The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 22, 1908, Image 4

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Get the Essence of Satisfaction'
By Dealing with a Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is theSincerest Flattery,"
so it .don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
AjL.JJll V
y p )
ill LI
iii ii
i P
upon us for authentic fashions, correct
styles ami superior tailoriiiL' at roek-
, bottom prices.
We can furnish you a beautifully
tailoretl-to-ordcr suit for $'23 to )j(K.
that will be made to lit you alone by
those famous Chicago merchant tailors,
Ed. V. Price Se Co., whose work is
generally regarded as being the best
They are in the heart of fashion's whirl,
in the center of the world's greatest
labor market, and arc buyers of cloth
in immense quantities that is why
they can supply the maximum of .style
and quality at the minimum of price.
Try Zlm for plumliinir. I
Mens IMimina lint K K K iturc.
Zim hiiiI ltobl. lluMwln huso ivlurmsl
Irom .S II. Low's iniuli lit limy coi"1
ploti'd n Jolt ol lumliliiK'.
Sivmul linml (iiinltuiv tut will', 0. I'.
llri-Kiiry A &'M.
Tin' IViuiH'intlc County (Vnlrul Coin-
A Neat Office
J.J. I'alUr, tin' WrllKrini KI.
luir llxnl linety lii'iit t'lll'-" '
KlvliiK t'" IhhuiIp lirrv tl' li'it 'Ht
(xiM'i'il-i'. IK' hi i1ot" rlt-
llslllll II ll'IMIIllllll" '"'!''" 'iil'l,M
ttllli wlil.'li l' 'lli'l'uti'lii'i' i-'i-
tor iiikI iiotllli'. i"Hl" "I tl. rrll !
Ui'liW. I'ln" ''" '' w" "",,, ""
:,,u" ", ,,,w,t w,,,M:; tt,',,",;,u).:..'" i u,. u .. ,"",
HiriHH UIKIIIK UIUIMttUI"" iui irvn." .
ln now on. ll,.Kllpi'i'""
. i- n... i.ii.Iiii to Inoii'iiM' llm
A. Ili'lmliii; A fit., Iitr iiii'ii'imtui'. 'T' -
) Mlii'it i-iiuli pili-v (or till tliulfolj ,,u, ,n. tuwiiiiU tlilt '")
iilili'g nml dire. Ilwulipniilt'iii Anii'iH
I'Alllliltl'l. I' !
c. r. stun.' linn i..i. i wi.i Classified Advertisements
'- In I.I.kU :tJ of llio Hot Spring AiMI-
lion, nml uill i-iiimtri'i't a iMiulmuiiv if Nl,H rtl, M, ,,i Ulnl.i.
lill'UlV I'll till' lotK tllill SlIIIIIIIIT. I ... l.i
lltniiri')i'li IwliMK. ttliw ''""'
Merrill. Investment not Speculation. )1( ,, wim,.,,,.
It i not mivumil) to li'iuo join I ,.,.., . . .i i. ..,,.... nk
. , i . .... . ii-..1 Wuiitiil i lor K'lii'al lniiin'in.
Uilti'lii'd ro loin; ut Winter. Hi; "',. """" ' "
.... .iPnMlil.i).mr ik l, 1'i'n- " '" ",n,
ly.'.ll work un.iruntiisl (or mm rnr. IW ..ili A well loolo ml'lli' ny.
(or HxiiiiMi onlilUlfii full t !' l0""'
K. M. Itnlili lm mvi'iiltil n mvllloii
wllli tin Mi'lntiii' Trumioiiitliiti Cn.
nml Mill U rliitioiifil at 1'oLi'gitin.i.
