The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 16, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Hcwl r)or In
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results . . .
Klimnth Vu -
No. f27.
jOtryVotc will Not
Be Very Large
leri In Linkviilo I'roclnct
ISJwuld I urn Uui iany
To Avoid Ihu Hush
tl,( r I Hi'1 pilmary election
ictsJIlii" ' "till working hard,
jlUlr serins lo I iioirsllng o't f
MMt Kl. !' SImWiy """
it of since" "' lliliull lur voir
itlaBrt. 1 1" u,"' "TCW " '
K. atxJ tlur t I ' ' " "'""
karJIy lutirf enough (T 111 lrH
eUr lUl m'l'l vtilo In l.lnkvillc
litrl ll. wlmran get around
H;llhliri""'i should do ai
rosy I ruli inward evening.
ssreTJirrgiiteiiil voter In Link.
iwwlncttl.i" !' i"l It It sale "
Flint out ol Ihu nuiiilr lull 7oO lll
ill Ids primaries, 1li ran1ltlst
IsestUlfTriy rrgltlrrrd endunrrg-
jtrtd rolcr fwt ti ll 1'ilrl. Those
seln.'lrd In rrglstrr ran liar iMr
mom In liy guli.g Ihnxigh the
I bin. It Hill lake llio rnllie
n Ij 'il I (do votes In till (ire-
land heme ll.e iirvettily that those
i biul I come at rally at pol-
Iarooliout tlm rounly where
somber il Mitrf ! (nnt m
Mitre a III ln l.o nrratlon In
mstlni. CamlMate win) hav.
ttthorouglicaiitais nl lliat county
rlkslnisny ol the inter aio jultr
brent about altcmllna' llio primar-
l,ud lint many til lliu.r who air rrg
I sill not gi In the af, There
tlsoproUM) one liuinlrnl tutrr In
county who filled to rvgltter ami
ikttt ii' i iiliciitar choice In Ilia
n of party nominee. II Ilia
alarrcimimiti stormy to that llio
irannotwork In the field tlie
vol will inolialily liu larger ilian liaii
hern estimated.
Many f tlic cnii'l l.tnN-n Imvc arranged
to lmo psillcs In mry ptirlnrt ii see
lliat mien Him mil nnd till, may also
har a decided lirarliig xii I ho mini'
her f llm vntr that will hn rait. 'I lip
must actlln wmk lliat lll In- done to.
morrow will lm In llilmlly nihl iIk, cum
illilate aio nearly all gathered (ur Ilia
final liiiKi'li.
The VOtrrtol Hilt dimity me Mrtl c.
iiiallilxl Willi WIIIUin A Cailrr.n' Gold
Mill, mho Is n ramllilatr Inr Italtroad
Coinmlstlmicr. lie Visited thli ti-illun
a)rargn miu Grand Mailtr nl tin
(Ml Fellows. A tote Inr Mr. Caller, al
llio irlmaiy rlcrllnti, la a rnttt In rici.f
l.llloii ul the imall thlprrs ami Ihc bus
iness mall who would In, represented hi,
lore tlm rallrnai rniiiiiilialoii.
K cturii5 Irom The Stac
Price, 5 Cents.
ArraiitfrmeiiU luvo lirtn inln ahprc
liy Hie rlrctlon Ivtililit will I nail
ftntii llio lau loinurro nlht ilciilnu
lli rformmicr nf Ollvrr Tolit. Ai
raplilly aa ihcUiunl nrr mailr tlixy 111
Im ilVlin In I hi' tlirntlr ainl rrail
(rum Uir tlaicptii' Mr Muni;. Tlili Kill
Sechorn Gets a franchise
from I ho Hot Springs
Improvement Company
W IJ, F.-chnrii liaa (irartlcally inaile
ariaiitii'iiii'rila nltli the Hot h'prln lm
iiiii'ini'iit Co. nln'ii'liy lm Kt (rati
i lilic (ur u hatli Ihhik- at tlie airltii for
an lmlrrliill r lo I. Tin comuny can
nut Kltia lrai (or any xcl(lc tlm
it might Intt-rfrin "ltd the errrlion o(
tli Unto Iminl ilial will to biilll In Uit
nrar liilurc. Nf7trlliplrtt, Mr. Srehoro
(rt-l lliat ho will U Jaitlflvii In riaiJ.
