The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 21, 1908, Image 1

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HMO RcnJ l,l'ur ,n
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Klmth Fall" . . . -
lYEAn. No. r.:u.
Price, 5 Cents.
fl Ll'
eel Gang finished
Work Yesterday
ERVKE Tilt Mitt.
itlooln lr..i..portation
Loccur upon I stoblish-
aent of Ir" Schedule
ita ii Two narrow .t. A. an-
ItyConatruMuiii l.ii-inrr nuvy
WWfli )-'"'. "" v"
I fu,, llnlihfl ll- l'"" '" ,,"-
1,1m il Jr l ' " ,,or'
. . . . , .i... t...,,iili t wtftilar
J Ot U nm ul " ..,-.-.
,WTlrtlll 1- li.aiuuialeil ll the
i Irtmifiil.
cDoi.ltlonoltl'ii'l to """
U NUUiilHiiriit ol a regular
arilc lll " t'lutlo-
rVl up-in Ihr tiiiaijilallwi
! .i i.i. i.i ...iittia i
lioa. uitijr iiic iiiii "
Lj.M. MclMlie luinpany will !
ittlrsatlfttdlollie ii'"' route I"
ttoUoalund to null prompt
i A lU Cut ahipiutni l Irelglil
Ltisjuth Fall that airlve ul the
er tbln that mill I likely to
rib Imiulltr rtUbllehiuenl ol
bait sen III I- the clinf ol
I Bill Irom tti I'likcgaiiia rout
LCkUoraU A Olefin Train portallon
LejrU to receive orders el any
I totUit In witli a temporary '
srrtrsldaya will yet gn by mi
itarrb lll v the terminus ol the
trees' tor the transaction ul butlneat,
I it It now coniicrled with the big
I by the two lull. la ol irl that
llUJfirlo.uiri.t ul the atl area
Itoral land In llutlc Valley.
Iioai ait ill ul Inn opinion that
bnllroa,! till nit tracli tlila city lor
tevoral years uiIkIiI lw Imlunil IocIihhkh
their inlnda II limy ahuulil vlall iMnla
and, slamllng mi tlm -lto ol that nut
agblinitli ilaln, Mitlih llm noncli ol
III Hut train ul cam, TIik milk tlila
side. ul lit new Irrmlnal la prouteaaluit
rapidly and tltelola every naaiirmiin llmt
early In llm Tall llm road tlll l hullt in
thr water' edge nnd Ixmta hIII ooniiirl
with llm train,
Letter Knocked City
Ktamatli 1'allt liaa lifrlliil a "Mack
ye. ainonit tlin hutlneaa inti'ii'ila on
llm otllaide, Tlila hat Ik-tn dun In a
lew cam In tlm liiiitltaMe knocker, hut
iuimI ol III" lialin liaa lirrii traced 11-
fcctly til Ilia letter tent out witno tlmn
ago dy llie iccrelaiy nl llm Civic IVi I ri
al lull to llm Klii Alarm t'oinj.auv. TliU
Ittlrr liaa Ik-i-m iiirnllmiril in a iniiulr
ol liiiilrlr rrrclvml (rum th until. I.-,
ml ll la aliuoil lniiillilr to irallrc llir
ct nl ul llic ilama- iloiic to llir rily In
a llnanclal ay, Tim lullomnn lillri In
one ol tlic I'lltlnra men lll i-iw a a
lair taintanl tlir mult .oikiI :
"I'oaii.aiii, Dr., April IH, Halt.
"Ira fia xW'f Irani lliat Klamatli
lircmon Make Recommend
ations for the Conven
tion to Act loon
I'ily folitlia mo Ik-kIiuiIhk to Uka
lmaml aliraily IhoIiiII tlcki-la liava
ln-i'ii aiiitt-tl.-l. Tim lait ol llnwi oma
inla limn tliv I'liu l?iartinrnl and la
aa IiiIIoh
Ma)in, . Joint It. Ktllti
I'lillcnJinlf, . A. I., larllt
Ti-amc r , . C'ait. J. W, Hlcmtnt
t'oiincllmaii, M Wat. I, . I', K. Ankroy
Coiiiirilman, I'm. I Waiil, C, U, Crlaaltr
t iniiirlliii.n, 3nl Ward, I'.T. Han.lrraon
Tin- nil- Iki) ilrciilrl to take hand
In tl.i. l(llral Kama and alter due delltf
ration tliry anivrl at tlio ocmcliltlon
thai I In- alni. tltkil wuuld work lor Ilia
K'n.1 ol tlir entile city. Wlillo tlie fire
Very Little Business of Im
portance Comes tip For
Its ConsideraUoti
Tlia ragalar aoml-roonthly meeting ol
Ilia council yeatarday ttcnlni was ol
ahort duration aa little builneaa ol Im
portance came up tot contlderitlon.
Two petitions lor liquor liceneea, tboae
oIK. II. DaFault and O.K. Wllaon were
read lor the Drat time. f. M. Oibeon,
who liaa p'orchaaed the Standard aaloon
format ly coad acted by J. B. Melton, waa
ranted a licence.
