Ik fitniimj llefluo. Mostly Iteml I'")or ,n Klamntli Full Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . SECOND YKA. NO. B20. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1G, 1933. Price, 6 Cents. REMAIN IN Klamath Lake R. tor inree more tears CONTRACT WITH Will Haul I roiglit for All Shippers as Lonq as the I ine Is Opertiti'd lropcct Good for Steady Ireightinq Hti-inesH Throuxhout the Sumnwr H.niTrl 1 I-I.U, nl Hi KUiif .tb UVr l!il'"'l " nwiiiomy '" "'" .Ulrwrnl II.-I hi i.n4 lllroiilllio.li. i, M.im 1"' M ,', ,,," J"'" .,. r ani.i-d III ihe city hut night. waiiorrll.rlliiiy mute. II came llf.iat Mrl.wl with Hilnrllilrnillil tlrin. if II" !'' illvl"'"' ' ' Sftilrfin l'r.n in lil pll" '' TMuvflntrti.l(iit wat nut mi a tour ol lttlH. i"'1 Wlfirrd ,r AlilxiH ...til f"l l l'"l' Htll l tutnnl irtf In lli imf -tlim. r-l thiUon I"" welwlll I established cstil IMlli leached. In J1k'Iiiii( Ittc freight situation Mr Allult lUlnl that 111" t'i'l had '"d umiufnl with Hi" Allium Lumber (Vol Los Anerli . to oiat. train I it Inil Ihrw . Till lumber nopitij u now liMlMlnit latgo w- aOTstl'i.lrgam. Ill mill l lo icipKilyof HM1 fret rday, and lk(niDihrriili 10 rut at least JO,- MM) Itft ol IiiiiUt III III Hit. yswrs. Jlutoftliii will I shipped to Monla (m to l wuiknl into Iism ami III. intiltllKiliipil In oilier California pjibU to ! k.i I lur building purposes. liarint thr li.ft.' jar Hint III. Klanc iliUkv litil. u.l mil haul lumber If till tho haul au ntiil nil freight that la itlptnlll.il wa, Mr. Ablmtl Hales, taimr, lint l.i. ulll not engage In Uuklot tlm Kititiitiii I'acluV ami that 4 lll tnmr in no tali war. 5 ait when Ida Iiriglit and aMeiigr Ttilfe ofrr die l'nkivauia tnuto will I A "Lick" and a "Promise" I9m 1 hi' i4!9uBH BBEj dj hKXLeS JW lit VWBtk M V K. K. K. STORE "Klamath Falls Fashion Shop" BUSINESS R. Will Operate LIMBER CO. discontinued l millet) a miUrii.l gurws muk. Mr. Abbott fa) lu will I. mil freight anil pain nteu lo i'okrgain long aaCapt, MrlnlllP Simla Irani to lialititl tho tatup lo llila clt), ami mi llio ullirr hand Mr, Mclnllin ) ho will irateltwrrii here and I'ukrgama at limit a lliriv la butlnrst (or liim ll art-ma lo I game ol ")oil firil, fujr ilear (taituii," between thise two gentlr. iimii, ami at a Iraull II It very probable thai ilium or lew firlghl will come over llio I'okrgaiun routn (or an Indefinite period. The ahlpmrnla are now quite heavy ahil flru rarloada nl goods fur ttio Klamalli inmlitnta will come ucr tlm I'okrgauia routn In thoiirit Inonlli Improving Resort Frank Hlltlrt wt In llir city for t ral ilaya from lilt Hpilnr (,'ick fithlnj ireutt. He Inula forwanl lo a Trry duty tvaton ami la atrraily incparlnj for ll. An a.lilltluti will li built lo lilt liouto t that lie ran arruinmolatellioM) who do not wltli lo canipoul, nw rani ouulu r Ulng aJJrJ tu hit ojulpuitnt ml camp (roumla are U-ing fenced. The reaoil will da inatle moie touYen Unl for ramperi than it hat been lieir toforuand will Im more ealenairely ad vcrllird. Ut Hiimincr a large nil mix r of lourlatt tltlU-d tlill Celebiale.1 Hailing reaorl ami many id tliein will ri'turn lliii)rar lotnd a few wevka. Kumlaliwl Iioum for rent. Apply at Ilia McInlltaTranipotlatloii Co. That's the trouble wiih many makes of clothing now a days, they get a ''lick and a promise" in place of the good old fashioned consci entious workmanship of journey man tailors. . It's different with Continental clothing. They make the clothes to fit you don't expect you f o fit the clothes, and while they are making them, they make them "right" "If the clothes don't fit, don't take them." It will be worth your while to investigate. CONSTRUCT CHANNEL Weed Contracts for Improv nient of Property Heiislor Aimer Weed dan signed a contract with J. I'rank Ailaiiia for the ttinttriirtloii of a rnnal nix inllra In IiiikIIi In W'toA Itlvr-r nllcy. Mr. AiUioa li to In kIii no id lm noon a li. ran t'i't lil ilri-.liT on tint tfroiiml. Tli. iIi.iiiihI will l lucnty-foiir fret In w Mill nl llm Ion nml will lx four feet Irrp. ll will kiTtilliu MohI water! off a larrn arr of laml ownrl liy Mr. Wewl tnl will alio kIi IiIiii water coiuiKtlon ultli lilt rniirli. Iluilni; the Hprlng Wool It I r pa out of lit liankt and IniiiiOali-i a atl area ol railiiK ami nuailow lati.lt, Tlicitikv that thoilreil lfr will ronatiiict will confine tho leranf Ilii' tlrr ami tin- clianntl