Hi Iteming Ifeflua. Mostly Bi-wl I'uiMjr In Our Advertise Get tin; iicnt llcflulls . . . KUninth MIM i Ykaii, N. 63l0 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1008, Price, 5 Cents. jiJR "BOOSTERS" IN PORTLAND ildwin, Oirroll and Advantages of S IKI A DESCRIPTION 01 III WIN ILg, fell About the Land Which lUmsls ol lliu line.st Col--V . ll.wia Miirsnti. Alfitlfii. PiimnLiinw. Kiifinr lift an'i m-m 'i Herts ind Irrigation ,tUllTllM. . . 11 .....,.' Ii. Il.n lllliti. I Km Imt "'" """ tln lltlrlllll t" JMUi' !"'" Jl.ii, "ll '' ,"",", '"" '"' " ,LU ! iriulili l""''1 " " wUf ih itnM an I "bluing !' la ,,Biff.lflrW I'l'"'"' rmtniil ,i . .. !.... il. ktiliiitikMrliiif itlff Ml I'""1 "' "" " .... .t ..... .. I lUlllUl KUuitlll nwmy. "'" Jltln il i l '"'. '""I'"' Lttlli KH lMlr "M tltilii Lit. ; i'",'f ,,:""' "" "'"""" "' aailo It"" 'lulll I'll"" ami iJpMlltlllnii.l man) Inly that gMlllIf r Aiwlln Ut'siMI and Hi Judgo.lh iU reentry dn ll''' ! Ii'illl mil ,i. KilljIliiMK an I erylly Uvea llUen little ihwp, lnyi,hnrn-t, I'ltlU, w'Uiii, iur limit and ltd nllxiillttlirl lial ! "'llli'f !! "" rlrUtdi tli inr luiiri I than llm high Lull ol llrtrcii, nl In llm f iiiuiiirr La, alitn lit ln wariinlayioim, IWiinililnrt hrltflitly and contlnu- tl) tUl ll.lt luiil In II ml n place dark by rntiugli, wi nun ami Iwait iMftlalilll tlWp TlirV ilmi't have nb rtln (In n tli'lK and llieydini'l I ll, iUotli tli Ju'lc. Iii fact II I si I iti'iwen n i rarely tint II llm rt .lui'liut rrio'ijtli alfalfa Hip llfal I to Iixiii I mil llir Inpi ol lhlr lia) nil, ll.ry leal 'rill llllfltlllliel llllll I'tiaitjoil llir ihxmii I crop- .111 1 luur lii loin lulli acie, wwlh (Ilia Inn Unjmin'ii iiinnrt, whm ruled. AoJ tlirjr ilnii'i nii id almals iiui Villi ll.it'i ilowii In (. 11I1I Klam- 1 fxinly, ruminat.! llm Jndg lor iprltn tale In Hi alfalfa (ml III Iratoiiyiua 1111111, and llm Winter About Your Summer Suit We will not charge you a cent K. K. K. STORE Delzel ExploitMhe this Section - 1" i Ditches in the World lilll ul Ul fur lit tin I1111I) hnmd ami rutiiltlt nf alfalfa luy ttn I wulr, and I11n11.nl tin taiiii'. A t I lli.'V l;i'1 (at 'Hi II; lliy falliiw IhIi.. n )i-4i aim ' lm lli(illi' hIiim llial tail )i'ai'a liieira In tlii'. 'iilatiiii nf III Klamatli ImiIii Hat I ll ht irnl, lilrli rj In mini tli (annul! Mm) "l'l It I'lttt." Hmiiino. n 111111)- llm avrj! farm. r't invnaKcrlo In KUuutli ritinly rum tlil nay In 1 i'r i of .l a yr an I Ihii rrn nl It nlii In tli in Hum. H.1111 nl tli III imintlii-.iM Umlja wrltfli 70 ifiumli al lOo-iita 1 i-iniil, 7 apm, will, ailollar lllty fur tli ll. I lion llmlp't III twit Cliin nl allalfa a )ar ami tlieii tlirjr turn tli ttnck nut m tlm tlulilil ainl lliy llu ami faltrn on Hut . linn nl III iilio:la ul lli Ktamatli Kall'a litprt' viilt liciu wai tu cluw auaiuolilriili wild lli" It u Iritival fur a iiujiiinornt ll tit ri'iiriitiiiiatl rulturn, IrrUatlnn aul rliicl raliliiK Klamatli I'alU liat jlrva ly iali.l (VX lir tlic n.ut. Willi JmU lUIUinanl Mr.l'anull, It alii W. A. Iclll,-a!iir nl Hi 11 r at .Vttluiial lunl nl Kliui.ttli I'allt. .IiiJ lull win It vlr-irrllnl ul tli Natluml IrrUalhu Cuiniron, fur On (.in, ami llinxuh lilt un nl lntitt r tulllnu In Hi rmtnl-lirvalliu lltilay ul liriiialloii .riliiv't at III nvnt c laiiii'iilit niini'iillun, K'Uuulli ruiinly rairl.-l i.ll f lfMl In uit fur lli lliu'tl Irrltratlun . ii.lu.lt .iliil.lli'-l. Al Kiil't liat i.'liiin.'.l In.in Mriiill wlirrt' Ii Hi-nl lur a Innlnf mihI jwU liM-a. Il.