PUBLICAN CANDIDATES , rnUNTY CLIHK ivn w- ;'lB,l.,.ltl. coming r'l",),e,Ci'S.lllASIi:NIIUK(l. fKSSlw- InUlhed.. Ilu. rOR COUNTY WMIff i l,r annomiM mjrr.ll cam . . rll.r..n.ltnll " ''" J Iclr I'' "'" ,,l,lr" "' Hl""", "' itojKiMV!".."-":!;!.! . . .l. rti. nl Itrriu ir i" " ;,;io., of l- rrbHcii voln. all... ytmufM"' IlfH.olBiiV. lh,r,l.fhtioimci'riiy candidacy for d Ed,'...-.. hi.ib . ' n...l.iKl lo II.. .ctl o I" - w..H.......yrK.lon, ,,,,11 Ull. IW. UM.MAIITI.N. Kit MAT SENATOR I ,rr,aih announce myself a caryll dale lor fxlitt rnilor Irom Klamath, Uk, .ml Cr.. riniiillra on ' "-1 ,.,UIn llrkrl. ill.Jl ' Jacl'Wn' oltl, Im r, n ii.i.i , I lnuly ml'ialt my """' " "'" " pWicin rolrii l..r Joint srnat..r from KUmalh, Ua '! I'''00 cminllM al itrloiarr clrctti-n In I hrlil April ;'1W, . . .11 ii. .U. l.liMullv triirrMlilrl tills dutilct In lli Utt M-ulon ol III. fctllf (Mt, nd alnce III" srliatonhlp hea, U iMi Irriii, ln runeeUM to Ma tilth, I aaln k lr lh lavoiabl" coif llltnllun ul llm Voters ul IhU .' lotltl district, lln-llully, OKO. II. MIIUIIYMAN. t .!). in nia lint 1 am a candidate It lb lt-uliliran nomination lor Joint .! la irlili-wllt ill. llllltlct Con Mat ol Crok, Klamath and Ukr CWttlH. II, U IIUMIAir., Ilonania, Oregon. rOR COUNTY TRXASURSa I t,.l,r iiinnuurr nil canilllCV (or - - - . nlwtlon In the office ill County Tieuortron the lEepuMlran lickel ul rrt lo the drcMim ol the primarlr on April 17, I.. AI.VA l.r.WJH. lUtel.y drclaie iii)m-II a candidate Ivi tkt nomliiatlmi ol County Tieamrrr totlif Itrpulillrau lliket, auhjecl to lha toruUtfillon nl tha ulmi at tho pil- tiiijrlectl..n. T. V. STKI'IIK.NH. Itnnoqnie mrarll a candidate lur tha IHfbatjtlriii iiiiiiiltiAltiiii f .1 r I ti i. Iofite ol (Vjnntr Tieaaurer, auhject lo llio ctioribl the utt at the comlne'eTec- ii la April C. 0. CIIITWOOIi. rOR COUNTY AUISS0R I litrrtir annuuiiri- tax ull k omit. VtU lor nomination on the Hepuhlican licktt, tor County Aaaeaaor. nl KUmath fnlj, auhject lo lha decision ol the twill lha primary election. IlKltTK.WiTIIHOMT. thrrthy announce iiiimII a candidate " Ui nomination lo lha offlro ol '". sul-Ject to the decision ol the "foonciaa oters al the primary rleo K. W. (10WK.N 'M flOUCUTINn amwurv 1 fbjf announce m sell a a i-andl-Itaan ii... ii ... ,.r,,uoiicaii ticket lor llio liloriheic,M. Dl.irlct Al- ntt lor lft......i. ... . ai. ; "" '" '-aao counuea, '"J! Ill til. ilrrlilnn ..I .1... Dllmirv.l...,l.... .l,llll. KltKl). II. MUM. I!n'1,'ll,,u''.'r i'n.,i.ii. --...,i.u ,or 1 1,0 oIIIcb ol ""CBUn nttlllllltv Imp 1 1.. .. I fjwlg attorney ,,tcl ol ,10 ,,,, ,k.7.7.n,""""0l' coumlea -'rwManuti,, '- V. KUYKENDALL. fc00!.'0'" ft.i: sw'" NMtMHUr.. : . r0""1'' r"00 mWUn . "'" oniuerauon 01 n voter at t,,, prm,ry ele0. -. u. DIVAH. airal.. " 'tilorrl "0",on ,,, "paMtan V County School HnpnilnUDd. rrtary .lection In April. nuuuy, Morrill, Oregon. I nectlully announce my candidacy lor hinted Ion on Ilia lteubllcan ticket In IIih nlllin n( County Hrhoril Huiwrlii. tcliili hi, aubjeet In lliu will ul lli voter t Ilk- primary election. J.O.WIOHT. rOR COUNTY OOMM1UIONM I lioioliy niiiioiinrw myaell a landl dale fur tho ikiki I n nttort for Commission. r on llm republican ticket, (or the con Meilnn of the volenat Ilia primary election In April. 