The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 20, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Rend rPr I"
Klamath FH
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Resulta . . .
lI'M. "
figures Showing the
Amount Expended
like Amount Set Aside lor
This Years Work Is
luiliikt lltn l"" !' semi-annual
tirtclll. It'clmrtUioii Fervlce and
airmail! gleaned limn a letter wili
est; tirt' I II Newel l F ator
rjltorlioe that l' lien-mber .11, llH
lilOownmenl mil lin rliide.l the
,, oil 1,711, ! Hie Klamath Pro-
ad. Tbll teller wa written by Mr.
..JiMi!li .'0 Hi liny ol Jmiry,
! In ll '"" I1!!"' li" I it for tt-1
dtU Cenatur that the allowance (or
lU Klimalli I'r'.J-vl fir llm year llW
jpMUW. Tli allim-anr, comld ,
trU U tile l (lie Klamath l'riij-cl, U I
s4iJlcltitlo compare laoraMy with I
Price, 5 Cents.
while In' illil not Huikr- III tr nt li, dm
rhlr-f englfnur publli-, Mr. Muoii In km
It fur uritliliil llmt llm rontimloi will
lint lrl what lliey mi) ili'iiiniiilliiK
llimuiili Mr. ijiilnloii. it .,,., nt
tlm i'H)it rnuliii'i'm In the i-iiiploy ill
the contractora alio lli rnt:li,i-i-n In tU
llrclamatloii F-tvl(i-cannot yt,-,. nml
thecUlma Mill U lUn In III.. Com I i,
CUlni "Mint llm mailer nuy k;,tt In l
Editor Hliton Weds
A. H. Illllou, Hltur ol the Mi-dfaid
Mall, and Miaa Ma llrddlntr wrte iimr
lliil nt Hit) homo of llm hiMn'a pan-lilt
III Milfuri Wo-lni.'lay, Mini Irll mi llm
afternoon I mill lo end tliclr honey
moon In California,
' mijin
. Jr
i V
The Chamber Of Commerce Will
An Important Meeting
Orqanialion will Vote on Adoption of New By-Laws To
morrow NiKht-An Effort Will be Made to Get
New Members Into the Chamber
The Chamber of Com inurre will meet monthly meeting. Article VII
filtK. K
Safes l;rce
liisSaeanreof atViut n nillll m
liWYtilmal'roJxI. '
lb irpotl ol llii. Itn'Uintlliiii Sr- I
rciiMsitliatou iiid an u iiay 01 June,
iT?,iUwlri-ri.iituiriitiifKUiii.'H. M. Cuke, wlio ilcfcnU'd Sen.
itbrrJ(lli-ltrvnl,rll733j07 l- ntor Hilton IT) the primarii-H.
Jjrtief tliallnanci lor this year and - - - -
titiatinled up to Juno 30lli of
'.art year (roni Ilia tumtoial tint will be
iiNtl.1 1; the cior of thlayear and It
'rtf t3I,UI0l, Tlilt mm of money
tart finJrl mi llio project since
liatSOtb, 1(07.
Settlement Not Probable
o KUlrmsnt haa len reached In
U Bitter olllierlalma of Maaon, Davis
Cu,ailt tlirlluvrinment for ultra
koo Itirlr rontrart ami dr clalmton clai.lnralloii, Consulting
h(farrJ. H.QMntun, ol llio llecla.
