The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 11, 1908, Image 4

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    - J . -s .. -gg
n in
Get the Essence of Satisfaction
By bealtatl with Strictly Reliable House
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is the Sheerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
y S
m m mnm .
TORE Box Stills are "Dwnmy" Suits
all riant as load as rcatlmt quietly ira
the "Juauay" that tloeaa't mot a ataack
all wromt when out cm a live, aov latf.
active nan, for whoa they were aot atade,
aad who qakkly brlaga ot erery gUrlatf
defect. . 4
For dothea that fit yoar fom, follow
erery movement of yoar body, aad retain
perfect ahape, have as tale yoar anaaare
aad aead it to Bd.V. Price 8 Co., faaraaa
at aierchaat tailors who aaafce clothe to
order exclusively. N
Fabrics No. 4404 L. 4398 K. 4389 J.
4368 J, 4363). 4158 J. 43201, 43061,
oat of 500 aiafjalf iceat patteraa for Seriatf,
aad deahtas 486, 489, 490, 491. 493 from
our aew fashion plates, will be of service
la helpiatf you choose a atftjr salt.
Made la either direct or Modified style,
a tallored-to-seaare salt will cost you
bat 125 to 140 here, aad It will eaibody
high data werkaiaaahlp, penaaaeace of
shape, aad service valae oaly fouad la
clothes for which sauK tailors charge
twice the avoaey.
Try oae aad be convinced.
gtJUwt.eXl BwUtt Uul nfmiMilH U. ?. trie 8 C.
faat m Itja MtnluM Tallwf. Okaf
I kaaaaaaaaiif (a, i imiL i.i jrewwm - .". Waaaaanaw
Services At The Churches
Sen Icea will l-olu'M In llw " "
chnrchti of Klamath 1'nlU tomorrow a
Chriatlrm Science Society IteRiilai
orvlcea "HI bo held ul Klamath Un
wnntoryof MuMo tomorrow moi uliijf
ut II ii. in.
Bta Winter tor Jim dry.
t H. Shook arrived In th city tills
afternoon from Yonna vlly.
Lost-Flannel baby shawl Frl.lay 3ril.
Finder plcaw return to K K K torc.
W. It. Pavl atalea 'Hint ') "l,'
count 1!1,300 head ol cattle
pasted by Ills ranch since tho lib day ol
Uat August.
For Kent Furnished room to rent
reasonable. On Filth Street Wlow W ! jrt (li ,,
nut Atenuo. Mr. Cox. 4 1" ) ivmlilni: II n. m.
Chs. Anderson U up from Morrill Mibjocti 'Mho Hun of Kahallon."
. i... I dmtitth I OrtKUH ? II. I".
melting treatment ioruioi ...,.. - ..,;,.,,,,, 0,n
In hi tool. About ten das ii!o he ft . mj., IJaclnel Apph !.
rimclilt'ir l 7:1 p.m.
Text: "I'ti'iUH'I'i.Mii't 'Ih uil.
IIIIV I'. CONK I.I.N. I'n-tor.
lUpll.t siln-rSiiinli) Mml 10
a.m. rimchlnitlln. in. IO.I..
7 i. m. I'rmelilmtT-JM I'.
m:v J it minimi. I't.n.
Methndl't vilut-r'iinla r-thnol at
stuck himself llh a pltchforlt ami tin'
out baa caused hint n ureal ileal ol Iron
bio. lie Is now very much Imprmnl.
If your natch Ii sick send It to Win
ten Hospital
I'rosbWerlwi Chimb-Hiblo 8.hool at
Ida in C I! prawr inretlli at rt'M
The municipal election was held In I' '" , ,, ,, . . . i
... . Murnlm! worship II oilock.
llouama Monday, hen the Mbmlmtj j,,,,,,. . ("hrl.l's l.t Word fr.un
officer were elected: Titt'lees K. W. j l0 Oior."
Urondsword, William (lo, Jm. Hett-' J'.wiiIhk Woinlilp at 72(. nii"ii
Inger, Koy 1. KUifore ami Cliai. I'mue. ml.Joclt ""IlieTiluiiiphal llntij."
Kecoixler- S. C Oratea; Tiea-nier-. All, em-cllly iraiip-n In the rlt
. . 'UIIh. frloiiiie to all the enhet if
John T. Hrailley. , ," .
. iheihiiuli.
New line of lancy fouxenir hih at ( .;v, (ii:o. I. I'ltATr, I'ailur
n inieri.
Spring line Tananm ami Straw Hat
Purify Your Blood
Sassafras Hark
Cnscnni Hark
Kalamazoo Colory Compound .-.