An estenalon ol time waa granted the
Water Company lor the Installation ol
certain hyl ranta ordered.
The ordinance providing lor the licenc
ing ol the draymen came up (or tbe
llilrd readl'ig and again the lengthy
Kalla la (iillerliig (mm a wtlom ilrjun
Inn. W are aiulom In know .ome-l'"1 " balng their inllri- alato plareil in
thlmi nl llm larta In rniar.l In hualneat' Humiliation. Ilnavirr, abuuld the con-
romlilluna llinr. TruilliiK that you "III
li)a' llckei l inrirly a teciiiiimendatlon idiacuaalon (otlowed aa a result ol wbicb
lotiKMinm-iitioii, tlm rauie at ia the t motion prevailed that tbe matter be
ticket i. tin. Chic Fe.leratlon, yet It ! ' laid on the table until the neit meet
-ry iiolahle Dial they will I lucceaa- n. Mllh the Inlorina
lion, r am
"Very Truly Yuma,
'Hiiim, Cut A d."
A Hearty LaiiRh
The annuuncrmriitnl tlm Motor Com
pany (or their neat play, "l'eiielo
h'ervant 1lil" flater that Mlia l'lt
wlllbeterti in llm tltlo role and Mill
carry the gieateat pail nl the dialogue
ol the comedy. Mr. Motig Mlabei in to
ar that the rta are ipilto rtenly di
vbleil and that Mix Ua la Mill aeeii
In a very luiinyaoiibrelln role, the en-
tlrocouipauvlacaat toa cry Kood ad
Million irfupe to tiomliiato their men,
but luitrad ahouM arlect other good
men, the (Ire bo) a will (all into line and
uMjtt the convention nominee". ,
A (irnntl Success
The ricbeiier ollhe I'liMic Ubrary
ia iucrrax-.) by a imnalderablv aum ar.d a
laritucirMil liad a moat enjoyable time
aa a remit nl tbe"IVg Hunt" at tbe
lltirarj hiilldlnic jeterili.y ercnlng. Tbe
adalr Maa tirii by tlm Wnmau'a Club
and ll Maa M mII m.inaiol that ll waa
pronounced onv ol the moat lucceealul
octal eenta ul tbe aeaion, Krom a
lliiaiiclal tan.l int it waa more aucceaa
f til than had Ut-n anticipated. A pro-
vantaue : all hatv loin: parta and mIII Ii ''. " '""'. " J'"J "'
catle.1 upon In iiIvm hi. ur ber l.t f!url ' lpl"' twrnl each number waa
to brim: mil Ibo luimy noliita and IndU-mtvr ol it. lull appreciation. Tbe
(otitic Itiiatlmia. Tlieaeata.lclano. hunt a. p-rllclpale.1 In by a large
on at The IWecllon. The crlorii.ance j"1"'1 "' UUI'K '""" ir"1 w" ,r,lurf
Mlllhcrlrt-noi. Tlmrrilar nlghl, mftrr I - l'Hel " iiriittliiemueiit.
which tbe company mIII ,i to IMrria lor M "k1" limcbi-m completed the program
a tu nlgtilattay.
An ordinance wai Introduced granting
to the United Plate a perpetual (ran-
cblae on all theatreeUol the city, ei
cept Main , lor the construction and main
tenance ol telephone and electric lines
The lines are to be used In connection
with the Klamath Reclamation Project.
The ordinance was read twice and was
then laid ovr until the neit meeting
lor lurtburconslderatlon. This finished
the business coming belor tbe council
and an adjournmemt was taken.
which he has a settler. Tho matter ol
securing a bearing was long since ap
pealed to the Commlssoner ol the Gen
eral Land Office and the report ia that
he has Instructed the I-akevlew Office to
grant the sooner a hearing. In order
to not endaaMter their right to the landa
the settlers aru all going back to tbe
wooda In a lew days to prepare, lor a
long stay In the tall pines.
Ward Conventions Next
Tbe ward conventions will be held to
morrow. There seema to be Utile con
tention lor the nominal! )na as so (ar the
men mentioned In connection with the
firemen's ticket are the only ones who
have not positively refused to become
candidate. It is very probable that
there msy be some dark horses to be
sprung at the lait moment, but Indica
tions at this late hour a-e I hat there will
be but one candidate In every ward.
Back From Wood River
Senator Abner Weed baa returned
Irom Wood River valley where he went
to look alter hi ranch. lie says every
thing Is looking well In that part ol the
county and the green ol Hpring Is visi
ble on all side. He nays he doea not
know when Mr. Adams will begin work
on tbe dikes to reclaim a large area ol
bis land that Is overflowed. Tbe ma
chinery (or the dredge will be moved
up there as soon at a barge can be con
structed. Crook County Vote
I of the CVelilliK.
20 -CASES -20
Ladies and Children's
Just Arrived
I v3ria
I "ll I ilk.