Bed Bugs
THE very worda ire loathsome; whisper
x them and they crawl. Shout IheniLi
theydlaguat. They are the tramps or speech
Star Bed Bug Bone wlU rid your house of
theie peita. We can alio furnish m ow.
eit prlcea: aulphur candlei, sulphur und
formaldehyole torchea, moth balls, bornxo
borax, hellebore, turpentine, parls rccn'
carbolic add, copperaa, chlorldu of ume'
blue vitriol, etc. Come and gel our prices
Star Drug store
"The Store that Saves You Monej"
I a.lii'i nml I'liiMii'iK Slriin ll.iU ol
t'Vi'iy ilcri'iliilloii nt K K K nlori'.
I Iml j.ii'l.
I'lllliUlml li'HIM' lur trill. Al'l'l) '
tin- Milnliii' lijinHl.ill'iii '"
. ut-riuunl l.iii) ImI 1'iil.i) :"! '
rtn.l..r itrn lilliril Iii Kl'k 'totr
Tlintu lm liven fotiivnliul ul a '
Itr HmK'r il.ili.H tl.o ....l . It MlfNO-M.v,;I,iih.. ,.l,-. Ilinlrr
.... , , ., . cull .it tlilolli... nml t) lor llil tin'.
tipi-:itii it iinniW'l ul uitlirn ulio
lllisl on iIuIiik in tin' Illy miliary MM MAN V N'I Kl -" MilmraiM
to in.tki. .r.K, l,r Urn tin..' ! I' " "- ('-'11 ul H'W'"'!''"'
ti ii i i . i l"wilry tnri'.
cairn'. IIii-di' t'liiiiiiit nut W'liitf Inki'ii m ' '
Cut in it l ilin-iiurisl tint llio pului ' To rvI a Iiuiim'IuU to K. II. Hull l'Ut
(illnl tiiiniiiilimi tin' miim. , ll'Miiiiiiiri-Klin) l'r. t)lli.r.Sn.l
Ii,. ii, III'")..
Anv mil' liiuint; n pnI Ihu.o mnl
ItiKsy tlmt tliry nr.. Hillli.K to ll Merrill. IVo. erly I reasonable.
.I..,i,.ittnlln,l a loHrlLirrr l.y M..lln , ,,,. .
at tliiiiiitlit'. .It ....
Willi! t.
Merrll. The town wtlhoul a boom. , ., , ('iii'lria icitl lor lnme
.Manatior K.T. Al'Uitt, ol llir Kl ,' Hltk. Mmll Umil) mi.l t!l kr.
until I.iLo lUilroA.I, tirilri tlut llm A.l.lir li S. Kbiu tilt Kail., Orr.
mill (nun Kl.unatli Kulltilll imtmuli
Come in today and .select the cloth you
desire from 500 swell Spring and Sum
mer fabrics, and sec the novel ideas
shown in designs 485, 480, -480, 41)0,
403 on our new fashion nlates. Then
after you have proved the finished '
suit by everyday wear wonder whv
.. a. m i
. 4Wm-WUir JOU VC. :":,U "'K -" sueii a , !" "' ' t rr.r,r, .Ufr. .lo.ol.l .1.. hi al
f . l irvvl tmnr i rumiiiMiini rlnl una l.ti In tuxuliiii
""""" ttWW ...... . .n...V-w..V W -.." .- UMr
I In' fl.llllr Nlaii'll Bit !'
I'oVi-KMina on tlmu .Moii'lsy in.. mine t' I ,, ,,1,1 M, , ...,f lluu any
tliiliK)rl pirwlilnl. iKili'l nil. 1 1. rill.
Sri- Winlrir lor jvarliy.
Tin' M'.iU lor tin' rl.oK tmnorrutr
mimrcl uilli tlic tr.iln lor 'llirnll nml
bill nvrr lliirn until 11.1.1 tin' I..II..H-
ItiK 'by.
Merrill. A natural trade center.
'lliu Iiiiitalion u.niinlllio ol tin'
1 iiIkIiI nti K"i'ii; I1 -i1'.! IIm.m" hImi liavn
rill. - n 1 0 - y tii im ""' ''"' 'ttiN (or tin-tlimv Kriiby iiIkIiI.
