Pie PmiTtn Ifefluo. Mostly Head Ppor In Klnnmtli Frills .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . SECOND VKAB. No. f24. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 13. 1908. &uce, 5 Cents. DOINGS OF THE POLITICIANS WILL NOT REPEAT PERFORMANCE CAN SECURE MILITIA Klamath Falls In Line for One of Five Companies WOULD PROVEJJREAT BENEFIT New Army Bill Call for Organiiation of Additional Com panics and This City, By Virtue of Its Location, Should Have One of Them TlnwH no icHut opportunity ibU elly ' wllllli. TM Army Ut"1 ''' Ul" B'"t" lrtit Ubm. 'f ,,", "' ,ar "'" aUWlthmtnl ul number "' wlllUry NBnlM In n.rr'n. Ii I nary lorttrull fire additional corupanU In trJer lo Mm the ' Oregon rwi BWt u m trtUr army bal. Tbw Ultlooal rniiiMtrilpa will U of rub") In fi'p ,"n, "' "'" ,UU'' KUoilli I'alli because ol lit location, Untitled lu win "I ihcae companies, isdlftli proper etforlt are put foil" I ctr. U secured and )( organisation tSatlal. illcitKni (rum atu.oat every llulf lif city In lli tlate aw In m !nl at ltUoJ by Adutanl Omelet Flnivr. Tbalstk of picking out lliu new eiatlons Itjrt tut taken np lijf III Oregon Mil Itarr board. The dealrsUllty mil advantage ol be 11 Ike station ol a military cotnny ol lb National (lusrd service, ahouM affatllo every riltrprlalng cotmnun Itf. baurkahU change have occur! IstWputfrw years In the National Qurt swlee so thai ll I no longer ttril Ursking cipedUncy, bat pml tflUflril line nl the nttlun'i defense. faspuUt ir tlrcady located at suih 4mm u Ku(i &p. lUxwburg, AtliUnil, Csttlft lln.ve, McMlnnvllie, Wood tog, Oregon City. The Dalle, Ilaker Gtjtnd l'tn.llrton, while Iron AU tttiogifor otir ol Ilia now companies Kits tern tendered by tucli wlnt m Ailorla, Italiier, Hcttld. Csnby, Silver. lefl, Mrdford, Oranl'e Pae, Fort Orew, Xlrg and Klamath Fall. Oikir art.tlciilnnt tie UIdi received Hal. TI10 .urM ul th MlltUry tails to diilrlhute these companies I Iks brtt imarlbte sdventaga among IbUttsrtypra of cities of the state. TU ptoWftn Hut la Jual now occupy- J Ui attsatloo ol Oregon National Gosnltmcn, M whom there are om l, it that o( tultaMo armoriea. The "Ml gswninent aultea arm and qlMel, tuiunltlon, ihoollng taltrlM fWc, ami ilia wr department ta Httnu.1 tl.at the varlout HaUa huulil at Irait provltla lullatlt armor lr (or fioutlng lli Irooi and itorlng llio ruliiirnli. Portland, ol court, liaa an ailriiatr artnorjr. pruvldol and paid lor lx Multnornati County. Tlir lat lrglilalure appropriated $100,000 to m paid out at I lie. rate M,000 a jrrar (or llieromtruclloii ol armorlra In I lie mailer rotmuuiilllri ol tliv ilata. Tlili aiirprlatlon It to l voted upon under Ilia InlUtlre and llrferriidum at tliv Junv rlecllun From a lullltary aland point the armorlea am IndUprntlulv, Iroui a rcotioiule aiandpolnt they arv a goo.) InviMlweiit. The title It at pre terit paying to.000 er yrar rentalt '. lotdriUttr rnoktrlel. TliUt ll will I area that in toni-arallvtr a lew yrart the armorlet would pay lor thetnMlte In the eat lug lo lliu title on rentalt. The turcrtM ol the neajure alrtatly aoenit aMurrd, tit only obetMle Icing a poattble , tack of undtraUaMllag and appreciation ol the tneatare by lb utrt ol tuialler coaaanlUee who are the one, by the way, cnoal directly In l retted, Tliltclly It K) tllutled that it la en llltel 10 a military compauy and ll might be well lor the Chamber ol Com merrv to take tome action In the matter and attlit In trcurlng tuch an organ lutlon. The application ol thlt city, backrl by the indorsement ol the com mercial organliatlon, would put thlt place among the Hit ol lire citle every one (( which will be (aruied wllb one ol (he new rompantet. Van Wallace, aged eight re", ar rived In the city 011 the boat a lew nlgbt ago from hit home in Sacramento. II waa on hit way to Uonanta to vltit with hi grandfather. The youngater had made the entire trip atone and did not teem to mind It In lb leaat. He had money to pay hi way and knew juit when and where to pay. K. J. lllllloga and J. O. Field are in the city from (Sacramento. They are here looking over the country and will leave lor Honauta In the morning, chap eroned by Frank Ira While. . . MEN'S . . Panamas Split Straws Fine White Manilas Mackinaw Straws . . HATS . . $1.00 to $10.00 K K K STORE The PUce to Buy Your Spring Hat NotwithtUndlng the (act that a large percent ol the leaching opulatlon ol the county I cotnprUed of ladle near ly til ol the political aaplrantt attended the teacher meeting at Merrill Satur day . Campaigning among the ladie it rather popular thlt year and It I hard to ray whethtr thl 1 a nw wrinkle lo doing polltlct, or whether it I due to llio data ol candidate In the field. The candidate ball ot Merrill Friday night waa largely attended, and all who were preaent report a royal good time. Thl city wa represented by a large delegation, moat ol the candidal) a bring there and alto a number ol otbeia wbo went to apeak a lew good word for their latoriie In tb race (or political honni. Ilonania waa th center ol attraction Irom a political atandpolnt Hatunlay night. Alter doing Merrill the candi datra all went to the "oil town," where they tpeiit the night, returning home tiunday. One parly who law the candi- dtle't rlgt coming along the road eald It rvaeiubled a funeral cortege. Th poli tical atplranla toem to have grown clannlth and (or aevtral day have traveled In doten. C. K. Brandenbnrg ha returned (roin a trip through the entire county. II (eel null confident ol aucceaa at th prlmariee. C. II. Delap la out preeenllag hi ceee to the voter ol the county. fflnce returning (torn Merrill and Ilo nania, Mr. Mong ha decided to pott, pono the performance of "Ia!d Oar-' rack" which wa announced fortomor-, row night. The company la hard at I work on the play of "Oliver Twltt,"l which will be given on Friday evening, ' and Mr. .Mong feel the player should gtre every moment of their woiklng hour to thlt very htavy and difficult ' DEBT IS DECREASING County Will Soon Be Free f(in All Indebtedness Court House Will Come Next i., 1. .tJ.r 11..1 ii. ,., ,1,, . .,. , Semi-Atiniiol Statement ol Offidali Shows Urea Decrease little fffiniltllnn nf ll. Tim n1avraa.Al already Utter perfect In their part and tb morning, alternoona and night from now until the night of the how will be devoted to ttrong, turd work In tb botlaeta ol the play Many ol our people are reading the In Amount of Outstanding Warrants-County Will Owe Little Next Year (rom certain lands thtyhad rented from the Hoad Company in the Dly country. lk,.r"MHr..T.l.t....i win .,--., 1 Thl they refuted to do and the (our ....... .. 1... i..i ..t. . .1 1 Mr. Mong and hi company to give a men, who hid given the ordert to mote, ill-parted, but that night a crowd re turned and a number ot ahots were fired. No one waa hurt, and It I lllev cd that the iliootinK wat done to run a bluff. Thlt happened rnoro than a week ago according to Lakevlew papcra. very good account of themeelte in the play, since. In hi announcement, he tated that the play would rloKly fol low tb (lory a Dickent ha given it to Ul. Mr. Mong will be teen at Fagin and illll Hkea and Mr. Harvey will play bar farooui part of Nancy, while Mia Lewie will be x-en at the boy Oliver. The fact that hundredi of people Abel Ady haa returned from Pan rran-U,teJ t,e Hot Snrinn -.ctterday only cifco where he wa on butineta with the'goeito thow that In er to come, KouUiern 1'aciflc Company In regard to j hen a nnltorium It ittabtlihed and a cerUlnrrd privilege at the wint where utlful park lurrounda the rime It the railroad crneae the channel. He j w be the moat frequented pot in the A Popular Place ucceeded In making aatlalactory ar rangeaenta with the 8. P. official. LARGELY ATTENDED . . MerrM lastitute Is Grand S4rCcess-txceptloriHy btrong Program-Teaching Corps of County WeH Represented -Enthusiastic Sessiefi to Held The Itscheri' Inatltute at Merrill latt ratunlay wat one ol the motuccetful cr lield In the county. The attend anceof teacher wa very good, about thirty being pretent. Th Merrill peo ple turned out and helped make th e iou the grand tucceat that It wa. The meeting wa called at 9:15 a.m. by huperinUndrnt Wight and alter tinging the ong America the teachei were welcomed to Merrill by 1'rol. O. It. Carlock,: principal ol the Merrill echoola. Hupt. Wight inponded lo rrof. Carlock' welcome. Mi Anna Applegat read a root In Ureallng paper on tbe"llitorlcal PoInU ol Inlerett about Merrill." Thl wa followed by a "Chalk Talk" by W. A. Delwll which wa very lntructir. "Future Outlook of Schoote" wa the aubject upon which Prof. J. O.Swan gave a talk tbat wa beneficial to all teaclicr. A general dltcuiilon on text book ued op the rest ol the morning eelon. The oponlng number ol the afternoon teuton wa a tong by tome of the Mer rill school children which allowed 'that they had thorough training in tlie mu ileal line. Prof, llobb next prvieuted a very able discourse on "Attention in Class Keciution." Prof. It. 11. Dun bar gat a tba teacher one o( his practi cal and forceful talk on 'Arithmetic." Mr. Dunbar alway says something of exceplianal value to teacher and hi talk on this Important (ludy wa replete with good suggestions. Mis Stella Campbell, (peaking on the subject of "Nagging," abowed tbat (he la thor oughly familiar with the school room. Interesting paper ware also read by Mies Riches on "English Inthe Grades," Miss Anna Conn on "Primary Geog raphy," and by Mis Callahan on "Pri mary Reading." The paper were all mora or lea dicuvd by the