aitloa Fen Ice, lira N-e u hrrn for sever-
llilneitl,-tlin! llm matter an I
toiiinifim 11I4I1I t'jciimilt then-organ
liation of I !. Ixuly. 1 (id omuiltlre f
ilnlcl to.liull urn l,ylana will aubliill
(llirir nnt m,l It will U- up In the
1 ClamlxT to vntv on llm adoption of the
auir 'Mm ii.iniiiltUf liaa HorLt") (altli
' fully ainl hat pii'paml an inllru art ol
new l)law, tin' aim ii wliirhla to make
tlii)ork'4iiiaili,ii mortt edi-cllvr In dolnit
H'l I'l Ho- Klamath country. It I
.lfiii-l that rwry inrioUf ol the Cham
lr iim- nut tnmoiina nllit atnl alio
alt pailira inli'ii'.lril III llio work of the
iifk'au4tloii are Invltnl lo attend the
luerliiii;. Tlir dew liylawa are broader
than the old one and enable the Cham'
The llral Trut A Faint: Hank haa
received () mtlal aafra which they will
bun to aii)nne iimiIiik an account wllh
a i!cilt ol ft or more. Thcvaalra
ran bo kept nt )our home In put jour
rhatitfit In. Wlirn lull they ran bu
bioiiillit lo the bank and the muiiry will
( ptarnt to your cirdll. Tlio lank
I) 3 cr Crnt mi tlirii'ilenlla. Ill
Irlrtt paid arml niuiually. Safe on ex
hibit at llm hank and at the lie nhllcan
UrmrmW the I'.gt Hunt loiillil.
ivt to do more rfTivthe work In the ad
Vritliln line.
The iiio.t ladical change In the new
bydawa ale in ll.r inrmlH-rihip, board
ol dlrectnia and ttraiury. Article I,
h'rctiuii ", providra that ierwni, flrma
and coriralioiia ahall lw eligible In
mrmU'rihlp while under the old order
ol tlilnic only Individual uern eligible.
A I licit- VI provldi-a that the affair ol
theniiociatlun ehall be managed by a
laianl ol rcwu dlirclorr, of which board
the Picaldriit, Vlre.l'realdent and rk-c-
rt'laiy ahall be et-olllclo uieinberi, all ol
whom ahall ! rhctril annually by
majoilty ule ol the Chamber by bal
lot. I'mlrr tin old bjlawa the entire
Chamber tranractrd all ol the bui.
in. a and the ini'thud haa been lound
rry un.atifactory. The near lawi will
donway with thii aa nil ol the builneii
j will be done by the board nt Ita icml
20 -CASES -20
Ladies and Children's
Just Arrived
All Leathers
All Colors
All the Season's Newest Novelties in Fine Footwear
Largest Stock of SHOES in the County
vldca that the board of director! thai!
meet on Ih Drat and third Tueadaya of
each month at an hour that they may
fix upon. Section .1 ol the lame articlo
providea that the meeting of the Cham
ber of Commerce ahall bo held on the
flrat Tueaday of January, April, July
and October of each year, and the Janu
ary regular meeting ahall be the annual
meeting for the election of director! and
ofllcen, the reading of report! and the
transaction of other biiilneaa coming be
fore the Chamber.
The membtra of the Chamber of Com
merce are the onei to decide If the new
lawa are to be adopted and tomorrow
night It the time for taklog action on
the matter. There are many other
changca, In fact, the adoption of the re
port of the committee will effect the re-
organliatlon ol the aiaccUtlon and all
who are intereited In the matter ahonld
The Servant Girl'
The next plat of tb.-Mong Company
will be a three act fore comedy entitled
"Penelope-Herrant Girl." which will
give Miia Lewi an opportunity to ahine
In the title role at the leading eoubrelta
olthe company. Miaa Lew a will Ut
cut for a comedy creation on the order
ol the famoua El llopkina and bealdei
having much funny "buiineea" and
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5iagagagar?SwP ""'' "
aaaaagir;';''i--;-V' .
aVaaanBaTat Sm'K'' '
pvjjy M JflgaWVJr "'
' ii AijiKw ibiy7aaal v
'i ' 2- is-laTaBi , ?-
V" -gMsCMaW
,i -4gaBafiiawBTBHi'
t aVaBBBBBBHapBagal
V "T'gf';!i
advocatea art going to make a atrong
fight and In jlcatlona are that at leant a
part of the county will go dry. It la
alio understood that a petition for Link
ville precinct will be filed thortly.
Steamer Klamath Docked
The ateamer Klamath btiraUd one of
her pipea thla morning when about two
mllea from the dock. The accident put
the boat out of commltalon and a party
returned to the city In a row boat to gel
a launch to take the pnarngcra and mall
on to Teetera Landing. The accident
will put the ateamer out ol service for a
day or two.
Odd Pellows, Take Notice
A banquet will be given at the A. O.
