr
Will l.
Agent at Terminus
F. A. Allteiiilelh, il llii' Klurualh
t-'tlli Triiioitalloii oiii.nny. In mm
stationed at Durrls, This rompau) haa
already had several caiload" nf freight
ahlpi4il In III" new terminal mnl In inak
I UK arrangement for I lif mtahlWhmrnl
nf warehouse li'l stable fur the team
ler. All ill I In- Ilelghl shipped tn
Dnrila 'i lar huh brought in dy lln tun-
stiuitloii train, hut lliii tegular di'llit
sen If e will liegliinu lliit llrsl,
Palntiiifc the Klamath
TIip stemm r Klamath it Muv fnltit
nl both Inalile. ami outside. All ol lli
machinery haa ln-en thoroughly over
hauled and when llie litl again goeslii.
to llie water II will hate every apar.
enre nl Mng entirely new.
Right of Wuy for the Adams
Canal Results in a Warm
lime ul Meeting
Klfitf "
lUiilik' Nalimal 1'atk.
f, ,tnl ' r lly ! ' "'I
bttaMrry m1"1' H,M,H'I,W' ,"n
UImiocI Hil I'" appropriation lot
Crtur Ul' l'"k ' ,mt ,W"' "",
l-alor.ceU-.taii ' '"I" ",l,cl,
...multlH an llllliml allowance, .of llev, and Mr. Ctresy.
AftifWiitillllM ' I"""'' "' '
raaefilatheclllicli In regard l Hi"
Mtltrlir dl-alchr.l Ilia following Irlr.
jt. W f II '.
ttailiihgtiili, D.
Crtr ly- appropriation r" '
.rftHioiiiiiMiiull"" One r-l In
lUloUr I'atk gets (Illy thmnaml. Cra
ter 11 needs tlllr llioussnd. People
Urt Mlgtutil
Win (I. Mm 1'ir. Crater Uka Co.
Iltaar I. lit Circuit Judge. i II r, Mayor.
SiuiOit'iiun, ."-linUf.
B.A, rrcirltry nllheCliain-
lr ol Cuinmnre
tlr.Mml lite many nlhrl, ran mil
fcltnlaiiil the fraiim lur r" mill an
illoaance wl.rn rrcietary (IarnVl.1 we
, w rollitiilMtir over llm Hiik end lolJ
Fiasnntrn h til trant In ask lor an at
protrUllin large rnoilgh In enable lilm
lormrrjr mil lua ln nl ltiirrvrniriit.
Mr.Afatit at nii.lnt In lila ilrniaml
lilil dr i.nly IO,k, ami In-
illui Um Idaii mip t lil til nl tliia
iBnont. Mr Mrr) tlilnka II llin lima
liM liiliuil lin lll I nrrrlul In
Urlofllir niCinal nlloMnme at Irait
Kcno Items
A lialiy ((III liaa aitltr.1 al llp lmiii
Mr. Kniil, Mfa lli-ailrr and Mta,
I'luil, wln liavc lriii lck, air all lti
iiiiIhk. On Mumiay Mvr ImiV Mit.C.n
ml aoine nl lirr I.i.uicIkiM KooU In
Mrrrlll wlirtn ulic will fi-iMc Lit a
liny ill r r 111 la in lln illy Irum
.Mnillllnii luml l.iidhfn, Hi' aaya a
Murin innllfiK mcnifil at Merrill laal
New Schedule Enables Travel
ers to Reach Metropolis
In Just One Day
Cmlmiinir, nn llie llltt nl May it vtlll
juat takr Ucnty-lonr hoiim to y (mm
Klamath Falln to I'oitluml. Tin- Ore-
1'iiilay iiIkM. AlmiillMMilllie iarllealCn A California Traiiirlatluii Coin
IiiIciiiImI in llir rlKlit nl Hy (or tli any lia len nntlflMl liy Ilia Kniitlitrn
Pacific OITirali thai on ru-tt KrMay al 3
oMncV a, m, I lie II rat regular train ."HI
liarr iMrria ami that It nill rormvet
with No. Hi at VI. Tin train for
I tor f la will loavr Wrol linuinllalfly ii
on the arrival of No. ID. 1 hit ilaily n-f
vice will he Hie Imt that Klamath Fall
haaeterhail lur one can Icavo here at
4 o'clock a. in. ami nut to I'ortlaml early
I lie next morning, making the trip In
A. hiiin mini inrl with Mr. Ailama In
llie Iohii hall lor Ihi' nirHi ul ailed
llii; ii roiii.riimle, 'the Ailama canal
m I. mil netcMl )enia aci win n It wai
not it allii llul Klamath rmmty lamia
winil.l noon U' alilnlilft. 'I hem la a
Untili ol Hiiroiimatvly two mllea of
the i anal lor which no ritflit ol way waa
H-eiiteil nml tin mattur in ilill mlinx.