-clt tiiilMW n lilK"iill" cruiiin lili ranrli Hilt timiiiipr. There ire poor, ood, bet ter and best makers of clothes We represent the latter. : : : : Our Invitation for you to look over our choice selection of Tans, Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow Stripes Is an Invitation to see Quality that Justifies the Prjce When placing your order with us you take no chancel, on getting just what you want, because and Satisfy You J WILL SELECT COINCILMEN Vuctiiicius I o Ho I illed at a Special Meeting Called lor Monday Nicjhl iiN-ilal 11111111 o( llm City ('(iiiluil lut Uni lalli-il fur .Mnmlay iiIkIiI fur tlm niii ul filling tlm vnraiirlci in llm Ciiiini'll in tli J-Yiimil anil 1 I1I11I wuult 1I11 In tin ri'tlitiiBtlun nf Mr, ftlialluil ami llm ilmtli of Dr. Matton, Cuillii'lliiMii Kiliall'Kk ul III HpcoiiiI W411I iiirU In ii'iii'n l Dutrlt ami lut li'inli'iiil lilt ri'iilKii.itluii, 'lli In m ill l4 i wrniiry until aftr tli illy rlif Hun in M.i) ji .Mi f linlluck'ii Irmi o I'iiit at that llm. II It Ulli-icl Dial ll wuiiM iml l! t" illry lit aiKjtnt eillitr f'llat OU'iiclialri or ll.lljhlnat lliry ai Ihii tamlMati-t for llm olltre, ami Hi filrn.lt nil'. It, Ciltlrr are urn. Inn Mi aiiiiilmnl uml It It vrry prolt alili'llitt lm will lm iimiifl hy tli Coun -il. Mr. Slillt will lia oiiu year left In ii utter. Hi flrctlon ami If lie iliuiill Iv tl. li.l ma)ur, H1I1 will luaku anullirr laiaiicy, wlilcli will liaxtt'tlt llllcl ly Bi4iiniint'iil. rii vacanr) In tli Tlilnl wanl cauitil iy Hi ilralli ul Dr. Matton will Ipiii lranly Ui lille.l liy aiilntiiiiit, lint an cll.irt It U'lnt; mail Dili aflrrnuoii to I11M' oiiutir "ilily iwu naiiifi put un III liallul Ii) tituui,amlalluw tli o . a ilium In utnni llillll aluil( wllll llicutl.er uilici iml Hi ilt rtii.ii in May. Mailun llaiila hat Utii uri'.l to allow hit nam In If II-.-.I nn.l a 'tiliuii In ! IliK ilieul;ite. ill hit Ulialf. Ho that Iiui will Ik 1111 iliK-rimiiiatiim in the matter atiulher tltlun hat been ilv paiol ami an oiKiituiilly will lw uiven fur aii)unii tn nam nnullur man, Cuiiiii'ilinan Milta ufteip-l hit reilnna lion nl th lail meeliiiK hutwatwr. tiuile.1 In willnlraw il mi noeuiint nl mi mall) arani'ii't un.l alueiitii't. All iiirinl-M uf IheA.O. V. W. are iniiei.le. in mei't nl Hi hall at I n'clurk iinlat jilieiiiiHin liiutleml lli funeral ul IlieUli'lli.li. W.Mailnii. Th IoIk will atteinl in n lutly. IVu, M miiin, Mmler Woiliuiiii. if we do not fit bbbBBbV LlBaLLLLBlLf FIRE STARTS IN DRY KILN Controlled By Lmployee Un- tH the Arrival of the lire Department A muall hlaui In th ilryintt iikjiii of Hi l.oujr, l.iku l.iunU'r Coiiij.nny m iiil((l In th MiininoniiiK ol th flrn ! partlnenl thla alteriiimn at .'I ..'!). (Jiiiik woik on th pari of Hie eni.u)e at the mill kept the fir nmler contrul until tli arrival nf the ilepirtmtlit, when Hiu aililltiuiial ntrraiii promptly extlmniblieil It. The .laiimi; wat ll)(lil. Death of Dr. Mnston While the iliath of Dr. (1. W. Matton hail la-en expecltil for teral ila)t jet llie announcement ol hit ilvmlro wat a iwivere hlow to hit family ainl (!" Irlriiili. After I) inn in an urirnnrcioua itale for five ila)a iiilferliiH from ron Kettlotiof llm brain thu vml came at lSl.ilal iiiKhl. Ilfltick ilikon Aptll I4tli, ami from that lime on liu ut in a ory critical coriilltluii. Dr. Matton wbi a nnlhe ol Imiiaua, havinx leen born at New- Orleans on December I, IH.il. He itiuliiil im-.ll-cine at Cincinnati, Ohio, ami i:raliiatel from the CoIIpk of I'hytlcUns ami Kurgeoiia In 1877. In I6S7 he ijra.liiatcd from the ChlcaKU I'olycllnic. Ilo