U. W. hall on Saturday night, thtktttb
of April, in celebration of the eighty
ninth annlveraary ol our order. All
Odd Fellowt and their wlvea, Kebekaha
and their liutbanda are cordially in
vited. By order of Klamath Lo-ige, So. 137,
O. A. FrEAxa, Secretary.
To the Electors of Klam
ath County
QtTLiMi!: Having received the
nomination of the Republican party for
the office of sheriff. I wlah to expreii to
you my appreciation ol your efforts In
my behalf. I feel the more gratelul,
knowing as 1 do, that it was the people
without any political combination, who
hare ao honored me. I extend to each
of you personally my thank for your ef
fort and confidence In me.
Respectfully Your,
W. I). BARNtS.
Andrew J. Xellon, ol Lakcvlew.died
at San Francisco on Sunday, April 12,
where he went to receive treatment for
cancer of the face. He had been suffer
ing with this for some time and had gone
to the city for treatment as a last resort.
Deceased waa about 43 year old and
was formerly sheriff of Lake county.
Miaa Mcau Lawia In the title role,
'TaxiLort-Servant Girl."
many funny line will offer a new
specialty In the character of the play.
The play will be given on next Thursday
night after which the company will go
to Dorrls tor two night and then
arrange for a trip to Lakevlew where
they will play for six night, Hopping at
Bonanta and Bly on the way. The Mat
aale will go on at The Perfection on
Tueaday (tomorrow) morning.
Vote on Local Option
County Clerk Chaitaln received two
petitions today for local option, the
tamo to be voted on at the election in
June. One petition la for the county ai
a whole and the other la for the pre-
clncU of Loat River, Dairy, Langell Val
ley and Poo Valley. All were signed by
the ten per cent of the qualified voters
necessary to put the asm on the ballot
at the conlag election. The local option
Chat. Graves came In from OJi-11 to
day with the election returns. Only
ten vote were cast in tha. precinct,
aeven Republican and three Demo
cratic. V. B. Barnea ana C R.. DeLap
carried the precinct.
Admiral Alex. Nosier Is building a
tug for use on the Upper Lake. The
boat will be 80 feet long with a SO foot
beam. It will be propelled by ateam
and will be of 100 horsepower.
Every woman I urged to attend the
temperance meeting at the Baptist
Church Tuesday evening April Slat at
7 JO.
G. T. Baldwin Makes
Irrigation Representation To
Have Place in Parade of
Spirit of the West
Arrangement have been. completed
whereby the Klsmsth csuntry will U
well reprraented at the Portland Rose
Festival. The float of the Klamath
section wilt appear in the parade of the
Spirit of the West, which occur ee on the
night of June 2nd. Judge Baldwin,
who has been In Portland for some time
has completed all arrangementa for the
construction of he float. It will bo so
built aa to represent an Irrigated
district and will be decorated
mainly with cereals and gralna in
a msnner corresponding to the design of
the float.
This typical representation of the
Klamath section should do much to
wards attracting the attention of
strangers to this country and
if the Festival ia attended by a
large delegation of boosters the result
should be a number of settlers for this
section. Indications are that this city
will send quite a delegation to Portland,
and everyone going should make special
effort to attract attention to the Kla
math float.
M. O'Con, the shoemsker, has added
modern machinery to hla shoo shop at a
cost of 1500 and is Installing the same.
It will enable him to do all kinds of
sewed solo work and to manufacture
new shoes that will compare favorably
in wear and.price with the product of
large factorios.
Mullcr & Bonharu are moving their
stock of sewing machines and phono
graph into the building occupied by
Will Humphrey as a harness shop.
The two firm will occupy the room
Dr. G. W. Maston is in a very critical
condition. Dr. Hamilton, of this city,"
W. S, Johnson, of Bonanza, and Atkin
son, of Dorrls, held a consultation yes
terday. Hi recovery is very doubtful.
Mrs. R. H. Currin, who has been via-
itiug her parenta in Langell Valley, re
turned home Saturday.
Dr. Hamilton is at Keno on a pro
fessional call this afternoon.
, Vse the
at: , ,
wt "
;r.ior iroui. i
Hooki, Flict, Trolla,
and Linen Lines.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealers