The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 14, 1908, Image 1

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Ltiy nod i'or '"
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Ixiimtth Foils ...
oSdYkaii. No. r-itf.
Price, 5 Cents.
ivernment Will Furnish Water
Within a Few Days
(ration and Maintenance Department of Reclamation
Service Hi Main Canal Ready for Water-Hetleman
Wiiii ts Merc Room for Experimental Work
Ml, llrllrmart, who I'" charge of
L..iln and aialinrnir ol the
urnltarialt, stair, that lilt .In
timtl.r lr will I turned Into
wlarn.l lilnii a very few day..
(snstiiny '"'l '"' ""' """''",
biiMlluinMllln Iuki llMieri
,i tjukli rrtUtllicllm of thr
tea It Jln. !! ' contract
, not BnMird tticir work, and l-
I ... ... .Il.aa HMhI fit
Itf UitmKlf 'r "", '" """"
Lr. II tais that the water I only
Is oarers above '!" Ireellng ilnt
Jltsodldo rery little g'l to Hi
a 14 ate cold water nil the toll at thla
i of tin )rr. The crops are all
Luinlllif warm dry !) have had
ltl iffrcl on llifin. Alfalfa Is com.
li.iiWr, but owing to III facl that
ruts 1'idui.ti deep It M K" tot
Klimt aliliout fullering any damage
albsatnt ol water lluwever, the
wn alll complete ttc clas.ltlcalltm
l illhln my low days and III
f till U tuiiiivl In lit lint ranal
dsillhtal the dltinal ol lli ranch.
Iil Itruiffi.
Mr. Iltltctnan li a film believer In es-
llornt litions ami he thinks lliat no
iWJ bett lii rcmloK tract
i uoJtf the rnl to Im uted (ur
tfoifoxol driiumfliatiiig what th
itlb u;tlirmli laiula will produce
Ira (iroirr'v cultivated, lie ) !
klrittrtrd a iiniiilxr il rifliuonl
kujiln it unit il lor ground. Tim
Imgaxnt uteri -iked teeming tracts
lUtdlir ri-ijiui'iill purpoii when
pprvjeclai. lltit i tm I.-1 and now It
InuWradiiliculi matter to secure aull
ip!im. He himcter, hdlcves llial
rilu.Tl.iuili Un.l fui an rxpvrl-
lot lirm lil ho ifiurl, and then
I friduttue ipialltlrt ol hold the
bnhsl the other lauds can U-fully
montinifl, (, Uln-vet that the
Uauli I'mjrct will I,. tcf mccets.
lose liow (ho prolucllvu standpoint.
Killbtaiiilliy that will produce
tall lint It needed I to learn by oi-
Pasntlng Uio klrxU of crops that ar
tJltcd to thr vniloii part ol tha
fI. Tho toll survey which lie
torcciirnl.ortly wm i , rMl
aid In ilrtcrmlliliiK Ihu iroducllrriiFi
o thi land". Mr. Ilolleinaii haa lakrn
II i thlaciirluicntal MOik at a ixirtul a
tliln lima aa It dora ul cmnu In ollli
hit rrgtilar wuik itli th declamation
Horvlcv, and tha Ulidonra auuld hrli
fit IhrmiclTca if Ihry anuld aaaltt him
In carrying on th rirlmriita by fur
dialling ground and hy cultivating the
croia that hr tuggratt.
nails Come Late
Tim inalla are aalti arriving lata In
the evening at rrtuli In the chango In
Id tchrdulr. Thn ttrainer Klamath
carilra mall to ami Irmu Tvcteit land
ing , leaving hrro at I o'clock A. M., and
arriving about Tin tho opnlng. Thr
chwliito It Int convenient for Iho Kla
math r'll utt office ami probably alao
for the public, but at It eidll malls
thtie It no orcaalon fur a kick. Malta
ar nearly tuenlyduur liuura earlier
than under the old Kliclule elilch
thoold roiuitrrart any InraaeanUocea
that may be Incurr! by the change.
