The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 24, 1908, Image 1

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Moaly lli-ad l'Pr In
Klamuth 1-VtllH .
Our Advertisers Get
the Host Results . . .
Piuce, 5 Cents.
tie Lake Is Gradual-
ly Getting tower
imation Service Will In-
LtAtedly Appropriate for
liKlher lnuHliqatiun
l,w.sltrAsstf. '"" "I"'''"
JtffflM Hniiij wlmioim aim
lindrrn P. W. .Milffltr -
lullou In tin) Till"
.mMo.I n t
AiwiM. "I"'" l'i,," '
i . .... ..... ...ul lil iiihfilf Ma
MttBf JIIIWIIJ !'" ""- " "
nUr (orftltvl ltti llm liil tint
Itl. WUI' I tniliml mi opinion
iluorrlnluc" in ruiiiiM llmi wllh
tfUtttlli I'mjMt )" II i"H
Itntool that Ik' "I" irniiif
.1 tUt in iiiniii ul I Mi I1 iiimlB I"
rtloplU At the Hum tlm riigllirel.
LlllUoutll llm xjI'T had I"-''"
(UltllCr l'lMllllll Mill Irii , ,y
J. I'ruiik Allium mill utlii-rii who are In.
IimciIoI in llm liitt.l llml mi.
by lliu wateis nl llm lake, Jimt wlmt
prirM will I mi mis) in uln t K" Hi"'
! litis I"" H"l been lUtrriulned iikiii.
All Hulk ilniii In llm nal hat Urn Dm
telituvtl ul tlii'ili'luls m-tr tlm inflate,
ml in tunneling along tlm
rrevlre It lint only duiiyi-mm lull atim
very niwiulvt', U likely thai ui , 1 1
H.inriil inn)' ! rr.. hnl Ionic
mill would m.t iim tlm alii'll fommllon
nut a lllwral ma ul It might ml upon
llm formation piiiiiikIi In mike it dull
p Itit ii.4m In lliu oinliif ,
Mine llii rnylrmrit tltll In tlm outlet
it (Irmly tlrrmn ol water hat been Mow
ing through It, and llm Uku Imt I-in
luwi'iid admit mm itit It. Miti-lt ul tltlo
nmy ! ilur In tlm evacuation, Imt
liitlillri nun li ul II It tlm illriil mult
ul llm water if niiii,r lliiuugh llm nut
liasv Hall in Season
llowno Signs Dp large Iracl of Land Wilh The Government
.((moving I ho I ast Important Obsticle lo I he
Construction Of I he Clear Lake Dam
Alllmiiltli It It Illicit Hum fur tlm
orgarilftliiili nl a litre lull train tnilli-
IliU Imt Utii done along llml llim in
thisrlty. Once ur twice ihml I'rirliie
gttllirl have lcit pla)ed Imt tlm liy
have not (untied a team. Tin other
tiiMin throughout llm nullity arc uNiut
u low lit llm rnuiity wat (or rnum
havittniil urtiiiiuiiiflimiit nl Itit' l-til
, ',,,,,,..,,, ,,. nrgi.,l., ku
tool I rtur ! ir.f eravll..ii .... . , . , .
Iliii r-raxiti, Iml II llm bathers have
lli.'lr way tlmlr "III Im tonm fat i;jiiiri
III tlm limit Juil llm Mlim. Tliry liti
Irrmly iitunl mliirrt ilitllfiiitn lit llm
irlulrit In mrl llirtimi tlm illaiiininl
Tlmy lx Intnl. I rlitllinln ntlmt
tltilrtmrlt nl llm til) Blul il.iulilli-'f
llirlr flulloniioi will l-aiuMU-l winch
111 gltrtlic Itnt r w liitrifttliti:, II
Imt Utt tttiima.