0. I. HWINOI.K, Lorrlla. Urn, FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce myaell a candidate lor tn-iilri'tioti to llio ulllco ul County Nuivi'jnr, subject lo llm consideration ul I Im lti'nilill(nii Mitfif at llm primary election. M. I. WII.I.IAMK. FOH JOINT IIKI'IIEHKNTATIVK To th lliiihllrfi) ol Klamalh, Ijake, Crook and Orant roiinlle I wlili to Inlorni llm lliulillcana ul lamatti,, Ciook and (Irani roiin- lira, condlliilliix the Twenty-ltitt l(eH lerriitallva Dlitilct ol Orrgun, thai my namn mIII Imi nrtentl lor our consid eration al llm fulmary election to Im held April 17, ItajH, aaklng your auflra(. (or eelecllou ai nun ol tha Itepiihllcan nomlurr (or Joint lleprreentatlte to he Ultjtli-d lor on June 1, 1IHM. II. I'. Ilelknap, I'llnevllle, Orif on. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES for county iHOtirr I irM.llully annoiinra iiijmII ai a raudiilate lor the oilier ol Wierlf! on the Domocrallr ticket, eiihjt to the will ol Ilia volet l the ptlmary election. II. KT. (IKO.IIlHIIOP. I hereby aiinuiiucn myeell a candldalo on the Ikmocratic ticket, lur the noul nation lor therlM, lor the coutlderatlon ol lha Yotereal Ihe primary rlectlun. It. K. FOR COUNTY CORONEM I rrtxct(ully aunntinca myaell aa a randldalv lur tha olllre ol Coroner ol Klamath Coiintr, Oirgnn, on the Dem ocratic ticket, nilijrcl to lha approval ol tha voter al '.he primary election on April 17, 1KH. KAIII.WIIITl.OCK. roR county Assisaoa I herehy diclaie myaell a candidate lor tho nomination lor County AtteMor on the llemocratlc ticket, ulcct lo the leclaion ol tha soter at lha primary election. J. I. LBK. I iriectlully announce myrell a can didal, lor the DeHancratlc nomination (or the iilllrx nl Ataeasor, eilhject to the declihiii ul tho tolera at tho primary election. (li:o.T. CI.INK. Uirella, Oregon. I0R COUNTY TRIASURU I rewct(ully announce myaell aa a candidate lor the oHlce ol County Treat utcr, on the IVmiMCtallc lickel, subject lo decision ul thooteralthe I'rlmary election. " CI.AUI) II. DAfiOKTT. rOtTtOUNTY CUUUX 1 hereby announce uiyscll a candi date (or nomination lo office ol County Clerk auhject lo action ol Democratic voter al Ihe primary election. W. A. DKL7.KI.L. Treasurers Notice Notice I- hereby given thai Ihero are fund. In llm count v treasuiv (or tho re demption ol all outstanding connty warrant protested on and prior lo J nlv II UUMV Interest on Mttie will ceaao lioni thiadate. ...... Daliil at Klamalh Fall tin .'HI uay ol March, 11HW. I.. Alva I.owls, Comity Tn-Murer. NOIItt TO CRUNTORS IN TIIK COUNTY COUUT OF TIIK 8TATK OF OHKOON Foil KLAM- ATI I COUNTY. E8TATK OF J08KNI CONOER, DEOtASKD. Notice I hereby given that Ihe lait win .ml teiument ol Joaepli Conger, deceased, ha been duly proven and ad mitted to probate anu mat aonn w. ami Rha. D. W1II0D hV been duly appointed a exacutor there of. All punoni having claim against al.l Miats are hereby reauMtod to pre- nt the aauio with the proper vouchan, within all month irom mo uaie oi una nnilna.' In lha undamlsnad at tho Flrtt National Bank In tho city ol Klamath Fall. Oregon. Dated at Klamath FalliT Oregon, tbli 18th day ol February, IBM. John W. Biimen. 