The b.t now make coiinpctlou with
both alagea from llray ami fnun I'oke
gaina, which doea away with the Oregon
A California TrautM)ilatlon Comny'a
alagea between thla city and Keno.
Thr live )!! rpi'iit by Ktimtor Ful
ton In tbu tervlce ol the Hate at Waili
Ingloii have Ix-eri eventful onea and full
of hard work, through all the dlaad
vantagea and ilravtbacka he hat fought
bin tny until hu tlanda wllli great In
lluencp and pn-itlK", the i-Httor of Im
nliit chalruinutila and curnmlttej
atalgumrnta, lnvonl wlllillu frlemlthlp
audi'onlldeni'efil hla inllcagurt, and In
line to brrouiu ono of iho coiinlryule
nrknowhvlged leadi'ra of the upper
In the tettlon of I(kj.'i and lliOO Sen
ntnr 1'ullon took a priiiioiliKtd aland on
railroad iat regulation, and during all
the great coutroverty raging anuml the
rate regulation bill aloud Hi in behind
the fiollcy of I'retldent llootcvelt, bat
tllug for the regulalion ol the railroada
ol the country, lie waa the author of
thn now famous "Alliton amciidirierit"
to the bill, wlilch retultil in bring.
lug the waning helium In the Henate
I'vllier in the p.vtg ol the uieatuie.
I'reaidint Itmnetelt heartily piiuvel
of thn leriut of the Alllt'in amendment,
and li-raoually thanktl rVmtor Pulton!
fur hla work and aid In drafting the
rneaiuru and mititlng In Dglillng It
through to final pattage. It waa during
till debate that Kenator Fulton came
to b recogiiiziil aa ouu of the leading
debatort and parliamentary lighten of
the tenatp.
In the preterit tettlon of Cotigreta
Kenatur Kullon haa come till more
prominently bclore the people by rraton
of the light made by him for the "Ful
ton retolutlon," which la ttrongly up
irtl by I'ntidrut llooaevelt, and hit
amcrxlliielit to the Interttale commerce
law by which tblppera are given the
J ower to tec u if a heaiini lielure the In
jtertlate Ouuuieicv Couimlttlon before
1 an lucreaM-il rate can bo put In effect by
a railroad. 'the Cioctator.
The Kepubllcan ttale central commit
tec, which met In Portland laat Friday,
decided to hold tha atalo convention In
that city on May 14th. The congreaaloif
al convention, will be hold at the lame
place and tlino. Atldo from apKrliori.
Ing lh delegate) and letting the date
(or the convention the committee took
little action, although an .ffort wat
made to aprlng Talt'a retolutlona, but
theae were tld't-traclfl.
When the elate convention rnueta it
will telect four I'retidentlal Klectora
and four delegate to tho National Con
vention. Tha two Uongretalonal roil
venllont will each aelcct two delegate!
to the National Convention, giving Ore
go i eight dvlegatet. The committee
bated the repretentalion on one dele-gate-at
large for each county and one
delegate for erety IM volet, or major '
fraction thereof, cant for tiupreme Judge '
In June WOO. There will be 'O'J dele-'
gate to the convention and Klamath I
Countywlll be entitle I to four. The j
repretentalion will tc the tame to the'
Congreatlonal and Ktate Conventiona. I
The metlio-1 of aelectlng the delegate!
la left to the County Central Committee
Rumor That Pokegama Is Not to
Be Abandoned
Klamath Lake Railroad, According to Rumor, WiM Haul
from Thrall to Pokegama at a Very Low Rate
When Regular Service Is Discontinued
only four tcenca In the ordinary four-act
Mr. Moughai relino,uiihcd the chief
honuraof parta to .Mr. Harvey, who will
play 11111 Hykea, and we havo no doubt
that Mr. Harvey will do full juitic to
the re'iuliemeritt of it, elte he would
not kare been entrutted with It.
(Jet your teatt today and be lure of a
good teat.
Organize Local Q. A. R.
Gone to Keno
The damage mil of I'. II. Mills vt iho
United -later; Government hat been fet
tled. It will be remembered that thlt
lull accrued from the Keno canal right
of way. A compromlra wat effected
whereby Mr. Mllla' clalrni were fully
Farmers vltltlng the city are agreed
that the Irrigation ayatem will be a
mighty good thing thla year. Crop of
all klnda are already in need of moltture
and if rain doea not romc at once Irrigat
ing will begin within few days. .
V. Hiulth now ha a large force cm
ployed on the Adam canal and will have
Iho tamo In ahape for water In a very
thort lime.
Tint airing of candliUtrt will wind up
at Keno tonight to lake in the candidate
ball at that place. 1 be dance promlae
to be a very tucie'tlul affair from a k.
Illlcal etandilnl aa nearly all the can.
Ildalea will be In attendance.
Merchants Are Receiving Heavy Spring Consignments-Both
Lines Being Patronized-Bray Route Company An
nounces Reduction In Rates
Invitation have been laaued for the
Hecond Open Meeting of the Tueaday
Kvanlng MualcClub, which will occur
on lb evening of April 21. A iplcndld
program ha bven arrangol for the
Tho Women Club will give an, egg
hunt at the library loom, Monday
evening, April Wlh. A program, egg
hunt and lignl lunch. Comocveryliody,
Admlatlon .'!.
.. MEN'S . .
Panamas Split Straws
Fine White Manilas
Mackinaw Straws
.. . HATS . .
$1.00 to $10.00
The Place to Buy Your Spring Hat
Merchant of thl city are now receiv
ing their large aprlng alilpinent of
freight. Itotli the i'okegama and the
llray route are well patrunltcd, and all
freighting outfit are on the road.
Thla I unqueillonably the laat remou
tor (rviglillng from I'okegftina a all
hualucf over that road will be dltcon
tinuol about June 11, or rather about
tho time the mall service It changed to
the Weed route. The Klamath 1-ake
llallroad will ho operated for lumbering
purpoae and to trnnaact tho bualne of
the Weyerhaeuaer Company.
However, much of the freight coming
in till aprlng come via rokvgama and
the Mclnllro Company will have team
hauling from there until after the et
labllaliuient of tho through service (rout
Dorria. Tho rate in effect (rom Toke
gaina arc 75 reuta and fl.OO, and the
will likely continue until tho lutnimtr
late go Into effect. Tho Klamath Fall
Transportation Company Iwgon haul
ing (rom llray on April lit, on Ilia (ob
lowing ratet: 11 clam, $1.15; 2nd data,
$1,10; Jrdcla,S8 cent; 4th dan, 87
cent. These rate will continue in
effect until further notice.
When the S. P. begin the operation
of trains to Dorrlt tb rata published a
few day ago will go Into effect, and the
Mclntlro Company will then haul in
conjunction witb the Southern i'acldc.
Tho extemlon of th California North
caitorn I earning a revolution In the
freighting alttiatUn. The through rato
place practically the entire butlnei in
the hand of the Southern Pacific Com
pany, and according to the agreement
with the Mclntlre Company the freight
will be delivered at the atore door or
warehouse, and the shipper need not
worry about getting the contlgnment In
(rom the railroad. The approach of the
railroad will reduce th number ol out
fit needed to tramport the. freight to
it dettinatlon, but most ol the team
ten now engaged In the freighting
builncta will And work hauling to other
town (rom the terminal of th rail
road. When th railroad raacbe tnl
city the freight (or the entire Klamath
country will be brought to thl place to
be distributed. Thl will give employ
ment to alt th parlie now engaged in
the freighting buslnen.
The Dickens Play
The reserve J teats (or the performance
ol "Oliver Twltt" are going very rapidly
anJ It U likely that by Friday afternoon
there will be nothing left but standing
room. Mr. Mong aak thl paper to an
uuunce thai all aeata purchased lor
David llanlck," which waa to havn
been given thlt evening, will be hon
ored at the door on Friday evening, or
((there are any who have tickets for to
night and do not car to attend Friday
nlghti performance, they may have their
money refunded by calling at the Per
fectton today or tomorrow.
Laat nights rehearsal lasted till after
midnight, and tho company it working
very hard with this difficult play, but
Mr, Mong assures us that the company
will do thoraielves credit with the four
teen scenes and will handle their lines
and the business ol tha play with as
much east and grace at they would with
K. II, Itamtby I In receipt of a com
munication from Atilatant Adjutant
General C. A. Williams, of the Oregon
department of theO. A. It., in which
the organisation of n M nt tliN ptc
I urged. The mutter la Ulng conidir
fd by the Civil War Votcrana and it I
probable that Ihey may effect an oxid
isation. There, are about twelve in
thl city and it immediate vicinity, and
any move on the part of the veterans
ahould receive the aid of the people gen
erally. Year by jear the rauki of the
llr!olK are .becoming thinner, and It
wilt be but a abort time until the'CK A.
It. will vxlat In name only.
It la to be hoped that for Iho good ol
the old veterana themtelvet and lor the
community generally that a local pott
of tho G.A. It. will b organized at
Will Move to Town
Swjt.v, I..VKK On., April 13, 1903.
To the KuiToa: A report ha come
to me that a rumor I current to the ef
fect that if elected to the office of county
treasurer my authority as uch officer
will be delegated to some other person.
I wish to fay In thla connection that
any audi atatementa arc erroneous;
that If elected, I (ball more to the county
seat and be treasurer mytell.
Several launchc loaded with politi
cian started for Keno this afternoon.
The dance there tonight will be largely
Again there 1 a rumor that some
thing I to happen in th transportation
business, but just what thla something
Is cannot be learned at this time. E. T.
Abbot, manager ol the Klamath Lak
Kallroad. will arrlv in lb city tonight
(rom Thrall, and those who ar on th
Intlde say his coming Is to bar effect
upon the transportation situation, both
freight and paateogsrt. Manager Ab
bott has had matters pretty much hla
own way and he is loath to let go ol the
business at a time when tbsr stilt re
mains chance (or him to hold at least
a part of It. Only a very few bar been
advised of Mr. Abbott's coming, tad
among these are Capt. J. M. Mclntlre
and Abel Ady. Th latUr la already
connected with the local transportation
companies and It la very probable) that
b will bar something to do with taw
reorganisation of a company to operate
a freight business (rom Poksfassa to
this city.
The Klamath Lak railroad will b
operated (or th purpoa of baallag oat
tb product nf the sawmill. Thla being
the case the railroad eaa luul freight
from Thrall vi that point lit almost
nothing. II thy get enough to pay for
handling It and to pay th xpos of
running the train tb railroad company
will be just that much ahead. If a Tery
low rat Is maintained on tb Klamath
Lake railroad the Pokegama rout will
be able to compete with the new line
throughout the entire Summer, or at
teaat until the road is built to the water,
so that the boat connections can be
made with the trains over th Califor
nia Northeastern. It 1 stated that the
villi ol Mr. Abbott I to arrange (or a
freight service (rom Pokegama to this
city to go into effect as soon aa the Mc
lntlre Company transfers to the other
Capt. Mclntlre says he Is not aware ol
such a move and Mr. Ady says nothing.
However, it is understood that Abbott is
coming here to devote his time and ser
vices to some ol tb tangles in the local
transportation situation, and those who
claim to know say that the result will
be that freighting from Pokegama will
continue throughout the entire Summer
and Fall and that the rate will be aa
low at over the new route.
yr X;, The Most Perfect
IsMMM of Floor Paint
Makes floors easy to kssp clean lbs horns sanitary and attractive.
Roberts 6c Hanks
Pkone 173, lama Block