will act at a ilralnaK canal, Mr, UVnl ha nmlvrtaki n llilt work alono ami will uw lliv canal aoli y lor tlm lin.roTotunt of !! .roril)', Lnrqcly Attended Tin' laii'li'lali-i hall nt Keua wai largily atlrinle-l h) Ine MjlllIciani and liy tlitlr cauiHlKii nimiageri and boo. Irri. The itrnt waa a grand auoreta In eriyway. All nl Ihe randldatr who alii mini hrl coiiUdrut that they made MJtuh) Uinuthvru aa the attendance wat larici' and k' thi'iii an oppottunlty lo inrrt many nt ra whom Ihry had not ici-n. The majority ol the political aaplranta went lo the damv aa the gncit of Mayor Ulihop In hi) U'atitilul launch. Oth.ra dro lo Krno rally in the day and nt the alli'liiooii with the olera of Keno and Immediate iclnily. The daniloK did not ivate until a late hour and the candidate returned home tliia morning. Thu varioua county olUcrrt were rrprracnteil aa followa: Hhrrllt hy lllahop, Martin and llarnec; Clerk hy llrmido-nburg, DfUpand IM zcl; Attiaior hy Withrow, Gardner and Iej rnuaurcr hy lUggeti; Senator hy llolgate and Wllllti. I). II. CampUII wer.t lo Dorrla thlt iiiorniug on a hntlncta trip. RUSH MARSH WORK Two More Dredges to Be Put on Railroad Work When'll. 1 Iloey waa In the city a few dayaagohc itnleU that aomiUiIng would he done, and that mighty toon, lo ruih Ilia railroad grade acrota Ihe marali. He did not atatn what the ainothlni waa lo be hut it it now learn. ed that the contractor, Arthh1 Maaon, la lo do otio of two thing!, either Incrcate hia fcrco and machinery on Ihe work or elae give up the contract. Mr, Maaon la eipected here from I'ortlaml at any time to make arrangement for piuhlnc ! the conatruction of-1 he dike. It It the plan of the Koolhern i'aciflc to hae litis dike tomiilcktl at the earllcat jiofaihlo time and t accomplith llita at leatt one, and fxniluly two more dredgea, will Ixj put on the job. It la thia part ol the road that will caute diday In reaching tills city aa there la no queatlon but what the road will bo complete! to the water Uto thlt Fall. Hhould thu woik on the dike be ruth ed, at la now the plant of thu englneeia, It will make it tttlhle for the read to get here In the early Hprlng. K-vvral montha ago another dredge waa shipped to Ilray by Mr. Maon. It la tu be brought to the water and put In ihapo for ne. It will take two ma chines the entire Summer and Fall to complete the dike and In order to finish the work Mure the bail weather acta in tbe H. 1. desire three dreogea put on the job at toon at tbey can be shipped In and act up for use. The company act no special time fur the completion of the marsh grade, but It la very aniioua to liar, it completed thia year. 'A solid flit la to be made acroai the channel and the water on either aid. la to be regulated by head galea and a pumping station operated hy the ICvclamatioa Sendee. Thlt agreement hat been entered into by thu railroad company and the terice. It will shut oft all navigation at the point where the railroad erotica the channel. Seats Qoing Fast The good teati for the performance of "Olicr Twist" are going very fast and it will not be surprising If there are many who will be unablo to get Into the theater on Friday night when Mr. and Mrt. Mong and their company give thlt play with all lit queer and unique char acters. Mr. Mong will be teen In the comedy part of Mr. llurablt, the parish beadle and aa Fagin the Jew, in which part we shall expect him to do tome very effectUe acting, particularly in bit mad teen, when he ia In prison con demned to death. Mrt. Mong will play the part ol Mrs. Bumble and Rose May lie. Mr. Hroy will bo tho braUl Dill Fykci and the magistrate Fang. Mr. Orandin will be seen at the big hearted boy thief, Dodger, and Miss Lewis will have the sympathy of the audience be cause of her clever Interpretation of tho boy Oliver. Mr. Drlsgall will bo th. Mr. Ilrownlow and Mr. Bernard will be the young thief, Charlie Batvt, w Idle, at has bcn announced, Mrs. Harvey will bo teen in one of her favorite roles, Nancy Syket, The murder of Nancy by Bill, and hit subsequent death by hanging are two scenes that will llvo long In th. memories of Ihe auditors. Evil Lives After Unfortunately, the good that men do It often interred with Ih.dr bones; the evil lives after. The evil done H. M Cake Uvea on, after Mr. U'Ben patted away. In htt letter, Mr. U'Ben said number of things; proved very clearly that Mr. Oake was the favorite senator ial candidate ol tho beet trust, the Standard Oil trust, th. sugar trust, and the tobnero trust. How many people believed tbe late Mr. U'Ben when he said Mr. Cake waa the beloved of the SUNSHINE PLENTIFUL Statistics Show Yearly Average of 280 Clear Days NO EXTREME HEAT OR COLD Weather Report for Sixteen Years Shows Klamath Section Has an Ideal ClimateAltitude Is 4,000 Feet aad Mean Annual Temperature 48 Degrees refute the aiterllont of Ihe deceased? Mr. U'lten, aimlessly wandering back from the cold realm ol discontented thadet, liegt the quick lo tote for the candidate whom the dead reviled. The tolcs from tho tombt bldt ut support Mr. Cake, but does not tell ut why. la It possible that when Mr. U'lten pene trated tho great mjttery called death, ho found truth reualed, and learned that he had wantjuly tnd maliciously maligned Cake? Or it It potslble that Mr. U'lten, glancing fearfully over the Held whoso crop will sprout only at tb. blast of Gabriel's trump, limit a tomb stone misting, and hat returned to earn n slab on which hit epitaph may be en graved? May It be suggested that the inscription react aa fullous: "Hero con tinues to lie, V. S. U'lten, faittful to II. M. Cake after death." The Spec tator. Much Freight at Bray I'artict coining In from Ilray ttat. that freight matters are In a congested condition at that station, and that there nrc not enough teams to keep tho ware house empty enough to that freight can do conveniently handled. When Mr. Abbott came through he says the ware house wat full and two ran were on tbe track to bo unloaded. Thero were no teams to rkliei the condition. The management of the Klamath Falls Transportation Collates that all freight designated "Klamath Falls" It promptly ttarled for lU destination upon lit ar rival at the station and that the com pany now hat llvo teams hauling from Uray toTeetert. Mr. Autcnreith tlatei that the freight piled up at Bray be longs to Merrill merchants and to other small towns throughout the county. Adams-Chamberlain Itov. Geo. T. I'ratl this morning at the Lakeside Inn performed the cere mony that united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Gladys E. Chamber lain and Mr. W. W. 8. Adams. They will leave tomorrow for the groom's homo hear Merrill where they will make their home. SK.-;i Tho Most Perfect tMA?M9 of Floor Paints Makes iloort eaay to keep clsan-the home sanitary and attractive. Roberts & Hanks Phone 173, tmrnt Block Mutittica prepjred by W. H. Helle- tnan on tho weather conditions of this section may havt a tendency to make tho people IMng In Klamatb mora sat ia&ed with th. existing climatic con ditions. The records b. has show that forth, patt listen yser. there baa been on an average ol 980 days of sun shine and clear weather in each year. Thlt It record equalled by few place. In the ttate, or any other state. In four teen years the weather baa gone below xero bot seven times, and It baa been more than tig degree below bat one. In that time. The altitude of this section la 4,0.0 feet and tbe mild Win ters are a surprise to every newcomers The highest Summer temperature in tbe sixteen years is approximately 103 degrees, while the mean Soatmer tem perature for that period ia 90, nasi Ike mean annual tempera tor la 41 dstrat. ThsiUtittlct for tto entire od enow, that tbe average annual ralalaU baa been fourteen Inches. ' These statistics show that tatcUamato of tbe Klamath section might ha maah worse. There are no tilieatae ta thia1 auction in weather eoadltloaa. The Hammers aie never hot aatl tha 1 do not have thoat extremely eM I that am comtaeai ta tWBaea a Weat. Thestatlatlea gathtsti by Mr. Befl; man should be sslsattaiely need ia ad vtrtitlogthiacoaaby aa they compare very favorably with tboee ol almost any agricultural region. The Klamath Fall! Laad Transpor tation Co. began opeMamg th-atret car line this morning after karlac been shut down by permission e( the Ooaaeil for several weeks. Tbe service will be continued as it It until after tb. board of directors ol tb. company has a meet Ing and makes arrangements lor a motor service. C. N. Hawkins and W. H. Brown are expected here at any time and the board will meet shortly altar their arrival. Local Manager E. R. Reamea state that some kind ol an electric car will be pat on during the'-Summer. t t r trutts? How many took the trouble to 1 L... sJt . i 'v&sasy