Al the mielini; Mr. Ailama ullvieil to
.y ilif iiileiiiU-l paillea ) r acre, ' J'"l tw-ntylour hour.
lull iiuninif ll.i. IhiiiIa waul all).
'the alKUmenl li'tnme mom heated on I Dairy ItCmS
tin miitliiK riieiel ami at tlinca It
xemeil that a hi nernl mil up wna In .Soroiuptoiula wan irafhel,
hill the matler ill ' Into the roiirla at
i. nre il llie teeiit plana ate carried out.
It will Ik- remi inhered that when the
worth our heat effort. According to
the returns from our primary election
wohnrii 7P.1 Itepuhlicaii voten agalnit
320 Dernocmtic, leavinK a ililTerenceol
4 '' loin. U'hllo wo know that many
ol hoth parllva did tint attend the pri
maries, )et it It fair to alanine that ai
large n pcrccnlaiiH of IlepuUicana faileil
to vote on that day aa did fVmocrata,
r-ofiFfqiiMilly therraull will Imi aatne.
and wu cannot help hut think thut the
Hrptihliraiia ol thlmourity will altml hy
their party lo a man.
New Books in the Library
Crisler and Hanks
On City Council
Oliver Hit haa houirhl tin John llfatll
ranch l..r IT.VI. Thla . , rUreJ,i!lUveiiiiiieiit pnr.hal the A.lam. canal
pillfhaw at the tallrn.vl will pant
Ihiuugh Ihorrnlrr ol il. The tiiht ol
way haa altrady Uxn puirhel hy lh
ll,Miowg lrreiol a packan ll
Monday iiio hi' return (miu the Kalla
that ilfpile. him and gate hlin a
glrat ileal nl pleaiuir. The paikago
ronlalncl a miner' rmhtrui aeut him
hy hit luya who aro engage.! In mining
at llawhlde, ,SoV. Tlieeinhlem connlila
o(e (hovel and pick ami at the end ol
the ahnicl handle then' l a windlai
and chain which la lanlem-.! In a hue
kel. Tim horl la made nl gold taken
I mm I he "Kawhldo (iieen," a mine
iiwne-1 hy the MiowgwiM luya. On the
Imnt ol Iheahmrl U iiKCilU-l "Haw
hide, Nevada" ami nn Ihrhaik ol it la
hi name.
The w re. k ul the Wlliema at the Ihet
lie tnmoirow night.
I'JlOl waa held hack 'lnling Hie aellle-
mciil nl lhl light nl way.
Sells Hi5 Dairy
II. N. Whllihiie, who han iximlucted
adalf) lur route time, haa told III Uillch
cm, thirty llu head, lo John H.Shook,
who will milk lor the Itonania creamery.
The cow will It drliwicd In Mr. Miook
till the llral with llie exception ul live
head which Mr. WhlUllne retalua In or
der In tli'lih hi milk contract with the
llmrrnmelil rarmer throughout the
county are hrglnnlug to ivaliie that
theie U money In milking for a cream
ery ami man) ol ihtm am engaging in
the I. milieu.