Itlltl til tllllir.1 III KI" "III!"
trr ilirir ih'l lit If 'ii ruiiiilnit
r iImv Mtny i ii(liirrt lti III'
It) Ink in llm laitlum ol lit
i.UitlU ilritliiitiiiti nl tlm wtlrr
)tlflillrxw llll"ll(ll It ttlll re
UtitUw tmillm ttir "oiil.l ii ui-
b daw tliiimitli Hi iMtllrt It
ithtt tluir tloim noiitil ilrtrr-
ll ioitl.1 tlu until It nilr.1 llm
tftrtllfr, lltlitt It ittilrilllitllmi,
ItlllCriJt Hi Hty in mum ilvrr liy
ol i ul.tiirthi'jii ilitiitml ll
lUmnlitiup In ll.m niilil tlm ttKi
IripInCIM up Willi lUl.ilt mill llm
tilfllt tm Inn ml In iitrlt ItrfK
allri It llir Ukr HiiHt'tir, titturn
UMU.ruilllil In Ukn lt cuurtr,
Ntl.tltiliriutl,iii Sttivlro ilut'i nut
lou,..nni nl nl llm tmtltl
5ocinli5tH Arc liusy
llm i ll Nxinlltlt tin liiciltttiui; it
Iwlitluti 4 litvi llmir ,rlv noinliiiTi
Inr ttttti iilllii-t ilcil nit llm lull', I.
Miny lli.nilillrtii mnl lliiiiinrmli tut
iiiili lliu.itlliin in oiuVr to (he llm
Hntitlittt tlitncv In K't ll lr Hint mil
tlm lullul.
Olii' i, tin- nlliiiiul nlintlliclluiil III
llm iMtltiil (In. Cli.r l.aki dtiii wtt In
iimil titlay, wIh-ii r raiirl J. llownv
Ifiii.l up hit lutnl in llm (ioiinniin-nt.
Hilt "ill Im- (fun.) IKH. llll' ,M)Ue ol
llm l'irf 1'fi.jiit. lur llm llonne tract.
ruiliMciiiir uUmt 'I'M) acrt-inl Itrnl, wtt
iiimul llm juiiiilaiit (jilort in tlm way
nl Ix-clniiiiiK mk mi llm Dir 'uvt.
At a matter nl Itit II .Mr Itnnne linl re
luii-l In tiii up lilt litiil til lium lur lliu
riitiiiiiiiici im nt nl nuik Iliii )rtr on Ilia
Cleat Like iltut wiiulil liaut drrn illl
l jlnl
'Ililt l tin inmliuipiiiliiil tranittlluti
illicit tint (juM-ruiiii-iiti'iiti ml Iliii IlilJ.
It tiivatit tint fytty fllurt will I, put
(orlU liy tlm lleclumuliun iiplit In Int.
gin work till )var mi tlm Upper I'm
jtct. 'Flint tlieie ye) rnniiui a litm m.
tlLllity Dial Ililt will not U dorm it
almitti-i, Imt pioid uero nc-nr
A (linriirovrllic amount of money
Hut tlnmlil m itlil Iik tieeii llm caure
ol llm liuM up In lint iltfrtlnk up ol tlm
Donne trail, tut LkjIIi tlilet maila IiIk
cnnrftiiniii ami tlm ilml Hut clutol lo-lay.
lliree Sdivdulcs of Laterals Tributary to the South Branch
Canul are Being Advertised Which Involve the
Itemotal of 25,000 Cubic Yards of Dirt
AininlliiK' In tlm plana ol tlm ltclf I iccotnptiiii'.l by flOO lor eacli icliiilule
matintiNitice llm r-nittlt lltaricli ol tlm at a (iiaraiittn that Ilia liiil will not l
main raitnl "III imhe n ;rrat ileal ol witlnlrawrn. The contractor luiliit U-lii
atlriilioit tltit .Nimiuer. It Its lint lirrii
leaiiirl II tlm .'-ii-ri tary of tin Interior
apinniril tin lillt mi tlm main ranal
that hpii ruluiiltlnl, Imt llii will lint
ilop tin work nit Ililt lirniicUnl Ilia tym
trni lliit pramii. II liril'H-t not appror
tlm tlm work will Ih ilutir liy forrr
accnuiit. 'Ililt It rwilrliml lij tint (act
tlitt tln (iiHi'inini'iil It iiuw ailwrtltlttK
work within tliirty iltyt alter tln'tlifii
iitlC ol lliu contract ami lite work mutt
lmcomplrte.1 liy October 1&tli, MOM.
