The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 23, 1908, Image 1

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    I y.
llMtly KmI Vuwr '"
Kltmnlh KuIIh ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Result . . .
tW. N- '
Telegraph And Depot
for Ml. Hebron
Irk for Ucput And Pole
for Telwjrupli line Al
ready On I ho Ground
Ml II tlien ' "'"' rtcrUlnir lis
.i J stlrntluii liom the Houthrm
ftrilr. A Urge "'I"! ' ' """ l
tal rarloal ! I.rlrk for llio foilli.
Jilloa h ilrM'l) Urinlrllreird. Tim
,kfttli lobe liiull on III" same line
UwHll" Ukn rrri that llir
Irsbjtil ruoui (ll I miucIi larger. TliU
priilon li ml lvu a largo
savant ol frrlfht lll I- handled at
ulttlK. Ml lb-bum will not have
ntaltr train trrrira until III" M-liollllr
li IXiiri (ur Uilit rllrrt. Ilnvrr,
Irrlgfatlt U-liitf ilalltflfl lo that lnl
IssUrt IwlliiC OlinKlrd wilt the
teiUbrlla'id ties Ml. Hebron will
ikwsoonliitefuiumuiih-illoii wllh llir
nllN (4 III ('"! by mrarJ of lltr
WmUm Union Iplrnmiili, Tli dr.
lorlUhnt air now Uing illalrlhot"d
Ikl by lU time ll.n irifiiltr train scr-
lirsUritallltl.rd llir telegraph Inttiu-
suits Ml clicking, telling Ilia Unix
LxlUirriral of the train,
KUmtlli lalla la certain In Urn
bUrili linn within the nail year fur
lU Wash-in I ninii is billowing timely
ipoa the lrta ol Ihr California .V.illli.
MsUtosiil It i very probable thai
till aol wilt (or Ihr railroad In build
sags Ibe ninth Iml wlllrwur lulu llil
ritrttJ ciUl-luli hradquirtrri before.
tktriilrnadrrarhea lirrr.
TfcrlinrHill Iki nitrtiilel to Dirrli
About Your Summer Suit
We will not charge you a cent
Just it fast a lni ran U dlttrihtilrd
inl sel mill ilm wire strim,!. I'ruhihly
by lll limit llir lint IiaIii mi the (.h....
uln pulls Inln l).inl Ilm li-hyiapli lli.n
will lit) In oialluii In llml lm.
Mitchell liuys Cnttlu
Holme V Mill lull titi w lit
III Inilil llln hmthrr, H H. Mllrl.i-11,
atatlng llial Im hail j.iin ,,im-i nlmut
lal Ill-mi ol ratlin In Crook County mhI
tint tin- uliin uiiuM Im ilt-lltcled at Ilm
Weed raurh III Wool lllvi-r valley
aboul My lOlh The cattle wine , in
clined (or rniialor VVrnl ami Horace
Mllrlull ami Mill li patluird In tlila
i! unity Ihla r-iiinmt-r. rim tattle pur.
rlixx-.t liiclu.le.TM 3-yitr old steers, 'jut
'i-)tt olila, ami IlXI thic ami (out )int
iiMt, IV) nix., 71) lirllna, lui yeaillncs,
ami HO lima with calves.
Crook comily haa hail a lame ainoillilJ
ol stock in It during Ihr rnllia U'lnlrr.
Last Fall tin- pliers mi in low in I slix k-
turn mIiimI to aril. Tin) round)- la
contniui-nlly oveiloailnl with cattle nml
a lllllllln-f ol Ulca hrnla will hr illlvill
out ol Ihrrr Ihli KjuIiik.