HiivniM calltsl the Dairy correrpond
itit away lait week o the Dairy letter
waa not acnt In.
i'riday, the 17th, wat what aome peo
ple call a lively day in Dairy, Shiiid
were unuiually Iriemlly and willing to
recogiiirn the other lellow at lull bro
ther. We don't know about the brother
part, hut wo do know that tome were
lull. We lio they are aahatnitl ol
theruaehea and trill nte the stuff nut ol
the country.
We Dalryltea hope to act- the lime
when our wlvet and children won't l
permilteil to hear audi language at wat
uaeil on Friday without lilnderancv
Ironi our eace olTlcer. Iave the
hoot oul and we are not apt to hear it.
Now that nominationi are made, the
real battV will liegin, and no doubt
tome iiimpecle-l thing will occur.
Nomination dont mean eleclton every
Dfiimmert galore hae lieen In Dairy
tint paal week.
Chat. McCumber it juat ready to be
The (ollow lug la a litt ol llm bookt do
nated to the Klamath Falli I'ublic Li
brary and reeling rmui during Hie
monthanf Jauuaiy, IVhruaryand March
Millenlial Dawn heiiea donated hy J.
UUanmau: "The DUIne I'lau ol the
Age," "The Time Ik at Hand," "Thy
Kingdom Come," "The Day ol Ven-
gence," "The Atonement between Man
and dod," and "Thu New Creation."
Donated by Dr. Thus. Tarker: "My
Life an an Indian," J. W. Fchult; "Na
'eori and Ilia Marihali," J. I.. Head
ley; (..'ol. It, (J. Ingenioli great ieechei,
"Thirty-one Year on the l'laint and In
the Mountain," W. Drannon; "The
Sporting Dog," J, A. Graham; (Jerman
U-taoni, William Kyicnbacli ; liotoiiitt
and Floriat, A Wooil,
Donated hy II. f. Knapjnberger:
"The lllglow I'aiieri," Jamet Kiifell
Douaied hyadieiid. "Our Departeil
Frienda or Glory ol the Immortal Life,"
I. K, Hellbent; Encyclopaedia nl Ijiw
and Forma, II. M. Spalding.
Emmitt Gets $6000
Considerable Important Busi
ness is Transacted at
Last Night's Session
The Itepuhlicaii heaibpiartera are now
. ..11. t... I.'. m lt.ti.tit In rtiarifn.
"a w " -" ' , T , Bin Mwlnif grain and will put In a
An electric tign Indicate a the place to all j
the faithful.
About Your Summer Suit
1 r
4 I
There ire poor, good, bet
ter and best makers of
clothes We represent
the latter. : :
Our invitation for you to look
over our choice selection of Tans,
BrowM. Fawns, Blues, Grays,
Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow
Stripes Is an Invitation to see
Quality that Justifies the Price
When placing your order
with us you take no
chances on getting just
what you want, because
We will not charge you a cent if we do not fit
and Satisfy You
Henry Sloehtler finished feeling 110
acrea on Thursday.
Joe r-'mlth haa Unlabel clearing the 40
acrea he bought ol Tliomat Mltchael and
hat It town to wheat. It makea a diff
erence when man buy laud to make a
home. Hpeculatort dont improve land
at a rule.
Home of the neighbor boya aay there
are plenty ol fine big trout to be had for
the taking at trout creek.
Miti Hots Beck and two Miaa Co-1
burnt wero trading In Dairy Thnraday.
P. II. dray went to Klamath Falli
Phil Oden laid in a good tupply of
provltlona Monday.
I', II. CI ray brought lilt ttock from
l'oe Valley today (Monday) and will lie
gin plowing at once.
Albert Purdorl one nf our pros
pered uiung bachelor farmer driea hit
meat on hi wire lenceandHaya it workt
all right.
