Pie fteeiitii lefalit llMtly IU'' ,'""or ln Klamath Ml Our Advertisers Get the Heat Results . . . , Yi. No. fit!. B DOUBT NO LONGER Llual Work Ncaring Klamath Kills 0i Ml N WORKING lrutlln fnnips on Kail rood Ciw Impression IhdlKoinl is Coming . . . . .. .. ii .. . .11. iiiiiiiiiii "'i"i "' '" III fc.ll r.iuiii. should make n n't la lUttln alln mill wlllicta the Iti'illfil "''" " "' '" l""l""Ml tfiul. Tlit ll sight uf Hit) Cuff rita rni' and "I the mtli end . ii - ii..- surli'i lii' " '' """ "" """ hill fn I " "')r frarli Klliilh 'ilUtl.Ut'Un.liirr It is mil at all fin nUUtllnltlns niiuliisliHi would li Ktrft trt t ti t lor 'fioilfitf Hi" birth. Il Ii ii.i fin-rally ircognlird nl tli fua'l ram h'ulll arriwa the imf llili 1rr it Ihrir la mm Ihlng illif, tlit n h ill mmplrtl n (ttrf ftrli Hi' I all. I Tin "Hi'M 111 which liai lii tin' lfd ol ') lllucll ill.ni,li, la now rtkalljr ctuiimrti.l It nrcraillatrd eonittu(llun ilifnlmlil)- right iiillrt Upvlt, aliltli lll if aliomlunnl when jUnMlfliuilt, All Ida wink Mug ln lUucniil nl IMfls la fin Hie ki arruss llm dill Tim ramp am Wfout liom iMlls In a Irtr mile rjiol tl,t(llirr Mr place nlilch la ktuttl on the state I Int. Onu laritti Mf,llMit l') inrn i Iccati-I at the rlluUlnllitdiiiuii'l, ' ami nollirr kitllUmt tl.i' nine iiiiimIht nl mtli It uUl.xit mil,, niiilli .( it, Hmallvr h4trt.rft.-. all al., n lln- IIiil. Uwi.lll.o n. 1 ii.iluvaMr (ratuii-a nl Uioit Ii tlir (i.l tlial all riiiiuyrta Iftpluij', ll.in mi InafliiK ami tlnit 'Kt(. I!rr man umvea almic ami l1 l,li ami, nl.icli imllcatra tint lJ irt ratitr,i I miHi tlnlr Jb, or at About Your Summer Suit the We will not charge you a cent K. K. K. STORE ' salMled In mirli n ilrjinii Dial (!) ll'l tlllt Willi! III lll. thl'lll, Hnmlay it In IK.- ahlpmrnl n !,-, , fall arrived lit liiuiin, , nimi-rUI is In Im ustd In ImlliliiiK tli.. "Mm,i I y " Iheslii'l gang Mill lugln wmk ,, t,, l mnl within h viiy shml Hum (hi. mail will Ik. ImiiIi mi , (, Till-m la m imii-li heavy work tn U- iliilin l.,iii. tin. mi,) ,.a ,,.,!, . water, Imt tin' ) lli hi.cL i ii,m U lug H"iiiiit.il la u sluing hnlkatli.ii that lung tti anon til- lli.i Ihii Immlii f tli-cl, togntlmf Willi tin, witkia nl Klamath, Hill link lit la rlly Hllh llm Ciiiiilm-ielnl it nli'm ill tin. maul. LODGE IN NCW TOWN Knights ol I'ythius Instituted I ast Saturday Night Tli Iiiillliitluii nl a Knlghti nl 1'jtlilas lodge nl liurrla followed im mediately iim Hut hrala ill tlir raitiilitic ol Ilia railroad ami tin- ixj.Ihii was ilivlliat Hill long In iiiiiiiiiIii-. ,j tlir mplr nl llial town. The li.lge Mat Ititlilulnl (y (IihikI Drputy dun Jirllri Commander llo.i-t i.l Yuku, I. Iiil I,) Khlitlilt (iiiiii Klnniath Tall, MniilaKiu. ami VfeVa. Tlir Hoik nl In ttlluliiin a iml uini.ptr. until m ni'it iimriiliiK, ami ii-m tl.o cli.utrr nl llm Itnltit ll(i. Knliilila nl i'jllilat will '-Jf llio liamrt nl .iiirlnnr nl Ilia ltHi.fitatlii mril ii llilttr Yallty. riif ik' IikIkii alalia mil wllli tin- pruftc Im nl a lnUlit an I irn-nmi liiliiir. Il la tilt fir dt ili;r In tin- nn ami llm only l.lr In lln- mutli .ll nl MiViiim futility. Tim Knliilila wlnm.ilitf.1 In tin- liitti lotion nl llic li.lgn writ trratixl niyally liy llip i.ltiif IKiitla. Tim lniiniiit nrvr.1 at luliliiltflit naa a rry aiffiu. aliln aurnM. In rrry ui.r nf lliv arll clnt. Tlinri Ifnin Klamalli Kalla Him Mrli nr.it ami amlitiil in tin. lnitllnlii.il nl llio lid,-., hi-n II. J. Wind it, Mail I.. Ilium, Dr. I . l. Wlillc, Win. Wairiitr, Win. . Miiiik ami (I. liriiKlll. Tim