2-13 5-19 Chahlb D. Wuuom, Eaeoutora ol tho last will and teta mont ofJoatpb Congar, Dooouod, furs Wanted (! I). Wlllson li In tho market for nil kinds of fur, for which ho will pay tha hlghm market prlet. Address him at Klamath Palls, Oregon. agoo Acres Free Tim Ukesida comjiariy had 2500 acre ol laml under Ilia Adam illtch that It lll iilru HKNT FUEK lor one year. Trill Include! Ilia use ol tho land and waltr. Tho renter mutt clear and placu Ida bud In cultivation. The rent er Knl all Ilia crop hut wo renervo tha rliiht lo pasture tha atubhlr. Tha Ijikrililo Coiniauy, J. Frank Adamt, Managrr, Merrill Ori'iion. nixtrvn-incn anu lour-iooi WOOU lor I Ul., l.-l. ... M aalo In any quantity. Leaw ordora at lleltktmper'a Jewelry Store or New aom and Underwood'a UruK (tore, t, Fire Alarm Districts District No. 3-Weat aide of river. District No. 4 South of Main itreet from the bridge to Center (treet. District No. G- Conger and California Avenue. District No. C-Kwauna Height". Dlatriet No. 12-South of Mnln, be tween Center and Third. Dlatriet No. 13-Soulh of Main, be tween Third and Fifth. Dlatriet No. 14-Norlh of Main, be tween Third and Fifth. Dlatriet No. I o-South of Main, to I Walnut between Fifth and Seventh. Dlatriet No. Ifi - North of Main to High, between Fifth ami Seventh. ' District No. 21 -South of Main to Walnut, between Seventh and Ninth. District No. 22 -North of Main to High, between Seventh and Ninth. District No. 23-Hot Springe district east of Main ami Ninth. District No. 21-South of Walnut to Plum, between Fourth and Sixth. District No. 25-South of Walnut to Plum, between Sixth and Eighth. District No. 3t-Southof Walnut and East of Eighth. District No. 32-North 'of High to Jefferson, between Sixth and Eight. Dlatriet No. 31-North of Jefferaon, between Sixth and Eighth. Dirlrict No. 35-North of High to Jefferaon, between Eighth and Tenth. Dlatriet No. 41-North of Jefferaon, between Eighth and Tenth. DistrUt No. 42-Eaat of canal. The general alarm will be aounded by giving ten rapid itrukc of the bell, followed by tho number of the district in which the lire I located, which will bt, runs three time. When the di rict I represented by mora than one figure, a No. 24, after giving' tha gen eral alarm the bell will be tapped twice, then a alight pauae, followed by four lap with a longer pause, and then re peated twice more before (oondlng th i i general alarm again. ! SHOUT STORIES. ' Four men oat of lx amok. ( ! U. I. llobllo, premier of Manitoba. I haa announce that the government will Boon begla tbe construction of a I thousand tnllea of telephone and tW I graph ll&ao, I Too houao II Litchfield. Coon., la ' which Judge Tappan Ileeve etarted tha Oral law acho-4 Pi tola country la 1774 baa beeu aoll M auction to partleo L who will ee I kit It la preaerved for Ita hlatoricai vaivo. Th prtaed oowasslon of Footaaatar C. W. Jonea cat Illverpont, a I, U Td, a cat that flpa lb acalea at nine teen and a kaVf pound and la abl to reach a btt of more than three feet when ataarllng on hU bind feat Joaeph Doctoforlti, a teacher of n brew and a atarlent of old Jewlah In atltutlona, boa put on exhibition In New York a rr-taplete reproduction of th tempi at eruaalem. It la fifteen feet and Include the aavaral eourta and palace of tbe prleats. pealallxatlan. Once upon a time not many year hnca perbapa a man being aelaed with a audden and violent pain baa ten to a doctor for relief. "Where la the pain?" aaka th doctor. "Wight here," groan tbe man aod laya hi hand on the afflicted part Tb doctor open bl caa of Inatru meat and lakea therefrom aavaral dt Icate compaaiea and a number of 0jm- I. mailnalMl luiwl. With thM DO proceeda to make precla and elaborata maaiuremenia, aioppmg at imiw -larval to act down a groat aaaay Bg urea on a aheet of paper. It-hat aea tou dolnaT crkM UM BU at Uat, for bU pata at all tko ttm tat croaalng. "Of courao I ahall taalw Tory tan, trot of all, that tbe roeaUoa of tko W- a.i. I..I.H is wiikln bt aaaalaltr. Do you take for a aaekt Ton o- Nrn to Ur boon bore a ttowaad yaa agor-PueH. G. Helming ft Co. Fur Merchants AddrtM MankftaM, Ortfoa, or Klaaatk FaUa, OrasJOR Profeulonal Card DR. WM. MARTIN Dentin Office over Klamath County flank c. r. STONE Attorney at Law Offllce otrer poitofflco, Klamath Fall, Oregon T riaraoHK 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klnmnth Folia, Orcijon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Bank A Trust Co.'s HnlMing Zirn's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing Firitclai Line of Plumb ing Siccialtlca and first clan Workmanship. A. 0. U. W. Bulldlnij Klamath rails We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At the Bridge on Main Street CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oyster Served in Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klamath Falls & Winema Truck & Transfer COMPANY Furniture and pianoa carefully moved. Baggage wagon and general drayfng. All work given prompt attention. Bus to and from all boat. Phono 103 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines, Liquors and CtjUw Cateri to the better clan of trado, with nothing to offandj the most critical. You'll notice the difference when you try it. Juit the placo to drop In for a refrcihing baver ago when you new! a atimulant. Pure liquors of all kinda for family trade a ipcclalty V Elvvood Steel Fences GUARANTEED Wc arc in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elvvood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the Supervision of the QovcraaMM a a a NOUC BttttT . . . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer ONE THOUSAND Of Furniture Is on ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the American Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. J "Our Responsibility ends whenever you are Satisfied." E. W. GILLETT&GO. Bert E. Witiiuow, Vice President Abstracting Maps, nana, Blue Mats, Ktc. Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt. C. E. President Klamath The 19th will be Easter Sunday and the man who is figuring on blonoming out in the new Spring Colors will find that we have made great plans to meet hit ex pectations, from the elaborate showing of novelty neckwear to the newest shadings in Spring garments. In our clothing section we are making a special display of Friend Made and Alma Mater Student Styles at $15.00 to $50.00 for Suits and Top Coats. Our display of neckwear ia larger, handsomer and more attract ive than ever before. r Portland Clothing And Shoe Store DOLLARS WORTH its way to the Auxn Sloan Secretary M. D. Williams, c. E. Treasurer Falls. Oregon s J ". i