Win, Uhrmaim brought a load nl
goodt lor Dairy Monday.
Louie Htertl took two loadaof oala to
Klamath Fall today and will bring a
toad of merchandiae for II. !. Hedge.
The latt will and tettanient ol the late
William It. Thompton, ol Cole Valley,
dloaiiig of hit eilate valued at I),
000 hat been admitted to probate. In the
County Court ol Douglas County. The
deceaied wat an uncle nf Toatmatter
It. A. Kmmitt ol tliia city and a one of
the helrt Mr. Emmitt will receive the
turn ol fCOOO. The bulk ol the fortune
Jgoea toMitt Itote Kmmitt, a niece of
the deceaied and a t.aler ol Mr. Emmitt
who retidet at Umpque. Her tbare ol
the estate It about (34,000. Mr. Emmitt
will receive tlOOO at lilt Inheritance
and $5000 which wat bequeathed to hit
mother. Thirty nieces and nephewt of
the deceased each receive (10)0 accord
ing to the termi ol the will.
Will Play First Game
The High School base ball team will
go to the Klamath Agency tomorrow to
nlav ball with the Indiana. They alto
expect to go to Fort Klamath to play the
team at that place. Tlieae will ! the
team' llrat guinea nl the action.
Electing eouncilmen to fill the eiltl
ing tacantica due to the death ol Dr. (I.
W. Maalou and the resignation ol Coun
cilman Kred Pchallock waa the moat Im
portant hutlnet transacted at the meet
Ing laat night when the Council waa
convened In special teaaion. Marlon
Hankt, ol the Third ward, wat elected
to fill the former vacancy and C. B.
Crlaler, ol the Second ward the latter.
Councilman Fchallock did not tender lilt
retlgnatlon until the basinet of the
evening wax finished.
The newly apialntcd eouncilmen will
hold oitlic until alter the city election
"when their luccetiora will be selected.
The term ol Councilman Schallock would
have expired In June of thlt year, and
the convention nominee for this office
are Hllas Obenchain and Henry Bolvin.
The term of thu late Dr. Matton woald
not have expired until June 1909, but
hit successor must be elected at the
coming election and Mr. Hanki will
doubtles a be elected to tucceed hlmetlt.
All butlneat w at cleared up except the
dray license which wat again laid over.
Geo. It. Hum wat granted a building
permit lor hit new brick block. C. D.
Wlllton and E. II. DuFault were granted
liquor licenses, and the aura ol lt3 .33
due to ieo. Biehn on the unused
license for the Klamath Bar waa ordered
refunded. Harriet Bros, were present
and asked the Council for an exclusive
franchise for a music houae and theatre.
The request wat dented a there ia an
ordinance governing such matters.
Councilman A. Cattel was elected pres
ident ol the Council to All the vacancy
created hy the death of President Mat
ton. Dr. Geo. II. Merryman was ap
pointed health officer. This position
had alto lieen filled by the late Dr.
The Third ward It now represented in
the city government by two appointed
eouncilmen, the Second by one elected
and one appointed and the First by two
Harmony Assured
Will a. Steel itatet that he haa not
yet completed tilt plans for the Summer
at Crater Lake, and he la not ready to
say at this time what improvements hia
company will make thlt season.
. Use the
for Tro'ut.
Indications point to llie. mutt harmon
ious Itepuhlicaii campaign eer known
In Klamath county. The Hepuullcun
ticket Is the strongest aggregation ol
candidates ever placed betore the peo
ple on one ticket. In moat placet pel
feet harmony prevails and the prospect
lor a good, clean political light mner
were better. The Democratic ticket it
made up from a lot ol representative
gentlemen and It ia gratifying to know
that we have this k'ind ol opposition as
we now can enter the fight with an earn-
eitnaia and xealoutneet (bat shall be
I wS' !-.
r wd.. ww
Hooks, Flics, Trolls,
and Linen Lines.
Roberts Sc Hanks
Hardware Dealers
. ?