The (act tint tlm Oourniuont It auk
Ini lur thaw bid at tlila tlm ami re
quire tlm completion of the. work Ililt
Kali itira aiiuitnco that the Suutlt
llrauch at mltertiuM for will l con.
ttruitcl, ami water will v tluliirrt-J to
About Your Summer Suit liiili mi thin t.'linluli'i nl tlioltl-(a lariM area In tlm Biiuiinrr nl l'.W.I.
rialt tributary In tin' Siulli llrauch. Tlm plant ol tlm Senliv fur thityear
Ilii tall lur tin' Milt na itfutil tinla). prowilo (or work on at oxU'IiiIm. linet
llm Ihiii' nliiiluhw ouiipiiMi about at llm appropriation will permit. liftll iiiIIm. ill Ittlemtfl ali.l fliwl i ai-.ut ammciiMc )ar.i oil Federation Meets ToniKht
lirl llm l.i.l I.T mav bi.l Umiii a tingle iiM Chc Keilerallon will hul.l un a.l-
joiirnetl lueeyjiir, at tlic Court llou to
nllthl. Tlmailjoiirniiient waa taken un
til litis time In onler lo t;ie the Keiler
allon an opportunity to expreti lltclf on
the aclion of hi city lioiiiinatlnt; con
iiIksIiiIi. un an ui I iii-ui ur iiimii ant
Iciiiiihliullnii "I them. 'Ihu bil mint be
There are poor, good, bet
ter and best makers of
clothes We represent
the latter. : : : :
Our Invitation for you to look
over our choice selection of Tans,
Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays,
Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow
Stripes Is an Invitation to see
Quality that Justifies the Price
When placing your order
with us you take no
chancel on getting just
what you want, because
. SBb B
We will not charge you a cent if we do not fit
and Satisfy You
Adams Ships Horses
J. Frank Ailatnt, accoaipanli-i! by hit
wile ami ran, it in the city today en
route to Stockton, Cat., where ho it
aMpping a carload ol Klamath County
lionet. Thu lionet Mere, purchased by
Mr. Attaint (or company engaged in
(arming reclaimed lulu landt neurKtcvk
ton. -
Mr. Adama ttalea Im uid 11 ery kihhI
prliu (or the lionet and he think the
market it gradually kcIIIhk better.
There hat beeu no ileum id for lionet In
California (or aume lime and Ililt
Mined a teniHrry ulumti In the mar
ket. Crowded House Again
Again a crowded home greeted the
Mouk Company to wit lifts the produc
tion of the comedy, "I'lntloi, the
(H'rvant filrl." The play w at one long
laugh at had been adverllted and those
who went to the opera expecting to for
get (heir cares ami troublea were not
disappointed. The humorous situations
In (he play devehiied to rapidly
Unit before the audience would llnlsh
laughing at one, another would develop,
Mill Merle Lewie, at the Suede ser
vant girl, created a great deal of amuse
ment, and Paul llarvey, at the distress
ed young mm rled wan, acted the part
well and had a good opportunity to die
play hit talents. Mr. Mong, in the
character at old "Uncle John Feather-
atone," nai at borne and did much to.
wardt the developemeut ol tho many
laughable iltnatloni, and Mrs. Harvey
Kood in llmir pmlt, whlln (Jleo lieriiard
ami Jack (Iruitillti were all tlul wag
needed In their parts to make Hie
plav n riiciert. Coineillit are usually
appreciated only while tl u crformance
is mi astlmyilii not make, Ihu linpresilon
thai It tiiunlty left liy a drama.
The lompany was to late In raining
the curtain nt llm performauic that the
audlinru became impatient. A lime
liould Im let (or tlm I'oiiimi'ticeioent ol
'he iK'tform iriii't, iiml all playt rhould
Ih-kIii ts nearly mi tihedule lime at it
lssible. It Is very trying nn an audi
emu to hold Hum in Ihiir teatt lor al
most an hour awaiting llm rif ol the
Hachincry Is Loaded
li. J. Sheets has returned from Uray
where he went to loa the electric toa-
ihinery for Moore llros. new iower
plant. 'Ihu heay pieces weru loadeil
on thrie hvgl'iK wagon, the largest one
weighing uboul iri,Cj0potindi. Tho ma
chinery will be brought In at once and
will bo installed as toon as the building
is a little (arlher along. Tlm plant will
lie ready to (urniih power within a (ew
The line work is getting along nicely
and thu oli's mi the Itin.tnts line are
now set lie) nnd thu llorton ranch. J.
II. Crew t Is hauling olet with a 4-horte
team, und eu-r)thlug It: being done to
liriM- the line completed by the time the
plant Is put In operation.
Pullmans Go Dry
I'ullinau can are "dry" now. Fol
lowing the deiiston ol Itit February to
abolish the tle o(all liquors on tta can
IneuTy part u( the United Slates, Can
ada and MeliM as on as the ttock on
hand could be disioscd of w ithout lost,
the I'lilluun company has finally put
that rule Into effect, and given strict In
structions lo division Stiperinteu Unt
Lincoln on thit rout and all its oilier
dUIilou iiiM.rinlendentttoii-. that the
rule It not deviated (rout In thu lent.
Waiting Tor Material
The erection of the bath house at the
Klamath Kallt hot tprings will do much
toward, advertising Iho medical pro
perties id the springs. Mr. rieehorn.
who hat lecured a franchise for a lath
house at the springs, will be delayed a
few wvekt in getting the building
started on account of not being able to
get in material (or cementing tho swim
ming ool. In the put the tprln gt
have been tried (or medical purposes
and were found i.?netlclal, and should a
thorough test prove that they are
possessed of medical proprieties they
will mean much to the future of the
Officials Set Time For
Train Service
Arrangements Completed For
Passenger And Freight
Service To Dorris
V. K. Davis returned from Dorris yes
terday evening where he bad gone to
meet with the Southern Pacific officials
wl visited the new terminal point on
a tour ol inspection and for the purpose
of arranging for a regular train schedule.
Ileiaya that the service will be Inau
gurate.! about the first of the month,
and there will be one train Into Dorrit
every day of tho week. Just when the
trains will arrive and depart has not
been decided upon, but It l very proba
ble that the timoof arrival will be In the
evening to that passengers will arrive
here in time for supper, or at least they
will reach this city at a seasonable hoar.
It hat been practically settled that the
Oregon JtCallfornlaTransportatlon Com
pany will handle the passenger business
between this city and Dorris and that
the J. M. Nclntire Transportation Com
pany will handle the freight on the
through rate at has been previously
stated. It will be several day before
any shipments will be made to the new
town at the tidings matt be completed
and arrangements mode for the storage
of freight.
Excursion rate will be In force to San
Francisco for the coming of the fleet.
The fare from Dorris will be one and
one-third for the rouud trip. The O. A
C. T. Co. will make a special rate from
this city to the railroad. The tickets
will be good for ten days.
An effort will be made to have the
mall service ettabliibed when the regu
lar schedule Is put Into efiect to the nw
It is reported that J. U. Pierce, B.St.
Geo. Bishop, Dr. Win. Martin, Dick
Rlcbardsou and about ten others have
Joined the local option forces and will
work (or prohibition at the Jose elec
tion. Kven tome of the saloon mea
teem to be leaning a little that way.
Ike Wright, of the Gold Dust saloon,
supported the Civic Federation ticket
yesterday, but was unable, to vote on ac
count of not hav ing registered.
,lse the
vr- ur a r.
. r.r.v... -...
r. tt
t .
y'v $
T ITT-' llw.i. I
VAtr? !:'. I
SfKSav! '.
S..OJ tWi'amV -ii"--
W alamVX'
V VflHmf '&
Hooks, Flies, Trolla,
Spinners, Recls,Silk
and Linen Lines.
Roberts Sc Hanks
Hardware Dealers
and Mrs. Mong, as usual were very