Yratriilay rvrnlni; at Ilia home ol Ihr
briiln'a rrna, Mr. ami Mia, ItoN-il
Cey, III Writ Klainnth hii aulrmit
lxsl ilm marrlaiin n( MluKiu (,'i.--a
ii J Mr. C'hntrr II. HkI.ii llith ol
the contracting iaitlra aie wrll kmmn
llillilaclly aii-t nir iiUr with the
yoilliu miir. Tlii-V Kill .-.M,t In litis
Davis Sells Mi Ranch
W. It. ..W. haa lit. Calif.,1.,1.
ranch In J C. Mitchell of Oai.-llr. The
tanctl la i altnatiol aa In makn It 1ll
ahlr In tluckmrii aa it la on the nu.l to
the rallinail IiI--Iiik ilnta.
.Vi.lliliii: iiii-Ii- haa I--.-H hi-niil In lr.
Kant In tin- rhilix ol Ihr mail luulr
(loin l'iikri(iiia In flonia, hut it ta i-t-1-rclr.l
that Ihr chali(n will lr iiU'li
ilmiiiK the mmith of May,
Mlaa lliatma Knnrh hai Iki-ii on
Ick Hit for nrrrral ilaya.
There re poor, ood, bet
ter and best mikers of
clothet We represent
the latter. : : : :
Our Invitation for you to look
over our choice selection of Tans,
Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays,
Mouse colors. Pencil and Shadow
Stripes Is an Invitation to see
Quality that Justifies the Price
When placing your order
with us you take no
chances on getting just
what you want, because
and Satisfy You
Offitidl Count Shows Remark-
nlile Onin I or Kuykendall
I or District Attorney
MKntKH, Him., , lull ll-Ai-conllni In
Iho nlllcinl count Juat roinilutiiJ, Juilgo
I. I' WIIIIU i-nrili-a l.akii County for
"ilnl Krnalur hy a ,luinllty of II, I
a lii'ti-toliiin rrjtnl tint th county
rat i IhI hy )f. Mmymaii. The
vnti on hvnator laaalolliiH: WIIIIn123,
Mi'ttyiiniu IIL'uimI lllk-alo III,
'Ihi-rount alao ahima a remarkable
Italu for I). V. Kujki-iiilnll fur priwcut
IliK allntnry, 'lha t li-K,tl gave
r". II Mllli a inaj'iilty ol alxiut 80 volef,
while tlm ollirial count (lvra Mill Ihr
niiiniy hy Imt f.g. The la Kuy.
krn.UII 11', a, M, id;.
Mum Did Not Sell
lii-i. I! Hum illil i.i.t aril hla haul
wale liiilni"i aa an rrxjitel. He had
lliradlcall) rlnal a ilrnl with Kvana &
M'llitht for tin. ial ol tlm atock, but lie-furutheili-al
wariiiiiininUi Mr. Hum
nli-lat lh. roncluaiiiu that Klamath
Kail l n iin-ttyKiyKt town ami Ilia hard-
Kaii'liiulm-.. la not the w oiat thing on
i-4ilh ami tin- ilml mil callnl olf.
InilUaliiilia im- that a larr ilelratlou
Iroiu thia clt) mil atti-nJ tin- Horn Keitl
al at I'liillitml in June. Klamath
ahouM M-ml n lai-i- cum. I to hnoat for
Ihla N-ctluii. It wniil.l help the a.lver
tlilhll that will huihiiir hy the tlomt.
The lif illla i.lllfo haa HiiIiIkiI the
null iiiruiMil hy the payment of laien.
Mont of the larger lax-)rra have pal J
up hut then-mi-atlll wi-r:il tliouaan.l
tlollaia on Ihr mil on whlrli Ihr Intetnt
la .-tiviiiniil at iiit;.
'I In-it.. nil) link wan Inlay u frwilaya
Ihla Hin-k l.ratllii: acontrnt i-tw Invoh
IntC il.-tr ol IliuU-r Ian. I.