wai an army iuron during the tnniblea In Utali ami Atltona, ami iltirini; hit life ha viiiliit neatly crry part ol the wnrlil. Ili hat been in Oregon for . jean and inoit of tlilr lime he int in Ih practice ol medicine at Albany. While there he wat Burgeon for the Southern Pacific Company for a num ber eari. II located In Klamatli Kalle in July of 100.1. On April i'lit, 1MH, while out on a call he met with an accident which le llllte.1 ill the Iota of Ilia lei;, and lilt tii kniTi datet back to that time. He wai a mail of Hiwerful will ami nvrw, and it will be remembered by many immm.I that he amputated Ida own ! limb at the time th accident iivmed ' In order to extricate liiuiaelf from the. wieclane ol hit vehicle. Thla injury Ke him more or It-it trouble ever rince he iiiffertil it and causinl 11 gradual 'ail ing ol hit health. He wat a inemlier ( the Klki", Knlglittol I'ythiaa, A.O. U. W Mu tout and W. O. W. The KnlghU Teuipleri will have charge ol the luueral which will be held at the rvtldence at '.'o'clock tomorrow alternoon. Itev. Iieo. T. 1'ratt ol the l'reibylerian church, will conduct (he Init id rltea at the retldence. Nuthiug ol importance tramp'red at the adjourned meeting ol the Civic Fed eration lait night. The organization ex printed Itaclf at being n;it lulled with the nomineei! for the city olllcet, and coine.iicntly will Jake no action on the matter. Several ineinbern atUreiMtl the meeling urging thu memWrH to fe that a full olo wat out on election day. The mutter of tilling the vacancy on the council caused by the death ol Dr. (i W. Mantou waailUcutaed,and It wan decided that tint third ward realdcnta ithould get together and aelect aoiue aultable uiuii, whom they will nominate by ie(ltiuii. All members ol Klamath laotgo No 77, A. r . & A, M.t ore requested tn In at tlio lodge hall at I o'clock Sunday alternoon to arrange fur attending thu funeral of our departed brother, Dr. Mas ton. Hy order of W. A. Delzell, W. M Special call meeting of the W. O. W. at 7 ::W this evening, regular hull hi ar range for funeral ol deceased neighlmr Karl Whillock, C. 0. Dr. F. M, White has gone In Dorris to be on hand for the installation of the K. of 1'. lodge. The 111 it fraternal ol der to make Its appearance in Hie new town. Miss Jessie llibee, daughter ol Ueorge lllbco, of Portland, receiver ol that land office, la visiting her friend, Miss Kayo llogue. Miss Georgia White returned last even ing from an extended vliit with friends at Astoria and other Oregou points. ARE DOING EXPERIMENTAL WORK Klamath Farmers Planting Small Tracts With New Varieties OF GRAINS, GRASSES AND VEGETABLES I he Record Made Last Year at the National Irrigation Con gress Has Whetted the Appetite of the Farmers for further Conquests, Locally and Abroad Onu of the promitin ronditloiit for th hfchfit ui;ric'iilt oral iloeloieiiient of llie Klamath llaiin In th great limn- tier of pro;ri"ii)u farmeri who are do Irii; exiwriinenlal work Hill year Throujihiiut the irrigating illitricti many fanuem ant planting email tract to telect varletlv of grain, vegetable! and grastct that have not been here belore, or that aru known to excel in iuality and yield and to nrccrtain the remit! that ran l-y p-ciire-l under the ery tlattrring toll and climatic con dltioni of HiIj region. I.ikaw-iie a great number of tree! and 11111II fruit root! have been tetout tills spring and with in a very few yeart thli lii-In will be prodiuing frulti far in exceit of local demand and will I' ihlpplng to other market. Through luigiionary work