Paliioa Celery Compound
Clnrkcs Siirsnparilla
Ayei"s Samipnrilln
Uood'tt Snnmpnnlla
Sarsnpurilln with Iodides Special
Heef Iron and Wines
S. S b. . . ..plvU
- I
M lb
.fiO "
1 01)
1 00
I 00
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Saves You Money
Chimin'! acn-.l Heart Max ilalli
tt 7:30, biinln) at lO&l A. M.
I!f. It. IVuti. J
nt the K K K ilore.
Monday morning the mall will k
(romthlicity to Teetera Uinllni;un tho I U,lei ami ThlMrem Mratt llat ol
teamer Klamath. There It will bo, .?,,,) ilererlpllon at K K K Mure
met l.y tho mall itago -elilcli will carr) ' fll IK.ai0 j.m on a hmtirln.1. I
paiaengera to lkegama. Thla wrvlcf lH( M Jnl g0t ranch uf 110 ncr., u
will continue until the mall rmito l MWt Valle), at .1 prlio that will uli
ehanjtol. !)(m II. W. Keoe. If
Now hrari'ti to l U inlrr.
The Pantatorium
Everything that you may need in the
ilrygooda line may now be found at the
Jloatoo store.
Evervtbmg guaranteed at Winter.'
Kor the bett rig in town rail at the
Mammoth Stable. II. W. Straw, Pro
prietor, t
Try Zim forplumblnff. :
It U not nrccttaiy to lae our
watchea o Ions at Winters. We an
no prepared to Uo your n-irk pnunpt Klainalli laIN I'm Ik lilirar)
ly. All work guaranteed for ono tear. The Klamath Fall I'ublic Library Ii
A. Helming 4 Co.j fur merchant.. 'I'" " aflrnm from L'tor.:
pay. hlgheft ca.h prlcea for all Limit of "'lo1( anJ cncl' evening from CJO u
hldet and fura. Ilcadijuartera Amorl- 10 o'clock. A cordial lnitali..n I ex
can Hotel. tf ttn'M '" n"
For Upper Lake point by Munch rail
on C. P. (Jregory A on.
To get o-liornctalk to K. II. Hall about ,
the Summenr-Kinney place. Oilier, Sod
floor, Ilalilwln block.
Furnlthed houae for rent. Apply 'at
the McIntlreTrannportatlon Co.
furs Wanted
C D. Willaon is In the market for all
kinda of fura, for which ho will puy the
hlghnt market price. Aildreat him at
KUmath FalU, OreRon.
Jackson Hotel
Fort' Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooms, (Jood beds,
and the table always sup
plied with the best the
market offords-Tcrms rea
sonable. C. C. Jackson, Prop.
invented tho phononrnpli.
He tntiilc it an enU'rtniiUT
far nil. Il is inntiiifncturcd
at a prlco which ovcrvono
can altunl, and wo noil ft on
the rnsy jiayinont tilun, no
no one need lie without It.
Have you heard and seen
the New Model.
We Want Your Trade
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Mrt. W. I.. Hrelmrti bat UVrn rlnryu
f the Arnrrlran dlnliif mom, which
hat Noli roliiololnl. Ml women rook
arvmplo)r.. Thlt It the plafe til get
tho lt iiiraltlii loan f
Tou should Buy yotl
Watches from W
We have Ihr Urrftit MUclanl
Watchei In Southcra i
Bavin Watchn at wr doll I
quaalltUa, vrc ran ginreiaj
loweat Market Wet far
Good Goodl
We have an CatiblUhe4 taaa
aa4 here to in;. If pm
WaKhgoea wrong ;
know where to flal
H. J. Wintenl
Leading JewelerJ
Watchmaker nl
II your rjr are laillMg, glatart 4
lit, am Wlnlen.
The Store That is Doing the Business
i : !
pur Silk Undenklrtf
will pleaie you aa they
are of the quality that'
refined taste calls for.
When down town call
and look them over.
.There's value visible
and invisible in "Sin
cerity" Garments-one
as much as the other.
What puts it there?--Sincerity
Style, Know
ledge, Tailoring Skill,
Fabric and Range-but
more than all the Sin
cerity idea that covers
all, the initiative the
quality-insistence that
have created and up
held the "Kinrjarifv"
Standard and have made possible Clothes-Economy
without cheapness; that's most acceptable just now.
You'd be surprised to know how many of the
best dressed men wear "SINCERITY" Clothes and
you'll find your home clothier sells them.
$10.oo to $30.oo
anV aaaai
rV rm
Our Easter display of
Shoes will please the
most fastidious. We
have the niftiest line
of Oxfords In Klamath