lux nlKiul t'.W) In putlliiK iiji a moJtrn
Latli hirn.ii iilin wlih plunfeanJ
.rhlc liatlii, lilt plain call lor pool
:tht fmt, (or utrain ami muil ttbf.
Me icl in Im kIii work mi llio iool
Juat tMiii at lit can net cruivnt and
ullirr iMCrmaiy lm I ti I n kf material.
Il It knoMii ttint llio atr o( Hilt
1'ili'K I'ltM-ticat'icrllriit curatifo qual
Itli't.ainl llirtlinn It nut far illttant whn
iiiiiml lliflatifrilraiiilarinintuiitliocoait
Kill I in Klamath Fallt. The batlii U
i. . .......... . i""
,vr ,....,.. a.un.i w,o l''""''' U , ,,. r. l0, will l.ari
m o.-.,lu,lly t.. Kct tl.o rrlurn. will.- ttn,,rn(.y ,0 ,rn,0Mre , r.o of
oul l.avliin to B l llio ll. Tli. tcatt , , ,,, ,,,, .,,,,,,,.
,i. .iiw iiwiiumiii Kir (i'liiia !.. i - ""
i , Tlm rniiuiilllrv nl the Chamber ol
A Legal Question
Commnrr lliat grtlinK nut thoa'lvcr
lltlni; cnrlnt i mrrtliiil with bettor
Tl.rmla , mr. ii..,. .iii,.r ..i,,.iiiircptatliau bail lvcnanticlatoil. No
can remain okii lomorrnw until mmn ytinallc canvas baa )cl Un mad
wntn III clinc liririni. in law tajti
lliat Ihry ihall lxclul on election ilay,
ami wlietlivr tli't inraiia while I ho pulla
are ojK'n or iliiilm; tho mllio ilay la a
IrarMl HCllaii. Malotnt, In the fiatt,
naro alwaya ii-nril liniiinllately uj-on
tho rioting nl the illt, but nbrn the
mIU do not own until niMin, at It Ibr
ra Inmorrow, It la a ijiii'itlnii II Ihc
law la broad t notijjli to ntlon ibriu lu
run until noon.
but already mure than ten thousand
iiVrloiri hat Icen ordered by lb
btiitneM men nl tin' city. The commit
Ira Ihlnka thalc'l"!'" W,,W ol them
will le (dared wbrn the tliurotagti cas
rati It made.
RagM and Wife Mast ruraith
Bond ia The Sum of Oae
thoUMHid Dollars Each
roftjftlot Inibtctnra . C. Ilicbea and
R. i. Meektntyer hate returned from
Royatoa abd Merrill where they were
on bualMta connected with the United
HUtM astU robbery at the former place.
Burt R4a and wife were taken to Mer.
rill and were arraltned before commit
loner ttUrtlo. They wared examination
awl wertbeld to the fraud Jury In the
urn ol flpQO each. The mother of Mm,
Raaan, Je)ra. Bower, of Ukerlew, came
to Merrill to arrange (or the ball and aa
loon aa II ia fornlahed the parties will be
turned looee until they are tutnmoned
before the grand jarr.
In dlecuMlng the situation Inspector
Stocktneyer atated that it waa a wry
ttrung caeo aa iheevldence la convicting.
It wa brought oul that Mrs. Ilagan it
the one' who had charge of tbe office ami
whatever Ragan hlmaetf did waa merely
toaaaUtbtr. Howerer, the inapectora
coniidar them both Implicated in tlie af
fair and they were both taken before the
ooeamtN loner.