Klmuatti Kalli ili-lik'Jtl'in ntiiriic.l lininn ftimlay. There are poor, good, bet ter and best makers of clothes We represent latter. Our Invitation for you to look over our choice selection of Tans, Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow Stripes Is an Invitation to see Quality that Justifies the Price When placing your order with us you take no chances on getting just what you want, because and Satisfy You KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SERVICE ON THE FIRST Olfltidl Announcement of Be- gining of Kcgulur Train Sdicdule to Horn's Allii Mn lit HmflnynnA (;niliiinU Tfaiiaiflniiii C.,i i,iny H run llm fli-aiiim Klnmutli amllu Imala i at to iiiimi-clal Dmil, wltli llm tralnn ovr tlir Calilmiilu Niiftliraili'fii. Tim Imal Hill liai-Una illy at 1 11. in. uml m III inn tn 'lii-ti-it, !,,,, il will iimnirl .Hitli tin. Htav-a hIiU-Ii uillanhiinl lnr j in at Hn'iliak makiiiK imuii-i Hun Hltli llm iiiiliniliictiiilii. Tin. inrninliiK liiiln Hill ill live at llur ili at I ,. in, arm tlIB ,.ni(r will Irate Inr liili-ri Iniiiii-illatfly ii-m it arrival makiiiK'niiiiii-dlnii n.ltli the Imal and UffUliiK in tliUclt) at":'UIi. in. Tlila .-ai.. unly IS mlli-a nl ttai;in to fi'm-li lliia ill) ami Klti-t ImniiiiiiK ,aa M'njri rt lout Mile nl 'ja mllra, i-nalillliK llitiu In m-e many nl llm (i .ituri-i ol tlie riitinln that ran nnly ! cieri Ii) a tfli III till' Hlll'f. OrriCIAL RETURNS ON JOINT SENATOR Tli ii nllidal fi-tiuiia nu llm lttnililictli linuilnati.iiil'ir J-ilnlttiiatur lurtlmllirrf mtiiitlea eiea Mttrymaii a plurality ol iO. Ijkrun.l (.'rnnkriiiintli'i liotli uvnt lur Willlt-. tin- tint Kivlnif litm a plu rality nl II ami llm lutler .1 plurality ol "I. 'lliiD KUft Willlt r-riiiinl place in I lie lare, Tlirtntenl llie lliire rnuiitli't i at IiiIIuhk: Crok- .Mvrr)inmi '.'II, Willlt. SM, lliilk-atcl'l.fi. Klamntli: .Mtrrtiuan .'Itl, Willila KM, I Incite :.. Uke: Men) in in IIS, Willita 113, Kulfatelll. Tlie Mrlulite ('niiiiny "ill at oner U-tiiii tlieeri'i'li.iu nl 11 I.l rut uafrliuuir ! at liorrn hIii.'i they uitl no in iim I in .thin null liamlliiitc nil lliroiit;li lfnlfl.1 (urtlilailty. if we do not fit MONDAY, APRIL 27. 1908. WILL STAGE FROM DORRIS Mclntire-Straw Company will Operate Double Daily Be ginning May 13th Travrlna In ami linni Klnuialli Fulls will liavn llm Iwiu-litnl riiruiwtilinri over llm new lino an twii at llm llurria arr vlco wi liili efferl. Tlir ,Mcliitlfo Hlraw Ftt)(i- Company, will, Ii lia liteti KlvltiK very rllirleril lliroiiifli tlae aer lce In I'ukrttama (or llm patl lew rimritlit, liai inni I111I1-.I tn Invailit llm nuw lielil ami U-(liiiilfiKiiri May M Hill lifKln llio iipvratiini nl n ttaKo line Irum thin i-lty to Durrla In make reiinii-tlori Hlth llm Calllomla NoMlirailerri tralna. Tlmatauv Hill leave Klamatli Kalla at 1 :30 p. in. ami will arrive at Teelera at 'i o'eliMk, Tim IncmnlriK alKe will luavu Dorrli at 7 a. 111, ami will arrlw In tlila city nt'll a.m. Tlila (the pa- eiifern an raty trip ami an iii-)itniilty to real at Itorrla lfuru coming llirnugli totlilaclly. Tlie lare either way Hill lie I'.'