X IlC IT anialOriUlU j TI.- an. rtvll to U' n..illi'
Beginning April 15th and Lasting Until May 1st
Acorn Bp
A HAT with every suit of
LeopolJ, Sbliwnun am KUenJrulli
Apparel for Men and Boys suitable
for this joyous season, in unstint
ed varieties-Styles to please the
most fastidious-Prices to fit mod
est purses.
We are well stocked in the latest
Dress Goods in wool, silk and
wash fabrics.
In Ladies Waists we can show you
a swell line of up to the minute
The largest and most up-to-date line of
Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords for Men,
Women and Children, can be found at
our Store. .
The Boston Store
Tiie Store That's Doing the Business"
Fur Itrnl Kiirnl.linl rm In rriit
ri'iNiiialil.'. tin FlltliMirvl Ulnar Wal
nut ,rinn- Mr., dx. 4'lfl
MerrlU Valley lite heart ul Klamath.
1 i .in liK-.itti )im mi a ln.inrnlti.1. I
ran n'll )nu u K'l-"l ram Ii nl ItO anra In I
Liii.-II Vull.-y, .it a -t it Dial will milt
ymia II. V. Krrfr,'. tl, To iml, lion..' nl tin m
tmliu loorin, liiiiii,lir-l nr liiilnrnUlir.1,,'ln IniiiM'. t,'....' In,
Ml.. J. It. Ilnlv. IVIkiIiIk, cmnrr tiid
ami I'lnr.
I Ol! ,s.l C- I'nlil .M i) . i.nly, ryu"
(or liatililni;. Ilarnil l!.l, Itlack
Man.itr.i, ami h'ilvrr M..iikIi-. Hum.
InitK, fLM) H-r I't u'K". I'lmiir llrt.
for Hale (.'Iiimi im rantit ulnu', '
linn Utliit'-a Ii, niittii'i'n, - riH-kin
cli.ilr, H It iKik iliniiiK Inlilo ami ntlirr
li'iiim-linlil vA: 0. W. Tlimnuf,
at Mm. Tin In IbmnllnK llnii.. Ut
invented tlie phonoitrapli.
He niailc it an fiitertainer
fur all. It lit mnnufactured
at a price which everyone
can nlTonl. and wc sell it on
the 1'a.iy payment plan, no
no one need lie without it.
Have you heard aad aeea
the New Model.
We Waal Yoar Trade
I gatUfaciloa OMruttca
I Klamath FalU. OreaVm
When Ihr VVcJJ.rij rrtwiu
Hliil Cuming la, 7llBrtla
Ait Happy nhtn 7h hZ
emi tome turn wprrua.
The Very Ileal the Hila
Alt.rdi. ;:::i
Special Prices 30 Diji
Telepho e an4 Mall Oratn
The Bride' latrurlte Jtykf
i i rr
Palace Restaurul
Huniaker 6 0' Condi I
Elwood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Panoui Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to gaarantee every roil of Klwood
Fence wc Kent out
Geo. R. Hum
Subscribe for The Herald
r . HUillif Ep
The Service
you obtain from your clothing is two-foki
There is ityle lervice tnd the service defined
by the durability of the garments. The one
is a matter of taste and the other a matter of
The patrons of this store-havo learned that wo af
guard them on both kinds of service, and in n,1(,lll0!
to this wo endeavor to give them at all times tlto very
best personal service possible. Your good will &JJ
patronage are our Ylafn nrul wo nhnll enueavw
to merit them-now and always, i
ihe moment we have a diasatifleu customer we expect to JJ
our utore, unlesa it ia a man who thinks bo littlo of life wJ
tlmt will purchase something that does not pleaau him anU J
lect to tell us about it. If you buy anything in tliia store
it disappoints you in any way, shape or manner, come ana
us about it; we are here to make it right.
Portland Clothing And
Shoe Store
ui & .'