I f liTsaW
All Leathers
All Colors
AU the Season's Newest Novelties In Fine Footwear
Ingest Stock of SHOES in the County
Reclamation News
The local offlot ha been advised ol
the approval ol tbe Campbell 4 Huff
man flume contract by tbe Secretary ol
the Interior. This will enable the con
tractors to begin work at once. Tbe
Government is already putting In tbe
pier lor the same and It gradually In
creating the lore on tlila work. Two
crews are now at work, one getting tbe
rock and tbe other bolldiog the pier.
Engineer are now at work In the Foe
Valley section making surveys lor the
laterals and neceeeary ditches (or the
Irrigation ol that valley.
Work on tbe Keno canal Is progress
ing and the canal will too be complet
ed to the point wber It I needed to
lurnlah water lor tbe power plant.
Harry Boudlnot has gone to the Booth
Branch camp to accept a position a time
keeper with the Reclamation Service,
Council Pass Ordin
ance as Amended
Government Asks for Privi
leges for Telephones and
Transmission Lines
There Is little question but what the
ordinance granting tbe Government a
perpetual franchise (or the const ruction
ol telephone and electric lines on tbe
streets ol the city wilt be pasted by the
city council. The ordinance as intro
duced at tbe meeting is aa follows:
Section I. "That there be, and hereby
Is, granted to tbe United State ol Amer
ica perpetual right, franchise and power
to construct, maintain and operate, (or
use in connection with the mainte
nance ami operation o! the Klamath Pro
ject of the United States Reclamation
Service, In purauance ol tbe act ol Con
greee approved June 17, 1902 (32 Stat.,
33S;, known aa tbe Reclamation Act',
and act supplementary and amendatory
thereto, telephone and electric trans
mission lines, and other neceeeary work
incidental thereto, horizontal along all
atreeta In the city ol Klamath Fall,
Oregon, except "Main" street.
Section 2. Tbat the said right and
Iranchlee and power I hereby granted
upon the eipree condition that tbe
grantee hereof, In the construction ol
Tbe vote In Crook county on State
Senator waa : Merry man 251 ; Holgate 204
and Willltt IBS. This gives Merryman
a plurality of 47. He carried Klamath
by Wand Lake by 22, and this gives J M(d works, shall oemply with all of the
him a total lead In the three counties ol
138 over Holgate, lilt nearest competi
Vote on County Only
Big Meeting Tonight
Much interest la being maalteeUd
over the reorganisation ol the Chamber
of Commerce and there will be a large
attendance at the meeting tonight. It
la especially deelred that all business
men ol the city, regardlees ot whether
or not they are members o( the Cham
ber, should attend and become (smlllar
with the new order ol thing. Every
businessman ol the city should be a
member ol the organisation and do hit
share In promoting the beet interest ol
the town and country. Tonight, when
the Chamber is reorganised, it a good
time to become a member.
Tbe voters ol Klamath County will be
aaked to decide II the talc ot liquor ihall
be prohibited in tho entire county. The
petition asking (or this hat been filed
with the county clerk and has been ap
proved by the deputy district attorney.
The other petition filed with the clerk
asking (or a vote on tbe measure in the
precinct ol Lost River, Langell Valley,
Dairy and Poe Valley was not drawn up
legally and will be voted on at the June
Vaoueroa returning (roni Klamath
marsh report that the snow on Sugar
pin mountain la so deep tbat cattle can
not get through and to reach tbe ranah
they must be taken around the bead ol
the marsb. Silver Lake Oregonlan.
Chat. Hnrton, Cheater Avery and
Jimmy Taylor are in Silver Lake enroute
Irom Crook County to Bprague river w tin
980 head ol cattle. Silver Lake Oregonlan.
ordinance and reguUtioaa ol tbe city ei
Klamath Falls, state ol Oregon, relating
to tbe construction and operation ol tel
ephone and electric transmission llnee
within the city limit ol said city."
Several changes will be made and
among these are tbat the Government
must comply with all the ordinances
tbat may be enacted governing electrk
llnes, as well as with those tbat are In
force at the time the franchise Is granted.
The Council also reserves the right to
keep the Government of! any street on
wbich another electric line may already
be constructed, Tbe amendment also
provldee that In the event ol the estab
lishment ot a conduit system the Gov
ernment mutt comply with the new
It Is understood tbat both Project
Engineer Murpby and tbe Council are
agreed upon the amendment and that
the ordinance will be patted. It It nec
essary to maintain these electric lines
tor telephone purpose and (or tbe trans
mission ot power (root the plant te the
various pumping; stations that will be
established throughout tbe Project.
Off For The Timber
Nearly all ol tho to-called "toontrt"
In the land ruth ot last Fall will leave
within a lew dayt lor their cabins In
tht woods to take up their retldenot (or
an Indefinite period. Despite tht (act
tbat tht land oik at Laktvltw related
to accept the Allngt ol tht teeners and
alto rtlused to allow them a hearing,
they have itayed with lie lands and
mott ol them have maintained a resi
dence thereon. In many Instances they
have built dot cabins and have tht
M-tturaUaad wat to ba my comfor
table. Abel Adytwho waa instrumsn
tal in locating tbtrn apea thtte lands,
(tell coafdawt that la tht long run ht
mill, win every quarter tectloa upon
. , Vise the
Sfor Trprut. I
and Linen Lines.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealer