The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 20, 1908, Image 2

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1 V M
,i . '
ihe evening herald.m-a wctjt T Aftirrc nreaon s ncnesi -Mill- Arr
mniiuii jumii'k y .- ... Mnrj am drMMt bardains at $20 per acre and upward!. Eaay Terns. - jy j
laaaad dallr. nwl BunJar. br Iht
Herald Publishing Company
W. 0. SMITH. tte
subscription rates
(Mr, tr mill. a raar.
50 per cent, vegetable matter.
pattr, by mall li montha,
OaJIr. b mill. Ihraa months
I Timber Und Notice
I United States l.aml Oflkc-, takevlew
UrvRon, February 19, 1TO8.
Notice t liereliy istvcn that hi com
jiltuu-o with tli provision of llio net of
pAi.iiMia nt 1ilti?1 W7Q Mltltll.ul "ill
--- : - - -. iiI fc. ... . VUlldlVPB "HIU'WI lUIV'l 1II1IIIIH .
mwncailrnllinc mmp hll mull auch net (or tlie eala of tlmlwr Minis in the
SSTSSrtS SSvJSJSJSaSS IIM of California. Oregon. Nevada anil
akall b. Jiii J to t Ut, and no d.H or iUla.
uan ball imi Mainat aucb rnn. whMhft
all ixanpapar I. mtlnAhr tl iwrann to whom
It U aant or not.
l Mm
UaUv. tw rn.IL a month. .W
Jaar.dolltvmlbrca.rrWr, wtk. .It
How o RtHIT.-SoTHl Tuatoltlco monr otxlar,
iiunm oMr. iwrmnal chock on jrour local mnk.
tamna, coin, or currency.
NnwaFAMt law or 0tooi.-Scilm S$2o(
Vnlilnttoti Territory," as extended In
nil tlio Pulillo Ijttut States by net of
Aimmt 4, 182, Clmrlf K. lVl.ap, of
Klamath Full., County of Klninnlli, ,
SlntiMif Oregon, has tiled In ttittt ollleoj
lilmwom .inU'inont No. '101'.', for tln-
. jnrelmef tlio aw'.,ne4, nnto1.,, nf
re. ;l. to. 38 . ranee v i.. m . m., iuki
The recent rains are" causing .iiny i-rooi toM, that the U...I
.... c v aoniilit I' moro Nnlii.ililo for lt timber
spring to put out some fine (lis-1 r Ji111M, lhMtl . . -llllliril 1t,rilo.,.,.
nnil to establish III" claim to mU luinl
lefoie tlio County Jmlifi of Klutimll
The slanderer and the
poisoner lie down together.
piny advertising.
Now that the candidates are
County, nt his olllce at HlnuiMli Fnll, '
Orrpon, on Wednesdnj tin Ktth ilnv !
Mnv 1WS.
!ii iisiin n wi'ite. ! T I N ho-1
la, I.. D. KUl ttt-on, line II. Ivl-ip,
. M, fnml'on, all of Khtnitlli I'iIN, !
selected, we can go back to bus
iness for a little while.
-aw -o at i ii
The cool rains enme just in
time to relieve the overheated
politic who were defeated in J v'tf;n,x M rf(,, rfallllllI1. 1u,r.,..
the election. , y w,e 01k,vo ilvtorilKil iiinlan-inin--t'
ihI to tilt- tlieir rliilma In tills (iIIik- on
or In-foro mM lltlli Uy of Mu li-'H.
.' !l ,Vl:t .1. N. Wolaoll, fi!llt r.
Petition fur Liquor lironse
To the lluiiumliU1 Oiiut Court o(
tlu Orrtton for Kl.inuUli Countt,
I We tlie ttiulerrlitmtl, rtsMtnta ami lo
cal Tolerj of tlic I'rcrlnrt of Siriisne
ttf.. fa. I.a lit LT I am iai 1 It Altll
-- .... . . t liivrr. in nil? ,miii 'i ifiirtt nun
away is slight consolation for the i jtMe ( orvKon, nml m-uiai tv.i.i,-iiti.
b. f. especially When your Wife therein nml who hao nctunll) ri'rtilvl
isabsent on her vacation. thitein for moro than thirty ihi)H iui-
ii ii ITKsll.ltfly IHVftlllnK tll al.ltP lt il.'llillh.'
Governor John A. Johnson of nni hiIhk thU our itition, ilo h.n-iiy
Minnesota, has issued fair notice ' re-pcctfui!v .tltinn mir la.nomi.i..
to William J. Bryan to buckle ' "H!V,,r? I "n ","."," ".! J,S' v i'".!
.. , .. . . nmlT. M. Eiiial , if the linn of Kilrall
on his armor, for there is going, .. ,,, ' ... Mum. lnwl.
to be a real fight from now until lWIIIcnu-.i or malt, liciuom In ! quau
ltA rWtMtfunllM1 of flanffll1 1 a Al'AP ' ..!.. il ...... ..tln.. t.. ll... Ltunliinl
You shouldn't swear that you
will never run for office again.
Things might look different next
year and you might change your
Telling your-bachelor friend
that your wife always cures
your headache by rubbing it
the convention at Denver is over.
From the reports of volcanic
activity that are coming from al
most all directions, Mother Earth
must be having what the oldtjfne
southern darky calls "a misery
in her innards."
Attorney General Bonaparte
says that the evidence against
the paper trust is "intangible. "' kjs
What the publishers of the coun
try desire is that the trust itself
shall become intangible.
titles than nno irallon, In thv precinct
afore.alil fnr a reriol of one ear, from
the fUh day of .May. A. P. I!H j
Notice is hereby triveii that thi-
tltion will be prr'elitril to the Count) I
Court of the Statu of Orivon, for the I
County of Klamath, nt tlio court hnue ,
In the "city of Klarrath Fnlla, on the Htb
lay of May, A. I). 1WS, at the (mum!
one o'clock P. M. or u on thertafltr
aa aM petition can Ik- lieanl. ,
latel thU " 'Ulitlay ol Mnrcli, A.D.I
O.T. Amler'on, L. t.. Griffin, I. T.
I Anilerrnn, F. A. Campbell, W. W. Fin
ley, K.W. Whetrton, A. W. Kvant, J.
M. ?aer. Win. II. Garrett, Kl llloom-
The Prince of Wales is coming i"0""''' Jo '." ". '"
. ... . . . ... lB'n " " -"cy " " c'inltli,
to thib country just as his father Jarm., .liniipt, w. K. Hmter. it. r.
did something like half a cent courtrii:bt, 11. .. Amler'nn, C. H.
vt--o 1 ! .. 1 Mnrlir Anion I.iiiiiIv. -Mnt Luwrv.J.A.
ury ago. eeun i ot-Kin i V,Mn. i: Ficeman. l-pr.ll.Vril.,,
pnmp gins, me princt; isn 1 com-; ij. k. iierv. " 11. '") ' ;"
tno after an hpirreji hr lon't . "!ni -"'wnl. Olicnchain, 1 A. IMchard.
ing auer an neircss, no isn i.f0jj Ctv0qie inmicainp, q. M.An
that (tort of a man: ht beloncr.s to .i,r,nn.tnni i.orv. Jauni IVII. Frank
j:t. U.A t o iSliainler. J. A. I'arker, G. O. Puf,
Charles Trilpp.
The United States circuit court
nt annaal pf Mnv 7th nnd Rth Attll
the dates for hearing the appeal CHANGE OF TIME
of the Standard Oil Company
from the decision of Federal
Judge Landis fining the trust
$29,000,000. Preparations are
being made to have an imposing
array of legal talent represent
the Standard in arguing the case. ,
A Councilman in Cleveland,
Ohio., has introduced an ordi
nance providing a fine of $50 for
any woman wearing a "Merry
Widow" hat at a ball game. If
the law should be passed it
would undoubtly result in a
financial loss to the League man
agers. A man who would do a
trick like that must be a hard
ened old batchelor.
aaawani i
If the ablebodied unemployed
would scatter out into the country
away from the railroads and
towns, they would soon find
plenty of work "to do at fair
wages and with plenty of good
grub, There is no work along a
railroad track except for a section
crew. The man who says lie
can't.find work and wont go into
the country to look for it dosen't
want it very bad.
It seems that nations are just
like people after all. Here we
have Castro of Venezula, just
like a boy who is afraid he is
about to get the worst of it in a
flghTf with another, whimpering
that Theodore Roosevelt is trying
to pick a quarrel with him, and
yelling for some big fellows to
interfere. There"Se a growing
suspicion that the other fellows
would like to see Castro taught a
lesjon that will make him be
have himself.
In Connection Willi
Stage Line
KFFJ.CTIVI: Al'ltll. 10, 1WS
From Klamath Fnlla to fau Fran
cleco anil all iiut IxtMecn
Thrall ami ftme.
Leave Klamath Fnlln 4: A.M.
Arrive at Spencer 7:30
Leave Speiicera K:
Arrive at Fokecama 11 :
Leave I'okiicama,K,i..n,l I :l.r
Arrive at Thrall 1:15 P-M.
laveThrull, n. P. mi.
train No. 10 nt 2:2T
Arrive nt San Francl'co 0:28 A.M.
29 hour ami 29 minutes, Klamnth
Fall to Fan Francisco. Train No.
13 on H. P. leaven Thrall 5:55 p. m.
arriving at San Francisco II: 28 a.m.
Klamath Fall to Portland
l-eave Klamath Falls as above.
Leave Thrall, S.P. train No. 10, 1 :32
p. in, ; arrive at Portland 7:55 a. m.
27 hours, and 65 minutes, Klamath
Falls to Portland.
San Franclico to Klamath Fall"
Leave Sau Francisco at 2:20 p, m.
arrive at Thrall at 0:04 a, m.
LeavoThinllat 0:30 u. m.; leave
Pokegarua at 'J a, ui. ; arrive 'at
Klamath Falls at 6 p, in, Dinner
at Spencen, leaving there at 1 p. in.
Uhorteat time ever. 20 hours ami
40 mln. Sou Francisco to Klamath
Falls. No'other.route doea It. This
la the cheapest and best way. Faro
'$5, either direction bt ween Thrall
and Klamath Falls.
We always give you
tk. fcoet anrl tho Mirtfit for ttlC HlOneV. IUU
YOU will never regret
ia Vine nnrl thi 111(1
find us able to supply anything and everything In
the grocery line. Get the habit or trading wim u.
Van Riper Bros
Chase S Sanborn's Coffees a Specialty.
Heavy Freighting a Spccltlty. Baggage Orders Are
Given Prompt Attention
0. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date piano
trucks we solicit your
line piano moving
office K7I
Barn 071
Residence 64 S
VI e-President
The American Bank and
Trust Company
Caottal Stock $100,000
Open for business . very day In the year txeept Sundays and
IrfUl holidays. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits
llli:i) SCIIAI.I.OCK
iWi (Mhii-r
Incprponted November
28, 1900
T I"
Stftemeat of Condition
of the
Klamath County Bank
Klamath Falls, Oregon
DICIMBKR 31, 1907
Loans and Discounts . $340,530,110
Ilontlr) and Securities . 63.02S.U4
Heal Estate, UuildingH and
Fixture 14,745.1 U
Cash and Sight Exchange . 160,24 7.(jfj
Capital Stock, fully pnld. 1100,000.00
Surplus and Profit . 21,753.11
Due Other Hanks 32.OO0.U4
l)eKMita 431,205.40
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of thv alivr named
bank, do aoUnmly awrar that thn nlxiw atnte
inrnt la true to the brat of my know Utittv and 1,,-iirf
AI.KX MAltTIN. Jl(!. ta.hnr
ulJcrllrd anu sworn u trure me tl.i i.ii, ,y
C. II, WiTitiiim.
Notary Public tvt ()i,K.,u
of January, liftM.
Asa't Cashier
Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin
Sixteen inch anil four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 401
or KKK Store, Phone 174
J L FIELDER Wood Yard and Office
l. JLu XalXljJVjl Near Cty Hall
Phone 84
The Eldred Company
F. G. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza, Oregon
Saddles, Harness and Supplies
We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
are Advancing in Value
When blocks in Mills Addition were ollicml
at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves
tors bousht; since that timo values have
increaxed materially.
These Lota are Bargain Buys
at present price, and thcro is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Keinem
her these lots are FIFTY feet in width ntnl
deep-more than doublo tho area of most
town lots offered to investors.
CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE Office on Fifth Stmt
Land Sakraen.
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating house
in the city. Open day and night.
Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture
from B. St. George Bishop I will be pleased to
meet all his old friends, and also extend a cordial
welcome to the many new residents of Klamath
County. Our line is complete, and lots of goods
are on the road from the best suppjy houses in
-the cities.
Successor to B. St. George Bishop
Plumber and Steamfitter
Klamath Falls, Orego
Strictly First-class Work
Estimates Furnished
Phones: Bnilness, 300; Residence, C04
Bennett's Feed Stable
Next to Martin's Mill
Now Open for Business
The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
getting their fiill, has been installed
Plenty of Wagon Room
East End Meat Market
CRISLER ft STILTS, Proprietors
rrie Beef. Veal. Muttoa. Pork and Poultry
Freeh and Cured Meats and Susg;e of oil l.l,
W handle our meat!) In tho moat modern way In clew
llMwand turroundlrigt. Try us and wo will t" "N
i customer. Free vww
I ippy to have you for
-... Vs,
TTPTir -