Han Ji.liii.ii will K'i In Illy on limher
huriui'iu. loinorrou.
if we do not fit
aaaaj aaaaa
Southern Pacific Of fkia Is Visit
Fhe New Town On I heir
lour Of Inspection
Tmlay la a rul letter iluy for the new
town ol Dorrli. The iN-caalun li a vlait
from a numlwr ol the Hontln-rii I'adflR
ofllclali In (M-clal car, b.irliilen.l
ent Ahem, of Ihr Bhaata dlrltlnn, lietda
the company and ha la niroiiipaiiled by
a number of other ofllclalt. Ilia eclal
c r arrived at Dorrli at one o'clock, and
It li the II rat train iifde from the con
triictlon outfit that hai pulled Into the
new nation. The object of tin. vlalt li
to determine upon a tirno for the eatab
llahiiient ol a rrxular train aervlce and
to mule all preliminary arrangement
for the lame. The aervlce will not 1
ealabllahed until the flrat of the month,
ii mine time will be required In gelling
thing In rradlneia for the commence
tntiit of builneaa.
Home action will I taken on the
freight iltuitlon, and Capl. J. M. Me
Intlre li there to represent the Mclntlre
Tranaiortallon Co. and W. U. Davii and
P. A. Autenrlrth went to Don it thli
morning to look out for the intereit of
the Klamath Kalli Tramportatlon Co.
It lee mi tint the matter ol handling
the freight between thli clly and Dorria
haa not been finally rcttled and aome
change may be made In the program
heretofore anuouiired.
The matter of through paiMiiger rate
to Ihla city will alao come up and It la
atated that "the Oregon St California
Transportation Co. will make arrange
menta lo havo through ticket! on tale
Juat at iood ai the train tclie-liile la In
auguralU TliU day will alwayi be a land mark
lu the lilatory of Dorrii and every ernl
will be dated from Ihr lime the flrat
train arrived In the town, bringing the
omViali of the Southern I'arlllo. Nearly
the entire iopulatlon of the place wai
out to rtM tho car pull up lo the end of
the road.
Two native llawllea arrived Tuciday
evrnlng' from the lalandi to take charge
ol the i-ullncry dearlnieut at the ljtke
aide Inn. They hae the reputation of
being eicellent cooki, having served 1
)ean in the Hawaiian Hotel.
Indication! aro that there will bea
large attendance at the ahow tonight.
Moat ol the reieneil M'ati have been
old, but there are yet few left and
lhou coming early will tecure good
placet. The ihow will be one long
laugh, and will bo a good antidote for
the election bluei.
A new billiard table will be added to
the equipment of the band club room
within a few weoks. The organisation
hai added many attractive features lo
tho club and the number of associate
member 1 gradually Increasing, giv
ing assurance that the club feature in
connection with the band will be a
Ueo. W. Manning came In from love
lock, Nevada, a few days ago for a abort
visit with home folks. This li his tint
visit to Klamath Kails (or two yean.
He li now engaged in bnying homes (or
a large concern and went from hero to
Crook County.
Burge and Will Mason will leave iu a
few dayi for their hoiueiteadi north of
lily. Tbey are located upon landi
claimed by the ao-called "soouen."
Other partita having homesteads lu that
action are going back alter spending
the Winter In other parts of the coun
try. Establish Headquarters
It Klamath County doe not elect a
full corpu of Republican officials it will
not be the fault of the Central Commit
tee. It 1 planning an active campaign
in behalf ol th tlcktt a a whole and in
order to ihi more effective work wrriia
iienl l.t-a.hjiiurt.ra will he citablithed,
ami for tliln purine the room on Main
alirul, now occupied hy Jiutlce ol the
I'eacv, A. I), .Miller, haa been runted,
A atenoirrapher will h rinploji-.! to
take chargo of the headiiiaiteraand all
iampaln literature will I Issue.)
through the Central Commiltie,
An Interesting Item
The Klamath Kalli Military Hand
needaa piano. .lint a piano won't do, it
'nnit bea K'xxl one. Toatand the rough
I,MK" "' ,l'ier w,rl( '"'
Initriiment, and atlll I Mimical enough
to meet the severe requirement! of olo
and vocal accompaniment work, it mint
be atrictly high grade In c ery particular.