. ItetllnuliiK mi .May I&ili thrrmiipariy will put on a ilniihlu ilally. The first nlaiowlll lrae Klamath Kalli nt -I. a. 111. ami hIII arrive at Dorrla at 7:'M, making connertloti nitli the mofiiliiu train. The aei-oml ttauu will Irave at 1 -M p. tu. at above Mated. Tlie lint in comlfiK tlai; will lefvr Dorrii at -I. p. at., Iimmiliately alter the arrival ol the train, ami will reach tlila city at 7:30 p. 111. The tecoml atacn will leae at 7. a. in, aa!u dated. Tlila ilouhle dally crvlce will nv all pa"-iic-ni an op. MrtunIly to remain over iilnht In Dorrii or to touie throuitli without any delay whataoevrr. The Mrlntlrt-Straw Company la well imuIpiknI (or the operation of a firitclai line, and will doubileii net ill ihareol' the liiiaineia. The line, it is now ojerat iK to l'oktuama will be discontinued as ..in as the double dally goe Into effect, and nil of the itnek and equipment nl that line will be transferred to the new line, llie fact that Ihii company liai ilriided to cuter the new lleld iusurea this city adequate trauiiortation ficili. tlrs. The stage company will nut only handle paasenKera, Imt will also handle fast f reiKlit, landing It In tlila city a ft.- hours niter its arrival at Dorrii. Klam ath Kalli lias long been at a dliadtant atje In the trauiiortatIon line, but If the couianIra now- in the field carry out their plana the service will lie all that can be eiicctcd. Fixing The Road Already work hat been done on the road from Keno to Dorr!. The .Mcln tire Cmuiany haa a crew of men em plojl llxinjupthu worst places. The authorities ol both Klamath and Miki- youcounllts will come tn their aisli-' lance. Hereafter At 8:30 In reviewing the erfoiiuauce of "The Servant Girl" this iwper commentetl oil the fact that the curtain was held too Iiiiii; for the openini; of the play ami e are lad to say that our words ol advice to (he management have had a. good ru- aull.for Mr. Mong now announces that hereafter the pcrforinauros will com mvncu ptomptly at 8:30, regardless of how many or how few of the audience may lie veatrd. Mr. Mnng explained that It has been A very dlllleult matter tu get our ntople toToiue early. For the performance of "Oliver Twist," which wai announced to open at 8:30, many of tiie audience were atot In their aeala at nine o'clock, and for this reason Mr. MonK claim', lie kept many who were ou time, walling (or the late comers. Ou Thursday evening when the com. pany will play one of Mr. Mong'n beat successes, "Till Death Do Ua I'art" the curtain will not be held a minute altar lu.on I,.. .. .. ... "iii mm iii'imi Hiiricmrm inie will inlet III" fi-nliiK nl llm "how. This III I the last Unit our ,eop will have an op fwifliirilly of wilra-i.tiiK Mr., MnriK'a work In tlin i-liaricli-r of Doctor Jacob, mid w beliee llm present company will iifilirt him to very ifil advantage. The seat sale will ntii tomorrow at len ,11'cliK-k sharp. New prl,ilili-. will he fUi-n IIhi-cii thearta. LOTS IN BIG DEMAND BroHnell Gets Five-Acre Tract With Mt. Hebron Property W. H. Wnrderi sold another full block in Ml llehrnn and Kitiirday night Lloyd llroHiicll una nwanleil tlm flte-arre tract that goes with every block. This little town Is mining to dm front rapidly and will l. one of llm belt .towns along the line of the California Northeastern. The Yreka Journal recently Issued an illustrated edition and devoted a great dral ol space lo the country unrounding llit new town. Mr. Wordi-n report! a good ilt ma ml for lots in Mt. Hebron and he says that lhoe who nae vlilted the l-Uce ami art familiar w 1th the lurround Ing condilions are the heavltit buyers. MANY WITNESS LAST SAD RITES Tim large altendince at the funeral of the late Dr. (i. W. Mastcn tettlfird to thehijh estren- in which he nil held In this rommutiily. FeVeralnf the lodges I hIiFcIi he was u member attended In UIIe and marclie.1 tu the cemetery to nitnesa the last sad rites trformrd over the rtmalni of an honored member. The burial services were In charge of the Maaoni and their beautiful and impres the ceremony Has tierforinrd at the grave. At the residence I lev. fieo. T. I'ratt, of llio Presbyterian church, con ducted the sen Ices and made a few very appropriate remarks regarding the life ol the drcciitcd. Tliu pall Itartrs wcje all Knights Templar of nhlch onlcr the deceased his a member. They were ('. II. Wilbfow, K. It. i.ramc, Chas.E. Worden, I.. T. Willlt, Dr. W. A. Uon. ard and II. I'. Galarncau. The concoube of sorrowing friends that followed all 'that ai inortal of a rcsjiected fellow citizen to the last rest ing place was one of the largest that has crfarmed this sad iui-Ion In this city. Dr. Maston had awide acquaintance and enjojed the friendship cf many whom he had served In a professional way. The large attendance at the burial waa n titling tribute to a man who had served the community well. I,. Jacobs returned from Portland Saturday night where he went on busi ness. While there ho purchased a large bill of goods for the Iloston Store. . ,Vse the " BRISTOL' . r i ur in . ; V .- -sr&$ r-i --rfwium) - -X&fc.s-' Roberts Hardware JUt. iw. -r jShttetfyK-i Price, 5 Cents. NOW HAULING FROM DORRIS First Shipment Ar rived Yesterday BUILD DEPOT NEXT Freight For Klamath Falls Brought to NewTermiaus ByConstructionTrain Freight for Klamath Kails Is being hlpied to Dorris. Ileretoforennly rail road freight has been shipped in, but Sunday morning the construction train pulled In ami left three carloads nf freight consigned to Klamatli Fall on the aide track. The shipments were loaded onto wagons from the cars a there Is a yet nodepotnt Dorris. Some of the miierithable goods were piled op near the railroad awaiting the arrival of wagons to transport it to this city. All freight along the line la now being brought to Dorris for distribution. There is no regular train service, but the con struction train brings in all freight (or Dorris and points tieyond. The regular service according to all plant will be established on the first and (ram that time on both freight and passenger will 1 brought to the new terminal point. Through freight arriving at Dorrii will 1 brought on to this city by the Me Inttre Transportation Company and will be delivered at the store door or ware house before it passes out of the baada of the Southern Pacific. Local freight can be billed to Dorrla aad from there it can be brought to this city by any teamster or by any company having an order for the same. The Mclntlre frelghtlngoutCts will go on the new line on the first ol May, Friday of this week. All arrangements are now being made for the transfer. Other teamsters who have been hauling from Dray wilt continue hauling- from Dorris as long a they can get local freight. Dorris Is having a little building boom. Several business houiei beside a num ber of residences are In the course of constructor!, but still many of thoae who went to the new terminus to witness. the institution of the K. of P. lodge failed to get beds for the night. The Dorris people, however, showed the true western hospitality and crowed every bed In the town. Often three slept In one bed, and tlie beds were not very large. This waa better than no bad at alt and the people ol Dorris certainly showed tlie spirit that makes stranger feel that the town is not the worst on earth. Fishing Tackel Hooks, FUes, Trolls, Spinners, Reels, Silk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NETS BAMBOO RODS & CANE POLES. & Hanks Dealers