The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 13, 1908, Image 4

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I fft 1ST 1 T 3 '
Get the Essence of Satisfaction
By Dealing with a Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
leadlatf Watduaaker, Jeweler and Optician
TORE Box Suits an "Dummy" Suits
all rkiht as load a reatlaii qaktly mm
the "daaMjr" that doeaa't awfe- a awcb
all wroat! whea pat oa a life, aravbrg,
active bum. for whoat tkejr were aot aude,
aad who qalckly brlatfa oat erery glarlag
For clothe that fit jour forai, follow
every ot caveat of yoor body, aad retala
perfect ahape. hare at take yoar aaeaaarc
aad aead it to Ed. V. Price 8 Gk, faaaoas
aa aerchaat tailors who auLe clothe to
order exclashrely.
Fabrics No. 4404 L, 4198 K. 4189 J,
4368J. 436IJ. 4158J, 42201, 4S06I,
oat of 500 magnificent patterns for Sprla,
aad dealdas 486, 489. 490, 491, 491 froai
oar aew fashion plate, will be of service
ia helping' yoa choose a nifty salt.
Made la either direct or modified style,
a talloredtoaieasare solt will cost yoa
bat 125 to 140 here, aad it will embody
high class workauashlp, perauaeare of
ahape, aad serrice ralae only foaad la
clothea for which small tailors charge
twice the araaey.
Try oae aad be coavlaced.
IiiImIh Ical rtprWMtMlt UUT. f rlc 8 C.
KUrcfual Yl, Chlca
WeGaarotceaFlt The PantatOIlUm
Subscribe for The Herald
See Winter (or Jewelry.
ChM. Fatteo, of flonanra, li In the
city totlay.
Lost Flannel bahyhail Krl.lny 3rJ.
Fltiiler ile return to K K K More.
George Mcliitire li on theilck list to
day. For Kent Ftiriitfheil room to rent
returnable. On Filth Street In low Wal
nut Aicmie. Mrs. Cox, 4 10
I,. Alva Lew If went to Paliy today on
Kyour watch U lick teml It to Win.
ten Hospital,
The geeo iiiolnj noithuiinl I.
another Indication that Winter ha It-en
ildlliMiuol by xentle Spring.
Ne line of Inrfcy Souvenir un at
The Mnng Company returned Satnr.
day night iroru n very iic:ofiil trip to
Merrill and llonanta.
Spring line Panama and Straw Hat.
at tho KKK .tort'.
Aitoclate member ol the Klamath
Fall Military liand will tain notiiu
that there will bo a nxlal dance at the
hall on Friday erriilni, April 17.
It I not neceiuuy to lcae jour
watchee i long at Winter, Me are
now prepared to do your witk prompt,
ly. All work guaranteed for onu war.
W T. Lej, onoI Capt. and Mr. J
I. I-ee, li here Irom tunnyale, Cal., to
proe up un a timber claim and to
with hi foil.
To gut a home talk to K. It. Hull about
the SummervKlnney Jce. Oillre, '.'ml
tloor, llalilmln Mock.
Mmt o( the launche on Kl.iuiath
water were out yeitcrtlay, J-everal
tinall parllr wero out on the 1'ppcr
Lake, while l.ako Kwauna n.ial.o well
Furniihed noun- (or rent.
1 For Upivr 1-nko point by launch call
onC. I'. dreuory A Son.
C. ('. Kiche uml It J Stwkiiiejer.
United Slate marthal, pimM through
the city Saturday enroute to l).)iianta to
take charxv nl Hotl Kigali iir.J !(., Im
will bo charged with rohbinit the U. .".
A. Helming A Co , fur merchant,
pay liliihcft Cih pilce (or nil klndiiil
hide and (in. Ileadijuarler Anieil
can Hotel. It
C.T.Oliver will n to Fort Klamath
tomorion . Cale l not ilulmt politic !
though he gel mlieil up with political
KaugiH'rifiliia1ly. He l out olllng
Implement nukliit; money while tho
other are iviidiuu what tliey have
mde. Thai' the difference.
l.ndie nml ChlMien Straw Hut of
eveij ile.cilptlon at l K K loie.