News From Dairy
Wnrkiintl.n Hum hlnck ulll begin
aUiut Ibr flnt nl llio month. It, IJ,
Watlriibuii;, who hat tho contract, it
making the arratigrmriiti to rutlt lln
building tocuinplillon,
Mrt. V, W. Ityau rame down from
Knit Klamath la.t nlglil and left thla
mnriiltitf fur ranee, Cat., where she
wai ralU-d by Ihu N'llont illneat of her
) (atbrr. Hie waa accompanied lo Hilt
clt) by Oncar Hunch.
Cha. I'jiltii- and J. T. Hradlvy have
pnrchtml the old Schaltock proierty In
llonana and will at once begin the
eirclli'ii of n two ttnry brick and atone
building nu the taiuc.
A "Lick" and a ''Promise"
That's the trouble wiih many
makes of clothing now a days, they
get a "lick and a promise" in place
of the good old fashioned consci
entious workmanship of Journey
man tailors. It's different with
Continental clothing.
They make the clothes to fit you
don't expect you f o fit the clothes,
and while they are making them,
they make them "right"
"If the clothes don't fit. don't take
them." It will be worth your while
to investigate.
J. B. Mason and son, Mr. filoagh and
a Mr. Beymor. were ia Dairy Wednes
day with object of locating "Mr. Seymore
in this valley.
. W. Oowen made a farewell call on
that eoUaa of Dairy. Wiiaiiiay.
el )- HoWeMV faTW SbT tafJMffMMaVJsT MO
tare on loesJ eertiosi at the acbool boose
Thursday aifht and Friday nignt at
A new girl arrived at tit. bom. of
J. It. Welsh Thursday morning.
Bert Wllhrow, 0. K. Brandenberg and
II. -'. (Irlgtby were calling in Dairy Frl
day for the last time before the
C. It. DeLap brought tbe election
supplies to Dairy Katurday and inelden
tlally did a little campaign work for
W. B. Barnes, B. St. Geo. Bishop,
and I,. Alva Lswla were In Dairy Mon
day looking altar their political Inter
est. Only a few mora daya to wait.
Early Arant and family ware visiting
at the home of O. O. Anderson Sunday.
W.L. Welch, Lodwlg8terl and W.
P. Sedge went Ashing recently. They
caught a mesa of vary fin. troot. Lud
wig Is a good flihsrman.
Krank McCumber ia very aick with
what appcara to be a severe case of grip.
C. W. Fbsrman returned from Bob.,
Idaho, this morning looking hat. and
W. I.. Welch came home from his
Ashing trip anffaing from a compli
cation of tooth ache, neuralgia and
something like grip. Ha didn't get bis
feet wet but w. tblnk'heate too many
P. II. Gray will put five or six teams
plowing on tho Lee ranch about Friday.
"Klamath Falls Fashion Shop"
Resolutions of Condolence
Resolutions of sympathy and respect
adopted by Unkvill. Camp 3309, Royal
Neighbors of America, Klamath, Falls,
Oregon, In memory of Louisa Wampler,
who paseed away April 10, 1908 1
Whereas, The angal of death baa en
tered our Camp far the first time and n
moved from our tcldstour eateemed and
loved Neighbor. Past 'Oracle, Louisa
Wampler, which casfa a shadow over
the botae of our loved ones, testator.
Resolved, That by bar untimely death
this Camp baa lost a tru. ocer and
Neighbor, the family auroM wife and
loylng mother. We, as a Camp, .stead
our heartfelt sympathy to the .grief
stikwhaaUsdaadcUMrea la their
time of sorrow, and while they mourn
the loss of their loved one, we mourn
the lo of our beloved Neighbor, snd
our earnest paryer goe up to our Heav
enly Father, who doe all thing well
and whose gentle guiding band we pray
will always remain with the motherlet
children, guiding them tafely through
the long Journey ol life.
Resolved, That our charter be draped
in mourning for a ieriod ol thirty day;
that a copy of there resolution be sent
to the bereaed family, lo the local paper
for publication, and a ropy be spread on
the record of our Camp.