teacher and when tbe meeting adjourded all felt that it had been a day profitably ipent. Short Wins Contest The Oeneral Land Office ha handed downadecUlontn the T F. Short t(. Joteph V. Ilewlg contort caw. The latter I a homeileader who, It appear, did not live up to the letter ol th law oovernlnii homestead entries. Th con test wa decided in lavor ol the plaintiff. Th land in quntlon lain the pine belt north ol Bly. Safes Free The First Treat A 8alog Bank ha rc4rd 100 metal aft which tby will loan to anyone opening an account wllb a dpolt ol II or mora. Th)ala can bkptat your home to put your change In. When lull thy can b brought to tli bank and th mony will ba diced to your credit. The bans paya S percentonthedepodU. In terest paid a.I-aanually. hi on ex hibit at tbe bank end at tb RapnUlcan office. Chastaln Buys Business County Clerk George Chatlalu haa purchased an Interest In the Hhlvo Co. storo and upou the expiration of hi term ol office he will enter upon hi new dull in the morcsnlllo business. George I well acquainted with the bust net, having been in the employ ol L. F, Wllllt when he conducted the storo. Building to Bonanza Moore Bros, have a font) of men at work on the Hue to Bonania. Tbe Pole gang U now working near the Horton ranch. There ha been tome delay in getting tb work on the plant started, but a force will U employed shortly. The machinery ol the plant I at Bray and will be brought in at onco. Trouble on Range The Newell boy, Lake County sheep men were ordered to remove their sheep city ol Klamath Falli. BRIEF MENTION J. P. Ilonhatn tpetit lev era! day at Fori Klamath felling Singer sewing ma cliiuea and Ediaon phonographs. There I rejoicing in tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred rilahlman over the ar rival of an heir, lie took potteraton o( the house latt hatuntay afternoon. Ja. II. Drltcoll It In the city from 15c nanza. Ileia it ktep liim on tlie go lodging the politician. Il It generally undentood that lie meant dodging into them. A program has been prepared for a meeting at llio Pietbyterian church, Tuttday, April It, at 3 o'clock. Every woman interested in the temperance movement it urged to attend. A large tatmill Is l-elng; built at Po kegama. About twenty-flvo men are now employed on the bul'idng and it is stated that the mill will be In operation by tbe first day of July. S. K. Noel arrived in tho city Satur day night to look after his property in terests. He expects to remain a lew week. lie aaya hit daughter haa been quite 111 (or some time and could not ttand the iltmate at Woodburn. They will try California (or her health. Klamath county hat long been looking forward to the time when It aboold be in a position where a new court bona can bo built without any infringement of the law governing tlie indebtedness of the county. Thl time I now nar at hand and ll it tat to say that before Coanty Judge Griffith' term expire work will hare commenced on tbe erec tion of the mott beautiful and (ubstan lial court house In Southern Oregon. The county ha long needed a court boi'te. and had it not been lor tbe un constitutionality of a certain measure put before the Legislature tbe itructure would now be completed. Tlie Indebtedneia of tbe county ba prevented the erection ol a new build ing for county purpose, but now tbat the debt I being reduced the possibility (or a court house become encouraging. In another year tbe county tbould be practically (ree (rom debt. Tb aeml annual statement o( tb coanty omclal (or the term ending March 31st show tlie toUl liabilities of the county to "be $83,831.70, whiktbr)rtijjjtt' 31,005.4S, leaving an lndebtedtM of 153,835 03. Thl iuelf amount to prac tically nothing, but in on more year the amount will bale than $X,000,and if lb county of Klamath cannot then be gin the erection of a (100,000 court nous without having the legality of the war rant questioned by some disgruntled taxpayer it will be high time to change tlie law governing tbe limit of indebted ness of a county. During ILe past year the Indebtedness of the county has been reduced approxi mately 140,000, and should thl work continue (or one more year the county can then pay (or the court bouse aa tbe work proceed and by tbe time tbe build ing is completed it will also be, paid (or. There are ten passengers on tlie stage coming In (rom Pokegama tonight. Most of them are said to bepartlea who are coming to look over th- country. Mike Dooher baa returned from a till to the timber In tbe Bly vicinity. He say tew ol the homesteader Ira tbat section havo returned (or tbe Summer. JTramTaaar I arm r "nTr ilMiiW laaamW 4k&G&fo The Most Perfect of Floor Paints Makea floor eaay to ksep clsan th home aamtary and attractive. Roberts & Hanks Phone 173, Emaia Block ,