1 can locale )nn on fl hninelel. 1
can rell you a gooil rmirli of 110 acre in
1jmiii'1I Valley, at a price that will unit
)ou, II. W, leeic. If.
No bracelet ut Winter.
T.rrllil. FW.
Then I atniirthliii: which will ap
leal to eu-ry American In the horror
of ii rate upon Henry Jame.
Sr.. by hl ami. the noelll. IIU'I nr In the letter, or i: I. (liKlkln
The jouiiit man tinil U-eli woratiM In
tirgituicut nml I'M tnliiicl
"Then may )oiir m-nheil (hitalw al
irnji have tumpi In them!" Youth
i ut iiLKmmmmwmmmt
Time to Dye
Easter Eggs
Paaatels Tramfer dye Sets u pkij,
Buster Brown Tranafcroa Acts a pktf,
White Rabbit Tranaferi,
16 colors 5ctsnpk(j,
White Rabbit dyes. 8 colors,
100 shades 8cts u pg
Also Nice Line of Easter Cards
and Novelties.
Star Drug store
"The Store that Saves You Moiei
Juit i rrtili.
Mr N' lliee vbbi n
fre'j a the one I pit twin yon lat
week The Cnnvr- Oh. jiVin! Hom
of the rtuie lot inn'um I'vr li-.-eQ
kivpbiK ' for joii - I'ltU Me Up
lll.l ace . a It cere, the nltar of
III. We umy - them all laLlns rn
tire lu It.-Marcu Aurcllu
the McIntlreTraniortatIon Co.
Men I'anama Hat KKK tnre. tended to all
For the beat ritf In town call al the ,
Mammoth Stable. II. W. Mraw, Pro
prietor, t
The aecon I earch made al Itorttou ,
for article taken from the U. ?. mall )
rrulte In the r'i.covcry of a niimU'r of I
thing that the flrt nearch did not re
veal. Try ZIm for plumbing. :
Everything that you may need In the
Iryaood. line pay now bo found at tliu
lionton itore.
Everrtlnng guaranteed at Winter.'
Maimith I all I'u lie librar)
Tho Klamath Fail Public Library I
open every afternoon from ' to 6:.T()
Apjily at o'clock and each cvenini; from CW to
10 o'clock. A cordial initatlon la ex-
Jackson Hotel
Fort Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooms, good beds,
and the table always sup
piled with the best the
market affords-Tcrms rea
sonable. C. C. Jackson, Prop.
invonU'il tho plionoKrnph.
He made it tin entertainer
for nil. It i.i mnntifncttircd
at n price which everyone
enn nlford, and we noli ft on
tho easy payment plan, no
no one need lie without it.
Have you heard and teen
the New Model.
We Want Your Trade
SMIifacllon Ouaiaatecd
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Mr. W. II. hcrhorn da. taken chary
"f the American dlnlm; mini, irl.lrl.
ha hern irmolrlnl. All women took
arurmplo)r.l. Thl. I the place In s
the Lut tnaii,
You should Buy yo
waicnes rrom
--1st -
Wc have the Uracil Mkcikai
wiicMim Southern ortaM
Buying" Watchra aavc do ill
quantltlc. we ran tlhtyenj
Lowtct Market I'rlcc far
Good Good I
Wc have an fatibllihrd
aad here 10 nay. If y
Watthgoca wromlyoawa
know where 10 find m
H. J. Wintei
Leading JewelerJ
Watchmaker tad
If your rye are faiii;, j!im I
fit, r Wlulrr.
The Store That is Doing the Business
Our Silk Underskirts
will please you as they
are of the quality that
refined taste calls for.
When down town call
and look them oyer.
There's value visible
and invisible in "Sin
cerity" Garments-one
as much as the other.
What puts it there?
Sincerity Style, Know
ledge, Tailoring Skill,
Fabric and Range-but
more than all the Sin
cerity idea that covers
all, the initiative the
quality-insistence that
have created and up
held the "Sinceritv"
Standard and have made possible Clothes-Economy
without cheapness; that's most acceptable just now.
You'd be surprised to know how many of the
best dressed men wear "SINCERITY" Clothes and
you'll find your home clothier sells them.
$10.oo to $30.oo
Am ay) X
Our Easter display of
Shoes will please the
most fastidious. We
have the niftiest line
of Oxfords in Klamath