A precious one from u I gone,
A voJce we loved I stilled;
A place Is vacant in the home,
Which never can be MM.
Mixxis J, Boxxcr,
Mixxu JaMitox,
Kuriii ilAXMiaar.
A Secret Federation
Meeting To-night
M. E. Hutchinson ha returned from
the Lava Bed where he has been doing
sarvsylng for the past two weeks for
Guy Merrill. He has been running the
lines for tbe installation of a pumping
plant which will pump water from a
cave. If the plant can be Installed and
successfully operated it will prove a
great convenience in ranging dock in
that section.
Al Kobe waa the lucky man who got
a Ave acre tract to go with his lot In Mt.
Hebron. W. S. Worden who has the
sale of the townslte, 1 doing a big bus
iness. He lias already sold nut two
blocks an! has two others prcttr well
sold. Al Kubes bought lot 1 in block -M
and was tbe first man to purcha se a lot
In that block.
A live Man for Superintendent
Th. paoals of Klamath county should
select the County School Superintendent
with care. The rapid development of
th. county demands a live man at th.
head of the schools one who la an or
ganiser and oae who ia not afraid of
work. Good schools will do more than
any other one thing to promote the
county's welfare and to advertise it.
Prof. Swan, by his organization of
the county High school, and by hi
work for ita development, haa demon
atrated to the people of the county that
he la auch a man. A patron of the
high acbool recently remarked."! think
the county high school Is theJ-est con
ducted acbool I have aver sent my child
ren to." President Campbell of the
University of Oregon and Stat. Supin
tend set Ackerman have often atated
that they consider this ona of tbe best
schools in th. stats. Dr. JSheld in, bead
of th department of education of the
University of Oregon aaya, "Prof.
Swan is, in my opinion, one of the
ablest and most efficient high school
men in the state and could alwaya be de
pended on to do aatisf actory work, both
In th. way of organizing a school effec
tively and in his own teaching.
"By their fruits ye shall 'know
them." W. should select th. man for
thla office who haa shown himself th.
abl. and energetic. It
Candidates for all City Officee
Will be Selected by The
Thli evening the Civic Federation will
meet (or the purpose ol selecting can
didate (or all of tbe city offices. A
was announced several days sgo the
meeting will not be open to the public,
but will be for Federation members
only. Any cltiien of Klamath Falls
may become a member bsfora tbe nom
inations are made by sending In bis
came when the meeting opens.
President White, of the Federation,
stated tlil evening, when seen by
a Herald representative, that in so far as
he knew no selection had been made
for any of the official. He itated that
be and other members had discussed
candidates for the various positions, but
no slate has been arranged for the
meeting tonight. He says the one ob
ject of the Federation will be to see that
good law-abiding men art) selected for
Mayor and Councllmen. Ha, aaya a
numbtr of men that woold be accept
able to their organization have been
mentioned In connection with the May
oralty, bnt moat of these men when
approached with the proposition have
declined to enter the contest for the
honor. Mr. White says that be will
not be a candidate as hla time is occu
pied so that ho cannot look after tbo
city's business in a manner that ho
would consider doing Justice to the
municipal affairs. Frank Ward hat
been mentioned in connection with tbo
Mayoralty, and it is very probable that
the Federation will tender him the
President White was not speaking for
the Civic Federation, but (or bimsslf
when besaidthst F.T. Sanderson would
make a very acceptable candidate for
councilman in the Third Ward, and P.
L. Fountain in the Second.
Tbe Federation will likely nominate
T. F. Nlcholaa for Police Judge. He I
not a member of the organization, but
he i recognized a a moat competent
and conscientious man and aa th. presi
dent ol the Federation says it Is their
object to select good men and tbey will
likely recommend Mr. Nlcholaa for that
Tbe show tomorrow will be a treat.
Sfor T
TsT " A
IlsIS:7 'Sv
Hooki, Fliei, Trollty
and Linen Lines.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Dealers