Now we can't afford to pay the retail
price of inch an instrument, ami after
corresponding wllh eeral leading piano
house on the nuat, ten per tent di
count wai the Wit I could get. Now I
have been In the muiic buaineai teveral
years, both a a dealer and piano Inner,
nml I know something about Iho prices
and values of pianos. I know that we
ran afford the highest grade Instrument
made II we ran only get the benefit of
wholcule prices. After considerable
correspondence with manufacturer! I
flnilly have been fortunatu enough to
secure the agency for Klamath county
for the Italdwlii piano, and there Isn't a
l-etter piano made than the Baldwin.
It li necessiry, however, for me to buy
four pianos In onler to get the Lenetlt of
the wholesale price.
Now here's the .oiut: I'm not going
into the piano business, I've something
rlsa to do;but If there are four n-ople in
Klamath County who want a first grade
piano at the price usually aikeil for a
cheap stencil instrument, here is an op
rtunlty you'll neef' see again in a
lifetime. Tropin don't usually sell
pianos for fun, and ordinarily you'll pay
the agent a profit of two hundred to live
hundred dollars. I ask no profit what
e i emu. I I shall fell only Ilm four pianos
necessary In secmo the wholesale price.
This Is strictly a cash proposition man
ufacturers don't Bell at wholesale on in
stallments. Now if you know of any
one in Klamath County who Ii in a pos
ition to appreciate such an opportunity,
you will confer a favor on the band by
referring thrm to me.
Ivan Dtsicu.
W. II. Heileman hai Iwen seeding
much of the main canal banks to lawn
grass, which wai sent to him byjtho de
partment for experimental purposes.
The recent rains will start the grass and
ghe it a good start this season. No
trees will be set out on tho banki tbii
year, but Mr. Heileman is carrying on
extensive experiments with the trees
sent him by the Agricultural Depart
ment. . ,lse the
ii nnicTi
if.ior ir
ii k
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealers
Piuce, 6 Cents.
Stilts and Ward Are
lively Scrap Is Made for the
Convention Nominations
for All Offices
When the time for calling the nomi
nating convention arrived a large rrmril
had gathered at the Court Houm. The ,
convention was called to 'order hy P. L.
Fountain and nominations for Mayor
were called for. Frank Ward, John ft.
glilti and G. Heitkeinper, Jr., were
placed lu nomination. Mayor B. St.
Geo. Bishop announced before the con
vention wai called that he wai not a
candidate for re election.
The next In order wai the nomination
of candidates for treasurer, and for this
office Capl. J. W. Piemen and A. M.
Worden were named.
For police Judge A. L. Leavitt, O, A.
Stearns and D. E. Kisedorf were nom
inated. The voting began a soon aa the nom
ination! closed and for nearly two hour
there wai a eteady line up awaiting aa
opportunity to vote.
Many of the candidate bad men oat
working in their behalf and printed
ticket were in the Held (or the ttat
that had been inggeited by the organi
sation. The vote wai the largwt ever
polled at a nominating convention and
close on 2S0 participated in the.conveu
The ticket headed by John Stilt tor
mayor lead for all of tho office, but
everyone of the candidate mad a cred
itable showing. According to lb rote
John SUIti and Frank Ward will be the
candidates for mayor. Detplte the fact
that Mr. Heitkemper had announced
that he would not accept a nomination,
he received a large complimentary rot,
which indicated that he would have
been a strong randidate had he agreed
to accept.
The vote wai aa folio wi:
For Mayor: John B. Stilt 118;
Frank Ward 82; Q. Heltkmper 45.
For Treasurer: J. W. Siemni 106;
A. M. Worden 51. For Police Judg:
A. I. 1-eavltt H9; o. A. Btearni 60;
D. E. Keisdorf 4o. There were 7
scattering votei.
Iteinember the funny ihow tonight.
Hooks, FUet, Trolls,
and Linen Lines.