dony. along tills line by a few of the faimera who have appreciated lli-t this region excels in mint agticullural prmlnctt, othera have become iutereMexl and no lea than I.1 faimera will grow tett fields ol xugar beet this year, fevera! will grow small ureat ol new varieliet of oatt, barley, heat and oilier crop!. Will Mason has Fccured a new variety of nata which he is having tn-vded on a taacl of laud In the Knterpritv tracU; Krank Ira While hat mad arrangem nti for ttting sev eral varieties of grain and will have wveral acre of llie laud owned bv the KnterprW' Land ami Investment Com. pany planted for exH'rimeutal crops. J. Frank Adams has done more or less experimental work each year and will make lurlher teMs of beets, oilier .ro-it crops, melons ami vegetables not utuab ly known in Klamatli gardens. The re cord made last year in winning the tint prizes at the National Irrigation Congren hai whetted the appetite of farmers for further coun,uetii liolh lo cally and abroad. Next year at the feattlu fair Klamath must make a showing with products grown this year, therefore it beholves our farmers to get the best poislbltf, and II that is done it means that we will make a idioning of cereals, forage and vegetables generally and of root crops that cannot be surpassed by any oilier ,Vse the BR1STI Tl k lfor Trout. I Roberts & Hanks . Hardware ''Dealers Irrigated or non-irrigated dittriit of the country. Kvery farmer would do well to plant things that have not been grown here before. It pays to try things out in Hie plant line, and such general experi ments by a largo number of persons it of greater value in showing the actual possibilities of a country than more elaborate experimenting work on a sin gle tract. Klamath ought to have an eiierimental farm operated by the De partment of Agriculture, but while we have no audi farm let each farmer do Ills part and we will have effective ex pcrimental work on a brood-guage plan that will benefit the public and pay the men l.lg who Improvf their own crop and methods by such work. " C. A. Cogswell Dead News of the death of Charles A. Cogs well, at Portland yesterday afternoon was received here last night. He died very suddenly and the cause of hit death It attributed to heirt (allure. Ieceed wat well known throughout the entlru state and especially In thli section where he practiced taw for sev eral ears. He was located at Lake view for a number of yeart, and while there he acquired large property inter pits, and at the time ol lilt death he wat Hie president tif the Warner Valley ftock Co., a corporation whose lands have been in litigation (or a number of years. These rases caused Mr. Cogs well to make semi-annual visits to lile County to look alter the com pany's Interests in the courts. Mr. Cogswell was recognized as an Sble lawyer and participated in many of the most important cases that thlt tec lion ol Oregon has had. He represent ed this district in the slate senate for two terms, going there the first time In 18&S, and being re elected at the explr ration of his term. He wat a veteran of the Civil war and participated In many of the big battles. Ho has liven In poor health (or sever al yeart, but In the last year he had re gained considerable ol hit former strength and the end came when It wat least expected. He waa M yeart ol age, having been born on January 4, 1844. He la survived by his wife and three children. Fishing Tackel Hooka, Fliea, Trolli, Spinner Reels, Silk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NETS BAMBOO RODS & CANE POLES.